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      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        한우와 샤로레 교잡에 의한 체중 및 체형변화에 관한 연구

        설동섭 ( Dong Sup Sul ) 한국축산학회 1981 한국축산학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The study was conducted to find out the effects of mating systems and environmental factor. on the live weight gain of the crossbred from Charolais x Korean native cattle in order to establish the reasonable scheme for spreading the crossbred cattle. The crossbred and the native cattle raised in the Ganghwa Island, Gyeonggi province were measured body weight, withers height, hip height, pine height, body length, chest width, chest depth, rump length, hip width, Churl width, pine width, shank circumference and chest girth, and the farmer`s feeding and management conditions were checked and analyzed from March to October in 1980. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The body weighty of the cattle at the age of 6 months were significantly different between the crossbred and the native cattle (p$lt;0.01) as 208.11 ㎏ in the crossbred bulls and 140.00㎏ in the native bulls, and 180.81㎏ in the crossbred heifers and 108.67㎏ in the native heifers. The body weights at the age of 12 months showed significant difference; between the crossbred and the native cattle (p$lt;0.01) as 404.06㎏ in tire crossbred bulls and 296.60㎏ in the native bulls, and 336.18㎏ in the crossbred heifers and 180.14㎏ in the native heifers. 2. The body measurements of pine height, body length, hip width, shank circumference and chest girth showed significant differences between the crossbred and the native cattle at the age of 6 months. The body measurements at the age of 12 months such as pine height, body length and thud width were different significantly between the crossbred and the native cattle.

      • KCI우수등재

        2000년대 가축질병방역대책

        설동섭 한국축산학회 1986 한국축산학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        1. As many as 82 different kinds of animal infectious disease are present in Korea, rendering direct losses of 50 billion won per annum to the livestock industry. Moreover, the whole economic losses due to those diseases reach 421.6 billion won, corresponding to 17.5% of the total production of 2,400 billion won in the Korean livestock industry. 2. For the animal health situation in Korea, bacterial diseases of large animal are in the stage of eradication through national control campaigns, while viral diseases in other animals including poultry, currently dependent on voluntary control by livestock owners, stillrequire more drastic and long-term based control measures for eventual eradication. 3. Organisations for animal disease control are well structured, but lack in functional systematisation. Thus, extension of the organisations and generalisation of their functions are necessary for the improvement of efficiency in animal disease control activities. 4. In the system for animal disease surveillance, its core centre is the Veterinary Research Institute and the surveillance network comprises a total of 1992 organisations throughout the country, including provincial animal health laboratories, regional rural extension services, and community verterinarians. Reports on disease outbreaks and related information are collected for analysis and early-warning. However, improvement in the efficiency of animal disease control must seek more active cooperation and endeavors from the local authorities concerned. 5. There are 332 processing plants for animal products in the country, where some 400 veterinary officers are working for sanitary inspection. Urgently required in this respect are the modernisation of facilities and equipment at slaughterhouses and milk collecting centres, and the regional integration of those plants that are dispersed nationwide in small scale. 6. To meet the current situation of animal health and the hygienic status of animal products to the level of those in developed countries by the year of 2000, every effort will have to be made for the computerisation of animal disease surveillance system, the scientific application of disease control measures, the independence of research activities from those for biologics control and disease diagnoses, the compulsory practice of vaccinations and serological testings for animals on sale, and finally for the implementation of special measures that will lead to free movement of animal products.

      • KCI등재

        High Throughput Screening on Angiogenesis Inhibitor and Promoter of Medicinal Plants using a Protein Microarray Chip

        Dong-Su In,Min-Su Lee,Kyong-Hwan Bang,Ok-Tae Kim,Dong-Yun Hyun,Young-Sup Ahn,Seon-Woo Cha,Nak-Sul Seong,Eung-Youn Kim,Yoo-Soo Shin,In-Cheol Kang 한국약용작물학회 2007 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The effects of angiogenesis inhibitor from the extract libraries of Korean and Chinese medicinal plants were investigated using a protein microarray chip. Protein chip was constructed by immobilization of integrin α5β1 on protein chip base plates and employed far screening active extracts that inhibit the integrin-fibronectin interaction from the extract libraries. The 100 extracts of medicinal plants were obtained from extract bank of National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. The 14 extracts among 100 extract libraries were shown efficient inhibition activity for the interaction between integrin-fibronectin. The medicinal plants of 14 extracts were Vitex negundo var. incisa (Lam.) C.B. Clarke, Epimedium koreanum Nakai, Cedrela sinensis A. Juss, Ipomea aquatica Forsk, Schisandra chinensis Baill, Pulsatilla koreana Nakai, Paeonia lactiflora Pall. var.hortensis Makino, Oenothera odorata, Allium chinense, Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum MAKINO, Polygonatum odoratum Druce var. pluriflorum Ohwi, Hosta lancifolia, Agrimonia pilosa L. var. japonica Nakai and Potentilla chinensis SER. The Paeonia lactiflora, Oenothera, and Agrimonia pilosa from these 14 extracts libraries were shown strong inhibition activity of integrin α5β1.

      • KCI우수등재

        가축개량에 관한 한우의 개량방안

        설동섭 한국축산학회 1981 한국축산학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        The problem of how to improve effectively Korean native cattle for beef production has been discussed controversially among Korean geneticists for more than 20 years since 1960. The main point of controversy was to determine which procedure of both purebred selection and crossbreeding with exotic beef breed should be applicable for more effective improvement of Korean native cattle. It was very difficult for us to decide definitely the exact one of both procedures because of having their merits or defects respectively in view point of cattle breeding policy. In this paper, the achievements of Korean native cattle improvement for past 70 years were reviewed and the outline of new scheme proposed for future programme. The content of this paper was summarized as follows; 1. Korean native cattle increased about 69 % in the body weight of adult female more than 60 years ago as shown on table 1. This increase came mainly from combination of bull selection and improved feeding condition, but it was not possible to estimate separately how much the genetic gain affected on the increased body weight of Korean cattle. $lt;표생략$gt; 2. The goal of improvement was established on basis of Korean cattle performance from Alpine experiment station in which progeny test is carried out, as shown on table 2. The goal was divided into 3 steps by stage for long term programme. $lt;표생략$gt; 3. It is proposed that the main procedure for Korean native cattle improvement should rely mainly on the purebred selection as well as partly on the crossbreeding with exotic breed including hybrid utilization. The proportion of both procedures would be determined depending on the policy of government. It suggested that the crossbreeding should be conducted very carefully taking measurements for possible problems occurred in practice. 4. The breeds of beef cattle for crossbreeding of Korean native cattle should have following conditions; suitable to small herd feeding system, in early maturity fattening, of large type, in good appetite, in gentle nature, in good mooring, in similar colore to Korean cattle, in high motherbility, in high feed efficiency and in high percentage of Lean meat. According to above criteria, Charolais, Simmental in mainland and Brahman in Jeju island would be recommendable for crossbreeding of Korean native cattle, because those three breeds already expressed good result in crossbreeding experiment. 5. The organization for breeding of Korean native cattle should be strengthened for more effective improvement. ·To establish $quot;Korean cattle improvement commission$quot; to be responsible for all matters related to cattle improvement. ·To integrate the performance test projects of Korean native cattle carried out independently in each organization: Alpine experiment station, Daekalyong and Unbong branch stations of National livestock Breeding Station. ·To let provincial breeding stations join positively in the performance test project of Korean bull. ·To enlarge the business of Korean Animal Breeding Association. To establish $quot;Breeding Base$quot; in farm area for progeny test. 6. The functions of organization for Korean cattle breeding should be strengthened for acceleration of improvement as follows; ·To enlarge the capacity of semen storage in Artificial Insemination Institute. ·To establish the performance test committee for controling Korean cattle. improvement project. ·$quot;Korean Animal Breeding Association$quot; to hold $quot;National Livestock Contest$quot; ·Government to transfer all business of improvement to the organization. ·Scientists of universities and research institutes to join positively in the business of organization. 7. The government should support strongly the activity of organization. ·To rearrange and support the organization. ·To support the budget required for purchasing superior bull and cow from $quot;National Livestock Contest.$quot; ·To support positively $quot;Korean Cattle Improvement Project$quot; by $quot;Livestock Encouragement Fund.$quot; ·To coordinate and support the business between organizations.

      • 일개 대학부속병원 응급실을 방문한 화학화상 환자에 관한 임상적 고찰

        임현술,박동일,박기흠,장무환,안우섭,최익한,오민구 東國大學校醫學硏究所 1993 東國醫學 Vol.1 No.-

        지구상에는 많은 화학물질이 존재하며 우리나라에서 유통되는 화학물질은 1만여 종에 이르고 있다. 이러한 화학물질은 우리의 생활을 풍요롭고 편리하게 해 주었으나 인체에 직접, 간접으로 해로운 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이 중 화학화상은 급성 건강장애의 대표적인 예이다. 이에 화학화상 환자의 임상적 고찰을 실시하였다. 1989년 9월 1일부터 1993년 8월 31일까지 4년간 일개 대학 부속병원 응급실 내원기록 중 화학화상으로 방문하여 치료한 96명(100건)을 조사대상으로 하여 이들의 병록지를 검색하여 화학화상 환자의 연령, 성별, 원인물질, 발생 년도, 임상적 특징, 치료방법 등을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 화학화상은 연도별로 해마다 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 2. 화학화상 환자는 남자가 93명(97건), 여자가 3명(3건) 이었으며 연령별 분포는 30대가 42명(43.8%), 20대가 33명(34.4%), 40대가 12명(12.5%)순이었다. 3. 화학화상의 원인물질은 불 산이 41건, 황산 12건, 알칼리 10건, 무수프탈린산 8건, 염산이 5건 순 이었다. 4. 화학화상의 발생시기는 12시부터 17시 사이가 39건으로 가장 많았으며 발생 후 병원을 방문할 때까지의 시간은 2시간이내가 71건으로 가장 많았다. 5. 화학화상의 발생원인은 화학물질이 튀어서 생긴 경우가 27건으로 가장 많았고 화상부위는 손가락이 가장 많았으며 증상은 동통이 가장 많았다. 6. 화학화상의 치료는 불산화상 이외는 단순한 화상처치만을 하였으며, 의료비 지불방법은 회사지불이 37건, 본인지불이 23건, 산업재해 보상보험지불이 18건의 순이었다. 우리 나라에서 화학물질의 사용은 계속 증가하고 있으며 이에 의하여 화학화상을 입을 가능성이 높다. 이러한 화학화상의 예방을 위해서는 작업 환경관리, 보호복 착용이 중요하며 화학화상의 발생시 조기치료도 중요하므로 화학물질을 다루는 회사 의무실에는 효과적인 응급처치를 위한 치료방법을 화학물질별로 마련하고, 지역 병원과 응급 후송체계를 확립하며 병원에서도 해독제사용 등 화학물질별 특이적 치료방법을 개발하고 적극 활용하여야 한다고 생각한다. Many chemicals in the industry and at home cause burns. The mechanisms of local tissue damage include liquefaction necrosis caused by strong alkalis, delipidation caused by petroleum products, and vesicle formation caused by the vesicant gases. The severity of tissue damage secondary to contact with chemicals is related to the concentration of the chemical agent, the amount of the agent in contact with the tissue, and the duration of contact. Authors reviewed medical records of 96 cases(100 spells) of chemical burns who visited the emergency room of an university hospital in Pohang from Sep. 1, 1989 to Aug. 31, 1993. The results are as follows 1. The frequency of chemical burn cases was increasing over years. 2. Ninety-three cases(97 spells) of chemical burns occurred in males and 75 cases(79 spells) were between age 20 to 39. 3. Etiologic materials of chemical burns were hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid, alkali, anhydrous phthalic acid, and hydrochloric acid in order. 4. Thirty nine spells of burn cases occurred between 12:00 and 17:59 hours and 71 spells arrived at hospital within 2 hours after the accident. 5. Main cause of chemical burns was by splashes(27 spells). The most frequent site of burns was fingers and pain was the most frequent symptom. Thirty spells of the hydrofluoric acid burns. chemical burns were treated with local injection of antidote(calcium gluconate) for The results suggest that environmental control, wearing of protective clothes and gloves are important to prevent chemical burns. It is also stressed that establishment of an emergency management and a transfer system for chemical burn victims is necessary.

      • KCI우수등재

        각종 Silo 에 의한 산야초 Silage 제조시험

        김형철,설동섭 한국축산학회 1960 한국축산학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The cost of building silo was lowest for pit silo, whereas it eras highest for concrete silo, but concrete silo seems to be cheaper than muddy silo in a stand-point of their using age. Temperature of silage fermentation was different of about. 4℃. between underground silo (21-23℃) and upperground silo (25-27℃.) in constant temperature of fermentation end period, while between silo covered in with vinyl (21-23℃.) and one no covered (23-27℃.) was different of about 2℃. But in muddy brick silo it was 40℃, above and then showed a sign of putrification due to be attacked by air outdoor through broken parts of wall and to be taken moisture from silage. For spoilage percentage of silage muddy brick silo was 42.2% and so was not found of use at all, but others all were 5% below, especially pit vinyl silo lowest in 1.13%. Treatment of silo for spoilage was significant in evel of 1% and differences between mean value of spoilage percentage of silage, excepting between them of concrete silo and muddy brick vinyl silo, were higher than L. S. D≒1.0780 and so were significant in level of 5%. Among constituents of wild grass silage exude protein was increased. more half than that of wild grass, and therefore, wild grass silage was resulted. higher than corn silage in nutritional value. For acid yield of silage from silos which silage was spoiled lees contained more lactic . acid and was in trend to be good in color and odor. Palatability of silage to Korean cattle, excepted of that from muddy brick silo, was not so different between siloes. For this reason the fact was that silage consumption of Korean cattle was 94% above in all, but the rattles did not take silag from muddy brick silo at all.

      • KCI등재

        원발성 심박 악성 중배엽 상피종 1예

        정문호,강면식,이동협,현명수,김영조,김종설,이철주,심봉섭 영남대학교 의과대학 1986 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.3 No.1

        저자들은 1986년 7월 2일 본 영남대학교 의과대학 부속 병원 내과에 입원한 혈액성 심낭 삼출액및 심막 비후 환자에서 심낭 개창술시 심막조직 검사상 심막 악성 중피종으로 진단되고 급격한 임상경과를 보이고 사망한 예를 경험하였다. Primary pericadial mesothelioma is a rare tumor of mesodermal origin that is infrequently diagnosed antemortem and survival is short. A 60 year old male case of peicardial mesothelioma(epitheloid type) is reported. He was admitted to Yeungnam University Hospital because of chest pain, dyspnea, orthopnea and nonprodective cough. Chest x-ray suggested pericardial effusion. 2-D echocardiography showed echo free spaces of massive pericardial effusion and areas of thick hyperrefractile echoes arising from the pericardium.pericardiocentesis was attempted and aspirated fluid was bloody exudate. Pericardial window operation with biopsy was done. Swan-Ganz catheterization showed equalization between right atrial pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. The pathologic diagnosis was established by histologic finging at pericardial biopsy.

      • 韓牛의 遺傳的 改良量 增大를 위한 適正 標本 算出에 關한 硏究


        This study was conducted to find out the most fabourable breeding structure for the maximum genetic gain of live weight, the most important economic traits of Korean native cattle, in order to achieve the improvement goals for meat productivity of the native cattle early and effectively. For estimating genetic gain and population mean changes, the following factors were investigated under the assumation that 675,000 heads of over-two-year old cows were maintained each generation and 15% of the cows were culled every year: 1. The proportion of cow population inseminated by A Ⅰ bulls; 30, 40, 50, 60, 70% 2. The number of semen doses produced from each A Ⅰ bull per year; 5,000, 7,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 doses. 3. The average body weight of A Ⅰ bulls; 480, 520, 600, 640, 680, 720kg / 18 months of age. The estimated results are summarized as follows: 1. The genetic gain of live weight is affected greately by the levels of A Ⅰ bulls' body weight and the genetic gain was estimated 28.66~36.31kg per generation. 2. The proportion of genetic gain from sire selection were estimated 80~90%. 3. When the average body weight of A Ⅰbulls increase 40kg per generation and more than 50% of cow population is inseminated by A Ⅰbulls, then the phenotypic mean value of live weight of bulls at the age of 18 months and heifers at the age of 2 years are expected to be reached 600kg ang 520kg in the A Ⅰ population; 560kg and 480kg in the whole population, respectively, after 5th generation.

      • KCI우수등재

        Saanen 종과의 누진교잡에 의한 재래산양 개량시험 제4보 . 재래산양과 Saanen 종 산양의 교잡종에 대한 잡종강세추정

        이길왕,설동섭 ( Kil Wang Lee,Dong Sup Sul ) 한국축산학회 1981 한국축산학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The study was conducted to obtain some genetic information on crossbred. from crossbreeding of Korean native goats and Saanen goats. Eight hundred and seventy head, of purebred and crossbred goats raised at the Livestock Experiment Station from 1969 to 1975 were investigated to get the data on their body weight, body measurements and milk yield. Those data were analysed to estimate the additive and non-additive effect; as well as maternal effects by different mating systems. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. The additive effects on body weight, withers height, body length, cheat girth and milk yield in single crossing(SN) of Korean native goats and Saanen goats were estimated 86.54, 106.89, 104.95, 98.44, and 89.41%, respectively, and non-additive effects 13.46, -6.89, -4.95, 1.56 and 10.59%, respectively. 2. In the second generation of F₁ back-crowed to Saanen breed for grading up S (SN) the additive, non-additive and maternal effect, were estimated 82.26, 5.94 and 11.80% for body weight, 102.10, -3.13 and 1.02 for withers height, 105.00, -2.35 and -2.64% for body length, 99.32, 0.77 and -0.09% for chest girth, 105. 11, 4.38 and -9. ~19$quot;/o for milk yield, respectively. 3. In the third generation of S (SN) back-crossed to Saanen breed for grading up S (SSN) non-additive and maternal effects were estimated 8-1.17, 2.92 and 12.91% for body weight, 101.66, -1.5% and -0.13% for wither; height, 102.58, -1.13 and -1..15% for body length, 101.24, 0.38 and -1.62% for chest girth, 103.73, 1.88 and -5.6% for milk yield, respectively.

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