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      • KCI등재

        Recent Trends in Integrative Insect Nutrition:A Nutritional Geometry Perspective

        이광범,장태환,노명석 한국응용곤충학회 2022 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.61 No.1

        Nutrition dictates nearly all biological processes and determines Darwinian fitness in all living organisms, including insects. Research on insect nutrition has a long history in the field of insect physiology and the importance of understanding insect nutrition has become increasingly apparent with the growing need for producing insects as food and feed. Nevertheless, it is only in recent years that we have witnessed a major breathrough in our knowledge of insect nutrition. The multivariate, interactive, and dynamic nature of nutrition has long hampered our complete understanding of insect nutrition. However, the challenge posed by such nutritional complexity has been overcome with the advent of the Nutritional Geometry, which is an integrative and multidimensional framework that enabled us to model complex interactions between multiple nutrients. In this review, we introduce the basic concepts and principles of the Nutritional Geometry and describe how this innovative framework has revolutionized the field of insect nutrition and has placed nutrition in the centre of the interface between physiology, ecology, and evolution. We close this review by discussing potentially fertile research areas that can benefit tremendously from the application of this powerful nutritional paradigm in the future.

      • 急·慢性骨髓炎에 關한 臨床的 考察

        李廣範 고려대학교 의과대학 1974 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.11 No.1

        The writer has made a clinical observation in 117 patients with acute and chronic osteomyelitis, who were treated at the department of orthopedic surgery of this hospital during the past 3 and a half years iron September 1969 through April 1973, and following results were obtained. 1. The peak of age incidence was in third decade, nearly one-third of the cases in this age group, and this ailment was rarely seen in the aged (only 4 cases after 50 years of age). This disease was slightly more prevalent in the male with a 1.4:1 ratio of male t o female, but under 10 years of age girls were found more frequently affected than the male. 2. The common sites of involvment were the femur 53 cases (45%), the humerus 21 cases (18%) and the tibia 20 cases (17%). The made of infection in this Faterials was considered t o be of hernatogenous origin in 85 cases (72%) and in the remainder of the cases direct local involvmest secondary t o trauma. 3 The duration of symptoms was less than 1 month in 39 cases (34%), between 1 month to 3 months in 21 cases (18%) and more commonly attributed t o on inadequate treatment, 4. Staphylococci were the most common offender (in 2/3), and other relatively common causative organisms were E. coli and streptococci. 5. only 12 patients (10%) have been treated with antibiotics under conservative measure and 105 cases (90%: have been treated surgicaliy. complete cure was obtained in 85 of 105 surgically treated 6. Recurrences were encountered in 25 cases (21%), pathologic fractures developed in 4 cases (3.4 %), and 6 cases (5.1%) were complicated by arthritis.

      • N-아세틸시스테인 투여후 발생한 급성 무기폐 : 증례보고

        이광범,안용미,이철승,최준석,박천희 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2009 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.34 No.1

        Causes of atelectasis under general anesthesia are tracheal foreign body, blood clot, aspiration of bronchial secretion, one-lung ventilation and relative predominance of parasympathetic system. N-acetylcysteine is mucolytic agent which improves the capability of sputum drainage. After administration of N-acetylcysteine, an increased volume of liquified bronchial secretions may occur. When cough is inadequate, the airway must be maintained open by mechanical suction. In case that is a mechanical block due to local accumulation, the airway should be cleared by endotracheal aspiration. A 49-year-old female was admitted for bilateral laparoscopic oophorectomy due to ovarian tumors. There was not any problem during a general anesthesia induction. After instillation of N-acetylcysteine into endotracheal tube, acute atelectasis was developed in right lower lung.

      • 成熟家兎의 足趾屈曲腱 切題時 건초막보존 및 切開方法이 Polyethylene tube 揷入 後 건초막형성, 腱癒着 및 터널 形成에 미치는 組織學的 變化에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        李廣範,李弘鍵 고려대학교 의과대학 1981 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.18 No.1

        Inevitable extensive scar formation in the severely damaged gliding bed of flexor tendon has long been a major problem in the reconstructive hand surgery. Many trials to overcome this scarring have evoked the staged operation using the silicon rods to build pseudosheath for the later tendon grafting or transfer. However it has been controversial whether the undamaged flexor fibro-osseous retinaculum and sheath would be retained or not after scarred tendon and sheath were thoroughly excised. Author's experimental study is focused on the histological changes along the newly forming sheath in case of replacing a polyethylene tube through the various incisions over the flexor sheath after excision of the third long flexor tendon of the hindfoot in the adult rabbits. For comparative study, longitudinal midline incision is placed over the skin and flexor sheath 4 to 5cm in length and 2cm in length of the third long flexor is excised and replaced with the same length of the polyethylene tube in the first group. In the second group, two separate transverse incisions are placed on the flexor sheath at the extreme of 4 to 5cm in length of skin incision through where the third long flexor tendon is excised 2cm in length and replaced with the same length of the polyethylene tube. Following the above mentioned surgical procedures, the tissues around the polyethylene tube and newly forming sheath were examined histologically with the interval of the first, second, third, fourth, sixth and eighth week in both groups. The results obtained are as follows; 1. Compact new sheath without adhesion or inflammatory reaction was completed at the sixth week in the first group and at the fourth week in the second group. 2. Fibrovascular proliferation was main histologic pictures from the second to fourth week in the first group and the second group disclosed moderate fibrovascular proliferation at the first and second week. 3. Infiltration of inflammatory cells in the tunnel of sheath was observed at the first and second week in second group. 4. Marked hemorrhagic picture was noted at the first and second week in the first group and only at the first week in the second group. 5. Above mentioned experimental findings lead to a conclusion that small transverse incision to the tendon sheath for the implantation of the polyethlene tube induced minor tissue reaction and early completion of tendon sheath than longitudinal midline incision.

      • KCI등재

        기업간 전자상거래 활성화를 위한 물류혁신전략

        李光範 한국통상정보학회 2001 통상정보연구 Vol.3 No.1

        최근 B2B 전자상거래 확산에 따른 물류문제를 해결하고 오프라인 물류와의 차별화를 시도하기 위한 목적으로 다양한 물류측면의 대안이 제시되고 있다. 먼저 물류산업 자체의 e-business화를 추진함으로 기존 물류체계에서의 고비용 문제, 책임소재가 불분명한 서비스 문제를 해결하고 운송정보의 실시간 제공을 통한 발주자, 화주자간의 긴밀한 커뮤니케이션 형성과 해외시장을 겨냥한 글로벌 물류체계를 구축해야 한다. 다음으로 물류업종의 지나친 세분화, 기존 물류업체의 영세성과 혁신마인드의 부족, 그에 따른 제조·유통업체의 경쟁적 자가물류 확충의 악순환으로 제3자 물류시장 성장기반이 제한되어 오는 등 구조적인 문제점을 극복하기 위하여 주요 운송업체가 영세한 화주나 창고관리 위탁업무까지 대행하여 주는 지금까지의 제3자 물류 체제에서 대기업이 물류시장에 새롭게 지출하면서 사이버 물류시스템을 기반으로 기존 주요 운송업계와 VAN 사업자가 장악하고 있는 물류정보 서비스를 주도하는 제4자 물류체제로의 전환이 요구된다. 왜냐하면, SCM과 전자상거래 환경 하에서는 공급 망 내의 물류를 최적화하여 기업의 경쟁력을 강화하기 위해서 기능적 아웃소싱의 단계를 거쳐 물류기능의 통합과 운영의 자율권이 증대, 전체적인 공급연쇄 솔루션을 제공하는 서비스 제공자와 함께 기업의 경영자원, 능력, 기술을 관리하고 결합하는 공급연쇄 통합자로서 제4자 물류가 필요하기 때문이다. 이와 같은 제4자 물류체제가 본격 형성될 경우 물류정보와 인프라가 복잡하게 얽혀있는 기존 물류산업이 재편되고, 특화된 물류솔루션을 바탕으로 한 산업별 물류체제 구축이 가속화될 것으로 예견되며, 일반 기업 입장에서 물류부문의 아웃소싱이 촉진되어 물류산업기반이 확충될 수 있을 것이다.

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