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      • KCI등재

        종전/해방 직후 남한 담론 공간과 미국의 인종적 국가·사회상

        임종명 역사학연구소 2019 역사연구 Vol.- No.37

        In post-colonial South Korean discursive space, the representations of the United States of America(America hereafter) kept competed with those of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In the competitions, America was represented and imagined by the records of South Korean ruling elites’ travels in America as the most civilized country and at the same time as the space and time of global universality. The universalistic representations were challenged by the race-oriented representations which were made by contemporary newspaper accounts, magazine articles, the anthology of African American literature, and the report of South Korean elites’ travels in America. They represented to their readers the racial discrimination in American politics and society, constructing the images of America as a country in which African Americans got racially segregated and discriminated by Caucasian people, so that the country kept demarcated along the internal border line of the racial color, torn by the racial struggles between African Americans and Caucasian ones hostile to each other. The imaginations of America as a country of racial strifes threatened America which tried to build its hegemony in the post-colonial South Korea in the Cold-War era by appealing to the universalistic ideas such as democracy. At the same time, the imaginations caused among South Koreans the doubt of the sincerity of American ideas, which could invalidate the efforts made by the ruling elites who tried to locate post-colonial South Korea in post-War American bloc. 종전/해방 직후 남한 담한 공간에서 미국은 소련과 더불어 경쟁적 표상의 대상이었다. 그와 같은 경쟁 속에서 미국은 남한 지역 지배 엘리트들의 기행문 등을 통해 세계 최고의 문명국이자 세계 보편의 공간으로 표상되었다. 하지만 그와 같은 표상은 인종적 측면에서의 미국 표상에 의해 도전받았다. 당대 미국 관련 신문이나 잡지 기사, 또 흑인문학 자료들은 흑·백 차별이 국가적으로뿐만 아니라 사회적으로 이루지고 있는 미국의 모습을 재현하면서 백인이 흑인을 인종적으로 차별·억압하는 나라로 미국을 표상하였다. 나아가 관련 자료들은 미국이 인종적으로 구획·분열되어 흑·백인종이 상호 적대적으로 대립·대결하는 나라라는 상 또한 생산하였다. 이와 같은 표상들은 전후, 특히 초기 냉전이 진행되고 있던 시기에 보편주의적 이념인 민주주의와 문명주의를 통해 자신의 헤게모니를 구축하고자 했던 미국의 노력을 위협하는 것이었다. 동시에 그것들은 자기를 황인종이라는 유색인종으로 정체화하고 있던 한국인들로 하여금 미국의 이념적 진정성을 의심케 하는 것이었다. 이러한 상황은 전후, 특히 냉전기에 미국의 헤게모니를 수용하고 그 속에서 대한민국의 위치를 설정하고 했던 남한의 지배 엘리트와 대한민국의 노력을 무효화할 수 있는 것이었다.

      • KCI등재

        종전/해방 직후(1945.08~1950.05) 남한 담론 공간과 전후 독일․독일인상(像)

        임종명 국제한국문학문화학회 2022 사이 Vol.33 No.-

        The USA’ and USSR’ victories in the Asian Pacific War, and the colonial Korea’s liberation from Japanese empire produced the upsurge of the Korean people’s ethnic nationalism, which necessitated the subjectivization of post-colonial Koreans, and the construction of the universality. With this in mind, this essay examines the images of post-War Germany and its people constructed in the post-colonial South Korean discussive space. The post-War Germany and its people were seen based upon the criteria of the peace of the post-War world, democracy, and democratization of Germany. And they were represented as un-democratic existences. Moreover, the German intellectuals were denied of their subjectivity in the contemporary democratic education and enlightenment of undemocratic Germans. This de-subjectivized all the German people in terms of post-War democracy, implying that Germany, and, by extension, the European world could no longer be a model to South Korean people. The de-subjectivization works displaced German totalitarianism and existentialism from the public discursive space. And the de-subjectivization de-historicized modern history of Germany, and also nullified the critical reflections upon modern civilization which had been made in the 1930s and the War-period. The nullification supported the post-War political global hegemony of America, and the contemporary ideational hegemony of modernism and democracy represented by America. Moreover, the nullification illustrated the concrete historical progress that America became the post-War universality in South Korean discursive space. This constituted the post-War/post-colonial historical implications of the imaginations of post-War Germany and its people based upon democracy and democratization. 1945년 8월 아시아 태평양 전쟁에서의 미국과 소련의 승리와 조선의 일제 식민지 해방 직후 남한 내 ‘단일 언어〮 문화 공동체 중심의 민족주의’(ethnical nationalism)의 고조 속에서 탈식민의 주체 구성, 또 이와 연관해서 보편 세계의 구성․재구성 문제가 긴급한 의제가 되었다. 이에 유의하면서 본 논문은 식민지 해방 직후 남한 담론 공간에서 구성되고 있던 전후 독일․독일인상(像)을 검토한다. 전후 독일․독일인을 바라보는 데 있어, 전후 세계 평화, 그리고 이와 연관된 민주주의와 독일 민주화는 시좌(視座)로 기능하였다. 그와 같은 관점에서 당대 독일 인민은 민주주의적으로 생활할 수 없는, 비민주적인 존재로 재현되었다. 그뿐만 아니라 전후 독일 지식인들 역시 당대 독일 민주주의 교육․계몽의 주체화 가능성이 부인되었다. 이는 전후 민주주의의 관점에서 당대 독일․독일인을 비․탈주체화하는 것이다. 이들 비․탈주체화는 당대 독일이, 확대해서 유럽이 더 이상 남한에서 모델이 될 수 없음을 이야기하는 것이다. 독일․독일인의 탈주체화 과정에서, 독일 전체주의와 실존주의는 나치즘과의 연결을 이유로 공적 담론장 바깥으로 추방되었다. 탈주체화는 독일의 근대 역사를 탈역사화하는 것이었을 뿐만 아니라 1930년대와 전쟁기 근대성에 대한 비판적 성찰 노력을 무효화하는 것이기도 했다. 이들 무효화는 미국의 전후 세계 정치적 헤게모니와 그것에 의해 표현된 근대 문명주의와 민주주의 헤게모니를 보강하는 것이었다. 나아가 그것은 해방 직후 남한 담론공간에서 미국이 전후 보편 세계화하는, 구체적인 역사적 과정을 보여주는 것이다. 바로 이것이 전후 민주주의․민주화라는 관점에서 재현된 독일․독일상의 종전/해방 직후 역사적 함의였다.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 후반 이후 식민지 조선의 담론공간과 당대 세계·역사상, 그리고 전체주의론

        임종명 역사학연구소 2024 역사연구 Vol.- No.49

        ‘전체주의’는, 언어적으로, ‘부분에 대한 전체의 우위’를 의미한다. 하지만, 본 논문이 문제로 하는 것은 ‘역사적인’, 20세기 전반기, 특히 1930년 대와 제2차 대전기 역사를 표현하면서 그것을 만들어갔던 ‘전체주의’이다. 당시, 전체주의는, 독일과 이탈리아에서처럼, 일본의 제국/식민지에서도 1940년 전후 체제·질서의 영도 원리로 기능하였다. 이러한 상황에서, 일부 조선 지식인들은 1930·40년대 전반기에 성(盛)하였던 세계사적 시대 전환기 내지는 전형기성과 전체주의의 세계 지배성을 의식하면서 전체주의를 ‘수용’했다. 그 들은 독일 제3 제국에서 발달한 ‘피와 흙(血土)’론을 통해 ‘민족’을 ‘전체’로 구성하였다. 또한, 그들은 사회 유기체론을 전용해 민족·국가를 유기체로 표상하고, 그 구성원을 ‘사지’(四肢)로 정체화하였다. 그렇지만, 조선 지식인들은 전체주의에 있어 ‘국민과 민족의, 또 그것들의 외연 상 불일치’와 ‘민족 지상과 국가 지상의 상충’을 비판하였다. 나아가, 그들은 전체주의의 혈통지상주의가 당대 일본 제국 ‘동아협동체’론을 위협한다고 비판하였다. 바로 이것이 1930년대 후반 이후 일본 제국/식민지 체제 내 지배 이데올로기의 내파 현상이었다. ‘Totalitarianism’ linguistically signifies that the totality is superior to the partiality. Yet what is examined in this article is historical totalitarianism which formed, and was formed by, the history of first half of the 20th century and, especially, of period between the beginning of the 1930s and the end of World War Ⅱ. As in Germany and Italy during the period, in Japanese empire did the totalitarianism work as the principle of leading its metropolitan/colonial regime around 1940. Facing the contemporary global situation, colonial Korean intellectuals ‘accepted’ the totalitarianism based upon their consciousness of the contemporary global history as the transformational period (chnhynggi, 轉形期)). They constructed the nation as a totality based upon the contemporary German theory of Blut und Boden meaning blood and soil in English. Their totalitarianism represented nation and state as an organic body, identifying people as a part or limb of the body. At the same time, colonial intellectuals criticized totalitarianism for its incongruence between the ethnic and the nation, and the incongruity of their extensions, exposing the problematics two supremacies of the folk and the state carried. Also, they contradicted the leading principle of totalitarianism emphasizing jus sanguinis, based upon another contemporary dominant Japanese theory of co-operative East-Asian body (東亞協同體論). This can be said to have constituted the implosion of the dominant ideologies of Japanese empire in the 1930s and the early 1940s.

      • KCI등재

        종전/해방 직후 남한에서의 간도 5·30 소환과 표상, 그리고 불안정성

        임종명 호남사학회 2020 역사학연구 Vol.77 No.-

        The post-colonial South Korean understandings of the Jiandao May 30 of 1930 was greatly influenced by its images which had been constructed in the Japanese colonial period. At that time, it had been represented as the violent and destructive riot led by Chinese Communist Party, so that the Jiandao May 30 was thought of as what was distantly related to the Korean people’s anti-Japanese movements. Faced with the popular imaginations, the post-colonial project of recalling the Jiandao May 30 to contemporary South Korea represented the Chinese Jiandao region as what has been historically close to the Korean people’s lives, nationalizing those who had led the May 30 or taken a part in it. The nationalization was followed by the signification of the historical event in term of popular masses’ participation in it. That is, it was represented as a historical mass struggle which constituted the basis of the Korean people’s armed struggles against Japanese imperialism which continued until the collapse of Japanese empire. The historicization was the de-colonization of the colonialist images of the May 30 as the CCP-led violent and destructive riot. At the same time, it, explaining the Korean liberation from Japanese colonialism as the result from the long and bloody struggles waged by the colonial Korean people, relieved the post-colonial Korean people from their embarrassment brought forth by the historical fact that colonial Korea was liberated from Japanese colonialism not by the Korean people themselves but by the Allied’ victory in the World War Ⅱ. One step farther, it supplied the post-colonial Korean communists with the historical resources which was to be exploited to claim their national hegemony in post-colonial South Korea. Despite those potentials, the post-colonial project of recalling the Jiandao May 30 contained with itself not a few problems. 해방 직후 간도 5·30에 관한 한국인들의 의식은 식민지 시기 구축된 간도 5·30상에 영향 받은 것이 적지 않다. 식민지 시기에 그것은 ‘비민족적인, 즉 중국 공산당 주도의 폭력과 파괴의 폭동’으로 재현·표상되었다. 이로 말미암아, 간도 5·30은 ‘조선의 운동과 거리가 먼 것’으로 생각될 정도가 되었다. 이러한 상황에서 해방 직후 간도 5·30 소환물은 간도를 한국인에게 역사적으로 ‘가까운 지역’으로 재현하면서, 간도 5·30의 주체들을 현재의 한국인들과 같은 ‘조선 동포·민족’으로 민족화하였다. 민족주의적으로 의미화된 간도 5·30은 그것의 역사화 과정에서 인민·대중 중심적으로 표상되고 또 그러한 관점에서 의미화되었다. 즉, 간도 5·30은 일본 제국이 붕괴될 때까지 계속된 항일무장투쟁의 정초(定礎)가 된 대중적 무장 투쟁으로 표상되고 또 그와 같이 역사화되었다. 간도 5·30의 민족 역사화는 식민지 시기 구축된 간도 5·30상, 즉 ‘비민족적인, 파괴와 폭력의 폭동’상을 탈식민화하는 것이다. 동시에 그것은 ‘식민시기 한국인의 피의 투쟁’의 결과로 식민지 해방을 설명하면서, 한국의 식민지 해방이 연합국의 승리로 가능해졌다는 사실로 말미암은 자신들의 당혹스러운 처지를 해소하는 정치적 효과를 가진 것이었다. 동시에 그것은 과거 식민시기 제국의 질서 안에서 비(非)․탈(脫)민족화된 조선인을 민족적 주체로 구성/생산한다는 의미를 가진 것이었다. 나아가 그것은 공산주의자 등 당대 좌익이 민족적 헤게모니를 주장할 수 있는 역사적 자원을 생산하였다는 의미 또한 가진 것이었다. 그렇지만 그렇지만, 간도 5·30상은 결코 안정적이지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        종전/해방 직후 남조선과 반(反)파쇼 민주주의, 그리고 인민

        임종명 역사문제연구소 2024 역사비평 Vol.- No.146

        ‘인민’은 근대 한국 역사의 진행 과정에서 다면적·다층적 의미를 지녔다. 이에 유의하여 본 논문은 ‘인민’의 역사화라는 관점에서 ‘인민의 시대’였던 해방/종전 직후 남조선에서 나타났던 좌익의 ‘인민’을 검토한다. 민주주의가 절대화된 당대 남조선에서 반파쇼 투쟁이 당대 좌익의 ‘정치 노선’이 되면서, 1930년대 중반 이래의 반파쇼 인민전선에의 관심 고조와 그것의 인적 주체인 인민의 남조선 소환이 좌익 엘리트들에 의해 이루어졌다. 당시 소환된 인민은 정치적 영역만이 아니라 제반 삶의 영역에서까지 ‘자주적·주체적·주권적(sovereign) 주체’로 구성되었다. 하지만 인민은 타자와의 관계 위에서 존재하는, 따라서 자신의 존재를 타자에 의존하는 관계적인, 비(非)자주적·독립적 실체였다. 나아가 인민은 대(對)타자 관계성의 자각 여부에 의존하는 의식적·관념적 존재이자 그러한 자각의 파생적 존재이기도 했다. 이러한 인민상(相·像)은 반파쇼 민주주의가 의제화된 남조선의 종전/해방 직후 역사를 보여주는 것이다. ‘Inmin’(인민, 人民, people) has carried its multi-facial and –layered implications in the modern history of Korea. This leads this essay to historically examine the inmin in the immediate post-War/-colonial South Korea which, recalled by the contemporary Korean lefts, built ‘the age of inmin’. Inmin was constructed as sovereign subject not only in the politics but also in all areas of life. Yet, the inmin was a relational and non-sovereign, dependent entity which existed in its relation with Others. At the same time, the inmin was an ideational entity which existed based upon its consciousness of ‘self vs Other’, and, in that sense, an entity derivative from such consciousness. The inmin reconstructed here, de-constructing inmin’s established sovereign subjectivity, historicizes the inmin which immediate post-War/–colonial South Korea constructed.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Korean National Defense Student Defense Corps and the Manufacturing of Warrior-type Students in Its Incipient Days

        임종명 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2012 International Journal of Korean History Vol.17 No.1

        Before and after the official inauguration of the Republic of Korea (ROK), not a few South Korean students opposed the polity, resisting it even at the cost of their lives. They vehemently inveighed against the polity for its factionality and regionality. In other words, they criticized the ROK for not being a nation-state from the standpoint of nationalism. Their ardent nationalist activism drove them to a variety of acts of opposition to the establishment of the ROK. Sometimes they engaged in actual, physical resistance, such as the Yŏ-Sun Uprising of October 1948. This not only gave a great shock to ROK authorities but also created an atmosphere of terror among ROK supporters. Seized with terror, ROK authorities desperately came up with counter-measures,putting them in action for the sake of the security of the ROK. As could be expected, the authorities went to every length to muzzle their opponents, to suppress all the subversive activities, and to eradicate dissident elements in schools. As a part of such efforts, they developed numerous and varied countermeasures in cooperation with related official agencies. The police, the Counter Intelligence Corps, and even the armies waged a campaign of purging all nonconformist elements from schools. They arrested suspicious students at will,severely interrogated them, and put some of them on trial while releasing others. The purge campaign pulverized almost all organized dissidences and critical student organizations, driving them out of schools. Then, ROK authorities established the Korean National Defense Student Corps (KNDSC) in middle schools and colleges across the country. After preparatory works such as organizing KNDSC units at the school level, the ROK Department of Education officially inaugurated the KNDSC in April 1949. The KNDSC was a typical example of a highly centralized top-down state institution in terms of its organizational process and structure. Also, it expressed other characteristics of a paramilitary organization in its primary motive for institutionalization, military drills as its primary activity, collective training in military ways, and other military-fashion practices. These characteristics of the KNDSC helped ROK authorities construct a system of surveillance over individual students and schools and to maintain strict control over them. Also, these characteristics facilitated the official agenda of manufacturing political subjects loyal to the ROK. KNDSC authorities tried to remold South Korean students for the sake of the ROK. For this purpose, authorities used military discipline and also collective training methods such as mass rallies and athletic meetings. These programs were developed to let students acquire military knowledge and skills and practices required for a warrior as well as healthy bodies. As important as, or more important than, practical training were the effects that collective training produced. All kinds of mass rallies and school ceremonies were exploited to transform an individual student into a collective being and ultimately collectivize all students. What draws our attention was that the collectivization of students called on the exploitation of elements of Korea’s past, such as hwarang of ancient Silla and the March First Movement of 1919. The authorities, referring to Korea’s past history, tried to nurture students as self-sacrificing warriors willing to die for the ROK. In this way, the KNDSC used every available means to fashion warriortype students in tandem with the contemporary ROK agenda of producing warrior-kungmin (國民). This constituted the contemporary political implication of the KNDSC in its incipient days from its inauguration to the outbreak of the Korean War.

      • 기기중성자 방사화분석법을 이용한 도로변 대기중 미량금속의 농도

        임종명,구부미,장미숙,이진홍 충남대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        There has been a limited number of data for the long-term concentrations of heavy metals within airborne particulates in Korea. Especially, there exist no such data sets for ambient particulates at the roadside that they should have been produced by using INAA. Therefore, this study focuses on the quantitive analysis of about 30 trace metals including toxic ones for roadside airborne particulates. The study also concentrates on the interpretation of analyzed results for the ambient particulates. From the results of the quantitative analysis for airborne particulates at the roadside by INAA, it is shown that the concentrations of metals such as Al, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg and Na due to crust and marine aerosols are much higher than those of other metals. The concentrations of human carcinogen, arsenic and chromium are 6.71±0.85 ng/m3 and 5.95±0.41 ng/m3, respectively while that of non-carcinogenic toxic metal Mn is 34.08±3.62 ng/m3. During yellow sandy season the concentrations of metals such as Al, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe and K show up to twelve times higher than those in summer. INAA has very low detection limits and needs very small amount of airborne particulate sample for the analysis. However, it is difficult to analyze metals such as Pb, Ni, Cd, and Si, which are very important ones for either risk assessment or receptor modeling. Thus, it is necessary to use other analytical tool like ICP-MS as a complement.

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