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        재래한우의 보존을 위한 혈청 및 혈구단백질의 유전적 다형현상

        한상기(S . K . Han),윤희섭(H . S . Yoon),정의룡(E . Y . Chung),신유철(Y . C . Shin),변희대(H . D . Byun) 한국축산학회 1995 한국축산학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        Biochemical polymorphisms of five red cell and semen proteins, Hemoglobin(Hb), Transferrin(Tf), Post-transferrin 2(Ptf2), Post-albumin(Pa) and Albumin(Alb) as genetic markers in Korean cattle were analyzed by Starch and Polyacryamide gel electrophoresis and their phenotypes, genotypes and gene frequencies were estimated in order to analysis the genetic constitution of Korean native cattle population. In the Hemoglobin(Hb) locus four different phenotypes AA, AB, BB and CH were observed and assumed to be controlled by four different alleles designated Hb^A, Hb^B, Hb^C and Hb^H, and the Hb^H type was rare variant of Korean native cattle. The observed distribution of phenotypes were 73.37% for AA type, 23.37% for AB type. 2.72% for BB type and 0.54%r for CH type. Gene frequencies of Hb^A, Hb^B, Hb^C and Hb^H were 0.8505, 0.1440, 0.0027 and 0.0027. Semen Transfetrin(Tf) locus, 11 different phenotypes AA, AD₁, AD₂, AE, AH, D₁D₁, D₁D₂, D₁E, D₂H, D₂D₂, D₂E, EE and EH type were identified, which considered to be controlled by codominant alleles TF,^A Tf^D, Tf^D, Tf^E and Tf^H at a single locus. The frequencies of Tf genotypes AD₁, D₁E, D₁D₂, D₂E, AA, AE, D₁D₂, AD₂, D₁D₁, EE, AH, D₂H and EH were found to be 16.30, 13.33, 11.85, 10.37, 9.69, 8.15, 7.41, 9.63, 5.93, 4.44, 1.48, 0.74 and 0.01%, respectively. Gene frequencies of TF^A, Tf^(D1) Tf^(D2) and Tf^H were 0.2741, 0.2704, 0,2333, 0.2074 and 0.0148, respectively. And TfH gene were newly identified in Korean native cattle. Considering Post-transterrin 2 locus, three different phenotypess FF, FS and SS were identified, which considers to he controlled by two alleles Ptf^F and Ptf^S at a single autosomal locus. The frequencies of Rf genotypes FS, FF and SS were found to be 51.06. 36.88 and 12.06%n, respectively and gene frequencies of Ptf^F and Ptf^S were 0.6241 and 0.3759. In the Postalbumin(Pa) locus, three different phenotypes FF, FS and SS type were observed to be genetically controllled by Pa^F and Pa^S gene. And genotypes frequencies FS. FF amd SS type were 48.65, 36.(H and 1_5.32%, respectively. The gene frequencies of Pa^F and Pa^S were 0.6036 and 0.3964. The Albumin(Alb) locus were observed to lack any individual variation. Therefore, this locus were defined to be monomorphic. In comparison of genetic distance and dendogram calculated from the gene frequencies, close relationship was obtained between the Japanese cattle and the Korean cattle.


        A multi-virus detectable microfluidic electrochemical immunosensor for simultaneous detection of H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9 virus using ZnO nanorods for sensitivity enhancement

        Han, J.H.,Lee, D.,Chew, C.H.C.,Kim, T.,Pak, J.J. Elsevier Sequoia 2016 Sensors and actuators. B Chemical Vol.228 No.-

        This paper describes a multi-detectable and nano-flow immunosensor based on ZnO nanorods (NRs) grown on the inner surface of PDMS sensor region for sensing H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9 influenza viruses simultaneously using electrochemical method. Nanostructured ZnO NRs with a high isoelectric point (IEP ~9.5) tend to interact electrostatically with proteins with lower IEP such as H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9 antibodies. ZnO NRs were hydrothermally grown on the upper inner surface of the nano-flow PDMS sensor region. The forementioned three influenza viruses were successfully detected from three separate sensing regions by measuring the oxidation current of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated on capture antibody of those influenza viruses when proper potential was applied. The proposed immunosensors were evaluated using 1pg/ml, 10pg/ml, 100pg/ml, 1ng/ml, and 10ng/ml of H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9 antigens by amperometry. These immunosensors showed high selectivity toward H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9, which was successfully confirmed by distinguishing the target virus individually from a mixture of three virus antigens. A low limit of detection was demonstrated by detecting as low as 1pg/ml of each virus and it is believed that this was possible by enhancing the sensitivity with the ZnO NRs grown on the PDMS surface in the sensing region. The steady-state oxidation current output linearly increased with respect to the logarithm of the H1N1, H5N1, and H7N9 virus concentrations in the range of 1-10ng/ml.

      • Urinary concentration of transforming growth factor-&bgr;-inducible gene-h3(&bgr;ig-h3) in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus

        Cha, D. R.,Kim, I. S.,Kang, Y. S.,Han, S. Y.,Han, K. H.,Shin, C.,Ji, Y. H.,Kim, N. H. Blackwell Science Ltd 2005 Diabetic medicine Vol.22 No.1

        <P>Abstract</P><P>Aims </P><P>The expression of TGF&bgr;-inducible gene h3(&bgr;ig-h3) has been used to assess the biological activity of TGF&bgr; in the kidney. In this study, we investigated whether the urinary concentration of &bgr;ig-h3 is associated with diabetic nephropathy in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. We also evaluated the relationship between the urinary concentration of &bgr;ig-3 and proteinuria and microalbuminuria (AER) in a normal healthy population and in Type 2 diabetes patients.</P><P>Methods </P><P>Four hundred and seventy-nine Type 2 diabetic patients without non-diabetic kidney diseases and 528 healthy control subjects were enrolled. The study subjects were divided into five groups: a non-diabetic healthy control group with normal ACR (<I>n</I> = 443), a non-diabetic healthy control group with microalbuminuria (<I>n</I> = 85), a normoalbuminuric diabetic group (<I>n</I> = 198), a microalbuminuric diabetic group (<I>n</I> = 155) and an overt proteinuria group (<I>n</I> = 126). Urinary levels of &bgr;ig-h3 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.</P><P>Results </P><P>(i) Urinary excretion of &bgr;ig-h3 was significantly higher in the diabetic groups than in the controls, even in the normoalbuminuric stage (25.02 ± 8.84 vs. 18.67 ± 6.56, <I>P</I> = 0.03). In diabetic patients, urinary &bgr;ig-h3 levels increased significantly as diabetic nephropathy advanced (25.02 ± 8.84 vs. 34.06 ± 24.55 vs. 169.63 ± 57.33, <I>P</I> < 0.001). (ii) Proteinuria was found to be significantly correlated with urinary &bgr;ig-h3 (healthy control; <I>r</I> = 0.137, <I>P</I> = 0.019, diabetic patients; <I>r</I> = 0.604, <I>P</I> < 0.001). ACR was also found to be significantly related with urinary &bgr;ig-h3 in diabetic patients (<I>r =</I> 0.383, <I>P</I> = 0.006). (iii) In diabetic patients, urinary &bgr;ig-h3 was significantly related with systolic and diastolic blood pressure (systolic blood pressure: <I>r</I> = 0.436, <I>P</I> = 0.024; diastolic blood pressure, <I>r</I> = 0.365, <I>P</I> = 0.042), total cholesterol and HbA<SUB>1c</SUB> (cholesterol: <I>r</I> = 0.169, <I>P</I> = 0.03, HbA<SUB>1c</SUB>; <I>r</I> = 0.387, <I>P</I> = 0.044). Logistic regression analyses showed that urinary &bgr;ig-h3 was associated with a significant increase in the risk of microalbuminuria and proteinuria in diabetic patients.</P><P>Conclusions </P><P>Longitudinal monitoring of urinary &bgr;ig-h3 may improve the likelihood of detecting diabetic nephropathy at an earlier stage and &bgr;ig-h3 could be a sensitive marker of diabetic kidney disease progression.</P>

      • KCI등재

        한우 어미소와 송아지의 행동 특성

        한지훈,김동주,전중환,장홍희,구자민,김은정,이효종,연성찬 한국동물자원과학회 2004 한국축산학회지 Vol.46 No.1

        This study was performed to investigate the behavioral characteristics of Hanwoo(Bos taurus coreanae) cows and their calves. Four cows and their calves were placed in pens. The behaviors of each cow and calf were recorded using a time lapse VCR from 07:00 h to 18:00 h for 6 days and were analyzed using the scan point sampling method. The cow's behaviors in order of frequency were LD(lying down, 25%), ST(standing, 23%), EA(eating, 13%), LR(lying down rumination, 10%) and SR(standing rumination, 7%). The cows spent less than 3% of their time PG(pairwise grooming) and SF(sniffing). The calves mainly showed LD(52%), ST(28%), LF(lying flat, 4%), EA(3%) and WA(walking, 3%). The calves spent less than 2% of their time SF(sniffing) and SUK(sucking). The behavioral patterns of cows and calves at 07:00 h, 12:00 h and 18:00 h were different, especially in ST and LD.


        Protein Profile in Corpus Luteum during Pregnancy in Korean Native Cows

        Chung, H.J.,Kim, K.W.,Han, D.W.,Lee, H.C.,Yang, B.C.,Chung, H.K.,Shim, M.R.,Choi, M.S.,Jo, E.B.,Jo, Y.M.,Oh, M.Y.,Jo, S.J.,Hong, S.K.,Park, J.K.,Chang, W.K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.11

        Steroidogenesis requires coordination of the anabolic and catabolic pathways of lipid metabolism, but the profile of proteins associated with progesterone synthesis in cyclic and pregnant corpus luteum (CL) is not well-known in cattle. In Experiment 1, plasma progesterone level was monitored in cyclic cows (n = 5) and pregnant cows (n = 6; until d-90). A significant decline in the plasma progesterone level occurred at d-19 of cyclic cows. Progesterone level in abbatoir-derived luteal tissues was also determined at d 1 to 5, 6 to 13 and 14 to 20 of cyclic cows, and d-60 and -90 of pregnant cows (n = 5 each). Progesterone level in d-60 CL was not different from those in d 6 to 13 CL and d-90 CL, although the difference between d 6 to 13 and d-90 was significant. In Experiment 2, protein expression pattern in CL at d-90 (n = 4) was compared with that in CL of cyclic cows at d 6 to 13 (n = 5). Significant changes in the level of protein expression were detected in 32 protein spots by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE), and 23 of them were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Six proteins were found only in pregnant CL, while the other 17 proteins were found only in cyclic CL. Among the above 6 proteins, vimentin which is involved in the regulation of post-implantation development was included. Thus, the protein expression pattern in CL was disorientated from cyclic luteal phase to mid pregnancy, and alterations in specific CL protein expression may contribute to the maintenance of pregnancy in Korean native cows.

      • KCI등재

        Recovery properties of hydrogen gas sensor with Pd/titanate and Pt/titanate nanotubes photo-catalyst by UV radiation from catalytic poisoning of H<sub>2</sub>S

        Hong, D.U.,Han, C.H.,Park, S.H.,Kim, I.J.,Gwak, J.,Han, S.D.,Kim, H.J. Elsevier 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.1

        Recovery properties after H<SUB>2</SUB>S catalytic poisoning of catalytic-type gas sensor with photo-catalysts and UV radiation have been examined. Each sensing material of the sensor consists of Pd, Pt supported on γ-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> and Pd/titanate, Pt/titanate nanotubes or TiO<SUB>2</SUB> particles. Pd/titanate and Pt/titanate nanotubes photo-catalyst were synthesized by hydrothermal synthesis method. All the sensors were deactivated after 500ppm H<SUB>2</SUB>S exposure for 20h. The sensors with Pd/titanate or Pt/titanate nanotubes showed regenerated voltage response under UV radiation. However the sensor with TiO<SUB>2</SUB> particles showed negligible regenerated voltage response. Regenerated voltage response with Pd/titanate or Pt/titanate nanotubes may stem from location of Pd or Pt catalyst on the titanate nanotube photo-catalyst.

      • Photocatalytic H2 production on trititanate nanotubes coupled with CdS and platinum nanoparticles under visible light: revisiting H2 production and material durability

        Park, H.,Ou, H. H.,Kim, M.,Kang, U.,Han, D.,Hoffmann, M. Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Faraday discussions Vol.198 No.-

        <P>The photocatalytic production of molecular hydrogen (H-2) on ternary composites of Pt, CdS, and sodium trititanate nanotubes (NaxH2-xTi3O7, TNTs) is examined in an aqueous 2-propanol (IPA) solution (typically 5 vol%) at a circum-neutral pH under visible light (lambda > 420 nm). The H-2 production rates are dependent on the Pt-loading level, and the optimum production rate in the Pt/CdS/TNTs is approximately six times higher than that in Pt/CdS/TiO2. A D2O solution containing 5 vol% IPA leads only to the production of D-2 molecules, whereas increasing the IPA amount to 30 vol% leads to the production of DH molecules. This indicates that the Pt/CdS/TNTs composites enable H-2 production via true water splitting under our typical experimental conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses of the as-synthesized Pt/CdS/TNTs and those used for 6 and 12 h show that metallic Pt on the CdS/TNTs is less susceptible to oxidation than Pt on CdS/TiO2. In addition, photocorrosion of CdS (i.e., sulfate formation) is significantly inhibited during the photocatalytic H-2 production reactions in the Pt/CdS/TNTs because of the efficient charge transfer via the TNTs framework. The Pt/CdS/TNTs samples are thermally more stable than Pt/CdS/TiO2 and CdS/TNTs, effectively inhibiting the formation of CdO during the thermal synthesis. Detailed surface characterizations of the as-synthesized ternary composites are performed using Xray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and XPS.</P>

      • KCI등재

        분만 후 모돈의 행동적 회복과 포유자돈의 행동적 발달

        전중환,김동주,한지훈,연성찬,장홍희 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        We investigated postpartum behaviors of sows and their litters. The aim of this study was to determine the behavioral recovery of sows and behavioral development of their piglets postpartum. Five multiparous sows(Landrace × Yorkshire) and their litters were studied over a period of 5 days postpartum. The litter size varied from 8 to 13 with a mean of 11.2 piglets. The behaviors of sows and their piglets were recorded using five CCD cameras, a multiplexer and a time lapsed VCR. The videotapes were scanned every 2 min to obtain an instantaneous behavioral sample. In the behaviors of sows, ?Lying ventrally? increased from 1h postpartum to 26g postpartum, then decreased gradually, and stabilized after 80h postpartum. ?Lying ventrally? decreased from 1h postpartum to 26h postpartum and stabilized after 80h postpartum. ?Standing, drinking and feeding? increased from 1h postpartum to 23h postpartum, then decreased gradually, and increased again from 60h postpartum. ?Sitting? increased from 1h postpartum to 46h postpartum and then decreased. In the behaviors of piglets, ?Lying? increased rapidly from 1h postpartum to 45h postpartum, and then was maintained at an almost constant level. ?Massaging and Suckling? decreased rapidly from 1h postpartum to 36g postpartum, and then was maintained at an almost constant level. ?Walking? increased from 1h postpartum to 21h postpartum, then decreased gradually. These results suggest that the behavioral recovery of the sow is almost completed at 80h postpartum and that the behavioral development of the piglet is almost completed at 45h postpartum.


        Proposed mechanism in the change of cellular composition in the outer medullary collecting duct during potassium homeostasis.

        Park, E-Y,Kim, W-Y,Kim, Y-M,Lee, J-H,Han, K-H,Weiner, I D,Kim, J Gutenberg 2012 HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY Vol.27 No.12

        <P>Potassium depletion (K?-D) induces hypertrophy and hyperplasia of collecting duct cells, and potassium repletion (K?-R) induces regression of these changes. The purpose of this study was to examine the time courses of the changes in cellular composition, the origin of intercalated cells (ICs) and the mechanism responsible for these changes. SD rats received K?-depleted diets for 1, 7, or 14 days. After K?-D for 14 days some of the rats received normal diets for 1, 3, 5, or 7 days. In the inner stripe of the outer medulla, K?-D increased significantly the number and proportion of H?-ATPase-positive ICs, but decreased the proportion of H?-ATPase-negative principal cells (PCs). However, proliferation was limited to H?-ATPase-negative PCs. During K?-R, the cellular composition was recovered to control level. Apoptosis increased during K?-R and exclusively limited in H?-ATPase-negative PCs. Double immunolabeling with antibodies to PC and IC markers identified both cells negative or positive for all markers during both K?-D and K?-R. Electron microscopic observation showed that ultrastructure of AE1-positive some cells were similar to AE1-negative some cells during K?-R. LC3 protein expression increased significantly and autophagic vacuoles appeared particularly in PCs on days 14 of K?-D and in ICs on days 3 of K?-R. These results suggest that PCs and ICs may interconvert in response to changes in dietary K+ availability and that autophagic pathways may be involved in the interconversion.</P>


        IL-32γ inhibits cancer cell growth through inactivation of NF-κB and STAT3 signals

        Oh, J H,Cho, M-C,Kim, J-H,Lee, S Y,Kim, H J,Park, E S,Ban, J O,Kang, J-W,Lee, D-H,Shim, J-H,Han, S B,Moon, D C,Park, Y H,Yu, D-Y,Kim, J-M,Kim, S H,Yoon, D-Y,Hong, J T Nature Publishing Group 2011 Oncogene Vol.30 No.30

        <P>Several studies have shown physiological functions of interleukin (IL)-32, a novel cytokine. However, the role of IL-32 in cancer development has not been reported. In this study, we showed that IL-32γ inhibited tumor growth in IL-32γ-overexpressing transgenic mice inoculated with melanoma as well as colon tumor growth in xenograft nude mice inoculated with IL-32γ-transfected colon cancer cells (SW620). The inhibitory effect of IL-32γ on tumor growth was associated with the inhibition of constitutive activated nuclear transcription factor-κB (NF-κB) and of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). The expression of antiapoptotic, cell proliferation and tumor-promoting genes (<I>bcl-2</I>, <I>X-chromosome inhibitor of apoptosis protein</I> (<I>IAP</I>), <I>cellular IAP</I> and <I>cellular FADD-like IL-1β-converting enzyme-inhibitory protein</I>, <I>cyclin D</I>), cyclin-dependent kinase 4, cycolooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase was decreased, whereas the expression of apoptotic target genes (<I>caspase-3</I> and <I>-9</I>, <I>bax</I>) increased. In tumor, spleen and blood, the number of cytotoxic CD8<SUP>+</SUP> T cells and CD57<SUP>+</SUP> natural killer cells and the levels of IL-10 increased, but that of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), IL-1β and IL-6 decreased. We also found that forced overexpression of IL-32γ inhibited colon cancer cell (SW620 and HCT116) growth accompanied with the inhibition of activated NF-κB and STAT3 <I>in vitro</I>. In addition, when IL-32γ was knocked down by small interfering RNA (siRNA) or neutralized with an anti-IL-32γ antibody, IL-32γ-induced colon cancer cell growth inhibition, the IL-32γ-induced decrease of TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 production, and the increase of IL-10 production were abolished. However, siRNA of NF-κB and STAT3 augmented IL-32γ-induced colon cancer cell growth inhibition. These findings indicate significant pathophysiological roles of IL-32γ in cancer development.</P>

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