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      • KCI등재

        고전소설의 유통양상과 문학교육에서의 활용방안

        金鎭榮(Jin-young, Kim) 어문연구학회 2010 어문연구 Vol.66 No.-

        Until now it is studied about distribution aspect of classic novel and useful way of literature education. After being considered of distribution background of classic novel, it is studied distribution aspect of classic novel which is divided into literature and arts. And then distribution way of classic novel and useful way of literature education is examined some way. The main contents is summarized as follows. First, classic novel is expanded synchronically at the latter part of choseon dynasty. Because of political, social and economical change, its demand goes on increasing rapidly. Here general people who is main enjoyment class of orally transmitted literature is be a documentary literature's accept class, korean literature is prevalent. With this changing background, classic novel became a typical popular literature. Especially, there are various circulation for the expanding of novel demand. Second, it is considered distribution aspects of classic novel. Classic novel is satisfy popular acceptance in the latter part of the Choseon Dynasty, so it seeks various distribution way. First in literature it is distributed by oral and book. In oral, it is distributed a poem by singing and narrative by storytelling. In book, manuscript and block book and old type are published. Meanwhile recitation that a way of book circulation is made by stage actor's various expressions and actions, but the text is required book firstly. And it is distributed visual arts and performing arts and image arts. A visual arts is a painting, and performing arts is a pansori or play. In 20 centuries, mass media distribution which is drama or cinema is a main media for a classic novel distribution. Third, it is studied about distribution way of classic novel and useful way of literature education. Classic novel is distributed various literature and arts, then receive attention as our traditional culture. But in present curriculum, classic novel is a study object and it is used only educational topic. So in spite of classic novel is main contents that is build our moral culture, it is not educated in its entirety. So it needs to educate a studying used various distribution way of classic novel. That is a pointer which is understanding way about classic novel's identity and work's characteristic. In other words, as studying plan will be made by used literature and artistic distribution way, so our education will serve two ends with traditional culture and classic novel.

      • 運動遂行과 月經에 관한 硏究

        金鎭秀(Kim Jin Soo),金銀景(Kim Eun Kyung) 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원 1992 체육학논문집 Vol.20 No.-

          The purpose of this study was physiological analysis of physical performance in mensturations by review. Findings were as follows;<BR>  1. The variation in age at menarche seems therefore considerably smaller in the case of skeletal age compared to calendar age.<BR>  The variation of age at menarche in various population is considerable.<BR>  2. On the average, athletes attained menache later than the general population because of at the extreme of the perforance continuum, these girls classified as the better performance were commonly later maturing and linear in physique.<BR>  3. Mild exercise does not appear to here a significant effect on menstural disorders.<BR>  However heavy intensive training has been found to induce amenorrhea (cessation of mensturation) in athletes, particularly long - distance runners and gymnast.<BR>  4. The amenorrhea is temporary and uncomplicating and disappears upon cessation of heavy training.

      • 體育專攻 女子大學生들의 無酸素性閾値에 대한 硏究

        金鎭秀(Kim Jin Soo),金銀景(Kim Eun Kyung) 경희대학교 스포츠과학연구원 1991 체육학논문집 Vol.19 No.-

          The purpose of this study is to examine the specificity of maximum aerobic power and anaerobic Dower threshold (AT) in female of physical education major.<BR>  Laboratory assessements were made on thirteen female of physical education major. Each subject completed a continuous multi-stage treadmill running exercise procedure designed to achieve maximum oxygen uptake.<BR>  As the results of this study, Conclusion were obtained as follows;<BR>  The average means of Age, Body Height, Body Weight were 20.14 ± 1.04 years, 152.20 ± 4.21Cm, 60.40 ± 3.84Kg.<BR>  2. The average means of maximal oxygen uptake (VO₂ max) were 2.99±0.21 ℓ/min female of physical education major.<BR>  3. Oxygen uptake of anaerobic threshold (AT-VO₂) was 2.08 ± 0.19 ℓ/min. The AT was expressed by a percent of VO₂ max. It was 67.40 ± 5.41% in female of physical education major.

      • KCI등재

        국제경영 : 매출액영업이익률, 매출액성장률, 부채비율 및 기업규모를 고려하여 살펴본 광고선전활동이 기업가치에 미치는 영향; 한국 제조업 기업을 대상으로 한연구개발집약도 및 수출비중의 조절효과 분석

        진수 ( Jin Su Kim ),권기정 ( Gee Jung Kwon ) 국제지역학회 2010 국제지역연구 Vol.14 No.3

        기업의 광고선전활동은 매출의 상승, 충성고객의 확보, 진입장벽 구축 등의 효익을 제공한다. 그러나 광고선전활동과 기업가치 간의 관련성에 대한 많은 실증연구들은 일관된 결과를 제시하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 2001년 1월 1일부터 2009년 12월 31일까지 한국 유가증권시장과 코스닥시장에 계속 상장된 제조업영위 기업을 대상으로 기업의 광고선전활동과 기업가치 간의 관련성을 살펴보았다. 또한 이 들 간의 관계에 있어 연구개발집약도 및 수출비중의 조절효과를 살펴보았다. 주요 실증분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 광고선전활동의 대용변수인 광고선전집약도의 계수는 1% 수준에서 양(+)으로 유의하였다. 광고선전활동이 증가할수록 기업가치가 상승하였다. 둘째, 전체표본을 고 및 저 연구개발집약도 표본(고 및 저수출비중 표본)으로 각각 분리하여 분석한 결과, 광고선전집약도의 계수값은 저 연구개발집약도 표본(고 수출비중 표본)이 고 연구개발집약도 표본(저 수출비중 표본)에 비해 컸다. 연구개발집약도(수출비중)에 의해 광고선전활동과 기업가치 간의 관계가 조절됨을 알 수 있었다. This paper investigates the value relevance of advertising activity over the period from 2001 to 2009 in the listed Korean stock markets(KOSPI and KOSDAQ). In addition, this paper divide all sample firm into several subsample, based on R&D intensity and export ratio in total sales. The empirical result of this paper shows following two evidence; First, advertising intensity, which proxies for advertising activity, is significantly related to firm value at the 1% level of significance. Second, advertising activity of high R&D intensity and high export ratio sample firms has more significant value relevance than for firms with low R&D intensity and low export ratio. The empirical results suggest that moderation effect of R&D intensity and export ratio are very important factor in determining the value relevance of advertising activity.

      • KCI등재

        一般論文 : 장개빈(張介賓)의학의 철학적 고찰 -음양관을 중심으로-

        金大珍 ( Dae Jin Kim ) 영산대학교 동양문화연구원 2010 동양문화연구 Vol.5 No.-

        이 논문은 明代儒醫張介賓의학에서의 철학적 사상을, 그의 저서인 『景岳全書』 『類經』 『類經圖翼』 『類經附翼』에 나타난 음양관을 중심으로 연구한 것이다. 그의 ‘陰陽理論’은 기존의 治病에 대한 당시의 일반적인것을 탈피한 새로운 사상이며, 현재까지도 이 이론은 적용되고 있다. 그는 醫學과 『周易』을 하나로 용해하여 ‘醫易同原’이라는 관점을 내놓아 한의학의 음양학설을 자세하게 탐색하는 관점을 진행시켰다. 또한 병의 원인에 따른 치료법을 주장하면서 반드시 음양을 살펴야 함을 강조하고있다. 그는 ``扶陽抑陰’과 ``陽不足陰常有餘’ 학설을 주장하면서 金元代醫家朱丹溪를 비판한다. 주단계는 장개빈과 상반되는 ``陽有餘陰不足論’을 주장하면서 ``養陰抑陽’을 강조하였다. 장개빈의 학설은 결국 단계학설의 부족을 보충하여, 음양이론을 더욱 폭넓게 전개했다고 할 수 있다. 결국 장개빈은 元陰·元陽을 중시한 관점에서 보면 ``扶陽抑陰論者’가 아닌 ``主陽的陰陽相補論者’라 할 수 있을 것이다. 그는 음양이론을 발전시켜 후세에서 ‘陰陽虛實諸病’을 論治하는데 커다란 영향을 미쳤다. 장개빈은 이렇게 동양철학의 중요한 개념인 음양으로서 자신의 의학관을 설명하고 있는데, 그 인식의 근원을 자연현상과 『周易』 그리고 『黃帝內經』에 두고 있다. This paper is to study on Zhang Jie-bin(張介賓)`s philosophical thought in his medicine, a doctor in the age of the Ming(明) Dynasty, focused on his view of Yin and Yang represented in his works, 『Jingyuequashu(景岳全書)』, 『Leijing(類經)』, 『Leijingtuyi(類經圖翼)』, and 『Leijingfuyi(類經附翼)』. Zhang Jie-bin`s theory of Yin and Yang` is a new thought free from the then general one on treating diseases, and has been applied to the medical world until now. He revealed his view of ``Yiyitongyuan(醫易同原)`` and proceeded his view of specifically exploring the theory of Yin and Yang in the Chinese medicine, mixing the medical science with The Book of Zhouyi(周易). Zhang Jie-Bin emphasized on surely examining Yin and Yang, insisting on the therapy dependent on the cause of a disease. He criticized Zhu Dan-Xi(朱丹溪), a medical man who had lived from the age of the Jin(金) Dynasty to one of Yuan (元) Dynasty, insisting on the theories of ``Fuyangyiyin(扶陽抑陰)`` and ``Yangbuzu-Yinchangyouyu(陽不足-陰常有餘)``. It can be said that these Zhang Jie-Bin`s theories made it possible for the theory of Yin and Yang to be developed more extensively, supplementing Dan-Xi`s theories. Given the view that Zhang Jie-Bin respected Yuan-Yin and Yuan-Yang, after all, He can be regarded not as ``a theorist of enriching Yang and preventing Yin(扶陽抑陰論者)`` but that of Yang-orienting and complementary Yin and Yang(主陽的陰陽相補論者)``. He developed his theories of Yin and Yang and had a great effect on discussing and managing ‘Yinyangxushizhubing(陰陽虛實諸病)’ after ages. Zhang Jie-Bin describes his own view of medicine with Yin and Yang, the important concepts of Oriental Philosophy, and puts his essence of knowledge in natural phenomenon, 『The Book of Zhouyi』 and 『Huangdineijing(黃帝內經)』.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        다시 쓰는 여성의 서사―천란(陳染)의《개인생활(私人生活)》을 중심으로―

        순진(Soon-jin Kim) 중국어문논역학회 2004 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.13 No.-

        For Chinese woman writers in the 1990s, sexuality is both an<br/> indispensible means of exploring the self-identity, and a critical<br/> weapon for challenging the totalitarian social consciousness. Chen<br/> Ran, a woman writer of the 1990s in Beijing, shows the process of<br/> gender formation through Ni Niuniu, the protagonist in her story<br/> ..Private Life... In her relationship with Mrs. He, the first partner<br/> of her sexual intercourse, Ni Niuniu feels a sort of ..complicity,.. <br/> which exists only in the form of desire. However, the relationship<br/> with a man, Mr. T, through which she confirms her gender, was a<br/> terrifying process of witnessing her imperfect social self.<br/> Woman can arm herself with a formidable weapon for resisting<br/> man's gaze, which objectifies her body, from the moment when she<br/> begins to affirm her femininity. The process in which Ni Niuniu<br/> affirms her identity in Chen Ran..s ..Private Life.. begins when she<br/> affirms the gender identity of Mrs. He, who is another ..other.. to<br/> her. The ..mutual otherness.. realized through the relationship with<br/> Mrs. He is the source of power that allows Ni Niuniu to observesexuality from within her inner self. From that very moment, Ni<br/> Niuniu returns to her mother..s womb, and names herself ..Ms.<br/> Zero... The new birth of a woman who seeks to find her identity is<br/> a part of the resistance process that denies the order the world<br/> imposes on her. Ni Niuniu..s resistance in the story is presented as<br/> the hysteria that brands her with mental insanity. Ni Niuniu<br/> returns to a perfect fetal status through the process of hysteria by<br/> shaking off the entire external oppressions and the negation of the<br/> self created by the oppressions.

      • KCI우수등재

        사전자기록 위작의 개념과 허위작성의 법적 평가 - 가상화폐 거래소 운영진의 가상화폐 임의충전 행위에 대한 사전자기록등위작죄 성립 여부 - - 서울고등법원 2019. 7. 23. 선고 2019노396 판결 -

        金珍 ( Jin Kim ) 법조협회 2020 法曹 Vol.69 No.4

        문서에 관한 죄의 발전사는 사회 발전과 사회현상의 변화를 반영한다. 전자기록이 문서의 기능을 대체하자 입법자는 관련 규정을 신설하였지만, 위작·변작의 의미를 명시적으로 밝히지 않아 논란의 불씨를 남겼다. 이후 대법원은 공전자기록 위작에 권한을 일탈·남용하여 시스템 설치·운영 주체의 의사에 반하는 허위작성도 포함된다고 해석함으로써 규율 범위의 불명확성을 보완하였고, 이제 사전자기록에 관한 판단을 앞두고 있다. 형법의 해석을 통해 가벌성의 영역을 확대할 경우 죄형법정주의의 한계를 준수하여야 한다. ‘위작’의 용법, 입법제안이유서에서 위작에 허위작성이 포함된다고 명시한 점 등 입법배경, 공·사전자기록 공통의 구성요건인 위작에 대한 대법원과 헌법재판소의 해석 등에 비추어, 사전자기록의 위작 역시 권한 있는 사람의 허위작성을 포함한다는 해석이 가능하다. 나아가 문서죄 보호법익의 발전사, 전자기록의 특성과 보호 필요성, 공·사 구별 실익의 약화, 사적자치의 제한가능성 등을 고려하면, 형사정책상 공·사전자기록의 허위 작성을 처벌할 필요성이 인정되며 사전자기록의 진실성에 대한 공공의 신용도 보호법익의 범주내로 해석하여 보호하여야 한다. 하지만 사문서에 대해 가벌성이 없던 허위 작성을 전면적으로 처벌 대상에 포함시키려면 수범자의 예측가능성과 죄형법정주의 관점에서 입법으로 명확히 하여야 한다. 현단계에서는 권한의 일탈·남용으로서 시스템 설치·운영 주체의 의사에 반하는 경우와 같이 권한 범위의 해석을 통해 제한적으로 처벌이 가능하다고 봄이 상당하다. 이러한 관점에서, 대상판결에서 피고인들의 행위는 정해진 권한의 범위를 벗어나 시스템 설치·운영 주체의 의사에 반하는 허위 사전자기록을 작성한 것이므로 공전자기록에 관한 대법원 판결, 전자기록의 특성과 보호법익 등에 비추어 위작에 해당한다. 나아가, 가상화폐 거래소 고객들과 시스템 운영 주체 사이에 권한의 범위에 대한 제한사유가 있으므로, 사안과 달리 운영 주체가 행위자인 경우라도 권한을 벗어난 허위작성은 위작에 해당한다. The history of criminal behavior relative to documents has reflected the societal development and the transformations of social phenomena. As the electronic records came to replace the function of written document, legislators created new rules to deal with this change. Nonetheless, there exists controversy for it has failed to clearly define what ‘creation’ of false electronic records means. Ever since, the Supreme Court compensated the existing defect in the definition of the range of such crimes interpreting that allowed to include creation of any false documents against the will of those in charge of operation of the system by deviating from or abusing the legitimate power in the category of creation of false public electronic records. Now, 15 years since the decision, the Supreme Court is expected to render judgment as to the private electronic records. To expand the range of punishment according to the existing criminal law, one must abide by the principle of legality(nulla poena sine lege). In light of the common usage of the term, ‘creation’ of false electronic records, as specified in the statement of legislative intention, and decisions made by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court dealing with the concept of ‘creation’ as a common element of both public and private electronic records, the creation of false instrument by a person with authority in private sphere may also viewed as so. Moreover, considering the history of the benefit and protection of the law related to crimes involving written instrument, the need to protect special features of electronic records, and the declining practical utility of differentiating public and private electronic record, it is necessary to protect public trust by punishing the creation of false private electronic records. From the standpoint of criminal justice policy, ultimately, the need to punish creation of false electronic records regardless of it being public or private should be duly recognized. If, however, creation of false electronic records with authority of private document is to be subjected to punishment, it should be specifically so stated by legislative act in accordance with viewpoint of the predictability of the criminal and the principle of legality. At present, an act committed as a form of deviation from and abuse of given authority against the will of those in charge of operation of system only may be punished according to the range of authority in question. From this viewpoint, the current case should be looked upon as creation of false private electronic records outside the range of authority determined by both the users of the virtual currency exchange service and those in charge of operation of the system in question, in view of the Supreme Court decision on public electronic records and the special features and benefit protected by law regarding electronic records. Furthermore, because there exist certain restrictions concerning the range of authority to create records between customers and those in charge of system operation, falsification even by system operators may also constitute creation of false private electronic records outside the authority so restrained.

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