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        Impact of Cooperative R&D Projects on ICT-Based Technology Convergence

        이헌구,김방룡,조항정 한국전자통신연구원 2017 ETRI Journal Vol.39 No.4

        This study examines how the characteristics of cooperative research and development (R&D) projects in the public domain impact information and communication technology (ICT) convergence. Based on the analysis of 416 cooperative R&D projects under the ICT-based industry convergence R&D program in Korea, the study finds that the characteristics of cooperative R&D projects significantly impact ICT convergence. Moreover, the participation of public research institutes and universities is critical for ICT convergence compared with that of firms. However, in firm-to-firm cooperation, the participation of small and medium enterprises contributes to cross-sectional convergence, while the participation of large firms leads to overall and longitudinal convergence. R&D inputs such as the number of partners and government subsidies exhibit an inverted U-shaped relationship (negative quadratic effect) with technology convergence. Project duration and homogeneous partners are also critical factors for ICT convergence. The results indicate several implications and guidelines on how to effectively organize cooperative R&D projects to facilitate technology convergence.

      • IL-4와 다른 여러가지 cytokines이 사람 편도 단핵세포의 IgE 생산에 미치는 영향

        이헌구,송원재,하대유 大韓免疫學會 1995 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        The present study was desinged to compare IgE producing ability of cultured human tonsillar mononuclear cells (TMNC) stimulated by rhIL-4 between complete Iscove's modified Dulbeco's medium (C-IMDM, which was composed of IMDM enriched with bovine serum albumin, fetal calf serum, transferrin, insulin, and mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids) and RPMI-1640 supplemented with FCS (RPMI-1640), as well as to investigate a single or combined effects of IL-4 and 7 different human cytokines (IL-2, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, TNF-a, IFN- 7' and TGF-fi ) in a culture system on IgE production of human TMNC. It was found that C-IMDM was superior to RPMI 1640 as a culture medium for supporting the synthesis of IgE by TMNC stimulated with rhIL-4. In fact, RPMI-1640 failed to induce significant IgE synthesis by TMNC cultured for 21 days in the presence of rhlL-4 (100 U / ml). In addition, 7 different cytokines other than IL-4 failed to induce the significant IgE synthesis by TMNC cultured in C-IMDM when tested alone. However, IL-2 or IL-6, which was ineffective in inducing IgE production when tested alone, enhanced IL-4-mediated IgE production, indicating - that IL-2 or IL-6 acts synergistically with IL-4. In contrast, IFN- Y . or TGF-J1 demonstrated the inhibition of IL-4 dependent IgE synthesis by TMNC. Interestingly, IL-5, IL-7 and TNF-a had no modulatory effect on the IL-4 dependent IgE response in the applied experimental conditions. Taken together, the present results strongly suggested that 1) C-IMDM may be superior to RPMI-1640 as a culture _medium for IgE production, 2) Only IL-4 had the ability to stimulate in vitro with IgE synthesis by TMNC when tested alone. 3) IL-2 and IL-6 may be synergistic with IL-4 in IgE synthesis, 4) IFN- F and TGF-P may have the antagonistic effects on IL-4 dependent IgE synthesis and 5) IL-5, IL-7 and TNF-a may have no modulatory effects. This study also suggested that increased insight into various mechanisms of IgE regulation by cytokines may eventually lead to improve therapeutic strategies in the clinical management of IgE-mediated allergy.

      • 免疫家兎 膽汁內 장티푸스抗體의 檢出

        李憲九,河大有 大韓免疫學會 1980 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        It is believed that the majority of intestinal immunoglobulins is derived from local synthesis by plasma cells in the lamina propria. However, this study was attempt to investigate the possibility that a part of the intestinal immunoglobulins might be originated from biliary system. Hillary secretion of rabbit antibodies against Salmonella typhi 0901 was studied by biliary surgery with T-tube. About 0.4% of the serum antibodies was detected in bile juice and almost of them were imm unoglobulin M but IgG antibody was not detected in bile juice. The biliary surgery performed in this experiment provides a good experimental model for the study of secretory immunoglobulins of biliary system.

      • 免疫調節制가 BCG 感染動物의 細胞性 免疫反應에 미치는 影響

        李憲九 전북대학교 의과학연구소 1983 全北醫大論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        This study was undertaken to confirm the immunosuppressive effect of BCG and to evaluate th effect of some immunomodulators such as cyclophosphamide, indomethacin, cimetidine, and inosiplex, on the cellular immune response of mice heavily infected with BCG. From 1 to 8 weeks after infecition with a large dose of BCG(10mg), the developmen of delayed-type hypersensitivity to sheep erythrocytes(SRBC) was diminished and this to SRBC were not significantly altered by BCG infection. In an adoptive transfer system, spleen cells from BCG-infected mice markedly depressed DTH and enhanced plaque-forming cells(PFC) in recipient mice treated with a high dose of cyclo-phosphamide (350mg/kg) compared with normal spleen cells. In the BCG-infected mice spleen, cell populations responsible for the depression of DTH and Cyclophosphamide, indomethacin, and cimetidire had no effect on the immune state of BCG-infected mice, but inosiplex completely restored the depressed cellular immune response to the normal level. These results indicate that inosiplex may prove useful as an immunostimulant in clinical situations where the cell-mediated immunity has been compromised by mycobacterial infection.

      • B lymphocyte에 관한 연구동향

        이헌구 한국미생물학회 1991 微生物과 産業 Vol.17 No.1

        B 세포이 가장 중요한 기능은 항체를 생산하여 체액성 면역반응을 조절하는 일이다. B 세포가 항체를 생산해 내는 형질세포(plasma cell)로 분화하기 위해서는 다음의 몇 가지 단계를 거쳐야 한다. 즉 resting 상태에서 mitogen이나 항원의 자극에 의한 활성화(activation)가 첫번째 단계이고 두번째로는 증식(proliferation)이며 마지막 단계가 분화(differentiation)이다. B 세포가 일단 mitogen이나 항원에 의해 활성화가 되면 활성화 된 clone의 증식과 분화는 T 세포에서 생산되는 여러 종류의 림포카인(lymphokine)의 영향하에서 이루어진다. 따라서 B 세포 기능에 영향을 미치는 림포카인의 종류를 알아내고 최근 새롭게 발견되는 림포카인의 B 세포에 대한 영향을 연구함이 중요하리라 생각된다. 여기에서는 B 세포 기능에 영향을 미치는 여러 림포카인의 종류의 그 기능에 관해서 간략하게 기술하고자 한다.

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