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        이창래의 『제스처 라이프』: 재현된 기억의 물질성

        차민영 ( Minyoung Cha ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2015 현대영어영문학 Vol.59 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze philosophic concerns about ontological issues of human existence in Chang-rae Lee`s A Gesture Life. Hata denies the fact that his past experiences directly affect his current consciousness, beyond contiguous space and time, because he believes that the perception of memory can be controlled and not influence his present state of mind as it is an ideological construct. Hata`s attitude to life rejects Henry Bergson`s idea of the continuity of time. According to him, the consciousness in the present time is closely connected with the past or even the future, and the dynamic present is the most fundamental factor for the orderliness apparent in the universe. The essence of the self-awareness is preserved in the unconsciousness called “memoire pure” and reflected or reproduced in the present through images and memories. Regarding memory, Bergson clarifies “souvenir” is fragmentary memory in everyday life and “memoire” is the total aggregation of memory. In A Gesture Life, the author describes Hata who strives to rid himself of past memories and forces himself to live a “gesture life.” His unconventional belief that he can adopt or reject past memories leads his entire life to consist of fragmented and discontinued souvenirs and ultimately he fails to establish a complete memoire. The narrative takes a variety of images or things materialized from the past and demands Hata perceive those materialized images and reconstruct memory while dealing with several flashbacks. (Dankook University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제인 정 트렌카의 『피의 언어』 : 초국가 입양인의 의식에 대한 정신분석학적 탐색

        차민영(Cha, Minyoung) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2019 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.38 No.4

        이 연구의 목적은 제인 정 트렌카(Jane Jeong Trenka)의 『피의 언어』(The Language of Blood)에 등장하는 초국가 입양인 자매의 의식의 양상을 대상관계 이론으로 비교 분석해 생부모와의 애착 관계가 입양인의 성장 과정과 정체성 형성에 끼치는 영향을 살펴보는 데 있다. 대상관계 이론가들은 영유아기의 아이와 어머니의 애착 관계가 인간의 생애 전반에 영향을 끼치며, 어린 시절의 경험과 환경에 대한 기억이 정신발달 과정에 깊이 관여한다고 주장한다. 캐롤은 모성 박탈과 상실의 외상이 구체적으로 각인되어 있으며 입양 전 불우한 가정사의 기억으로 생모와 모국에 대한 환상 대신 철저하게 미국인이 되고자 하는 노력, 즉 적극적인 동화를 통해 중산층 미국인이 된다. 제인 역시 생모와의 애착 관계가 절대적으로 부족했기 때문에 무의식중에 내재화된 모성 결핍 문제가 있으며, 이를 양부모에게서 복구할 수 없게 되자 생모와 출생국에 대한 환상과 내적 갈등이 커지면서 결국 정신질환을 겪는다. 제인은 결국 생모와 재회하고 고통의 상흔을 치유하게 되며 입양인이 아닌 자신의 삶을 살기로 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aspect of consciousness of transnational adoptee sisters in Jane Jeong Trenka s The Language of Blood with object relations theory. Especially, it is about how attachment with their birth parents affects the process and identity formation. Object relations theorists argue that attachments between infants and mothers have an important effect on human life, and that childhood experiences and environment are deeply involved in mental development. Carol specifically imprints the trauma of maternity loss, and has no illusion of birth mother and motherland due to the memory of the poor economic condition and birth father’s violence. And now, she is a middle class American through an active assimilation. Jane also has a problem of her maternity privation in her unconsciousness because she had an absolute lack of attachment to her birth mother. As she realizes that the birth mother’s maternity cannot be replaced with her adoptive mother, she suffers from mental illness as her fantasy and internal conflicts about the maternity. Jane eventually reunites with her birth mother. She forgives and mourns her birth mother, and heals the painful trauma and decides to live her own life, not as an adoptee’s.

      • KCI등재

        영어 교육에서의 세계시민성을 위한 미디어 콘텐츠 연구: 다큐멘터리 나란히

        차민영(Minyoung Cha) 영상영어교육학회 2023 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of the documentary, Side by Side: Out of a South Korean Orphanage and into the World (Glenn & Julie, 2018), as a form of media content for global citizenship education, and to examine the validity of its utilization. This documentary proposes an improved awareness of transnational adoption and a new awareness of the issue through creative directing and innovative screening methods. Utilizing media contents such as documentaries, students objectify social issues and materialize the recognition of problems and their solutions independently. This can be used as an effective approach to improve global citizenship in English education targeting the MZ generation who are actively open to media and digital environments. Above all, watching Side by Side: Out of a South Korean Orphanage and into the World and discussing the adoption discourse will be an opportunity for students to develop their multicultural sensitivity and learn the virtues of being human. Furthermore, it will find whether this documentary is appropriate for practicing the core areas of global citizenship and global citizenship education presented by UNESCO (2015) and could be considered a basic study for future English class design and learning outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        엘리자베스 김의 『만 가지 슬픔』에 나타난 모성의 양상

        차민영(Minyoung Cha) 한국동서비교문학학회 2016 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.38

        This paper focuses on the aspects of motherhood and its meaning represented in Elizabeth Kim’s Ten Thousand Sorrows. In order to articulate the relationship between mother and daughter, object relations theory is applied for the theoretical perspective of this paper. The novel confesses a hybrid woman adoptee’s hardship and tragedy in life and also stipulates human beings’ groundless prejudice and arrogance, violent instinct, and also wicked acts of society and religion. Elizabeth suffers from a serious sense of guilty on her mother’s death, and the memory in Korea still captures Elizabeth’s entire life and affects the relations to all objects around her. Furthermore, Elizabeth’s mourning her mother’s death eventually projects the whole world including people, objects and places. On the other hand, in spite of her mother’s legacy with sincere motherhood, the reason why Elizabeth still has troubles with people and with even her daughter is that she was too young to accept her mother’s death and she was also thoroughly isolated, ignored and pressured physically and psychologically by her adoptive parents and their religious principles. Those situations put her into the self-disillusionment and desire of suicide. However, the power of motherhood and her responsibility for her daughter grasped Elizabeth and the strong tie between them healed Elizabeth’s sorrows and let her continue to go forward with her daughter and the memory of her mother.

      • KCI등재

        교양영어수업에서 챗GPT를 적용한 수업활동 사례연구

        차민영(Minyoung Cha),임희주(Heejoo Im) 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.12

        본 연구의 목적은 교양영어수업에서 챗GPT를 활용한 수업활동을 통해서 학생들의 만족도와 학습 이해도를 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 충청남도 소재 대학에 재학 중인 100명은 챗GPT를 활용한과업에 참여하였고 온라인설문을 실시하였다. 챗GPT를 활용한 과업은 총 6단계로, 챗GPT에 로그인을하여 본인의 관심주제에 대한 읽기자료를 요청하여 학습한 후, 챗GPT로부터 읽기자료에 대한 문제를제공받아 풀고 자가활동학습지를 작성하는 순서로 진행되었다. 본 연구의 결과로 챗GPT활용 과업에 대한 학생들의 만족도는 대체적으로 긍정적이었으며 학습 이해도에 대한 응답도 전반적으로 높게 나타났다. 챗GPT 활용이 학습 효과면에서 관심분야의 단어나 표현 그리고 정보를 습득 할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 전체적인 문해력을 향상시키는데 도움을 주었다고 언급했다. 또한 학습방법으로 어휘학습이나 수준높은 영어 읽기자료에 대한 학습이 가능하고 다양하게 챗GPT를 활용할 수 있었다고 했다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 학습 도구로써 챗GPT의 활용을 위해서는 우선 챗GPT와 같은 생성형 AI의 장단점을 이해하고 다양한 학습법을 개발하여 학생들의 자기주도적 학습능력을 신장시킬 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the students’ satisfaction and learning comprehension through the class activities using chatGPT in general English classes. To that end, tasks using chatGPT and online survey were conducted on 100 students enrolled in an university in Chungcheong-namdo. Tasks using chatGPT includes 6 steps: log in to chatGPT, request reading materials on a topic, receive and solve problems related to reading materials, and self-study worksheet. As a result of this study, students’ satisfaction showed positive result on tasks using chatGPT and learning comprehension. Using chatGPT helped students acquire words, expressions, and information, and improve overall literacy skills. In addition, it is possible to learn vocabulary or high-level English reading materials, and chatGPT could be used in various ways. Based on the result, to use chatGPT as a learning tool educators or teachers should understand the pros and cons of generative AI such as chatGPT and develop teaching methods to enhance students’ autonomous learning ability.

      • KCI등재

        이창래의 『원어민』에 나타난 다문화주의의 한계

        차민영 ( Cha Minyoung ) 대한영어영문학회 2012 영어영문학연구 Vol.38 No.3

        This paper aims to note the limits of the American multiculturalism and the ethnocultural conflicts of Korean American immigrants who struggle with confused identities in Chang-rae Lee's Native Speaker. Multiculturalism is a significant critical concept as it encompasses the diversity and hybridity of ethnic groups and their culture without any bias in order to establish an entirely integrated national community. In Native Speaker, however, the issues of multiculturalim as to “language right” or “political representation” are problematic since those issues tend to force the ethnic group or immigrant community to assimilate into the rules of majority or remain silent in order not to be excluded. Despite their social integration models, the reality is that the collision and the conflict among multiple ethnic groups in many different parts of the country remain because the nation does not consider sharing “a cultural membership”, Native Speaker addresses the cultural issues related to the lack of cultural membership among the characters but simultaneously suggests the adjustment of their emotional confrontation in an attempt to compromise each other to produce the ideal multicultural society. Hence, multicultural reading of Native Speaker would urge the world to realize that a flexible perspective of others' cultures will provide membership in the world just like national citizenship. (Dankook University)

      • KCI등재

        English Translation Service for Immigrant Youth’s Korean Language Maintenance in a Korean Ethnic Religious Community Institution

        박성만(Seong Man Park),차민영(Minyoung Cha) 한국영어어문교육학회 2016 영어어문교육 Vol.22 No.2

        This paper explores the Korean ethnic church members’ attitudes toward the English translation service of the Sunday worship service for Korean immigrant youth in Montreal. This study also investigates the relationship between the adoption of the translation service and the Korean language and culture maintenance. The study involved qualitative interviews, a questionnaire, on-site document analysis, and participant observation. The participants (n=21 in total) were Korean immigrant students between the ages of 13 and 19, who attend a Korean ethnic church in Montreal (n=8), Korean immigrant adult church members (n=10), pastors of the church (n=2), and a translator of the service (n=1). This study confirms Korean ethnic church members’ positive attitudes towards the English translation service for keeping the Korean immigrant youth within the church. In addition, the study shows that the adoption of the translation service helps the Korean immigrant youth maintain the Korean language and cultural identity. Thus, this study suggests that the translation service should be a strategic choice for Korean ethnic churches to keep Korean immigrant youth without the sacrifice of the Korean language as their heritage language. Some implications for immigrant youth’s Korean language maintenance as a heritage language in Canada are briefly touched on.

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