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      • KCI등재

        수련의 및 전공의의 음주 행태가 문제 음주 환자의 선별 검사, 중재 및 치료에 대한 인식에 영향을 미치는가?

        전병한 ( Byung Han Jeon ),노현 ( Hyun Noh ),김찬웅 ( Chan Woong Kim ),김성은 ( Sung Eun Kim ),이상진 ( Sang Jin Lee ),이동훈 ( Dong Hoon Lee ) 대한응급의학회 2010 대한응급의학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Purpose: We investigated the relationship between the drinking behavior of primary healthcare providers (interns and residents) and their attitude toward the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) questionnaire used for problem-drinking patients in an emergency department and an outpatient clinic. Methods: Our survey was sent to interns and residents in two university hospitals. The survey inquired about (1) primary healthcare providers` AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test) score, (2) self diagnosis of their own dunking behavior, and (3) the attitude of problem drinking patients toward the SBIRT. We analyzed for correlations between drinking behavior and SBIRT scores. Results: A total of 109 interns and residents completed the survey. The component of ratio between the normal group, risky drinking group and the alcohol use disorder group of respondents was 43.1%, 40.4% and 16.5%, respectively. The proportion of risky drinking+alcohol use disorder among our subjects was higher than in the general population. Using the AUDIT scoring method dunking behavior diagnosis and self diagnosis were correlated (p<05). The ratio for the normal group that disagreed for alcohol screening test`s necessity (59.6%) was higher than for the risky drinking group (34.1%) and alcohol use disorder group (38.9%) (p=.041) and shows that doctors` own drinking behavior may affect enforcement of the dunking screening test for patients. Conclusion: Our research suggests that alcohol use among doctors affects their attitude towards the implementation of drinking screening tests (SBIRT) for patients. Also, doctors have a higher rate of problem drinking than the general population. Those doctors in the problem-dunking group are more likely to think that they do not have any problems with their own drinking behavior and they do not agree with the necessity of a drinking screening test more than brief intervention, and referral to treatment We believe that interns and residents need medical education and self-awareness training with regards to the effects of alcohol.

      • KCI등재

        자폐성 장애아동의 그림교환 의사소통 체계(PECS)에 관한 단일대상연구의 동향: 1990년~2011년

        정은혜 ( Eun Hye Eun Hye ),임경원 ( Kyoung Won Lim ),전병운 ( Byung Un Jeon ) 한국정서.행동장애아교육학회(구.한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2012 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.28 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 자폐성 장애아동의 PECS와 관련된 선행 연구 중에서 단일대상연구방법을 이용한 연구의 동향을 분석하고 향후 연구를 위한 시사를 얻는데 있다. 이를 위하여 1990년∼2011년 사이에 국내·외 학술지에 게재된 선행연구 중 선정기준에 맞는 23편의 논문을 최종 분석 대상으로 삼았다. 분석논문의 일반적 특성을 살펴보면, 연구 대상은 유아, 대상자 수는 3명, 성별은 남학생이 주류를 이루었으며, 대상자 선정기준이 제시된 논문이 많았고, 중재장소는 치료실이 많았다. 중재 방법은 PECS 훈련만을 사용한 중재가 대부분이었고, 중재 단계는 1∼3단계가 많았고, 중재 목적은 PECS 습득과 사용, 구어, 사회성, 문제 행동에 대한 연구들이었으며, PECS를 활용한 중재가 효과적임을 알 수 있었다. 질적 특성을 살펴보면, 설계방법은 중다기초선 설계가 많이 사용된 것으로 나타났다. 반복횟수, 신뢰도는 충실히 측정된 연구가 많았으나, 유지, 일반화, 중재충실도와 사회적 타당도를 측정하지 않은 논문이 많았다. 그래프는 꺽은선 그래프를 많이 사용하였다. 비중복 비율기법(PND)을 활용하여 메타분석을 실시한 결과, PECS 중재는 중간 정도의 효과가 있었으며(PND=83.9), 유지(PND=89.8), 및 일반화(PND=80.0)도 중간 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 볼 때, 향후 대상자와 설계방법의 다양화, 중재충실도, 사회적 타당도의 측정 등을 고려해야 할 것이며, PND의 약점을 보완할 수 있는 보다 다양한 계산방법을 적용해야 할 것이다. The objective of this study is the analysis of existing studies related to the PECS of children with autistic disorders using the single subject research method and drawing their implications for future studies. Among the existing studies published in the journals in Korea and overseas during the years 1990 to 2011, 23 research papers meeting the selection criteria had been taken as the final analysis objects. The general characteristics of existing papers were as following. Regarding the study objects, the main stream was the toddlers. Number of objects was mainly three persons. Gender was mainly boy students. Majority of papers stated the object selection criteria. The treatment rooms were the main intervention place. Regarding the intervention method, majority of intervention used only PECS training. Number of intervention steps was 1 step to 3 steps. Regarding the intervention objective, PECS learning & use, spoken language, sociality and problematic behavior had been studied and the intervention using PECS had been found as effective. Regarding the qualitative characteristics, multiple baseline design had been mostly used as the design method. Most studies faithfully measured the number of repetition and reliability; however, many papers did not measure the keeping, generalization, intervention fidelity and social validity. Regarding the graph type, broken-line graph was the majority. A meta-analysis had been done using the PND(percentage of non-overlapping data) method. The results were that the PECS intervention(PND=83.7) had intermediate level of effect. The keeping (PND=89.8) and generalization (PND=80.0) also had intermediate level of effect. From the perspective based on above analysis results, followings are suggested. In the future, the study objects and the design method should be more varied. The intervention fidelity and social validity should also be considered in the future studies. In addition, more diverse calculation method, which can complement the shortcomings of PND, should be applied.

      • KCI등재

        자폐성장애 학생의 쓰기중재 연구 동향

        정은혜 ( Eun Hye Jeong ),곽승철 ( Seung Chul Kwak ),전병운 ( Byung Un Jeon ) 한국정서·행동장애아교육학회(구 한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2013 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 1994년부터 2013년까지 국내·외에서 이루어진 자폐성장애 학생의 쓰기중재와 관련된 실험논문을 분석함으로써 향후 자폐성장애 학생의 쓰기 중재에 대한 연구의 방향과 시사점을 제공하는 데에 목적이 있다. 분석대상으로 선정된 논문은 국내·외 학술지 20편이었으며, 연구대상, 중재환경, 중재방법, 중재영역 측면으로 분석하였다. 이에 따른 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구 대상은 초등학생, 대상자 수는 1명, 선정기준이 제시된 연구가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 중재환경은 일반학급 이외의 조용한 학교시설이나 특수학급을 이용한 연구가 가장 많았다. 둘째, 중재영역은 글씨쓰기, 철자, 문장구성, 작문으로 구분하여 중재방법과 결과를 기술하였으며, 중재방법은 자기조절전략개발(SRSD)과 비디오모델링, 컴퓨터 공학, 이야기문법 등을 활용한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 연구동향에 대한 논의와 후속연구에 대하여 제언하였다. The purpose of this study was to provide direction and implication for studies on writing intervention for students with autistic disorder by analyzing trial studies on writing intervention for those students conducted domestically and abroad from 1994 to 2013. The selected articles for analysis were 20 domestic and abroad, and were analyzed in terms of participants, intervention setting, intervention method and domain of intervention for writing intervention. The results are as follows; First, The participants and the size were elementary student, single sample, and most studies presented selection criteria. Second, the domain of intervention were describes intervention method and results divided on spelling, writing, sentence construction and composition. Intervention methods were self regulatory strategy development(SRSD), video modeling, computer engineerings and story grammar. The study trend and recommendations for future studies are discussed based on these results.

      • KCI등재

        정서,행동장애연구 : 자폐성 장애아동의 비디오 모델링 연구 동향

        정은혜 ( Eun Hye Jeong ),임경원 ( Kyoung Won Lim ),전병운 ( Byung Un Jeon ) 한국정서·행동장애아교육학회(구 한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2012 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.28 No.4

        이 연구는 자폐성 장애아동의 비디오 모델링에 관련된 선행 연구 중에서 단일 대상연구방법을 이용한 연구의 동향을 분석함으로써, 향후 연구를 위한 방향과 시사점을 얻는데 있다. 이를 위하여 1989~2012년 사이에 국내·외 학술지에 게재된 선행연구 중 선정기준에 맞는 57편의 연구를 연구대상, 중재목적, 중재방법, 중재환경, 메타분석 측면으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 연구대상 연령은 6∼12세(초등), 대상자 수는 3명, 성별은 남학생이 많은 것으로 나타났다. 비디오 모델링 중재목적은 의사소통 기술, 사회적 기술, 문제행동감소, 학업기능 기술, 일상생활 기술에 대한 연구들이었다. 중재방법에서 설계방법은 중다기초선 설계가 많이 사용된 것으로 나타났다. 중재특성은 비디오 모델링과 기타중재를 혼합하여 적용한 것 보다 비디오 모델링만을 중재한 연구가 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 모델 유형은 타인이 등장하는 비디오 모델링이 비디오 자기 모델링보다 비교적 많이 사용되는 경향을 볼 수 있었다. 신뢰도는 충실히 측정된 연구가 많았으나, 중재충실도와 사회적 타당도를 측정하지 않은 논문이 많았다. 중재환경은 학교(유치원)가 일반적이었고, 국내의 경우치료실에서 이루어진 연구도 많은 것으로 나타났다. 비중복 비율기법(PND)을 활용하여 중재 효과성 크기 분석을 실시한 결과, 비디오 모델링 중재(PND=88.7%)는 중간 정도의 효과가 있었으며, 유지(PND=95.7%)와 일반화(PND=93.4%)는 높은 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 논의에서는 국내외를 비교하여 정리하고, 후속연구에 대한 제언을 포함하였다. This study is the analysis the trend of existing study literatures on the video modeling study of children with autistic disorders using the single subject research method and done in order to offer directions and implications for the future studies. For this, among the existing studies published in the journals in Korea and overseas during the years 1989 to 2012, 57 research papers meeting the selection criteria were analyzed from the perspectives of research subjects, intervention purpose, intervention method, the setting and meta-analysis. The analysis results suggested that study subjects ages are between 6 years old and 12 years old in elementary schools, average number of subjects is three person and there were more boy students than girl students. The purposes of video modeling intervention were improvement in communication skill, social skill, mitigation of problematic behavior, learning function skill and daily living skill. As for intervention method, multiple-baseline across subjects method was most used on study design. As for intervention characteristic, more studies intervened by only video modeling than the studies mixed video modeling and other interventions. As for model type, video modeling of self was more used than video modeling in which others appear. Most studies faithfully measured the reliability; however, many papers did not measure the intervention fidelity and social validity. As for intervention environment, schools(kindergartens) were common while therapy rooms were also used in domestic studies. The intervention effectiveness magnitude analysis was done by PND(percentage of non-overlapping data) method. The results suggested that video modeling interventions(PND=88.7%) had intermediate level of effect while keeping(PND=95.7%) and generalization(PND=93.4%) had high level of effect. Based on such results, researches from Korea and overseas were compared and summarized in discussion and included suggestions for future studies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        특수교육 요구아동의 총체적 언어교육 연구방법 분석

        이옥인 ( Ok In Lee ),전병운 ( Byung Un Jeon ),백은희 ( Eun Hee Paik ) 한국특수아동학회 2006 특수아동교육연구 Vol.8 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to understand recent trends and identify future tasks by selecting researches and studies on whole language instruction among domestic papers and academic journal articles written between 1996 and 2006 concerning children with special needs and analyzing them by participant, instruction method, research area and intervention. The results of the analysis of 32 selected papers showed that most of participants were students with learning disabilities or mental retardations and that standardized instruction method ranked first with 61.1% as instruction method. Most common research area was reading, which was followed by papers that proved learning ability improvement in the combined area (of speaking, hearing, reading and writing). According to the result of whole language instruction analysis by intervention variance, organization of practical and meaningful activities centered around subjects the children are familiar with and combination of speaking, listening, reading and writing were the common variances of whole language instruction. As for the research design, 50% of the papers compared the percentile scores acquired before and after whole language instruction.

      • 아로마 화장품의 생리,심리적 효과

        강인형 ( In Hyeng Kang ),민병찬 ( Byung Chan Min ),전효정 ( Hyo Jeong Jeon ),전병배 ( Byeong Bae Jeon ),정세진 ( Se Jin Jeong ),성은정 ( Eun Jung Seng ),김철중 ( Chul Jung Kim ) 한국감성과학회 2002 춘계학술대회 Vol.2002 No.-

        본 연구에서는 아로마 화장품의 생리ㆍ심리적 효과를 살펴보았다. 20-30대 건강한 성인 여자를 상으로 스트레스 부하 후 아로마 화장품 사용과 무사용의 두 조건에서 중추 신경계의 뇌파(EEG) 중 Alpha파의 주파수 변동리듬(l/f), 자율신경계(ECG, SKT, GSR) 및 주관적 기분감 평가(POMS) 를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 우전두부의 U파 변동리듬계수의 크기와 변동리듬 경사도를 이용한 쾌적도는 무사용에 비해 아로마 화장품 사용에서 시간이 경과됨에 따라 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). SKT에서는 조건간 유의차는 나타나지 않았으나 GSR에서는 무사용에 비해 아로마 화장풍 사용 후 유의하게 감소하였다(p<0.1). 주관적 기분감 평가(POMS)에서는 무사용에 비해 아로마 화장품 사용 후 성냄, 혼란 항목의 득점이 유의하게 감소하였다(p<0.1). 이상의 결과로부터 스트레스 부하 후 사용한 아로마 화장품의 스트레스 해소 경향 즉 Relax, 진정 효과가 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        유아특수교육 기관의 개별화교육프로그램 운영실태 및 개선 방안

        조광순,전병,박혜준,홍은숙 국립특수교육원 2005 특수교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구에서는 유아특수교육교사 8명과의 심층면담과 30개의 IEP 문서 분석을 통해, 특수교육진흥법 상의 규정과 유아특수교육 추천 실제에 따른 IEP의 질적 수준을 알아보았다. 연구결과 특수학급 교사의 경우 유치원 교육과정과의 연계가 부족한 IEP를 작성하여 운영하고 있으며, 개별화교육운영위원회는 실질적으로 소집되지 못하고 있고, IEP의과정에 보호자의 참여 정도는 미미한 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 IEP 내용은 유아의 현 수행수준에 근거한 장 · 단기 목표의 기술을 제외하고는 상당히 형식적이고 제한적이어서 IEP 운영에 도움을 주지 못하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 특수교육진흥법 상에 규정되어 있지는 않지만 실제 현장에서는 가족지원이 다양한 방식으로 이루어지고 있으며, 다학문적 팀의 구성과 구성원들 간의 협력은 교사에 따라, 또는 기관에 따라 큰 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 일반 유치원 프로그램의 일일 계획안과 IEP와의 연계, 발달적 교육과정과 유치원 교육과정과의 연계, 목표의 수정, 개별화교육운영위원회의 협력적 참여, 객관성 있는 수행 평가 면에서 유아특수교육교사들은 어려움을 나타내 보였으며, IEP 작성과 운영에 따른 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 표준화된 IEP 양식 또는 구조화된 IEP와 평가준거의 예가 제시된 IEP 모델이 필요한 것으로 교사들은 제안하고 있다. Various research has identified a number of problems with individualized education program (IEP) development and implementation among schools, including a lack of adequate teacher training, poorly developed team processes, minimal coordination with general education, and failure to develop measurable goals and objectives to evaluate child achievements. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality levels of IEPs implemented in early childhood special education (ECSE) settings based on recommended ECSE practices and requirements of the Korean Special Education Enhancement Act. Through an in-depth focus group interview with eight ECSE teachers from eight different programs and an analysis of 30 IEPs, the study investigated: 1) how regulations on IEP development and implementation of the Special Education Enhancement Act, specifically regulations on IEP team organization and implementation, parent participation, and IEP contents, are interpreted in ECSE programs; 2) how ECSE program professionals collaborate with families and how family supports are provided; 3) how a multidisciplinary approach is put into practice and effective levels of collaboration among IEP team members; 4) ECSE teacher suggestions for solving problems with IEP development and implementation, and for improving practices. The results indicate that special education classroom teachers of regular kindergarten programs develop and implement IEPs that are irrelevant to their curricular. IEP procedural deficits were found in the area of team process. It was found that the ECSE programs lack a multidisciplinary team approach when developing and implementing IEPs. Overall, parental participation was not ensured even though regulations require IEP teams to include parental requests in IEPs and implement their signed IEPs. Key personnel such as regular early childhood education teachers and therapists were found to be absent from IEP meetings. However, differences were found among the programs in the team process. Programs specialized only for young children with disabilities demonstrated higher levels of team approaches than those of ECSE programs in special schools and regular kindergartens. In this study, limited content of IEPs were found to be developed for young children with disabilities. IEP goals and objectives analyzed in this study were shown to be generally adequate, showing that children's levels of performance information and annual goals were congruent and that measurable goals and objectives were developed. During the in-depth interview, it was learned that ECSE teachers provide support to children and families, coordinating services in the community for children with disabilities. The results of this study also show that ECSE teachers in regular kindergarten programs have difficulties in linking IEP goals with their daily instructional plans as well as linking their general curriculum with developmental goals for young children with disabilities. Overall, teachers in this study demonstrated difficulties with modification of IEP goals, facilitating collaborative IEP team participation, and objective monitoring of IEP goals. They suggest that standards for IEP and structured IEP forms be developed. They also suggest that model IEPs be introduced by school districts. The findings of this study suggest that: 1) specific IEP procedures need to be mandated through special education laws and regulations in order to facilitate and monitor team approaches when developing and implementing IEPs in ECSE settings; 2) a coordinated service system is needed to provide comprehensive services to young children with special needs and their families; 3) there is an urgent need for comprehensive curriculum-based assessment tools that reflect various developmental aspects as well as diverse special needs and suggest assessment guidelines; 4) it is important to provide strong pre-service teacher education programs as well as in-service work shops for teachers in order to develope skills in developing meaningful IEP goals and objectives linked to curriculum and daily classroom routines; and 5) IEP model development research should be facilitated.

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