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      • 양파 密植栽培에서 멀칭과 솎음이 殘存球肥大에 미치는 影響

        金正根,崔成圭,梁元模 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        앙파를 密植被覆栽培하여 生育中에 풋양파솎음程度 및 時期가 殘存個體의 球肥大에 미치는 影響을 究明하고자 試驗을 實施한 結果는 다음과 같다. 가. 生育은 멸칭과 터널이 保溫體果로 無被覆보다 良好하였다. 나. 풋양파 收量은 포기솎음(株)보다는 줄솎음(列)이 增收되는 傾向이었고 作業이 便利하였다. 다. 솎음 후 殘存個體 球肥大는 早期 솎음일수록 促進되어 1株重이 모든 處理間 有意的인 差異가 認定되었다. 라. 球양파 收量은 3月의 早期 풋양파 솎음으로 個體間 無競合 條件에서 肥大를 促進시키므로써 4月의 솎음區보다 增收되었다. 以上의 結果로 보아 양파를 密植被覆栽培 (10x10㎝) 한 後 3月中下旬경 줄(列)솎음후 20x10㎝로 하면 早期 풋양파의 收穫도 할수 있고 6月 上旬의 球양파 收穫도 可能하였다. Thining desree tended to increase fleshiness caused to onion plants by thinning time and mulching. Onion cultiver is applied New Apolo (Allium cepa L.Early group)and planted Oct.26,1983 in the planting density of 20x10㎝, 20x5㎝ and 10x10㎝, respectively. Thinning method experimented;All, Plant and Row thinning were employed and planting densities were adjusted to 20x10㎝ after Soiling onionn thinning. The most effective thinning time was Apr.20plot thinned as soiling onion production. The other side, Mar. 30 thinned plot was more effective in the side of fleshiness and whole onion yield.More whole and soiling onions suitable for early processing were produced in the P.E tunnel plots than in the P.E mulch plots, but for late processing more produced in the P.E mulched plot than in the P.E tunnel. In the thinning distance, row thinned plot war produced better than plant thinned, and thinning labours decreased remakably.

      • 剝皮와 6-Benzyladenine 處理가 사과나무 富士品種의 新梢發育에 미치는 影響

        梁元模 全北大學校 學徒護國團 1977 全國大學生學術硏究發表論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        The experiment has been conducted to determine on optimum concentration of 6-benzyladenine and time of scoring in the sprouting and shoot growth of apple variety 'Fuji'. the two year old trees were used for this experiment. The results are as follows ; 1. The sprouting on apple stem was induced by scoring made at any time of the season tested. 2. 6-benzyladenine induced the bud burst on apple stem. The most effective concentration of 6-benzyladenine was 500 ppm. 3. 6-benzyladenine induced the bud burst more effectively when it was applied to 9∼10 bud on the main stem than it was applied to only 3 buds. 4. The shoot growth was vest when the scoring was made scoring was made on April 3 than it was made on June 3 or on August 3. 5. There was a tendency that the higher concentration of 6-benzyladenine inhibited the growth of shoots bursted out of scored buds. On the other hand, 6-benzyladenine stimulated the growth of shoots on the stem when scoring was not made, however,the effect of shoot growth induction 6-benzyladenine was not comparable to that by scoring.

      • Kiwi fruit(Actinidia Chinensis Planch)의 種子發芽에 미치는 溫度와 床土의 影響

        丁蓮圭,陳英旭,梁元模 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        KIWI FRUIT(Chinese gooseberry)의 種子 發芽試驗에 있어서, 溫度別, 床土別試驗結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 發芽率은 低溫區(15∼21℃)보다 高溫區(22∼28℃)에서 높았고 床土間에도 有意差가 있었으며 累積發芽率도 서로 다른 樣相을 보였다. 2. 發芽開始所要日數는 高溫區의 9.3日보다 低溫區가 21.7日로서 顯著히 길었으며 床土間에도 有意差가 認定되었다. 3. 高溫區의 第一本葉 出現開始所要日數는 23.7日, 第二本葉은 34.7日, 第三本葉은 모래+腐葉區에서만 40日째에 出現되었고 低溫區에서는 第一本葉이 30.7日이었으며 第二, 第三本葉은 出現되지 않았다. 4. 第一本葉에서 第二本葉 出現까지의 所要日數는 모래區에서 15日, 腐葉區에서 11日, 모래+腐葉區에서 7日이었다. 5. 最終本葉 出現數는 高溫區가 低溫區보다 많았으며 床土別로는 高溫區의 第一本葉및 第二本葉은 모래+腐葉區가 各各 85.3葉, 56葉으로서 가장 많았고 모래區가 各各 49.3葉, 4.7葉으로 가장 적었다. 低溫區의 第一本葉은 모래區가 25.3葉으로 가장 많았고 腐葉區가 8.7葉으로 가장 적었다. This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of temperature and media on the seed germination of Kiwi Fruit. Germination temperature were controlled into two stages in growth chamber, low temperature (15∼21℃) and high temperature(22∼28℃). Three kinds of germination media that is sand, sand 50%+leafmold 50% and leafmold were used. Seeds of Kiwi Fruit, var "Hayward" were sowed on April, 21 in 1983. The results were summerised as follows: 1. The seed germination rate under high temperature treatment was higher than that of the low temperature, and the germination medias also made significant differences on the germination rate. Also, accumulated seed germination rates differred between the treatments. 2. Required time for the first germinating was 9.3 days in high temperature but 21.7 days in low temperature and the time requirement as to media was shorter in order of mention, leafmold, sand+leafmold and sand soil. 3. In high germination temperature, the first true leaf appeared at 23.7 days after sowing, the second did at 34.7 days and the third did at 40 days only in sand+leafmold germination media, however, in low temperature the first true leaf appeared at 30.7 days, but the second and the third did not appeared. 4. Required days from the first true leaf emergence to the second was shorter in oredr of mention, sand+leafmold, leafmold and sand soil. 5. True leaves finally emerged under high temperature was more than those under low temperature. And as for the variation in numbers among the germination media, the first leaves and the second leaves under high temperature were 85.3 leaves and 56.0 leaves(largest in number) in sand+leafmold media and 49.3 leaves and 4.7 leaves (smallest in number) in sand media. The first leaves under low temperature were 25.3 leaves(largest in number) in sand media and were 8.7 leaves (smallest in number) in leafmold media.

      • 植物 生長調節劑 處理가 葡萄 巨峰 品種에 果實品質에 미치는 影響

        陳英旭,梁元模 順天大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        植物 生長調節劑인 PP-333, B-9, Gibberellin의 處理時期, 處理方法, 處理濃度에 따른 葡萄 巨峰 品種의 果實品질에 및는 影響에 대한 實驗結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 葡萄 巨峰 品種의 果實품質은 PP-333,B-9, GA의 處理時期, 處理방法, 處理濃度및 이들 上互作用의 影響을 深하게 받았다. 2. 生長調節劑가 서로 다른 時期에 處理되었을 때 PP-333區와 B-9區의 境遇는 大部分 品質의 構成要素가 滿開期처理時 向上되는 傾向이었으며 GA區의 境遇는 滿開後 2週에 處理하는 것이 效果的이었으나 糖및 酸含量에서는 B-9區의 境遇 滿開後 2週, PP區및 GA區는 境遇는 滿開豫定 2週前 處理가 效果的이었다. 3. GA處理는 果房을 浸漬처理하였을 때, PP-333와 B-9은 葉面撒布하였을 때 效果的이었다. 4. B-9및 GA處理는 果粒의 生長을 抑制하였으나 PP-333의 處理는 1500ppm 以下의 濃度에서 果粒의 生長을 促進하였다. 5. 과房의 생長은 생長調節劑를 滿開예定 2週前 또는 滿開期에 처理하였을때는 抑制되었으나 만開後 2週 處理時에는 促進되었으며 GA의 境遇에는 이러한 傾向이 더욱 深하게 나타났다. 6. 果粒重및 果房重은 大부分의 處理에서 減少하였으나 B-9處理區의 果房重만은 增加하였다. 7. 糖 및 酸含量은 生長調節劑의 處理에 의해 增加되는 傾向을 보였다. To investigate the effects of plant growth regulators; PP-333, B-9 and Gibberellic acid(GA) on the quality of Kohyo prape, various treatment times, methods and concentrations of regulators were applied. The analysis of variance for the grape quality showed the significant interacions among treatment times, methods and concentrations in 3 plant regulators. Almost all quality components were improved by aoolication of B-9, PP-333 at June 1 and GA at June 15, respectively. On considering the sugar and tartaric acid contents of the grape, the applications of B-9 at June 15 and GA at May 18 were very effective. It was effective for the grape quality that GA was applied by soaking and PP-333, B-9 were by foliage spray. The application of B-9 and GA suppressed the growth of berry, but low concentration (below 1500ppm) of PP-333 promoted this phenomenon. The growth of cluster was suppressed by the application of regulators at May 18, but was promoted by treatment at June 15, Especially, GA had the prominent effect. The weight of berry was decreased by almost all treatments of plant regulators. The weight of cluster was increased by B-9, but decreased by PP-333 and GA. The plant growth regulators made the content of sucrose and tartaric acid in the grape increased.

      • GA 및 2, 4-D 處理가 洋芹의 生育에 미치는 影響

        金正根,朴華性,梁元模 順天大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration, appropriate treatment times of GA and 2,4-D on the growth and yield under high temperature conditions. Utah 15 was employed and treatment times were 40days, 30days, 20days prior to harvest, hormones levels applied were 10, 50, 100ppm in GA and 1, 5, 10ppm in 2, 4-D 1. Increasing GA concentration increased the plant height, petiole length and leaf area. 20days before harvest was remarkably effective but in the case of 2,4-D increment was observed up to 5ppm and in 10ppm growth inhibitions have occurred. 2. Significant differences were recognized in leaf length and number of petioles as affected by the levels of concentration regardless of treatmentstimes. 3. Yield responses have shown the increase up to 31 percent in 100ppm of GA, 15 percent in 5ppm of 2,4-D compared with control. While treatment between 30 and 40days before harvest no significant differences were observed among the levels of the GA treated. 4. Application with low concentrations of 2,4-D were recommended to increase the yield of celery, especially in 20 days before harvest.

      • 土性과 施肥水準 差異가 토마토의 生育에 미치는 影響

        鄭淳柱,梁元模 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        同一灌水條件下에서의 土性과 土壤水分變化, 土性과 施肥와의 關係, 土性과 施肥水準에 따른 토마토의 生育反應 等을 究明함으로써 收量增大및 品質改善을 위한 土性別 肥培管理 또는 관수체계 確立에 必要한 基礎資料를 모색하기 위하여 土性으로서 모래(砂土), 황토(砂壤土), 밭흙(壤土) 施肥水準으로서 無施肥區, 標準施肥區(N : 33kg, P : 22kg, K : 33kg/10a), 標準2倍施肥區의 各 處理에 영광 토마토를 供試하여 試驗을 遂行한 바 다음과 같은 몇가지 結論을 얻었다. 1. 土性別, 施肥水準別 土壤水分含量에는 差異가 없었으며, 電氣傳導度는 밭토양에서 높게 나타났고 모래와 황토에서 낮게 나타나 사토에서는 分施 그리고 황토에서는 增施하는 것이 바람직하였다. 2. Leaf water potential은 모래와 황토에서는 비슷하였고 밭흙에서는 낮았다. Stomatol resistence는 황토, 밭흙, 모래 順이었고 施肥水準間에는 無施肥區, 標準2倍施肥區, 標準施肥區 順으로 낮았다. 葉綠素 含量은 施肥水準이 높을수록 높았다. 3. 草長은 밭흙, 모래, 황도 順이었고 황토에서는 施肥量이 增加할 수록 草長이 크게 나타났으나 밭흙에서는 반대였으며 莖徑에는 處理間에 差異가 없었다. 4. 收量은 황토, 밭흙, 모래 順으로 높았으며 황토에서는 施肥水準이 높을 수록 收量이 많았고 밭흙에서는 그 반대로 나타나, 황토에서는 적절한 水分供給條件下에서 收量增大 可能性이 크게 認定되었고 土性에 따른 施肥水準과 施肥方法의 改善이 要求되었다. The purposes of this experiment were to investigate the influences of the soil texture and fertilizer levels on the growth responses and high yielding of tomato. Properties of the soil used were tested. The fertilizer levels consisted of no-fertilizer(control), standard fertilizer(N:33, P:22, K:33kg/10a) and double fertilizer of standard recommended by O.R.D in Korea. Young-gwang tomato seeds sowed at June, 7 and transplanted at July, 21. Soil moisture contents as affected by the soil texture and fertilizer levels showed no significance among treatments and the electric conductivity was high in upland soil but lowered in red soil and sand soil. So that the side fertilization in sand soil and the heavy fertilization in red soil were recommended. The leaf water potential were similar between the sand and the red soil, but lowered upland soil. In red soil interaction between the soil texture and heavy fertilization were affected to the leaf water potential. The stomatal resistance among the fertilizer levels was highly showed in order of no fertilizer, double fertilizer of standard and standard fertilizer. Chlorophyll contents in the leaf among the treatments were increased with increasing the fertilizer levels. Plant hights were observed highly in order of upland, sand and red soil, but the stem diameter showed no significant difference. In red soil plant hights increased with increasing fertilizer levels but adversed in upland soil. The high yield were observed in red soil and increased with heavy fertilization but vice versa in upland soil. Thus, the high yield potential was demonstrated in the red soil under appropriate water supply, however, improvements of fertilization with the soil texture and irrigation methods were required. Further trials should be followed about the cultural time, irrigation methods and other nutrient combinations in detail.

      • 一側 黑質體 破壤 白鼠에서 Apomorphine의 回轉運動效果에 미치는 中樞 Opiate系의 影響

        양원모,황병연,은홍배,조규박 의과학연구소 1990 全北醫大論文集 Vol.14 No.4

        To investigate the role of dopamine receptors and possible involvement of brain opiate system in the apomorphine-induced rotational behavior of the substantia nigra-lesioned rats with 6-hydroxydopamine, effects of morphine and naloxone on the action of dopamine agonist or antagonist were examined. Rats were promed with apomorphine after denervation. 1. Apomorphine elicited dose-dependent conrtraiareral circling behavior. Maximum development of supersensitivity to apomorphinw was observed 3 weeks after denervation in apomorphine-primed rat. 2. A selective D1 agonist, SKF 38393 or a selective D2 agonist LY 171555 induced rotatory behavior of substantia nigra-lesioned rats. Rotatory effect of subcutaneous SKF 38393 was not affected by morphine and naloxone, but the effect of subcutaneous LY 171555 was potentiated by morphine and diminished by naloxone. 3. Subcutaneous SCH 23390 or sulpiride decreased the rotarory effect of apomorphine. Naloxione potentiated this effect of SCH 23393, but did not affect the effect of sulpiride. 4. Administration of morphine into ipsilateral caudate nucleus potentiated the rotatory effect of SKF 38393 and LY 171555. Otherwise, contralateral injection of naloxone did not affect the effect of SKF 38393, but potentiated the action of LY 171555. 5. Chronic administration of naloxone increased the rotatory effects of apomorphine, SKF 38393 and LY 171555. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug potentiated the effect of apomorphine. From the above results, it is suggested that the rotatory effect of apomorphine is due to both the activation of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor, which are partly modulated by brain opiate system.

      • KCI등재

        경량전철 차량기지 동적 시뮬레이터 개발

        양원모,Yang, Won-Mo 한국시뮬레이션학회 2011 한국시뮬레이션학회 논문지 Vol.20 No.1

        저탄소 녹색성장의 시대를 맞아 철도 교통의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 하지만 차량기지 시뮬레이션에 대한 연구는 부족한편이다. 본 논문은 경량전철(LRT:Light Rail Transit) 차량기지에 대한 동적 시뮬레이터 개발에 관한 논문이다. 시뮬레이션툴에 대한 요구사항 분석, 시뮬레이션 툴 아키텍처, 데이터베이스 설계, 시뮬레이션 알고리즘, 시뮬레이션 툴 설계 및 개발에 대해 설명하고 있다. 경량전철 차량기지 동적 시뮬레이터는 선로정보, 열차정보, 신호 및 분기기 정보, 열차작업정보, 역사정보 등을 편집하는 네트워크 편집기와 열차주행 알고리즘을 연산하는 시뮬레이터, 시뮬레이션 결과를 표 및 그래프로 조회하는 리포터와 시뮬레이션 결과를 동적으로 애니메이션을 통해 확인할 수 있는 애니메이터의 4가지 모듈로 구성되어 있다. 경량전철 차량기지 동적 시뮬레이터에 대한 구조 및 설계, 개발에 대한 전반적인 내용을 다룬 본 연구는 시뮬레이터를 새로 개발하는 경우 좋은 참고자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. Recently, in the era of low carbon and green growth, the importance of railway transportation is being emphasized However, there is a lack of research on simulation for railway depot. This paper presents the development of the dynamic simulator for LRT(Light Rail Transit) depot. This study presents explanations of requirement analysis, architecture, database design, simulation algorithm, and design and development of the simulation tool. The dynamic LRT depot simulation tool consists of four modules; a Network Editor to create and modify information regarding railroad, train, signal, turnout, job and station, a Simulator to calculate train movement algorithm, a Reporter to show simulation results in table and graphs, and an Animator to animate simulation results dynamically. It is hoped that this study on general details of structure, design and development of LRT depot dynamic simulator will perform as a good reference to future development of new simulation tools.

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