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      • KCI등재

        고려-몽골 간 使臣들의 활동 양상과 그 배경

        이명미 한국중세사학회 2015 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.43

        Envoy trips between Goryeo and the Mongol Empire had huge differences from the previous period in terms of their goals and the activity patterns of envoys. The Mongolian envoys dispatched to Goryeo for the political goal of grievance mediation, in particular, performed specific duties beyond the “delivery” of wishes of the monarch that dispatched them to the country under their comprehensive mission. The scope of their works expanded from the diplomatic affairs between the two countries to the political affairs of Goryeo. The Mongolian envoys mediated political disputes in which the Goryeo kings were an axis and it was difficult for them to mediate the disputes for themselves. In most cases, the envoys’ activities started with the accusation by the Goryeo subjects, which clearly shows the status of Mongolian emperors represented by the Mongolian envoys during the period. The political envoy trips of the Mongol Empire had something to do with its state system based on enfeoffment(分封). They attract attention in that they were in the same context as the elči of the Mongol Empire, who served as an important means of politics and rule through mutual political communication under the state system of Mongolia, in which its politics and rule took place in the relations between royal families(宗王, 諸王, 駙馬) and Royal Court and the emperors made a regular royal tour between two capitals, Sangdo(上都) and Daedo(大都). The patterns of envoy trips of Goryeo also changed in its relations with the Mongol Empire. Those changes to the patterns of envoy trips and the roles of envoys altered the selection criteria of envoys. The figures equipped with the Mongolian command, direct connections to the operational goals of envoy trips, and performance capabilities rather than learning and writing skills increased their participation in envoy trips. As the status of the kings became relativized in Goryeo-Mongol relations with blurry boundaries between politics and diplomacy, in the middle of frequent disputes over the throne, the figures close to the Goryeo kings were selected as envoys in concerned envoy trips. That is, the envoys of Goryeo and the Mongol Empire that traveled between the two countries were envoys in a more comprehensive meaning to serve as political media in the expanded political space unlike their predecessors that usually performed diplomatic roles in the previous periods. The existence of those envoys and the patterns of their envoy trips reveal a characteristic aspect of Goryeo-Mongol relations during the period.

      • 몽골 복속기 고려국왕의 사법적 권한과 위상 : ‘聖旨’의 작용범위

        이명미 동국역사문화연구소 2016 동국역사문화연구소 학술대회지 Vol.- No.춘계

        사법권은 사회와 성원에 대한 통제, 질서의 유지를 위한 국가권력으로서 국왕권 혹 은 최고권을 구성하는 중요한 요소이다. 이에 몽골과의 관계 형성 이후 고려국왕이 그 권한을 專斷하지 못하고 몽골 황제가 고려에 대해 일정부분 사법권을 행사하게 된 상황은 이 시기 권력구조의 단면을 보여주는 중요한 부분이라 할 수 있다. 기존 연구 들에서는 이를 몽골의 고려에 대한 정치적 간섭 및 압제의 중요한 한 가지 형태로서 다루어왔는데, 정치사, 관계사 연구 논문들을 통해 부분적으로 언급되었을 뿐 사법문 제를 專論으로 다룬 연구는 거의 없는 상황이다.

      • KCI등재

        14세기 초 遼陽行省의 合省 건의와 고려-몽골 관계 -고려국왕권 기반의 변화와 정동행성 위상의 재정립-

        이명미 한국중세사학회 2017 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.51

        This paper examines the argument to combine Jungdong Haengsung (征東行省) and Yaoyang Haengsung(遼陽行省) proposed by Yaoyang Haengsung in 1302 and shows that the basis of the Goryeo king’s authority had changed and the status of Jungdong Haengsung as military apparatus had been redefined. This argument is considered to let the new Haengsung rule the combined ‘military function’ of Jungdong Haengsung and Yaoyang Haengsung. This was brought about by the fact that the reason for the existence of Jungdong Haengsung, which was established for the preparation and execution of Japanese expedition, was blurred due to the changes of Yuan foreign policy after the reign of Temur Kahn(成宗). In this respect, it is distinguished from the argument to install and operate Jungdong Haengsung as in Yuan china(立省論) aimed to direct control of the Goryeo politics through the Mongol’s bureaucracy. On the other hand, although the Jungdong Haengsung is abolished and its military functions are combined with that of other Haengsung, the nationality of Goryeo does not disappear. King Chungryul(忠烈王) objected to the argument, because of his status as Jungdong Haengsung Provincial Governor(征東行省丞相) which was related to his kingdom base, rather than the problem of the national body or the nation. As the Jungdong Haengsung was installed in Goryeo, many military officers of Goryeo were appointed as the military officer of Mongol army, and the Mongol military unit was installed in Goryeo. And King Chungryul controlled them as the Jungdong Haengsung Provincial Governor, In such a situation, even though it is limited to military functions, it would have been a blow to Goryeo King’s authority to abolish Jungdong Haengsung and separate it from Goryeo. Therefore, King Chungryul tried to maintain the Jungdong Haengsung by emphasizing the military function as the Japanese defense base of it which has virtually fulfilled its life span with the change of foreign policy of the Mongol empire. Although Japan was not a military threat to Mongol empire and Goryeo, the discourse of King Chungryul had a certain result, and Jungdong Haengsung rebuilt its position as a military organization in the field of diplomatic discourse between the two countries.

      • KCI등재

        공민왕대 초반 군주권 재구축 시도와 奇氏一家 : 1356년(공민왕 5) 개혁을 중심으로

        이명미 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2011 한국문화 Vol.53 No.-

        The Ki family, appeared through the installation of empress Ki in 1340 and the presence of the crown prince, strengthened their political grip and grew up as ‘equal’ as the Koryeo king early in king Gongmin’s reign. The Mongols had a tendency to recognize an object as a ‘family’ as well as a ‘nation’ or ‘tribe’ in shaping a ‘relation’ with other political unit, and the representative form of such a ‘relation’ was intermarriage. Thus the advent of the Ki family may be said as an aspect that another family intervened in the relations between the Koryeo royal family and the Mongol imperial family. Series of political actions early in King Gongmin’s reign including the reforms in 1356 begun from a critical mind on the ‘status of the relativized Koryeo royal family’ emphasized through the Ki family. It wasn't done based on ‘Anti-Yuan(反元)·autonomous historical consciousness’ but eventually it showed ‘Anti-Yuan orientation’ intending to escape from the state of ‘unification(混一)’ in Koryeo kingship. However, King Gongmin’s such ‘orientation’ couldn’t get a complete ‘result’ in the situations internal and external conditions weren’t backed up. The Mongol-Koryeo relations after the reforms can not be said to return to the formal diplomatic relations of the early Koryeo, and also to the step of ‘Sejogujae(世祖舊制)’. It may be said as a transition to the new phase.

      • KCI등재

        몽골황제권의 작용과 고려국왕의 사법적 위상 변화

        이명미 동국역사문화연구소 2016 동국사학 Vol.60 No.-

        논문은 몽골 복속기 고려국왕의 사법적 권한과 위상의 변화 양상을 몽골황제-고려국왕-고려신료 간 관계, 즉 몽골 복속기 권력구조 속에서 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 일반적 의미에서 최고권으로서의 고려국왕은 고려 경내에서 발생한 사안 및 고려인민에 대한 사법권을 행사하는 주체이다. 몽골과의 관계에서도 고려국왕(을 정점으로 하는 사법기구)은 기본적으로 고려 내에서의 사법처리를 주관했다. 그러나 관리들에 대한 처벌은 먼저 몽골 조정에 보고를 하도록 한다거나 마음대로 주살하지 못하게 하는 등의 ‘聖旨’를 통해 사법처리의 수위에 제한이 가해졌다. 또한 몽골 복속기 권력구조 속에서 고려 내 권력중추가 이원화하는 가운데 발생한 정치적 분쟁으로서의 訟事에서는, 국왕이 피고소인 측과 직결되어 있음으로 해서 국왕에게 해당 訟事를 처리할 수 있는 중재자로서의 의지나 역량이 부재하거나 부정되는 가운데 국왕은 사법처리 과정에서 배제되기도 했다. 이러한 訟事는 대체로 고려신료들의 요청이 선행하여 황제권에 의해, 몽골 조정에서 처리되었다. 한편, ‘法’을 적용하는 주체로서만 존재했던 고려의 국왕들은 몽골과의 관계 속에서 ‘法’, 혹은 황제의 ‘聖旨’나 판단에 준하여 그 정치적 조치의 적합성 여부, 행실과 자질 등이 국왕으로서의 업무 수행에 적합한지의 여부 등을 평가받는 대상이 되기도 했다. 이 시기 고려국왕의 사법적 권한 혹은 위상은 단지 기존의 국왕권이 확보하고 있던 권한이 외부로부터 간섭과 억압을 받고 침해당하여 축소되고 약화되는 데에 그치는 것이 아니라 위상 자체가 변화한 것이었다. 그리고 이러한 일련의 과정에 고려신료들의 움직임이 선행하고 있었다는 점은 이 문제를 단순히 압제 혹은 간섭과 저항이라는 갈등구도만으로는 설명하기 어려움을 말해준다. 즉, 이는 황제권이 실질적인 최고권으로서 작동하는 가운데 고려국왕권이 황제권과의 관계 및 신료들과의 관계 속에서 ‘상대화’한 결과인 동시에 그러한 ‘상대화’ 양상을 드러내고 있는 것이라고 할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        김려령의 『너를 봤어』에 나타난 죽음 본능- 프로이드의 정신분석적 접근 -

        이명미 한국언어문학회 2018 한국언어문학 Vol.106 No.-

        The ultimate purpose of human life is to pursue happiness. Therefore, it can be justified if these proprietors are used as an incentive to explain human contradictory external behaviors. On the other hand, aggression and death urges are actions that are somewhat different from this pursuit of happiness. So how can you explain your aggression and death instincts towards others and yourself? This aggression and death instinct is a favorite subject of literature. The ultimate aim of literature is to impress the reader. Without emotion, the love of art is lost. Since emotion is made when a wound is treated or compensated for from reality, emotion should be realistic. The fact that the works based on the nature of death are appealing and touching to the reader implies that these impulses are inherent in the reader. Therefore, to impress readers, understanding of human behavior by writers who create literature or researchers analyzing human behavior should be a priority. So a psychological approach to literature is needed, which also helps us to understand literary texts that resemble human behavior. This impression can serve as a platform for the reader to awaken his or her emotions and establish correct values, which can lead to positive behavior. In this sense, it is a challenge to analyze and study the mechanisms by which literature can inspire. The author Kim Ryeo-ryeong said, " There were many people I wanted to kill, so I had to kill them, and a new novel started. " And I confess that all I ever wanted was love. It is also the reason why we should continue to discuss the old but unforgotten theme of love and death. There are also many deaths in ' I Saw You. ' Both aggression towards others and self-destruction towards me are tragedies caused by the unbalanced life and death, but this death instinct is also another struggle for human life. Thus, the death instinct ultimately stems from the instinct for life and is a change towards life. Authors love and kill many people in their works. The theme of love and death is so common and popular. But isn't it because it's the most natural aspect of humans that is why these subjects are constantly repeating themselves? That's why Freud's argument is still a hot topic for modern people living in the 21st century.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 성격 유형에 따른 글쓰기 양상 연구 - MBTI 성격 유형 중 감각 인식기능을 중심으로-

        이명미 한국독서치료학회 2013 독서치료연구 Vol.5 No.1

        글쓰기 지도를 위한 다각적인 노력에도 불구하고 학습자에게 있어 글쓰기는 여전히 어려 운 분야이다. 이러한 문제를 좀 더 근본적으로 접근하기 위하여 학습자 변인에 주목하는 것 이 필요하다. 본 논문은 개인의 성격유형이 글쓰기에 유의미한 영향력이 있음을 전제로 하여 이러한 변인에 주목하고자 한다. 좋은 글을 쓰기 위해서는 상상력을 길러야 하고 상상력을 기르기 위해서는 우리의 오감을 깨워야 한다. 따라서 학습자를 대상으로 MBTI 검사를 한 후 감각이 주기능으로 작용하는 유 형을 중심으로 한 글쓰기 양상을 연구한다. 더 나아가 성격 유형별 글쓰기 지도 방안에 대한 연구를 통해 좀 더 효율적으로 글쓰기 지도를 할 수 있는 교수법 개발을 최종 목적으로 한 다. 본 논문은 이러한 연구의 토대가 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 불교 관련 金石文 撰述의 양상과 고려사회의 성격

        이명미 한국중세사학회 2020 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.60

        Memorial stones were made through Goryeo king’s orders especially for the monks with the titles, ‘king’s teacher(王師)’ or ‘teacher of the country(國師)’ and the inscriptions were usually written by officials in charge of writing king’s orders(文翰官). This reflected the need of the disciples to clarify that the inscription containing the actual interests of Buddhist temples was the king’s will, and also was in line with the system of the king’s teacher(王師) and teacher of the country(國師) operated under the country’s need to control Buddhist churches. The officials in charge of writing king’s orders(文翰官)’ writing inscriptions for the monks has a political and public character. However there was no role of the state in the process of their securing the Buddhist-related knowledge they need to write the inscription. In other words, they were playing a public role based on knowledge gained in private areas. This shows the situation in which Buddhism was established as a universal culture and religion in the Goryeo Dynasty, while also showing the mixed aspect of the official and private sectors in the management of the bureaucracy of the Goryeo Dynasty. This pattern continued in the latter phase of Goryeo Dynasty, but changes occurred at the same time. The authority of the Mongolian emperor was also highlighted in Buddhist-related inscriptions, and Mongolian officials often wrote the inscription or wrote the letters of the inscription in Goryeo. The ‘Monument of Bogwang temple(普光寺碑)’ is a good example of this change and the aspect of Buddhist monks’ disciples’ attempts to secure political authority through the royal order while erecting monuments for their teacher. Since Chung-gam(冲鑑), the key figure of the monument was a ‘teacher of the country(國師)’, the monument could be erected through the royal order if it had not been for his will. When his will led his disciples to build a memorial stone for a temple, not for a monk, they sought to replace the authority they could gain through the royal order by asking Mongolian officials to write the inscription and the letters of the inscription. Meanwhile, the fact that the monument was erected not long after the ‘Anti-Yuan reform’ shows how individuals who were not in the political arena viewed the Goryeo-Mongol relationship at a time when they were understood to have been very estranged from the political and historical point of view.

      • KCI등재

        제6차 교육과정기(1992~96) 중·고등학교 『국사』 교과서의 고려 시대 내용 분석

        이명미 역사와교육학회 2022 역사와 교육 Vol.34 No.-

        This study reviewed the contents related to the Goryeo Dynasty in the 6th curriculum middle and high school textbook National History. The criteria for review are three, which are presented as basic directions and main points in the process of revising the 6th curriculum on Korean history. 1. In the middle and high school National History textbooks(6th), the difference between school levels seems to be more evident than before in terms of the content system, and the point of difference between school levels was confirmed by adding items or in-depth explanations. However, it did not secure enough differentiation to bring about meaningful differences in the method and content of education. 2. In parallel with the change of reorganization into social studies, Korean history curriculum(6th) aimed at cultivating a “spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation as a member of the international community” in the “social reality that opens up internationally.” For these goals, the high school National History emphasized world history education by adding a new unit whose contents were fragmentary about the Middle Ages of the East and the West and not enough to help understand the Middle Ages of Korea. And the explanation of the Eastern Middle Ages, which was biased toward Song(宋) Dynasty, was insufficient as an explanation of neighboring countries that had relations with Goryeo. Meanwhile, the unit related to Goryeo’s external relationship is judged to have been a content composition that did not match the direction of the curriculum by describing the relationship with Lioa(遼), Jin(金) and Yuan(元), which maintained a long-term relationship with Goryeo, highlighting only the conflict. 3. Regarding the cultivation of historical thinking skills, the textbook National History(6th) contained more auxiliary materials than before, which seems to have little to do with the cultivation of ‘historical thinking skills’. In the description of the Goryeo Dynasty in the National History textbooks, there are cases in which the use of terms related to value evaluation or the description of propositions lacks rigor. This is an obstacle to making students understand the history research process behind the historical proposition, in other words the process of historical thinking. It is noted that these examples are related to another direction of history education, which is understanding the development of national history. The above review shows that the goal of history education, which was suggested as the basic direction in the Korean history curriculum(6th), was not substantial in terms of content compared to its orientation. And it shows that this is the result of another direction of history education, which is said to systematically understand the development of national history. 본 연구에서는 6차 교육과정기 중·고등학교 국사 교과서의 고려 시대 관련 부분 내용을 검토했다. 검토의 기준은 6차 교육과정 국사 교과 각론 개정 과정에서 기본방향 및 주안점으로 제시된 학교급별 계열성 확보, 시민 교육을 위한 내용과 체제 마련, 역사적 사고력 중심 교육 지향 세 가지이다. 1. 6차 교육과정기 중학교 국사 와 고등학교 국사 에서는 각기 통사적 단원 편성과 분류사적 단원 편성을 취했다. 내용 체계에서 학교급 간 차별성이 이전에 비해 잘 드러난 것으로 보이며, 내용 구성에서도 항목이나 심화 설명 추가를 통해 학교급 간 차별성을 두고자 한 지점을 확인할 수 있었다. 다만, 교육의 방식과 내용에서 의미 있는 차이를 가지고 올 정도의 차별성을 확보한 것은 아니었던 것으로 보인다. 2. 사회과로의 재편입이라는 변화에 병행해서, 6차 교육과정 국사 교과는 “국제적으로 개방화되는 사회 현실” 속에서 “국제 사회의 일원으로서 상호 이해하고 협력하는 정신”을 함양을 목표로 삼았다. 이를 위해 고등학교 국사 교과서는 새로운 단원을 추가하며 세계사 교육을 강조했지만, 해당 단원의 내용은 동양과 서양의 중세에 대한 단편적 설명에 그쳐 한국의 중세를 이해하는 데에 도움을 주기에는 부족했으며, 한족 왕조인 송에 대한 설명에 치우친 동양 중세에 대한 설명은 고려와 관계를 맺은 주변국에 대한 설명으로서도 부족한 면모를 보였다. 한편, 고려의 대외관계와 관련한 단원은 고려와 장기간 관계를 유지했던 요, 금, 원과의 관계를 갈등 국면만을 부각해서 서술함으로써, 역시 교육과정의 방향성에 부합하지 않는 내용 구성이었다고 판단된다. 3. 역사적 사고력 함양과 관련한 장치로, 6차 교육과정기 중학교 국사 교과서는 이전에 비해 많은 <학습의 도움글>을 실었지만, 그 기대효과는 거의 없어 보인다. 한편, 6차 교육과정기 중·고등 국사 교과서의 고려 시대 관련 서술에서는 가치 평가나 명제 서술과 관련된 용어의 사용이 엄격하지 않은 경우가 있다. 이는 학생들이 역사적 명제 이면의 역사 연구 과정, 달리 말해 역사적 사고의 과정을 이해하도록 하는 데에 장애가 된다. 이러한 사례들이 민족사의 발전적 이해라는 역사교육의 방향성과 관련된다는 점이 유의된다. 이상의 검토는 6차 교육과정 국사 교과에서 기본방향으로 제시한, 시민 교육 혹은 역사적 사고력 함양 교육으로서의 역사교육이라는 방향성이 그 지향에 비해 내용 면에서 내실을 갖추지 못했으며, 이는 민족사의 발전을 체계적으로 이해한다고 하는, 또 다른 역사교육의 방향성이 영향을 미친 결과임을 보여준다.

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