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        지구 온난화 완화를 위한 행동에 대한 한국과 싱가포르 학생들의 신념과 행동 의지

        윤혜경 ( Hye Gyoung Yoon ),김미정 ( Mi Jung Kim,Boyes Eddie,Stanisstreet Martin,Skamp Keith ) 한국과학교육학회 2011 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구의 주요 내용은 한국과 싱가포르의 초, 중, 고 학생들이 지구 온난화 완화를 위한 행동들에 대해 어느 정도의 신념과 행동 의지를 가지고 있으며 그 둘 사이의 일관성 정도는 어떠한지 조사하는 것이다. 또한 신념과 행동 의지 사이의 회귀 분석을 통해 교육에 의해 행동 의지를 개선할 수 있는 가능성이 높은 행동이 무엇인지에 대해 시사점을 얻고자 하였다. Boyes et al.(2009)에 의해 개발된 설문을 이용하여 지구 온난화의 완화를 위한 행동 16가지에 대한 학생들의 신념과 행동 의지를 5단계 척도의 문항을 통해 조사하였다. 설문 대상은 한국과 싱가포르 6, 7, 8, 9, 10학년학생 2,389명이다(한국 1,446명, 싱가포르 943명). 연구 결과 행동 의지 면에서는 한국과 싱가포르에서 공통적으로``가정에서 전기를 절약하는 것``에 대한 행동 의지가 가장 높은 반면``원자력 발전에 의한 전기 사용``에 대한 행동 의지가 가장 낮았다. 또한 가정에서 혹은 사회적으로 공동으로 실천할 수 있는 행동에 대한 행동 의지가 다른 기타의 항목들에 비해 상대적으로 높은 경향이 있었다. 신념 면에서는 개인 승용차 보다는 대중 교통을 이용하는 것, 나무를 많이 심는 것, 재활용을 늘이는 것 등 이산화탄소의 배출을 줄이는 대표적인 행동은 지구 온난화 완화를 위한 행동으로 양국에서 모두 널리 인식되고 있었으나 육식을 줄이는 것(즉 메탄의 발생을 줄이는 것)이 지구온난화 완화를 위한 행동이라는 것은 양국 모두에서 가장 낮게 인식되었다. 전반적으로 싱가포르 학생들이 지구 온난화 완화를 위한 행동들에 대한 행동 의지가 한국보다 높았으며 보다 많은 항목들에 대해 높은 수준의 신념을 나타냈다. 신념과 행동 의지 사이의 일관성을 살펴보면 신념이 행동 의지보다 높은 문항이 많았는데 대표적인 것으로 한국의 경우``교통 수단 이용과 관련된 것``,`` 발전 방식과 관련된 것``이 차이가 많이 났으며 싱가포르의 경우``발전 방식과 관련된 것``에서만 차이가 많았다. 이들 내용에 대해서는 강한 신념을 보인 학생 수가 강한 행동 의지를 보인 학생 수보다 전체의 30% 이상 많았다. 개인별로 신념과 행동 의지 사이의 일관성 정도를 살펴보기 위해 행동 의지 점수에서 신념의 점수를 뺀 값으로 개인의 반응 지수를 구하여 분석한 결과 한국이 -0.14, 싱가포르가 -0.05의 값을 나타냈다. (-)값은 신념에 비해 행동 의지가 낮은 것을 것을 나타내며 싱가포르의 반응 지수가 한국에 비해 유의미하게 높았다. 즉 싱가포르 학생들이 신념과 행동의지가 좀 더 일관적이었다. 신념과 행동 의지 사이의 회귀 계수와 현재 낮은 행동 의지를 보인 학생 수를 고려해 볼 때 양국 모두에서 환경 교육에서 고려해야 할 이슈는 ``원자력 발전에 의한 전기 사용``이었다. 이상과 같은 결과를 종합해 보면 지구 온난화 완화에 대한 행동 의지, 신념, 그리고 그 둘 사이의 연관성 정도는 특정 행동에 따라 그리고 국가에 따라 다른 양상으로 나타나지만 양국 사이에 많은 공통점이 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 전반적으로 볼 때 싱가포르 학생들이 지구 온난화에 대한 행동 의지와 신념이 높았고 이 둘 사이의 일관성도 좀 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to look into students` understandings of environmental issues, especially issues on global warming in South Korea and Singapore. We surveyed students (n=2,389, from 6 to 10 years) from 12 schools in South Korea and 5 schools in Singapore on how useful students believe various actions might be in reducing global warming, and their willingness to undertake such actions. We employed questionnaires developed by Boyes, Skamp, & Stanisstreet (2009), which consists of 44 questions on 16 pro-environmental actions. We analyzed the degree of students` beliefs, willingness to act, and the relationship between the believed usefulness of action and willingness to act. Differences between the two countries were determined by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) using the ordinal data and the potential effectiveness of education was explored by plotting the measures of the degree of willingness to act for a particular action against the value of the believed usefulness of action and fitting the regression line. The degree of willingness to act and their beliefs in the usefulness of action was different from question to question between the two countries, however, the overall relationship between willingness to take action and beliefs in the action has shown to be stronger among Singaporean students than those of South Korean students. Based on the findings, we attempted to discuss about how environmental education needs to take into account the complexity of beliefs, willingness to act, and action taking.

      • FDI and the Evolution of Directed Technological Progress Bias: New Evidence from Korean Outward Investment

        Boye Li,Xiang Li,Yaokun Wu 한국무역학회 2023 Journal of Korea trade Vol.27 No.5

        Purpose – Southeast Asia has been the focus of Korea's foreign investment. Korea has been helping developing countries in Southeast Asia achieve economic growth and win‒win cooperation through capital exports. FDI is an important channel for technology diffusion. However, the impact of FDI on the bias of technological progress in the host country is dependent on the host country's own endowment structure and capital–labor factor substitution elasticity. Therefore, the central issue of this paper is to accurately evaluate the impact of Korea's FDI to the four Southeast Asian countries in various industries on their bias of technological progress. Design/methodology – The paper uses macroeconomic data for Korea and four East Asian countries to estimate capital–labor factor elasticities of substitution using nonlinear, seemingly uncorrelated regressions (NLSUR). Then, the biased technological change index (BTCI) is calculated for each country. Finally, panel data analysis is used to explore the impact of Korean FDI in various industries in the four Southeast Asian countries on their own directed technological progress, and a robustness test is conducted. Findings – There is a substitution relationship between capital and labor factors based on their elasticity in Korea, Singapore and the Philippines. There is a complementary relationship between capital and labor factors in Indonesia and Malaysia. According to the BTCI, there is a trend toward labor-biased technological progress in all countries. Korean investments in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade in the host country trigger capital-biased technological change in the host country; investments in the finance, insurance and information and communication sectors trigger labor- biased technological change. In addition, this paper also confirms that directed technological progress can enable cross-country transmission. Originality/value – The innovation of this paper lies in three aspects. First, we estimate the BTCI for five countries and explore the trend and situation of directed technological progress in each country from each country's own perspective. Second, we explore the impact of Korean FDI in the host country on the bias to its technological progress at the industry level. Second, we explore the impact of Korean FDI in various industries in the four Southeast Asian countries on the four countries' own directed technological progress from a national perspective. Finally, we propose corresponding countermea- sures for technological progress from the perspective of inverse factor endowment. These innovative points not only expand the understanding of technological progress and cross-country technology transfer in East Asia but also provide practical references for policy-makers and business operators.

      • Antimalarial actin of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta extract

        BOYE, G.L. 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1989 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1989 No.3

        In an open, randomized, comparative trial of Cryptolepis extract and chloroquine, at the Clinic of the Centre for Scientific Research Into Plant Medicine(CSRPM) at Mampong-Akwapim parasite density counts expressed arithmetically, logarithmically and by Bruce-Chwatts' density index of 2 groups of 12 patients were followed up for 7 days an in the 7-day in vivo test. Both groups of patients showed rapid clinical response with steady improvement in symptoms notably headaches, fever and bodily pains. The parasite clearance time in the Crytolepis extract group was 3.3 days compared to 2.7 days for patients in the chloroquine group. Asexual parasitaemia was cleared in both groups within 7 days and both medicines were well tolerated with fewer side effects in those receiving the Cryptolepis extract.

      • KCI등재

        An Interpretable Bearing Fault Diagnosis Model Based on Hierarchical Belief Rule Base

        Boying Zhao,Yuanyuan Qu,Mengliang Mu,Bing Xu,Wei He 한국인터넷정보학회 2024 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.18 No.5

        Bearings are one of the main components of mechanical equipment and one of the primary components prone to faults. Therefore, conducting fault diagnosis on bearings is a key issue in mechanical equipment research. Belief rule base (BRB) is essentially an expert system that effectively integrates qualitative and quantitative information, demonstrating excellent performance in fault diagnosis. However, class imbalance often occurs in the diagnosis task, which poses challenges to the diagnosis. Models with interpretability can enhance decision-makers’ trust in the output results. However, the randomness in the optimization process can undermine interpretability, thereby reducing the level of trustworthiness in the results. Therefore, a hierarchical BRB model based on extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) feature selection with interpretability (HFS-IBRB) is proposed in this paper. Utilizing a main BRB alongside multiple sub-BRBs allows for the conversion of a multi-classification challenge into several distinct binary classification tasks, thereby leading to enhanced accuracy. By incorporating interpretability constraints into the model, interpretability is effectively ensured. Finally, the case study of the actual dataset of bearing fault diagnosis demonstrates the ability of the HFS-IBRB model to perform accurate and interpretable diagnosis.

      • KCI등재

        区域经济发展差异对区域经济发展的影响 -基于工业化的动态面板门槛模型实证研究-

        李勃晔 ( Boye Li ),金相郁 ( Sangwook Kim ) 한중사회과학학회 2020 한중사회과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        工业化促进了区域经济的发展的同时, 也造成了区域间经济发展差异的加大。前人研究中要么多注重于区域间经济发展差异与区域经济增长的影响, 又或是工业化水平对于区域间经济发展差异的研究, 或者是工业化水平对于区域经济增长的研究。很少有学者将此三者相互结合进行研究。 那么工业化发展到什么程度时, 区域经济发展差异与区域经济发展会产生什么样的影响呢? 这则是一个待以研究的问题。所以本文将以工业化为线索, 来探讨区域经济发展差异与区域经济发展间的影响。本文选取了1998-2017年间中国31个省级单位的面板数据, 首先, 先对区域经济发展差异对区域经济发展间的关系进行了研究, 因为区域经济发展具有内生性, 本文使用了SYS-GMM估计方法进行研究, 该研究方法选取人均GDP为因变量, 变异系数, 工业化水平以及人均资本为自变量, 模型验证了三个方面: 首先, 中国区域经济增长与区域经济发展差异存在倒U型关系。其次, 区域经济发展差异的增长, 可以促进中国区域经济的发展。最后, 工业化水平的提升也会促进区域经济的发展。之后以工业化为主要线索, 将其定义为门槛变量, 使用包含内生性的动态门槛模型进行研究。发现了区域经济的发展存在基于工业化的门槛, 各区域的工业化门槛值及区域经济发展差异系数均围绕全国水平上下波动, 对比地区间的门槛值, 全国, 东部地区, 中部地区, 西部地区的工业化门槛值为正, 东北部地区的门槛值为负。对比门槛前后的区域经济发展差异系数则发现, 根据地区的不同, 区域经济发展差异对区域经济发展产生了促进或抑制的影响。 While industrialization has promoted the development of regional economy, it has also caused an increase in the gap in economic development between regions. Previous studies either focused more on the impact of differences in regional economic development and regional economic development, or the level of industrialization on the differences in regional economic development, or the level of industrialization on regional economic development. Few scholars combine these three to study. So, what kind of impact will the difference in regional economic development and regional economic development have when the degree of industrialization develops? This is a question to be studied. Therefore, this article will use industrialization as a clue to discuss the impact of regional economic development differences and regional economic development. This paper selects the panel data of 31 provincial units in China from 1998 to 2017. First, the difference of regional economy development studied the relationship between regional economic development, due to the region economy development is endogenous, this paper uses the SYS-GMM estimation method for research. The research method selects per capita GDP as the dependent variable, coefficient of variation, industrialization level and per capita capital as independent variables. The model verifies three aspects: First, China’s regional economic development and regional development disparity has an inverted U-shaped relationship. Secondly, the development of regional economic development disparity can promote China’s regional economic development. Finally, the increase in the level of industrialization will also promote the development of the regional economy. After that, industrialization was taken as the main clue, and it was defined as a threshold variable, and the dynamic threshold model including endogeneity was used for research. It is found that the development of regional economy has a threshold based on industrialization. The industrialization threshold value of each region and the regional economic development difference coefficient fluctuate around the national level. Compare the threshold value between regions, the industrialization of the whole country, eastern region, central region, and western region. The threshold value is positive, and the threshold value in the northeast is negative. Comparing the coefficients of regional economic development disparity before and after the threshold, it is found that depending on the region, the regional economic development disparity has promoted or inhibited regional economic development.

      • KCI등재후보

        염증성 통증자극이 흰쥐 척수신경절내 Zinc의 분포에 미치는 영향

        이보예(Boye Lee),전 교(Gyo Jun),김이석(Yi Suk Kim),이법이(Beobyi Lee),이영일(Young Il Lee),김대중(Dae Joong Kim),조승묵(Seung Mook Jo) 대한해부학회 2005 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.38 No.6

        본 연구는 흰쥐 발바닥에 Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA)를 투여하는 염증모델에서 통증반응과 척수신경절내 zinc (Zn2±) 변화의 연관성을 autometallography (AMG) 조직화학법으로 확인하였다. 행동검사에서 CFA투여 후 1일에 이미 통증반응의 역치가 유의한 수준으로 감소되었으며, 3일 및 1주에 걸쳐 가장 예민한 통증반응을 보였으며, 이러한 경향은 3주까지 지속되었다. 대조군의 AMG 염색표본에서는 소수의 작은신경절세포에서 미약한 양성반응이 관찰되었으며, 큰신경절세포의 경우 AMG 염색에 양성반응을 보인 세포가 전혀 관찰되지 않았다. 척수신경절내 Zn2±변화를 보면 실험 1일군 이후에는 대부분의 작은신경절세포들이 강한 염색반응을 보였으며, 3일과 7일군에서 그 수가 최대였으며, 3주군에서는 오히려 그 수가 감소하였다. 반면 실험 3일군 이후에 큰 신경절세포가 AMG에 양성반응을 띠었으며, 척수신경절세포를 둘러싸는 위성세포에서도 AMG 염색성이 관찰되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 염증성 통증의 발달, 유지, 회복 등 복잡한 병리기전에 Zn2±가 관여되어 있음을 시사한다. This study was designed to investigate any correlation between the mechanism of pain development and changes of histochemically reactive zinc contents in the rat spinal ganglion following complete Freund’s Adjuvant(CFA) injection, as an inflammatory pain model. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (270~290 g) were used for this study. Surgeries were done under anesthesia using pentobarbital (30 mg/kg). we injected 200 μL of CFA subcutaneously in the dorsal aspect of one hind paw using a 30-gauge needle and an 1 mL syringe. Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments was used to test for mechanical hyperalgesia. Finally, zinc selenite autometallography (AMG) was done by Danscher’s method. The rat suffered from severe painful swelling of the hindpaw 1 day after a CFA inoculation. Changes in pain threshold were significantly changed on 1 day, and lasted during experiment period of 3 weeks after the CFA inoculation. In control group, ganglion cells vary in size from 15 to 100 μm. The smaller neurons are strongly stained with AMG, whereas the larger cells are not almostly stained. Each large ganglion cell is surrounded by perineuronal satellite cells, showing apparent AMG stainity. In experiment group, AMG-positive small ganglion cells increased on 1 day after CFA inoculation, and showed a peak in cell number at 3days group, and decreased gradually after 7 days. We found a small number of large-sized ganglion cells with AMG stainity 7 days and 3 weeks after CFA inoculation. Our results indicate that zinc may be involved in pain mechanism in the spinal ganglion level.

      • KCI등재

        관찰형 리얼리티 TV 프로그램이 재현하는 리얼리티 특성에 관한 연구 -중국 호남TV의 〈동경하는 생활〉(《向往的生活》)을 중심으로

        우박영(Yu, Boying),류웅재(Ryoo, Woongjae) 동국대학교 영상문화콘텐츠연구원 2019 영상문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.18 No.-

        2017년 이후 중국에서는 관찰형 리얼리티 프로그램들이 일상생활에 대한 사실적인 기록을 표방하면서 큰 인기를 끌었다. 이러한 인기가 단순히 관찰형 리얼리티 프로그램이라는 사실에서 연유하는지 분명치 않지만, 이는 현재 중국 내 일련의 사회적 문제나 모순을 일정 정도 반영하고 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 문제 의식을 토대로 이를 효과적으로 논의하기 위해 중국의 대표적 관찰형 리얼리티 프로그램인 〈동경하는 생활〉을 분석의 대상으로 삼아 프로그램이 표방하는 리얼리티에 주목했다. 내용분석과 캐릭터 분석, 그리고 심층인터뷰를 실시한 결과, 〈동경하는 생활〉은 시골 마을 가정집 생활에 관한 이야기, 다양한 인간관계로 구축된 등장인물, 따스한 집밥, 관찰카메라 등 사적인 장치의 구축과 활용으로 리얼리티를 재현했다. 시청자들은 프로그램을 일종의 오락물로 보고 있으며 프로그램이 보여주는 리얼리티에 대해 전반적으로 불신하고 있었지만 또 다른 차원에서 프로그램을 수용 및 전유하고 있었다. 이 프로그램의 인기는 급속한 경제발전과 도시화 등으로 인해 삶의 질이 저하되고 상시적 경쟁과 스트레스에 노출된 중국인들에게 사회적이며 심리적 위안과 인간관계의 복원이 필요한 지점, 변화하는 기술과 미디어 환경 변화에 따른 사적 영역의 변화 등의 문제를 반영하고 있다. Since 2017, the reality program in China made a breakthrough. The observational reality programs in particular, expressing the record of everyday life, attracted a lot of audience. But it is unclear if a huge popularity simply stemmed from the fact that it is an observational reality program. In fact, most successful television programs originate from a series of social problems or discrepancies. Therefore, the high popularity of observational reality programs in China can be seen as reflecting Chinese social problems or contradictions. In order to discuss those issues effectively, we analyzed Chinese representative observational reality program Back to Field, and paid attention to the ‘reality’ that the program has emphasized. We found that the program reproduced the reality by portraying the pastoral private life, such as the story about the life in rural village, characters built in various relationships, warm house meals etc. The audiences have a distrust of the reality that the program reproduces, however, it seems that they can feel the reality on a different level. In this regard, Back to Field reflects the reality of Chinese society that needs healing, or requires to restore human relations, and the problem of distortion of the private sphere.

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