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      • KCI등재후보
      • 금강 하류의 기초생산성에 관한 연구 : 最長漲潮期(夏8~9月)의 염소도, 수온.PH, 영양염류 변동에 관한 연구 Study on the changes of chloronity, PH, water temperature, nutrient salts during the month at the greatest tidal cycle

        유공식 군산교육대학 1971 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        In order to study about the basic productivities on the estuary of the Kum River, first, I conducted several experiments on the tidal variation on the site encircled on Fig. 1. I measured PH, water temperature, outside temper ature, chloronity, nutrient salts. PH variation range was 7. 20-7. 95, water tempreature increased with outside one, chloronity varied from 1.0 to 13‰, NO2-N increase is proportional to part of fresh water flowed into the estuary and their range is 0.28-0.15㎍-aton/L. P04-P content increase is reversely proportional to fresh water content In general nutrient salts showed more higher value with water temperature increase. The results in detail of this experiment are shown up at Table 1, 2.

      • KCI등재후보

        학습자의 평가 참여를 지원하는 웹 기반 수행평가 시스템의 설계 및 구현

        강공미,김진호 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2003 컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        수행평가는 학생들의 학습 과정을 관찰하거나 학생들이 산출해 낸 자료를 통해 평가하는 방식으로 단순 필답 고사의 단점을 보완하는 새로운 평가 방식으로 주목받고 있다. 그러나 이 수행평가를 적용하는데 많은 노력과 시간 부담이 들어 실제 학교 현장에서 시행에 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이러한 부담을 줄이기 위해 인터넷을 이용한 평가가 다방면에서 시도되고 있으나, 이들 기존 연구에서는 학생의 평가 참여가 허용되지 못하며 평가 방법이 다양하지 못하거나 교사의 피드백이 부분적으로만 사용되는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 학습자들의 평가 참여 및 학습 과정 중의 다양한 수행평가를 지원하고 교사가 효과적으로 관리할 수 있는 웹 기반의 수행평가 시스템을 설계하고 구현하였다. 이러한 웹 기반 수행평가 시스템을 활용할 경우, 학생들의 평가력 등의 고등사고 능력과 전인적 발달을 도모하고, 수행평가를 위한 교사의 업무와 시간 부담을 대폭 줄일수 있을 것이다. A performance evaluation, which requires to observe students in the course of teaming and studying and to evaluate their reports and materials, is emerging as an alternative evaluation method to overcome the shortcoming of simple written tests. However, there are many difficulties in real teaching setting to apply the performance evaluation, because it requires many burdens of efforts and time. In order to reduce these burdens of teachers, there have been several approaches which utilize the Internet for the evaluation. But these previous approaches have several limitations that they don’t allow students’ participation in evaluation activities, fail to provide a variety of evaluation methods, and/or support teachers’ feedbacks very limitedly. In order to overcome these limitations, therefore, this paper designed and implemented a web-based performance evaluation system supporting the participation of students in doing evaluation themselves and various evaluation methods, which can be effectively managed by teachers. This web-based performance evaluation system developed in this paper can enhance not only students’ high level thinking abilities but also their emotional and intellectual abilities. It can also help teachers to reduce the burden of working and the time in plenty used for evaluating students.

      • 청소년 문제와 체육의 역할에 관한 연구

        尹恭和 慶一大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.16 No.4

        The results of this study on juvenile problems and role of physical training are as follows. 1. It is necessary to build up emotional stability, law-abiding spirit, rightful view of value, and positive attitude of young people through activities of physical training. 2. It is necessary to provide comnunity that prootes cultured and balanced phyusical and spiritual health of young people through physical training. 3. It is necessary to grasp device of spare time in order that only young people who can be adapted to their lesson and spare time may personally have faith of success. 4. It is necessary to build active personality and to educate effective humanity which are trained through mind and body at the meaning of harmonized development of young people. 5. It is necessary to build spiritua power and sense of value that young people should fulfill responsibility and duty of group through physical training.

      • 不定法의 統辭論과 意味論

        金功大 울산대학교 1984 연구논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        佛語의 不定法은 흔히 「動詞의 名詞」라고 알려져 있다. 이 말은 不定法이 動詞의 形態를 갖고서 名詞로 쓰이고 있음을 나타낸다. 그러나 이 단순한 사실만으로는 不定法을 완전히 理解할 수 없다고 여겨져 먼저 統辭論에서는 不定法節을 中心으로 그 特性과 機能을 검토해 보고 可能한 變形을 적용시켜 보았다. 그런다음 Chomsky 의 修正擴大標準理論을 적용시켜 이를 해결해 보았다. 그 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 먼저 統辭論에서 不定法의 기능은 動詞的 機能과 名詞的 機能을 띠었다. 前者의 경우 外觀上 人稱, 時制, 法 等을 나타내지 않아 樣態의 기능을 갖지 못하고 있으나, 사실상 人稱法과 똑같은 기능을 가져 外心構造에 屬하고 있으며, 後者의 경우 主格 구실을 할 때에는 品詞轉換되어 文의 구성의 觀點上 樣態機能에 속하고, 動詞의 補語나 상황보어 때에는 文과 동등한 통사관계를 形成해 줌으로써 1次機能에 속하며, 名詞의 보어가 될 경우에는 名詞의 expansion 이 이루어져 간접적으로 限定함으로써 2次機能에 속하고 있다. 不定法節에서 不定法의 主語를 把握해 본 結果 종속절의 간접보어나 직접보어 그리고 主節의 主語 等 세가지 종류가 있으며, 不定法 構文은 Equi, MONTEE DU SUJET, Extraposition 等의 移動變形이 可能했다. 代名詞로의 變形時, 前置詞 a, de 는 虛表임을 알 수 있었으나, 意味論에서는 意味 구별을 해주는 基準點이 되기도 하였다. 意味論에서 不定法이 名詞的 기능으로서 主格일 때에는 보통명사난 추상명사로 品詞轉換된 의미가치를 갖고, 補語의 경우 人稱法과 같은 形態로서 表現되며, 動詞的 기능일 때에는 人稱法보다 훨씬 意味的 節疇가 制約되나 人稱法과 맞먹는 심층구조를 갖추어 使用된다. 意味解釋上 多意性이 發生한 경우 Chomsky의 수정확대표준이론을 利用해 봄으로써 표층구조에서 의미해석을 할 수 있게 되었다. ㅣ'infinitif de francais est connu en general comme 「nom du verbe」. Ce mot signifie que l'inf s'emploie comme un nom a une forme du verbe. Mais comme cette simple realite ne suffit pas pour que nous comprenions completement l'infinitif, alors nous avons etudie surtout les proprietes syntaxiques de l'infinitif et la fonction syntaxique de la proposittion infinitive, et puis nous y avons applique les deplacements possible. Apres cela, nous avons analyse la valeur semantique d'apres la fonction du sens. Quand nous rencontrions les ambiguites du sens, nous avons applique la theorie la plus recente de Chomsky qui s'appelle "la Theorie de Standard Etandard Etendu Revise." Alors nous avons obtenu les conclusion suivantes. Premierement. au point de vue syntaxique. nous avons su que la fonction de l'infinitif est celle du verbe et celle du nom. Au cas de cell-la, puisque nous ne pouvons voir apparemment la personne, le temps et la mode, nous pourrions dire que l'infinitif n'a pas la fonction de modalite. Mais, en realite, dans ce cas-la, l'infinitif a la fonction equivalente a celle des medes personnels, alors l'infinitif est a la construction exocentrique. Au cas de celle-ci, quand l'inf a un comportement d'un sujet, au point de vue de la structure des phrases, il est a la modalite parce que l'inf est transpose. Quand l'inf a un comportement d'un complement de verbe ou celui de circonstance, il est a la fonction primaire. Quand l'inf a un comportement d'un complemnet du nom, il est construit d'une expansion du nom en determinant le nom indirectement, alors, il est a la fonction secondaire. Et puis, nous avons examine les sujects de l'inf dans la proposition infinitive, et nous en avons tire la conclusion qu'il y a trois especes du sujet comme le datif et l'accusatif dans la proposition subordonnee et le sujet dans la proposition principale. De suite, nous avons pu voir les deplacement comme Equi, MOMTEE DU SUJET, et Extraposition, Au cas de la transformation enclitique comme le, en et y, nous a vons pu savoir que les preposition comme a et de sont des signes vides, mais au point de vue de semantique, ce sont des arguments de poids qu'on peut distinguer le sens. Dans l'etude de semantique, quand l'inf s'emploie comme la fonction d'un nom, au cas de sujet, il a la valeur comme un nom commun ou un nom abstrait qui sont transposes, et en meme temps, au cas de complement il a la mene signifiance comme celle des modes personnels. Quand l'inf s'emploie comme la fonction du verbe, dont la categorie est beaucoup plus limitee que les modes personnels, mais l'inf a la structure profonde qui est equivalente a ceux-ci. Quand nous rencontrions les ambiguites du sens nous avons applique la theorie de Chomsky, alors nous avons pusurmonter cette difficulte en representant le sens a la structure surface.

      • Ammonia 工業의 成長과 體質改善 및 展望에 관한 考察

        柳珙植 群山大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        As I have referred to the prospect of Ammonia industry development and constitutional improvement up to now, Ammonia is considered not only the important material dirrctly connected with chemical industry but also one of basic materials for modern civilization. As a result of it, heneral conditions seem to grow up for the big development of this area industries in our nation, Ammonia has come to have further more connection not only with fertilizer but also our daily life as materials for petrolium chemical industry. And Ammonia industry has developed to have a great part on the nation's economic improvement. The advanced countries tend to dare to get rid of small scaled Ammonia plants of ages ago, and to try to bring up the new type process and enlarge the scale of factories. In the tendancy of Ammonia industry constitutional improvement all over the world we should finally come to use the higher priced Ammonia fertilizers and artificial fivers, etc., compared with the foreign manufactures because of the backwardness in the international competition, no matter how we carry out management rationlization and improve the industrial process in part with ready-made manufacturing systems and facilities. Therefore, it is considered that the major problem our nation has faced is that, in order to strengthen the international competitive force, we should manufacture artcles of Korean make, in low cost, made from Ammonium-materials by maunfacturing Ammonia in low cost through daring industrial constitutional improvement by way of not only bring in high technique according to the developing world Ammonia maunfacturing tendancy but also promoting plant-enlargement. Also, we must put our emphasis on developing an abudant electric power and manufacturing Hydrogenium in low cost using electrical analysis of water. In the viewpoint that our country is in want of natural resources and non-oil producing nation, Ammonia can be available for the basic materials, if we reserch and develope this area further more.

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