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        국내에서의 지진현장경보 기술 고도화 및 적용

        이호준,전인찬,서정범,이진구,Lee, Ho Jun,Jeon, Inchan,Seo, Jeong Beom,Lee, Jin Koo 한국재난정보학회 2020 한국재난정보학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.4

        연구목적: 본 연구는 기존 지진현장경보 연구를 통해 단일 지진계에서 관측한 P파로부터 PGV 값을 예측하기 위한 예측식을 제시하고, 예측 결과를 현장경보에 이용하기 위한 기술적 접근 방안들을 도출하기 위한 것이다. 연구방법: 과거 4년간 규모 3,0 이상의 지진가운데 진도등급 II 이상의 데이터를 이용하여 P파로부터 PGV를 예측하기 위한 수식을 도출하고, 진원 정보 추정 없이 지진의 규모와 PGV의 크기를 상대적으로 비교하여 지진위험을 알려줄 수 있는 기술을 적용하였다. 연구결과: 개선한 PGV 예측식은 평균 94.8%의 정확도로 MMI를 추정하였고, 𝜏<sub>c</sub> : Pd 방법 역시 로컬 지진위험을 경보하기 위한 유효한 성과를 보여주었다. 결론: 현장경보기술을 국내에 성공적으로 적용하였으며, 경보공백역을 약 14km 까지 줄일 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. Purpose: This study aims to derive a PGV prediction equation and to enhance the application of the Onsite EEW technology which has developed through previous studies. Method: The prediction equation for the Onsite EEW derived from earthquake data M≥3.0 and MMI≥II over the past four years. Local seismic risk is estimated using M and PGV deduced from P wave properties. Result: The improved PGV prediction equation estimated the MMI with an average accuracy of 94.8% and the 𝜏<sub>c</sub> : Pd method also showed valid performance for alerting local seismic risks. Conclusion: Onsite EEW technology is successfully applied to Korea, and becomes to reduce the blind zone to about 14km.

      • 金鰲群島의 維管束植物의 分布와 保存實態에 關한 硏究

        李浩俊 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1988 理學論集 Vol.13 No.-

        安島, 鳶島, 金鰲島, 狼島, 蓋島의 植物相과 植生에 관한 조사를 1985年 4月 5日부터 1986年 11月 30日까지 4回, 1987年 6月 5日부터 1988年 3月 30日까지 6回에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. ① 本 調査地域은 過度한 農地利用, 燃料林採取, 放牧 等의 人間干涉으로 植生의 破壞가 심하게 나타나고 있으며 自然度는 낮게 나타났다. ② 自然植生의 파괴도를 나타내는 羊齒植物係數와 都市化指數는 각각 0.91∼1.00, 12.73∼17.27로 나타났다. ③ 각 島嶼別 歸化植物과 羊齒植物의 類似度指數는 각각 0.688∼0.970, 0.516∼1.000이었다. ④ 常綠闊葉樹의 出現種數는 安島 26種, 鳶島 38種, 金鰲島 37種, 狼島 9種, 蓋島 11種이었으며, 類似度指數는 0.34∼0.81로 각 島嶼間에는 큰 差異가 있었다. ⑤ 島嶼 全體의 優占種은 곰솔이었으며, 各 島嶼別 森林植生은 다음과 같은 群落單位로 區分되었다. 安島 : 동백나무群落, 구실잣밤나무群落(구실잣밤나무-동백나무群落), 곰솔群落. 鳶島 : 동백나무群落, 구실잣밤나무群落(구실잣밤나무-동백나무群落), 곰솔群落(곰솔-동백나무群落). 金鰲島 : 구실잣밤나무群落(구실잣밤나무-옻나무群落, 구실잣밤나무-센달나무群落), 동백나무群落(동백나무-구실잣밤나무群落, 동백나무-송악群落), 곰솔群落(곰솔-동백나무群落, 곰솔-송악群落), 상수리나무群落(상수리나무-소사나무群落, 상수리나무-굴피나무群落), 소사나무群落(소사나무-진달래群落, 소사나무-붉나무群落). 蓋島 ·狼島 : 곰솔群落(곰솔-동백나무群落, 곰솔-송악群落). ⑥ 常綠闊葉樹林은 동백나무와 구실잣밤나무群落 單位로 區分되었다. ⑦ 植物群落과 土壤環境과의 關係를 調査하였고 樹種의 分布와 植物群落을 把握하기 위하여 種組成表, 群落斷面圖, 現存植生圖를 作成하였다. ⑧ 곰솔林下에서의 灌木層과 草木層에 常綠闊葉樹의 幼木이 分布하는 것으로 보아 常綠闊葉樹林으로의 轉移可能性을 보여주고 있다. ⑨ 各 島嶼別 現存植生圖는 耕作地(26.86∼41.9%)와 곰솔林(41.9%∼59.70%)이 大部分을 占有하고 있으며, 自然植生을 나타내는 常綠闊葉樹林은 1.49∼9.6%였다. The flora and vegetation of An-do, Yeon-do, Kumo-do, Nang-do and Kae-do islets were investigated four times from April 5th, 1985 through November 30, 1986 and six times from June 5th, 1987 through March 30, 1988. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The vegetation of these areas investigated is severely devastated by human interference, such as land utilization for agriculture, random lumbering for firewood and grazing etc. 2. The coefficient of the pteridophytes and urbanization index which show the destruction degree of natural vegetation are 0.91∼1.00 and 12.73∼17.27, respectively. 3. The similarity index of naturalized plants and pteridophytes between each islet are 0.516∼1.000 and 0.688∼0.970 respectively. 4. The number of species of evergreen broad-leaved trees observed is 26 in An-do, 38 in Yeon-do, 37 in Kumo-do, 9 in Nang-do and 11 in Kae-do islets. The similarity index of these islets is 0.34∼0.81, also showing significant difference between the each islets. 5. The predominant species of the whole of the islets investigated is pinus thunbergii and the forest vegetation of each islets is divided into the following stand units. An-do and Yeon-do : Camellia japonica community Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii community Pinus thunbergii community Kumo-do : Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii community Camellia japonica community Pinus thunbergii community Quercus acutissima community Carpinus coreana community Nango-do and Kae-do : Pinus thunbergii community 6. The forest of evergreen broad-leaved trees is divided into the stand units of Camellia japonica and Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii. 7. The relationship between plant community and soil environment was investigated. The vegetation tables, profile diagrams and actual vegetation maps were drawn up in order to grasp the distribution of tree species and plant community. 8. Considering the fact that the saplings of evergreen broad-leaved trees are distributed in shrub and herb layer under the forest of Pinus thunbergii, there is possibility of succession to the forest of evergreen broad-leaved trees. 9. The actual vegetation of each islet is occupied mostly by cultivated land(26.87∼41.90%) and the forest of Pinus thunbergii(41.90∼59.70%). The forest of evergreen broad-leaved trees which indicates natural vegetation is 1.49∼9.60%.

      • 漢江邊植生에 對한 生態學的 硏究 : From Amsa-dong to Haingju Grand Bridge 岩寺洞에서 幸州大橋까지

        金世榮,李浩俊 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1984 理學論集 Vol.9 No.-

        This survey has been carried out on vegetation in Hangang Riverside(between Amsa-dong and Haingju Grand Bridge, Seoul; about 36km long). The results obtained are as follows; 1. The tracheophyta of this area was recorded as 45 families, 107genera, 124 species, 20 varieties. (Herbs 120 sp., Trees 24 sp.) 2. The hydrophytes consisted of 11 families, 11 species, 2 varieties in this area. 3. Some communities of the surveyed area were classified as follows: 1) Streamside (transferred zone): Persicaria nodosa Opiz, Persicaria hydropiper(L.) Spach, Salix gracilistyla Miq. communities. 2) Roadside (non-transferred zone): Artemisia feddeli Lev. et Vnt.,Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior Descourtils, Bidens bippinnata L., Erigeron canadensis L., Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens Rendle communities. 3) Interconnected area (between streamside and roadside): Persicaria nodosa Opiz, Persicaria hydropiper(L.) Spach, Panicium bisulcatum Thunb. communities. 4. It is deemed as having an important role that the vegetation of riverside protected the destruction of riverbed and river basin soil at the well-vegetated area. 5. The vegetation of the riverside showed the distribution of large number of species: i.e. Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae families; and poa plants are regarded as important to the protection of riverbed and the formation of grassland. 6. It was found that the longer the time after the bridge having been constructed was the more the diversity of invading species was.

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