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        지상항공안전증진을 위한 비행장관제시뮬레이터의 고도화

        이인영,최연철 대한교통학회 2014 대한교통학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        As ground air traffic control at the airport is one of the most important tasks in air transport, attention to the development of a related simulator has expanded all around the world. For this reason, this research describes the characteristics and advantages of this advanced aerodrome traffic control simulator, developed in South Korea, as well as its linkage with A-SMGCS, which is planned to be developed in the future. One of the characteristics of this simulator is that it is possible to train an air traffic controller independently, especially under various conditions such as in different weathers and normal or abnormal circumstances. Therefore, this aerodrome traffic control simulator, through the comprehensive training under various conditions, will contribute to aviation safety and airport capacity enhancement training. 공항에서의 지상교통관제는 매우 중요한 항공교통업무 가운데 하나이다. 따라서 세계 각국에서는 이와 관련된 시뮬레이터의 개발에 대한 관심이 지대하다. 본 연구는 우리나라에서 개발 및 고도화된 비행장관제시뮬레이터에 대한 특징과 장점 및 향후 개발되는 A-SMGCS와의 연동성을 기술하였다. 본 장비의 특징은 훈련관제사의 단독적인 훈련이 가능하도록 설계되었으며 다양한 기상조건 및 정상 및 비정상상황 설정으로 상황에 부합되는 관제사 교육훈련이 가능하다는 점이다. 따라서 본 비행장관제시뮬레이터를 통하여 항공관제 부분에서의 종합훈련은 물론 다양한 상황에서의 관제사 훈련을 통하여 비행안전과 공항용량 증대 훈련에 크게 기여를 할 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        "주제"와 "화제" : 기존 화제개념에 대한 재고 The Concept of Topic Revisited

        이인영 서울대학교 어학연구소 1996 語學硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        Since the development of Functional Sentence Perspective various challenging theories have been proposed for the concept of topic. Generally speaking, topic has been viewed either on the basis of aboutness or on the basis of givenness. The weakness of both approaches lies not simply in the confusing uses of the terminology. The more serious problem lies in the fact that they cannot show effectively the difference between "As for our daughters, we are proud of them," and "As for our daughters, them we are proud of.". I presume that much of the problem can be solved if we accept the fact that a speaker and a hearer can have different aboutness and/or givennesses and that topic is not only a matter of connecting one utterance with the other utterance(s) in a discourse but also a matter within one utterance. Resorting to these assumptions I suggest to split the established concept of topic into two subconcepts working on different levels, i.e., "theme" and "topic". "Theme" is temporarily defined as a proposition (or propositions) that semantically connects the utternaces to preserve the coherence of the discourse. Thus, it is primarily a matter of interpretation or reconstruction from the hearer's viewpoint. "Topic" is temporarily defined as an object-file that a speaker intends to activate in his consciousness as the psychological and linear starting point of his future utterance. As a proof of my theory I expound in chapter 4 on left dislocation, particularly with the Russian oral data. Typology and discourse function of left dislocation are studied in detail. The analysis is supprted by the comparison with right dislocation on the one hand and with "topicalization" on the other. In the course of the discussion are also reviewed briefly such polemical problems as presupposition and focus on question, the spatiotemporal expression in existential utterances, and the function of "nin" and "ka" in korean.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 러시아 бытовые повести 속의 "돌아온 탕아"들 : 여성비평적 고찰 From the Viewpoint of Feminist Criticism

        이인영 서울대학교러시아연구소 1992 러시아연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to provide a "decentered" reading, i.e. the "feminist" interpretation to the three seventeenth-century Russian tales, The Tale of Savva Grudtsyn, The Tale of Gore Zlochastie, and The Tale of Frol Skobeev, which share the archi-story of the biblical parable of the Prodigal Son. The comparison of these tales with the biblical parable reveals that they have different goals and different points of view from those of the parable. The canonical interpretations of the tales have been consistently masculine (or, we may say, patriarchal), whether their approaches are sociological, mythlogical, or psychological. Setting up a linear model of Father and Son, these interpretations overlook the crucial role of the female in the deep structure of these tales. Therefore I propose a triangular model with the elements of Father, Son, and the Female. On the basis of this model I pursue the deeply underlying femininity within the Lacanian psychoanalytic framework. And then I proceed to establish the feminine substratum of these tales with relation to their folkloric elements. The analysis reveals that while Savva turns out to be the most Christian-like variant of the volshebnaia skazka, Frol, a parody of the biblical parable, lies at the opposite as a carnivalized modern adaptation of the volshebnaia skazka. While Savva shows the process of oppression of the femininity, Frol depicts a realization of the principle of "joissance," the principle of the unconscious feminine world. As to Gore, the most complicated and polemical of the three, I hypothesize that there occurs a change of author's position within the process of the tale. With the appearance of Gore there occur shifts from (the parody of) bylina to lyric, from the non-reality-statement to the subjective reality-statement, from the masculine to the feminine viewpoints. In spite of the above differences, the three tales share the feminine substratum, which is ultimately related with the search for the new literature and the interest in the folklo

      • 繪畵에 있어서의 形態와 內的 必然性 問題 硏究 : on the basis of Kandinsky's theory of abstract painting Kandinsky의 抽象理論을 中心으로

        李仁榮 大田工業高等專門學校 1972 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        When the two main currents of abstract paintings are traced to the origin, we find Kandinsky and Mondrian. Both of them are righteously called fore-fathers of abstract paintings. It is, however, Kandinsky who made a greater contribution to the evolution of the theories of abstract paintings. First of all, he discovered through actual experiences of his own the fundamental reason why the recognizable objects in the natural world should be rejected. Discarding natural objects, he expressed on the canvas the spiritual voices from the inner world. Kandinsky described such an expression of the inner world as being expressed by inner necessity. Thus the boundless spiritual world was justified in coming into the world of art and taking over the place of natural objects. At the same time, self-liberation was achieved by discovering the new world of spirit and abandoning the objective matters existing in restricted conditions. Next he attempted a new definition about the concept of the canvas. He defined that the canvas is not a space in which natural objects are represented, but that the canvas itself is a limitless space which should be created by painters, His conception that the space of canvas is not placed under restriction by its nature of limitation rendered another liberation. In this way, the liberation of self was accompanied by limitless space. His third discovery is the free use of various materials. The fact that he began to use sand besides traditional colours indcates that it is possible to use every material in the cosmos. These three concepts compose the basic elements of abstract painting. No matter what new attempts were made in modern paintings, all of them were derived from these theories. Therefore, all the theories of abstract painting that draw greatest attention in modern art are grounded on Kandinsky's theory of abstract painting. In this study, an attempt was made to define not only the nature of abstract painting but also that of realistic painting on the basis of Kandinskys theory.

      • 切削加工面의 殘留應力에 관한 硏究

        金基玉,李仁英 朝鮮大學校 工科大學 1973 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This research aims to get rid of the defective factors that residual stress has effects on machining parts and to produce better and preciser machining parts, from examining clearly the effects of residual stress occurring in cutting operation. Here we studied the fundamental theory of stress and its occurring causes with dividing into two parts : single bite cutting and multiple bite cutting. In single bite cutting , we studied and compared the relation of occurring causes of residual stress when planing and turning of carbon steel(C:O .45%), and using a bite of gradient angle, positive and negative. In multiple bite cutting , according to grinding condition we classified the variety of the residual stress into C, O, and T-form and then investigated the followings. 1. the effect of the hardness of being cut-material on grinding-residual stress. 2. the effect of the rate of grind-stone on the residual stress-distribution of grinding surfaces. 3. the effect of the rate of tools on-the residual stress-distribution of grinding surfaces. 4. the effect of the inserting depth of grindstone on the grinding-residual stress distribution. 5. the effect of the hardness of grindstone on the residual stress.

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