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      • KCI등재

        Radiology for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast: Updates on Invasive Cancer Progression and Active Monitoring

        Grimm Lars J 대한영상의학회 2024 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.25 No.8

        Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) accounts for approximately 30% of new breast cancer diagnoses. However, our understanding of how normal breast tissue evolves into DCIS and invasive cancers remains insufficient. Further, conclusions regarding the mechanisms of disease progression in terms of histopathology, genetics, and radiology are often conflicting and have implications for treatment planning. Moreover, the increase in DCIS diagnoses since the adoption of organized breast cancer screening programs has raised concerns about overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment. Active monitoring, a nonsurgical management strategy for DCIS, avoids surgery in favor of close imaging follow-up to de-escalate therapy and provides more treatment options. However, the two major challenges in active monitoring are identifying occult invasive cancer and patients at risk of invasive cancer progression. Subsequently, four prospective active monitoring trials are ongoing to determine the feasibility of active monitoring and refine the patient eligibility criteria and follow-up intervals. Radiologists play a major role in determining eligibility for active monitoring and reviewing surveillance images for disease progression. Trial results published over the next few years would support a new era of multidisciplinary DCIS care.

      • Development of an Imaging Based Gang Protection System

        Grimm, M.,Pelz, M. The Korean Society for Railway 2008 International Journal of Railway Vol.1 No.4

        During maintenance or construction works in or at the tracks of railways, high risks for passengers and railway staff, especially for the workers on the construction site exist. The high risks result out of the movement of rail vehicles, like trains or construction vehicles, which must be faced by using any available technical and operational technologies for securing them against the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the level of protection continuously and to identify new and innovative methods and technologies for the protection of the gang (construction worker, machines and material). Especially on construction sites at line sections with two or more parallel tracks but also with single tracks, there are still a lot of incidents and accidents mostly with seriously injured persons or fatalities. These were mainly gang members that breach the railway-loading gage. By using proper warning or protection systems, the avoidance of such accidents must be achieved. The latest developments. in gang protection systems concern on the one hand fixed barriers in the middle between the construction site and the operated track and on the other hand construction vehicles equipped with automatic warning systems. The disadvantage of such protection methods is that the gang can be warned against an approaching train but a monitoring of the gang members cannot be performed. Only one part of a potential dangerous situation will be detected. If the gang members will overhear the acoustic warning signal of the security staff and the workers will not leave the danger zone in the track, the driver of the approaching train had no chance to react to the dangerous situation. An accident is often inevitable. While the detection of acoustic warning signals by the gang members working on a construction site is very difficult, the acoustical planning of an automatic warning system has to be designed for an acoustic short range level of one meter besides the construction vehicle. The decision about the use of today's technical warning system (fixed systems, automatic warning systems, etc.) must be geared to the technical feasibility and the level of safety which is needed. Criteria for decision guidance to block a track should be developed by danger estimation and economical variables. To realize the actual jurisdiction and to minimize the hazards of railway operations by the use of construction vehicles near the tracks further developments are needed. This means, that the warning systems have to be enhanced to systems for protection, which monitor the realization of the warning signal as a precondition for giving a movement authority to a train. This method can protect against accidents caused by predictable wrongdoing. The actual state of the art technique of using a collective warning combined with additional security staff is no longer acceptable. Therefore, the Institute of Transportation System of the German Aerospace Center in Braunschweig (Germany) will develop a gang warning and protection system based upon imaging methods, with optical sensors such as video in visible and invisible ranges, radar, laser, and other. The advantage of such a system based on the possibility to monitor both the gang itself and the railway-loading gauge either of the parallel track or of the same track still in use. By monitoring both situations, the system will be able to generate a warning message for the approaching train, that there are obstacles in the track, so that the train can be stopped to prevent an accident. And also the gang workers will be warned, while they breach their area.

      • Geopolitical Embeddedness in Home Country and Outbound Globalization: Collusive Business-Politics Relations and Chinese MNCs’ Cross-Border Acquisitions

        Grimm Noh,Dongyoub Shin 한국인사조직학회 2017 한국인사ㆍ조직학회 발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.1

        We examine the relationship between Chinese MNCs’ geopolitical embeddeness in home country and their outbound globalization. Prior studies on the relationship between geopolitical environments and international expansion focused mostly on effects of host country’s political conditions on inbound entry by multinational corporations (MNCs) from developed countries (Peng, 2012; Khoury and Peng, 2011; Meyer et al., 2009). In contrast to extensive research on host-country government, the effects of emerging-market firms’ relationships with the political sector of their home country received scant attention. To empirically study effects of an emerging-market firm’s geopolitical embeddedness in its home country, we analyze 216 events of cross-border M&A by Chinese MNCs 1989-2008. The findings of our study suggest that Chinese MNCs’ outbound globalization is affected positively by the government’s globalization policy and state ownership, showing that accessibility to abundant resource and coercive pressures are important antecedents to outbound globalization. Yet, the effect of the government’s ‘Go Global’ policy was reduced by the increase of firm size which indicates organizational slack’s buffering effect against external pressures. In addition, Chinese MNCs’ outbound globalization is affected negatively by links with elite politicians from same home province, implying that the geopolitical connections contribute to the avoidance of risky globalization strategy based on sufficient domestic returns. Moreover, the collusive business-politics links are found to reduce the positive effect of state ownership on outbound globalization.

      • KCI등재

        Chinese MNCs as Risk Avoiders in Cross-Border Acquisition

        Grimm Noh(노그림),Dongyoub Shin(신동엽) 한국전략경영학회 2016 전략경영연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 논문은 국제인수합병에서 중국 다국적 기업들의 진입대상 국가 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 분석하였다. 중국 다국적 기업들이 1992년에서 2008년 사이에 행한 국제인수합병을 실증 분석한 결과, 중국 기업들은 과거에 이미 진입한 경험이 있거나 문화적 거리가 가까운 국가를 선택하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 기존 연구들에서 나타난 중국 다국적 기업들의 위험선호자적 이미지와는 대치되는 것으로, 중국 기업들의 국제인수합병에 있어서의 위험회피 노력을 보여준다. 그러나 이러한 위험회피 성향은 중국정부의 ‘Go Global’ 정책의 실행에 따라 조절되는 경향이 나타났는데, 이는 정부가 필드 수준에서의 위험감소 메커니즘을 제공함으로써 기업의 경험적 학습에 대한 의존도가 상대적으로 낮아지는 현상을 보여준다. This paper examined the factors that may affect the location choice of Chinese MNCs when they expand abroad through cross-border acquisitions, focusing on effects of risk-reduction behaviors. Through the empirical analysis of cross-border acquisitions by Chinese MNCs, 1992~2008, we have found that the location choice of Chinese MNCs are affected positively by the focal firm’s previous experience in the host country and negatively by the cultural distance between the host country and China. Both findings suggest that unlike the conventional image of Chinese MNCS as aggressive risk takers, they attempt to reduce the risk of cross-border acquisition. We also found that the Go Global policy by Chinese government reduces the positive effect of the Chinese MNC’s previous experience in host countries, suggesting that the relative importance of firm-level knowledge decreases as the government introduces a risk-reducing mechanism at the field level.

      • KCI등재

        Die Urteilsverfassungsbeschwerde und das Verhältnis von Verfassungsgericht und Fachgerichten in Deutschland

        Dieter Grimm 서울대학교 법학연구소 2014 서울대학교 法學 Vol.55 No.1

        Anders als in Korea besteht in Deutschland die Möglichkeit, Verfassungsbeschwerdegegen Gerichtsurteile zu erheben, wenn man sich durch ein Urteil inseinen Grundrechten verletzt fühlt. Urteilsverfassungsbeschwerden bilden sogar dengrößten Anteil aller Verfahren beim deutschen Bundesverfassungsgericht. Mit derVerfassungsbeschwerde gegen Gerichtsurteile verschärft sich allerdings einProblem, das der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit generell innewohnt: das Problem derGrenzziehung zwischen Verfassungsrecht und Gesetzesrecht sowie zwischen demVerfassungsgericht und den übrigen Gerichten. In Deutschland besitzt diesesProblem gesteigerte Bedeutung, weil das Bundesverfassungsgericht annimmt, dassdie Grundrechte auch bei der Auslegung und Anwendung von Gesetzen zubeachten sind (“Ausstrahlungswirkung”). Führt die Anwendung eines verfassungsmäßigenGesetzes zur Beschränkung eines Grundrechts, dann muss das Gesetz “imLicht des Grundrechts” ausgelegt werden, soweit Spielräume für die Auslegungbestehen. Die Grenze zwischen Verfassungsrecht und Gesetzesrecht, Verfassungsgerichtund sonstigen Gerichten wird dadurch besonders unklar. Der Versuch desBundesverfassungsgerichts, die Grenze durch die sogenannte Hecksche Formel(BVerfGE 18,85 [92 f.]) zu bestimmen, hilft bei der Grenzziehung, kann aber dieZweifel nicht völlig beseitigen. Deswegen kommt es immer wieder einmal zuKritik an verfassungsgerichtlichen Entscheidungen, weil sie nach Ansicht derKritiker die Grenze überschritten haben. Die Kritik hat bisher aber nicht zurForderung nach Abschaffung der Urteilsverfassungsbeschwerde geführt. Diese istvielmehr in der deutschen Rechtsordnung fest verankert. Viele wichtige Entscheidungendes Bundesverfassungsgerichts hätten ohne die Urteilsverfassungsbeschwerdenicht ergehen können.

      • KCI등재

        New Product Development : Effects of Slack, Performance Feedback and Competition

        Noh, Grimm 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2018 산업혁신연구 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 유휴자원, 성과피드백, 경쟁강도가 신제품개발이라는 조직 탐색 프로세스에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 기존의 조직학습 연구들은 유휴탐색(slack search)과 문제해결형 탐색(problemistic search)을 탐색활동의 두 가지 주요 메커니즘으로 논의하였다. 기존 연구들의 논의를 따라 본 연구도 유휴자원이 유휴탐색을 통한 신제품개발에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것으로 예측하였다. 그러나 문제해결형 탐색의 경우, 본 논문은 기존 연구들과는 달리 중간지위 순응이론(middle-status conformity theory)에 근거하여 성과피드백과 신제품개발 사이에 U자 형태의 관계가 있을 것으로 예측하였다. 또한 본 논문은 유휴탐색과 문제해결형 탐색 이외에 산업경쟁에 의해 촉발되는 탐색을 추가적으로 분석하였는데. 산업 내 경쟁에는 혁신노력을 증가시키는 측면과 감소시키는 측면이 모두 존재하기 때문에 경쟁강도와 신제품개발 사이에는 역U자형 관계가 있을 것으로 보았다. 이와 같은 가설들을 실증적으로 검증하기 위해 한국직업능력개발원에서 제공하는 인적자본기업패널에 속한 393개 제조업 기업들의 설문결과를 분석하였다. 본 논문은 유휴탐색에 대한 기존의 조직학습 연구들의 결과를 재확인하는 한편, 성과피드백과 산업경쟁강도의 비단조적 영향을 확인함으로서 이 요인들에 대한 기존 논의를 좀 더 심화시키고자 하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of slack, performance feedback and competitive pressure on the search behavior of firms to develop new products. Organizational learning literature has discussed slack search and problemistic search as the two main mechanisms of search behavior. Consistent with existing findings, I suggest that slack has positive effect on product innovation. However, regarding problemistic search, this study differentiates from the previous studies by incorporating the middle-status conformity theory to argue that the performance relative to aspiration level has a U-shaped relationship with innovation. This study also examined one more dimension that may influence the search behavior of firms, which is the industry competition. I argue that competition can either encourage or discourage innovation depending on the degree of competition, and suggest an inverted-U-shaped relationship between the degree of competition and innovation. For empirical analysis, this study used a publicly available survey data on 393 Korean manufacturing firms. The contribution of this study is that it in part reconfirm the existing findings on slack, and in part refute and extend existing findings by revealing the non-monotonous effects of performance feedback and industry competition on innovation.

      • Compressive Sensing Based Predictive Current Control of Electrical Drives

        Ferdinand Grimm,Zhenbin Zhang 전력전자학회 2019 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2019 No.5

        We propose a novel control approach for two level inverter drives that is based on a reformulation of the model predictive current control framework. Using inverse modeling we define a sparse optimization problem to achieve the control goal. In order to reduce the computational effort the optimization problem is relaxed to an l1-minimization. A structured iterative hard thresholding algorithm is proposed to solve the `1-minimization. Furthermore, an outlook to multistep model predictive control is given. The results are then verified by means of simulations.

      • KCI등재

        강압적 동형화 압력과 의도치 않은 결과: 정부 정책의 모호성, 대기업집단 계열사 다각화, 정부성향을 중심으로

        노그림(Grimm Noh),신동엽(Dongyoub Shin) 한국인사조직학회 2019 인사조직연구 Vol.27 No.2

        본 논문은 정부의 성향이나 정책이 우리나라 대기업집단의 다각화 전략에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 신제도이론 관점에서 실증 분석한다. 특히 신제도이론에서 제시하는 세 가지 ‘제도적 동형화’ 메커니즘들 중 선행연구에서 상대적으로 드물게 연구된 ‘강압적 동형화’에 초점을 맞추어 정부가 조직의 의사결정과 행동에 미치는 영향을 고찰한다. 조직들의 형태와 행동을 정부가 정당성을 가진다고 인식하는 방향으로 변화시키려는 정부의 노력이 실제로 기대했던 방향으로의 강압적 동형화를 초래하는지를 실증 연구를 통해 체계적으로 분석해보고자 하는 것이다. 한국 정부는 1980년대 이래 소수 대기업집단들에 대한 지나친 의존을 경계하며 다양한 정책들을 시행해왔다. 특히 대기업집단들의 지나친 다각화를 억제하여 경쟁력 있는 소수 사업분야에 선택과 집중하는 방향으로 유도하기 위해 강압적 동형화 압력을 가해왔다. 본 연구는 이런 강압적 동형화 압력이 과연 의도했던 결과를 창출하였는지, 대기업집단들의 획일적 순응을 성공적으로 유도하였는지, 혹시 의도치 않은 결과가 초래된 것은 없는지를 분석한다. 실증 분석 결과, 다각화 행동 자체를 직접 억제하는 모호성이 낮은 출자총액제한제도와 같은 정책은 대기업집단 계열사들의 다각화를 억제하는 효과가 있는 반면, 조세범칙조사와 같이 간접적으로 정부가 원하는 행동을 유도해내려는 모호성이 높은 정책은 의도치 않은 결과로 오히려 다각화를 늘리는 것으로 나타났다. 그런데 모호성이 높은 정책이 다각화에 미치는 영향은 이미 다각화 정도가 높아 관리비용과 내부 니치 혼잡의 문제를 겪고 있는 기업들에서는 줄어드는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 마지막으로 정부의 권력이 실제로 행사된 구체적 정책이 아니더라도 각 정권의 대기업 다각화에 대한 선호도 자체가 기업들의 행동에 영향을 미쳐 대기업집단의 다각화에 특히 비판적인 진보정권 하에서는 다각화가 줄어드는 것으로 나타났다. This study empirically analyzes how government policies have shaped Korean business groups’ diversification strategies from the perspective of neo-institutional theory. Among the three mechanisms leading to isomorphism suggested by neo-institutional theory, we focus especially on the rarely studied mechanism of ‘coercive isomorphism.’ More specifically, we aim to systematically analyze whether the Korean government’s coercive effort to suppress the aggressive diversification of business groups, otherwise known as chaebols , has indeed succeeded in achieving its goal. Since the 1980s, the Korean government has held concerns regarding the Korean economy’s excessive reliance on a few large chaebols and has introduced various policies to constrain business groups from making further diversification investments, encouraging them to focus on their business areas of strength. We observe whether such coercive isomorphic pressures have indeed produced the intended consequences or have led to unexpected and unintended consequences. Empirical analysis of our data shows that policies directly controlling diversification decisions without ambiguity, such as the equity investment limit policy, do in fact decrease chaebol affiliates’ diversification. However, more indirect forms of control, such as tax investigation, led to an even higher tendency of diversification among chaebol affiliates. Yet, the positive effects of tax investigation on diversification of chaebol affiliates were weakened by the affiliates’ existing degrees of diversification, potentially due to bureaucratic costs and internal niche congestion. Lastly, the empirical results show that chaebol affiliates’diversification was constrained under progressive party rule, as the progressive party maintains a more negative stance toward chaebol diversification compared to the conservative party.

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