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      • Evolutionary Approach for Traveling Salesperson Problem with Precedence Constraints

        Chiung Moon(문치웅),YoungSu Yun(윤영수) 한국지능시스템학회 2007 한국지능시스템학회 학술발표 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper we suggest an efficient evolutionary approach based on topological sort techniques for precedence constrained TSPs. The determination of optimal sequence has much to offer to downstream project management and opens up new opportunities for supply chains and logistics. Experimental results show that the suggested approach is a good alternative to locate optimal solution for complicated precedence constrained sequencing as in optimization method for instance.

      • KCI등재

        고대 문헌에 나타난 ‘천강(天降)’의 의미 고찰

        朴晟佑 ( Park Seongwoo ),文致雄 ( Moon Chiung ) 중국어문연구회 2020 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.101

        In this study, we address a literal·historical understanding of ‘Cheongang (天降)’, which was interpreted as ‘come down from the sky(or heaven)’. Cheongang is emerging element in the process of founding the ancient state. An existing interpretation that come down from the sky(or heaven) was came from an understanding of myth frame. In myth frame, ‘Cheongang(天降)’ was interpreted that, we emphasize sacredness through the connection with the heavens or emphasizing the legitimacy of government. But simultaneously, it has also served as a limit that made an accurate review of the times and circumstance impossible. The interpretation of Cheongang(天降), ‘come down from the sky(heaven)’, is the result of faithful application of the primary meaning as written in dictionary. Cheon(天) is sky(heaven), gang(降) is come down or refers to the act of surrendering to the enemy. From the comprehensive analysis of the records of other ancient literature and the excavated texts, we can understand cheon(天)’s various meanings. In addition to the abstract meaning of sky, cheon(天) points to the existence of the most precious and high-ranking area or person in the world. However, people cannot come down from the sky. Therefore the Cheongang(天降) that defined as the come down from the sky is unscientific and unrealistic. This is the result of the lack of understanding about the meaning of Cheon(天) and Gang(降). In here, we extensively collected the excavated texts and literature of the related to ancient Cheon(天) and Gang(降) made a literal analysis and discussion of the character shape and meaning of Cheongang(天降).

      • KCI등재

        서주(西周) 청동기(青銅器) 명문(銘文)에 나타난 ‘천명(天命)’의 의미와 활용

        박성우 ( Park Seongwoo ),문치웅 ( Moon Chiung ) 한국중국언어학회 2021 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.93

        We can find records of ‘Heaven’s command (天命)’ in the literature and excavated materials prior of the Qin Dynasty. The Heaven’s command was an command order that had a significant impact on the actions and decisions of the ancient china’s kings. They carried out an order by command of the Heaven emperor and also the Heaven’s command was actively used as a means to effectively govern the country along with the legitimacy of power in connection with the ruling class. The term Heaven’s command was frequently used in sentences inscribed on bronze vessels made during the Zhou Dynasty. At that time, Heaven was recognized as a central area that ruled East Asia, creating and developing all things for people, and where the emperor lived. Heaven also played a key role in important historical projects such as the Chisu (治水) project, the replacement of the Ha (夏) and Shang (商) Dynasties, and the replacement of the Shang and Zhou (周) Dynasties. During the national project and the replacement of the dynasty, there was Heaven command ordered by Heaven. Records of these texts and excavated materials suggest that, the ancient times, Heaven was considered the most important place to serve as the center of the empire or the federal headquarters. However, Heaven gradually lost its power during the Warring States period and became symbolic, and Heaven command was changed to an abstract meaning of absolute command or mandatory instructions.

      • KCI등재

        『三國遺事』 「古朝鮮 條」 기록에서 ‘古’의 의미와 그 시간적 범위

        李鏡淑 ( Lee¸ Keoungsuk ),文致雄 ( Moon¸ Chiung ) 근역한문학회 2021 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.60 No.-

        본 연구는 古의 시간사적 의미인 昔과 古代에 대한 논의이며, 특히 『三國遺事』「古朝鮮條」에서 古朝鮮이라 칭한 그 古의 의미와 시기에 대한 체계적인 분석과 정리에 중점을 두었다. 연구의 방법은 우선 고대의 내용을 담고 있는 주요 문헌의 종합적인 분석을 통해 古의 시기와 그 구체적인 시대를 세분화하였다. 이를 기반으로 『三國遺事』「古朝鮮條」에서 해당 시기에 대한 기록들을 찾아 古의 시대와 비교하고 구분, 정리하였다. 「古朝鮮條」에서 『古記』를 인용하여 기록한 “昔有桓國”에서 桓國이 있었던 昔의 시대는 上古에 해당함을 보였다. 이와 관련한 내용으로 당시의 관직명인 “風伯, 雨師, 雲師”에 대해 『山海經』, 『史記』등을 포함한 고대를 기록한 문헌 분석 결과 그 시기가 上古시대의 것임을 알 수 있었다. 문헌 분석을 통해 나타나는 古에 대한 시간적 구분은 上古, 中古, 近古(後古, 下古)의 세 구간으로 나누고 있는데, 上古와 中古사이에 治水라고 하는 막대한 사건과 이를 중심으로 등장하는 인물들의 시대를 古의 중심 분기점으로 삼아야 한다고 보고, 본 연구에서는 이를 구분하여 本古로 하였다. 『玉篇』에 보면, 古는 “久也, 始也”라 하여 오래전 처음 시작하던 때라 한 내용이 보이는데, 本古를 본격적인 古의 시작으로 보고, 이보다 앞선 시대의 上古를 昔으로 하였다. 이렇게, 昔이라고도 하는 上古와 中古사이의 本古시대를 따로 분류하여 시대 구분의 한 기간으로 삼아, 단군조선을 건국한 시기를 本古로 하였다. 이를 종합하여 정리하면 ‘伏羲神農, 蚩尤’로 대표되는 시기는 昔인 上古시대로, 堯舜時代를 비롯한 虞夏, 殷과 고조선 건국 시기는 上古와 구분하여 本古의 시기로 분리하였다. 『三國遺事』의 “與高同時”가 의미하는 시대는 바로 단군왕검이 고조선을 세운 시대를 말하는 것으로 바로 堯舜시대와 같은 古의 시대인 本古라고 구분할 수 있다. 中古는 보통 周文王시대로, 『三國遺事』「古朝鮮條」의 “周虎王卽位己卯(周나라 虎王이 즉위한 己卯년)”에 보이는 시기를 말한다. 近古에 해당하는 기록은, “壇君乃移於藏唐京後還隱於阿斯達爲山神壽一千九百八歲。(단군이 藏唐京으로 옮겨 살다가 후에 살 곳을 아사달의 산에 만든 때는 단군이 命을 할 때부터 1908년이 된다)”의 내용 중에서 “壽一千九百八歲”이라고 한 것을 근거로 나라를 건립하고 1908년이 지난 시점은 단군 조선이 건국된 B.C. 2333년으로부터 1908년이 지난 시기인 B.C. 425년을 말한다는 것을 알 수 있다. B.C. 425년은 공자가 사망한 B.C. 475년 보다 50년 後의 시대로, 이 의미는 이때까지도 왕검 조선이 존속하였음을 의미한다. In this study, we discuss the old (古) means as the pre-ancient (上古) and ancient era (古代) based on temporal meanings, which is the important historical meanings in order to understand ancient era. The study approach, firstly, subdivided the ancient era and its specific period through a comprehensive analysis of major literature containing ancient contents. Based on the contents of this ancient temporal classification, the periods appearing in the records of the Samgukyusa(三國遺事) were compared with major literature, and classified into four periods such as Pre-ancient, Primary ancient, Middle ancient, and Late ancient periods. The Phrase 昔有桓國 expressed in Gojoseon article of Samgukyusa, which means Hwan dynasty (桓國) existed in Pre-ancient era. We can also found the official titles related to this era including Hwanung (桓雄), Usa (雨師), Unsa (雲師) and Pungbaek (風伯) in Samgukyusa. The era of Dangun Wanggeom, Yao and Shun (堯舜), Yu Xin (虞夏), and Yin (殷) separated from Pre-ancient and there era can be classified into Primary ancient era. There is a record in the Samgukyusa that Dangun Wanggeom founded the country called Joseon, and that there were Yao as a person at that time. The primary ancient is the beginning of ancient and the early of ancient era. The Middle ancient is generally classified by the time of beginning the king Wen (文王) reign of Zhou dynasty about BC 1122. This time is referred to the during the reign of King Ho (虎) of Zhou dynasty (周虎王卽位己卯) described in Samgukyusa. The record corresponding to the Late ancient is the 1908 years after the establishment of the country based on the BC 2333 in the contents of 壇君 ... 壽一千九百八歲. Therefore It's time can be seen that BC 425 years. It is 1908 years after establishment of Dangun Joseon at BC 2333 is BC 425. This time is 50 years later than BC 475 when Confucius died. This means that there were still royal Dangun Joseon during this period.

      • KCI등재후보

        다단계 작업장에서의 가공경로 선정과 투입량 결정

        이규용(Kuy-Yong Lee),서준용(Jun-Yong Seo),문치웅(Chiung Moon) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2004 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper addresses a problem of machining route selection and determination of input quantity in a multi-stage flexible flow system with non-identical parallel machines. The problem considers a subcontracting, machining restraint, and machine yield. We develop a nonlinear programing with the objective of minimizing the sum of in-house processing cost and subcontracting cost. To solve this model, we introduce a single-processor parallel genetic algorithm(SPGA) to improve a weak point for the declined robustness of simple genetic algorithm(SGA). The efficiency of the SPGA is examined in comparison with the SGA for the same problem. In result of examination the SPGA is to provide the excellent solution than the solution of the SGA.

      • KCI등재

        공정순서에 기초한 생산셀 설계를 위한 유전 알고리즘 접근

        문치웅,김재균 한국경영과학회 1998 한국경영과학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        A cell design model based on operation sequence is proposed for maximizing the total parts flow within cells considering the data of process plans for parts, production volume, and cell size. A relationship between machines is calculated on the basis of the process plans for parts obtained from process plan sheets. Then the machines are classified into machine cells using the relationship. The model is formulated as a 0-1 integer programming and a genetic algorithm approach is developed to solve the model. The developed approach is tested and proved using actual industrial data. Experimental results indicate that the approach is appropriate for large-size cell design problems efficiently.

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