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      • A Study on Korean Products Distribution through Overseas Purchasing in China

        Dai,Wen-Qian,Lee,Jong-Ho 한국유통과학회 2019 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2019 No.-

        Nowadays, Korean products are prevailing all over the world. Especially in China they including cosmetics, clothes, etc. are very popular. But because of THAAD, China s people can t go or travel to Korea. Instead of travelling Korea, they usually make use of overseas direct purchasing with the booming in current online shopping. Ironically, in spite of bad conditions, they used to buy Korean cosmetics by way of overseas purchasing . Therefore the revenue on Korean cosmetics is growing up more and more. According to the results, first, the security, convenience and information provided by the overseas direct purchase have already had a positive impact on the satisfaction. Second, the quality of the delivery service is composed of four factors: rapidity, reliability, intimacy and correctness. third, the research results indicate that the satisfaction level has a positive impact on the re-purchase intention.

      • 판소리와 敍事巫歌의 對比硏究

        徐大錫 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1979 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        Both 'Pansori' and Korean Shamanistic Narrative Songs (SNS) share a common point " in that they are both forms of' oral narrative verse. However the former has been transmitted by professional singers, or 'Kwang Dai" and the latter, by Korean Shamans through their rituals. This study compared and contrasted 'Pansori' with SNS based upon the following four view points: 1. The characteristics of literary genre 2. The form of oral performance 3. The structure of the script 4. The composition style of the script The results of the study are as follows : 1. Pansori is a form of musical art which uses musical tones corresponding to a song's literary contents and SNS is the same in that sense. But in SNS, the verbal content play a major role which the musical tones and feelings play a relatively minor role. 2. SNS has two forms of oral performance, the recitative type and musical play (singing)type, similar to that of Pansori'. The early form of oral performance of 'Pansori' was similar to the recitative type. It seems that development has been made from recitative to musical play (singing)similar to that of SNS history. SNS has originated from shamanistic myths. The recitative type has been used to call the spirit of god in the rituals. The recitative type, however, has been decreasing as the worship for the Shamanistic god decreased. To singing type, in the meantime, has become increasingly popular. 3. In 'Pansori' both ordinary speech and singing are used interchangeable. Originally, the recitative performance was a proper form of oral performance bur the present varieties have been developed to entertain the audience. The musical play of SNS uses the same technique as does 'Pasori'. 4. 'Pansori' sings 'kwang Dai' composed the oral text using ready made literary units such as folksongs, magic formulas, and others as did the shamans. Singers had to depend upon their memory and verbally improvised new items, The principle of composition of Korean Oral Narrative Verse seems identical to that of the European oral epic.

      • 韓國에 있어서의 協業化의 現況 및 그것이 農村의 社會構造變動에 미치는 影響 : 示範協業組織의 事例硏究를 中心으로

        金大煥 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1970 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.16 No.-

        In the way of modernizing the rural community, one of the most urgent problems is to promote the increase of income and improve productivity in the small-scaled land system like that of Korea. Although there are many ways for acquiring the broad economic, social and political forces that lead to societal or community change, my factual assessment of sociological aspect is the concern that the cooperative farm system will be available to solving the agricultural problems and rural reorganization in Korea, where farm land has faced the radical change by the urbanization and industrialization. The cooperative movement has a history longer that a century in the world. It has also existed in the United States for over ninety years. At one time it was widely massive attempts to plan this organization have been undertaken in Israel, Denmark and Japan. Having been interested in the field of rural sociology, especially social organization, population mobility and urbanization through the social economic development, for more that 10 years, I had fortunately an opportunity of studying the cooperative structures. This report will be helpful for the explanation to understand the reality of cooperative agricultural system and rural structure comparing with Japanese rural reorganization. The contents of this paper are as follows; 1) preface 2) Korean rural structure and agricultural system. 3) Rural disorganization in the process of industrialization. 4) Experiences of cooperative system and its future. 5) Field-study of Korean cooperative systems and their analysis. 6) Planning for the cooperative system and social accommodation. 7) Sociological analysis of cooperative system. 8) Conclusion-The necessity of cooperative associations. Korean rural society has now faced the shortage of farm-labour, even though she has more than 51 percent farmers of total population, for the rural community loses feasible labour-power of adult by the migration from rural to urban area. Both of the shortage of labour and large scaled-land system are naturally easy to bring the mechanization of agricultural production in relation to the subsidiary industry. Some theorists insist that the cooperative system is the sole way to solve the problems the rural community faces now. Of course the application of the planning method to these problems is not easily accomplished. But we should remind that one of the factors promoting the increase of agricultural production in the United States is due to the modern management of corporation. In other words, the post economic boom in American rural communities has not only accelerated the decline of old family-capitalism but increased the importance of larger corporation which has synchronized the other directed conformity of the new managerial society. The five cooperative models Baik-Un-San, Kwang-ju, Un-jang-San, Pack-Dal and Dai-Ri cooperative farms, present us many problems whether planning can be made more scientific, systematic and effective. Most of those who are engaged in studying believe that it is in large part an art, compounded of experience, common sense, and professional expertness in a given realm of human affairs which are leadership, human relation and management of labour and technique. I hope this report could suggest a useful sense of great advantage to the orientation of Korean rural community.

      • KCI우수등재

        독일의 지방자치행정보장 : 내용과 제한 그리고 그 한계: 특히 과잉금지의 적용여부

        金大煥 한국공법학회 2004 公法硏究 Vol.33 No.1

        Bei allen institutionellen Garantien ist Ausgestaltungsbefungnis des Gesetzgebers zunachst einmal dadurch begrenzt, dass er den Bestand der Institution als solchen nicht beseitigen darf. Der Gesetzgeber muß auch den Kernbereich oder den Wesensgehalt der institutionellen Garantie schutzen. Nach den Rechtsprechungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts werden drei Garantieebenen, also Rechtssubjektsgarantie, Rechtsinstitutionsgarantie und die subjektive Rechtsstellungsgarantie, der institutionelle Garantie der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung entnommen. Besonders sichert die Rechtsinstitutionsgarantie den Kommunen einen grundsatzlich alle Angelegenheiten der ortlichen Gemeinschaft umfassenden Aufgabenbereich sowie die Befugnis zur eigenverantwortlichen Ausfuhrung der Geschafte in diesem Gebiet. Der Gesetzgeber muß außerhalb des Kernbereichs, namlich im sogenannten Randbereich bei der Ausgestaltung des Rechts der kommunalen Selbstverwaltug ein verfassungsrechtliches Aufgabenverteilungsprinzip im Sinne eines Regel-Ausnahme-Verhaltnisses zugunsten der kommunalen gegenuber der staatlichen Zustandigkeit berucksichtigen. Soweit es um die Eigenverantwortlichkeit der kommunalen Aufgabenwahrnehmung geht, ist der Gesetzgeber verpflichtet, den Kommunen einen hinreichenden Spielraum offen zu lassen. Das BVerfG verzichtet dabei auf die Terminologie des Verhalnismaßigkeitsprinzips oder Ubermaßverbots. Dahinter steht die Verstellung, dass das Verhaltnismaßigkeitsprinzip seine Anwendung findet, wenn in eine Rechtsposition eingegriffen wird. Es gibt aber verschiedene Argumente daruber, ob die neuen Rechtsprechungen nach Rastede-Beschluß das Verhaltnismaßigkeitsprinzip ganz aus dem Staatsorganisationsrecht verbannen.

      • 認識과 家族類似

        丁大鉉 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1978 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.31 No.-

        Suppose that any necessary and sufficient condition is not applicable to the notion of knowledge, which I argued elsewhere. It is now to be shown how we do call "cases of knowledge" those various cases of knowledge. On what ground do we have the term "knowledge" to unite various instances of knowledge? It is useless to say that there is something in common among all the cases of knowledge. This is what was denied in our supposition. The present paper is an attempt to show just that. L. Wittgenstein made an implicit distinction between common concept and family resemblance concept. Against Professor A.J. Ayer, it is argued that the distinction is not the one which is made in terms of degrees but of kinds. In order to advance the argument, it is tried to show (1) that common concepts can generally be learned at once bur family resemblance concepts can only be learned gradually, and (2) that this difference can be explained by an assumption that the former is the one under which all the instances have something in common and the latter is not. A tentative proposal is that the notion of knowledge is better understood as a family resemblance concept. The trouble with the concept seems to be that it is not yet made clear enough for our use to clarify the notion of knowledge. I tried to place the notion of resemblance on nominalistic footing and then to define "partial resemblance" as a relation in which various things in question have one resemblance or other, ((PQ), ((QR), (PS)), and not necessarily one thing in common, ((PQ), (PR), (PS)). Partial resemblance is a mere relation and nor a concept. And it is open-ended. Finally, "family resemblance" is defined : x, y and z have A-family-resemblance if and only if (1)x, y and z have partial resemblance and (2) there is a rule according to which we can apply the term "A" to x, y and z. How do we know that knowledge is a family resemblance concept? We may consider locutions such as " Mr. Malcolm knows Mr. Wittgenstein", "Miss Kyung-wha Chung knows how to play violin", and "I know that Seoul is the capital city of Korea". They may respectively be said to be instances of personal knowledge, capacity knowledge and prepositional knowledge. It is proposed that personal knowledge may be characterized as what is acquainted and sententially expressible on the circumstances, and capacity knowledge as what is performable and acquainted, and prepositional knowledge as that is performable and sententially expressible. There is much to be argued for such a characterization. But if the characterization is plausible, then it seems to allow us an important ground on which we many take knowledge as a family resemblance concept.

      • 사상규칙과 소함수를 이용한 간호정보시스템의 스키마 사상 모듈의 설계 및 구현

        김대희,전종훈 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Data interchange module for data sharing in a distributed database system envirionment is indispensible. Especially, inconsistency problem incurred by heterogeneous schema and database management system are known to be the most difficult one. This paper proposes a schema mapping method for data interchange between nursing information system and hospital information system. The method is based on the use of rule map and mini functions and the former is for providing schema mapping information and the latter is tailored for each individual database management system. The rule map and mini function resolves mismatch problem, which in turn makes it possible to implement effective data interchange module.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide(?러미라) 남용6례

        장대식,김정기 大韓神經精神醫學會 1986 신경정신의학 Vol.25 No.4

        저자들은 1983년 1월부터 1985년 5월까지 러미라 남용으로 입원한 청소년 환자 6례를 증례 보고하고 이들의 러미라 남용의 양상과 이 약물에 의한 중독증을 비교 검토하였다. 보고된 6례의 환자들은 대부분 남자로서 그들의 최초 러미라 사용연령은 20.6세로 청소년기에 속했다. 이들은 하루 300내지 900㎎의 러미라를 처음엔 수일에 한 번씩 복용해 오다가 뒤에는 이틀에 한번 복용했었다. 이들이 처음 러미라를 복용한 동기는 대개 "친구의 권유에 의해서 "였으며, 그후 일상 생활의 스트레스나 권태감을 제거하거나 다행감을 얻기 위한 목적으로 계속 남용하여 1내지 3년간 지속하였다. 대부분의 증례에서 러미라를 복용후 다행감, 의식의 변화, 심한 정신운동성 항진, 지각, 사고, 판단의 장애등 정신증상을 경험했으며 , 매우 과량을 복용한 경우에서는 항콜린계 중독증상과 유사한 신체증상을 보였다. patterns of romilar abuse and intoxication symptoms. Of the 6 cases, 5 were males and their mean age of initial romilar use was 20.5 years. Their daily dosages of romilar were 300 to 900 ㎎, and at first they used it once in several days but later more frequently, daily or every other day. In most cases, their motivation for initial romilar use was 'by their friend's invitation' and thereafter they abused it continuously for 1 to 3 years to produce euphoria which allows the user to withdraw from the stresses and boredom of everyday reality. After the intake of romilar, most patients had experienced euphoria, altered states of consciousness, psychomotor activation. They also had experienced disturbances of perception, thought, and judgement. In extreme high dosage they revealed physical symptoms and sign similar to those of anticholinergic intoxication.

      • 우리나라 제조업의 경쟁력 강화방안

        서대진 진주산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the power of the manufacturing industry of Korea economies. the manufacturing industry has led the Korea economies through 1960-70s. but it has been losing the competition recently. so we must investigate the problm of the manufacturing industry, finding the way how to promote it. the results of the studies was as follows 1. finance to promote the exports 2. diversify the world export markets 3. stabilize the prices and the wages 4. produce the technological man powers 5. increase the R & D investment 6. increase the infrastructure

      • 農業敎育이 새마을 運動에 미치는 效能에 關한 硏究

        白大鉉 건국대학교 1974 學術誌 Vol.18 No.1

        The new village movement in Korea must be continued with a strong generative power, at least, until it becomes the Korean life pattern by achieving a short range from the present wide gap of income between urban and rural areas and developing it to the rich capitalized, urbanized, and industrialized Korea. Accordingly, the government of Korea must wisely proceed various new village movement profects by applying the best policies and methods to the economic, social and cultural fields in order to stabilize it permanent. The study, which has been conducted for more than two years to discover the role and function of vocational agricultural education and agricultural training in Korea in the process of the new village movement, has reached to the following conclusions. 1. The present intensive activities in dwelling environment improvement work must be turned to the guidance activities in farmers' income increasement. 2. Much effectiveness in the new village movement is expected in promoted vocational agricultural education in Korea if the new village movement work expects a great success. In other words, a graduation from a vocational agricultural high school is highly desired as an educational training background of a new village movement leader who can guide a village for the betterment in income increasement. 3. Ministries of Agriculture & Fisheries and Education must be the first and the second responsible government agencies in the new village movement activities in order to proceed it most effectively and fruitfully.

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