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      • KCI등재

        종전/해방 직후 남조선의 반전 반파쇼 평화운동

        임종명 민주화운동기념사업회 2023 기억과 전망 Vol.- No.49

        The anti-war peace movement in post-War/-colonial South Korea was waged in close relation to anti-fascist struggle. To give an example, in December 1946, the Struggle Committee for Anti-War and Anti-Fascist Peace mounted the campaign for the defense of world peace. The post-War campaigns were based upon ‘the course of action democratic world peace’ to which the thesis of ‘the confrontation between democracy and fascism’ developed in the 1930s and during the World War Ⅱ was applied. The campaigns were anachronistic and contradictory. That is, the Anti-war Day was instituted at the 6th Comintern Congress which articulated the class-based struggle against imperialism. Yet, the post-War/-colonial South Korean campaigns for world peace was historically based upon the tactics of the People’s Anti-Fascist Front that had criticized of the 6th Comintern Congress for its leftism.

      • KCI등재
      • ICP-AES를 이용한 대기분진 중 중금속 분석에 대한 정도관리

        임종명,이현석,이진홍 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 2003 環境硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        In this study, factors of quality control such as laboratory environment, capability of instrument/equipment, method of analysis, calibration, and standard solution were investigated to obtain quality assurance when analyzing airborne heavy metals (e.g., Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) using ICP-AES. A procedure of quality assurance and evaluation method of uncertainty are also suggested by applying ISO Guide. The suggested process of quality assurance will be helpful for the national monitoring network to produce better data.

      • 기기 중성자방사화분석법을 이용한 황사특성

        임종명,이현석,이진홍 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 2002 環境硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        Using INAA, which has been thought to be one of the best analytical techniques for airborne particulate matters, this study centered on the quantitative analysis of 32 metal elements within Asian Dust aerosols. Concentrations of REEs of crustal origin, such as Ce, Cs, Dy, La, Sc, and Sm were more than 8.5 times higher in Asian Dust aerosols. In addition, major crustal elements, such as Al, Ca, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, and Ti showed more than 3 times higher concentrations in those aerosols, which made PM 10 and all metal concentrations be also about 3.0 and 4.8 times higher, respectively. However, concentrations of anthropogenic origin, such as As, Br, Ci, I, In, Sb, Se, and Zn were increased to be a little higher, which means no great effect of Asian Dust on these elements.

      • 기기중성자 방사화분석법을 이용한 도로변 대기중 미량금속의 농도

        임종명,구부미,장미숙,이진홍 충남대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        There has been a limited number of data for the long-term concentrations of heavy metals within airborne particulates in Korea. Especially, there exist no such data sets for ambient particulates at the roadside that they should have been produced by using INAA. Therefore, this study focuses on the quantitive analysis of about 30 trace metals including toxic ones for roadside airborne particulates. The study also concentrates on the interpretation of analyzed results for the ambient particulates. From the results of the quantitative analysis for airborne particulates at the roadside by INAA, it is shown that the concentrations of metals such as Al, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg and Na due to crust and marine aerosols are much higher than those of other metals. The concentrations of human carcinogen, arsenic and chromium are 6.71±0.85 ng/m3 and 5.95±0.41 ng/m3, respectively while that of non-carcinogenic toxic metal Mn is 34.08±3.62 ng/m3. During yellow sandy season the concentrations of metals such as Al, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe and K show up to twelve times higher than those in summer. INAA has very low detection limits and needs very small amount of airborne particulate sample for the analysis. However, it is difficult to analyze metals such as Pb, Ni, Cd, and Si, which are very important ones for either risk assessment or receptor modeling. Thus, it is necessary to use other analytical tool like ICP-MS as a complement.

      • 대전 3, 4 공단지역의 대기 중 PM 2.5내 미량금속의 특성

        임종명,이현석,이진홍 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 2003 環境硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        This study centered on the quantitative analysis of about 27 trace metals including toxic ones of airborne PM 2.5 in the 3rd and 4th industrial complex area of Daejeon city, Korea. For analytical quality control, the certified reference material (NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A., SRM 2783, Air particulate on filter media) was used. The errors relative to SRM values of Sb, Mn, V, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, Co, Zn, and Sm fell below 5%, while those of Cr, Fe, Ba, Th, Ce, Al, and Cu were less than 10%. From the results of the quantitative analysis using INAA, the concentxation of toxic metals such as As, Mn, Se, V, and Zn were 2.40±1.99ng/m^(3), 6.54k3.15 ng/m^(3), 1.17±0.66 ng/m^(3), 1.1150.58 ng/m^(3), 52.31±25.92 ng/m^(3), respectively. If compared in terms of enrichment factors, it was found that certain elements (e.g., In, Cu, Zn, As, C1, I, Br, Sb, and Se) are enriched in PM 2.5 samples of the study site. The results of factor analysis by SPSS shows that 70.0% of total variance is well explained.

      • KCI등재

        해방 직후 이범석의 민족지상・국가지상론

        임종명 호남사학회 2012 역사학연구 Vol.45 No.-

        Basically, the space time of Korea right after its liberation from Japanese colonialism was a kind of amorphous one where the seemingly hegemonic ideology of nationalism and its aspirations were cast doubts on,and criticized and disputed by other contemporarily scaturient desires and projects of all kinds. Facing the post-liberation situation, Yi Pŏm-sŏk,based upon his own perspective of society and history, theoretically argued for national and state supremacy in his The Nation and the Youth. And yet, his argument was a nationalist one in that it suggested the state as an apparatus which should serve the development of national welfare. Following his nationalism, The Nation and the Youth eulogized the Korean nation as the most ideal of all the nations on the ground that the Korean nation was a single-race nation. The Korean people, he asked, should sacrifice everything that belonged to them for the nation and the state. This shows that his theory of national and state supremacy was a structured argument for the self-sacrificing devotion of the Korean people to the nation and the state. In terms of what has been introduced thus far, we can say that his theory of national and state supremacy meant to absolutize the primary nationalist agenda of the nation and the state, and establish the discourse of sacrifice in the space time of amorphism. This constituted the meaning of his theory and its nationalist implication in the post-liberation Korean history. Within his theory, there existed not a few of tensions and contradictions, and fissures and implosions. His blood nationalism was contradicted by his following argument that ‘common territory, culture, and fate’ played a more decisive role than ‘blood’ in the construction of the nation. Also, there emerged two contradictory images of the Korean nation. One was the ideational image of the nation constructed as ‘the loftiest of all’ and the other was the experiential representation of the nation who suffered from self-destructive inveterate and chronic diseases. This contradiction determined the authentic characteristic of his nationalism. In front of the contradiction, Yi’s nationalism meant to realize the ideational nation in the actual world by asking the Korean people in the actual world to sacrifice all they had for the ideational nation. Moreover, his theory of national and state supremacy carried within itself the logical contradiction between national supremacy and the supremacy of the state. In front of two contradictory supremacies, his theory was not able to specify which was supreme. This reflected the post-War space time that nationalism and the idea of democracy reigned over the post-liberation Korea like a kind of Zeitgeist. In other words, the historical situations after the World War Ⅱ and Korean liberation brought forth the obscurantism inherent in his theory. This obscurantism determined another characteristic of his theory, expressing contemporary Korean and global history. 해방 공간은 기본적으로 민족주의적 열망과 민족·민족국가의 가치가 당시분출하고 있던 여타의 다양한 욕망과 기획에 의해 의심되고 비판・반박되고 있던 ‘무정형’(無定型)의 시・공간이었다. 이와 같은 해방 공간에서 조선민족청년단 단장이었던 이범석은 자신의 역사・사회관에 입각하여, 民族과 靑年에서민족과 국가를 지상화하였다. 그의 민족・국가지상론은 국가를 ‘민족의 복리 발전에 복무하는 기구’로 제시하고 있다는 점에서 기본적으로 민족주의적 입론이었다. 이러한 위에서, 民族과 靑年은 단일 민족이라는 것을 이유로 한민족을가장 이상적인 민족으로 상찬한다. 이와 같은 민족과 국가를 위해 그의 동료한국인들이 자신들의 모든 것을 희생할 것을 그의 책은 요구하였다. 이러한 것들은 이범석의 민족・국가지상론과, 이범석의 대중 헌신 요구가 논리적으로 구조화되어 있음을 보여준다. 이와 같은 내용의 민족・국가지상론은 무정형의 해방 공간에서 민족・국가라는 민족주의의 핵심적 의제(議題, agenda)를 절대화하면서 대중에게 그에 대한 헌신을 요구할 수 있는 담론을 확립한다는 의미를지닌다. 바로 이것이 해방 공간에서 이범석의 민족・국가지상론이 가지고 있는역사적 의미였고, 또한 민족주의적 함의였다. 이와 같은 의미의 이범석의 민족・국가지상론 내부에는 적지 않은 긴장과충돌, 균열과 내파가 존재하였다. 먼저, 그의 혈연 중심 민족론은 논의의 진행과정에서 혈연이 ‘영역’이나 ‘문화’, ‘운명’에 비해 부차화되면서, 그 결과 민족형성에 있어 혈연의 중심성이 부인된다. 또한, 이범석의 민족주의에서는 이념형으로 제시된, “가장 完全”한 민족과 경험태로서 재현된, ‘자기 파괴적 숙질(宿疾)’에 신음하는 민족이 동시에 나타나고 있었다. 이와 같은 민족상의 충돌이 이범석의 민족주의의 실제 내용이자, 특성이라 할 수 있다. 이와 같은충돌 앞에서, 이범석의 민족주의는 이념상의 한민족을 현실에서 실현하고자지상의 것으로 관념화 민족을 위해 잠재적 민족 구성원인 현실의 한국인들에게 그들의 모든 것을 바칠 것을 요구하고 있었다. 또한 그의 민족지상・국가지5집상론은 민족지상과 국가지상의 주장이 논리적으로 배리(背理)의 것이자, 지상화된 민족과 지상화된 국가가 상호 배척적(排斥的) 관계라는 점에서 내부 충돌이 발생하고 있었다. 두 개의 상충하는 지상의 것들 앞에서 그의 이론은 민족과 국가 양자 중에서 ‘어느 것이 지상의 것인지’를 명시하지 못하였다. 이것은 민족주의와 함께 민주주의가 일종의 시대정신(Zeitgeist)처럼 해방 직후의한국을 지배했던 제2차 세계 대전 이후 역사의 표현이었다. 다시 말해서 전후・탈식민지의 역사적 상황이 그의 이론의 애매함을 낳았다. 바로 이러한 애매함이 이범석의 민족지상・국가지상론이 가진 또 하나의 특성이었고, 그 특성은 당대 역사적 상황의 표현이었다.

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