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        신의칙과 형사처벌 - 형사법 영역에서 신의칙의 기능과 한계

        황태정 한국형사법학회 2023 형사법연구 Vol.35 No.4

        죄형법정주의가 지배하는 형사법의 영역에서 ‘법률’이 아닌 신의칙을 기초로 범죄성립을 인정하는 것은 죄형법정주의의 관점에서 기본적으로 바람직한 방향으로 보기어렵다. 강제규범에 의해 개인의 권리를 침해?제한하는 형벌규범의 특수성을 고려한다면, 신의칙을 형법상 범죄성립의 기초로 삼는 경우에는 좀 더 보수적인 관점의 해석론이 필요하다고 할 것이다. 이 글에서는 범죄성립의 기초가 되는 형법적 의무와 형법외적 의무를 규정형식과내용의 측면에서 5가지 유형으로 나누고, 각각에 경우 신의칙이 범죄성립에 미치는영향과 그 타당성을 평가해 보고자 하였다. 논의의 기본적 방향성은 ① 의무의 내용이 신의칙에서 출발한 것이라 하더라도 그것이 형법적 의무로 설정된 이상 이는 법률상 의무로서 범죄성립의 정당한 근거가 된다. ② 다만 형법외적 의무를 설정하고있는 조항의 경우 의무의 인정이 곧 범죄성립의 기초가 된다는 점에서, ‘법률’ 이외의형식에 의한 의무의 인정은 형벌의 겸억성을 고려하여 엄격히 해석할 필요가 있다는점이다. 논증의 자료로는 최근 보이스피싱 관련 사례에서 횡령죄 성립에 대한 대법원의 판단과, 사기죄에서 고지의무에 관한 기존 대법원의 법리를 예로 들었다. 판례는 횡령죄와 관련하여 신의칙을 범죄성립 제한원리(예컨대 보호가치 없는 위탁관계)로도 범죄성립 확장원리(예컨대 착오송금 사례에서의 위탁관계 의제)로도 활용하고 있는데, 죄형법정주의 관점에서 전자는 허용될 수 있지만 후자의 인정은 신중하여야 할 것이다. 또 판례는 신의칙상 고지의무에 터잡은 부작위에 의한 사기죄 성립을 법리화하고있는바, 이 역시 죄형법정주의 관점에서 매우 조심스럽게 접근해야 할 해석론이라고생각된다. 범죄성립의 근거로 작동하는 신의칙상 의무의 인정은 가급적 최소화할 필요가 있고, 법공동체의 수인한도를 넘어서는 신의칙 위반 행위유형 또한 순수한 신의칙 영역의 문제가 아니라 계약체결상의 부수의무로 포섭하여 해결함이 타당할 것으로 본다. It is natural that the stability of legal relationships between individuals within a community and the social trust that supports it are necessary. It is for this reason that the recognition of the obligation based on the principle of good faith is recognized not only in the area of civil law but also in the area of criminal law. However, unlike the civil law field, in the criminal law field where the principle of ‘Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege’, recognizing the duty to act based on the principle of good faith and criminal liability based on it requires a more strict and conservative interpretation, considering the special nature of the penal law. Whether the principle of good faith can operate as a crime constitutive principle must be discussed in two directions. If the principle of good faith goes beyond a simple moral dimension and is incorporated into the realm of normative coercion in the form of laws, contracts, etc., there is no question that this becomes a justifiable basis for criminal punishment. The question is whether it is possible and reasonable to use the principle of good faith, which has not yet reached the standardization stage, as the basis for criminal punishment. This will require a cautious approach from the perspective of criminal justice. In this paper, in light of this problem, I will critically examine the validity of the principle of good faith as a principle of expansion of establishment of crime, focusing on the interpretation of Supreme Court precedents.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자유심증주의의 범위와 한계

        황태정 한국형사판례연구회 2019 刑事判例硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        The cause of the crime should be judged synthetically through a subjective evaluation of the motive of the crime as well as an objective evaluation based on the laws of science. In order to make a guilty judgment based on indirect evidence(circumstantial evidence), the evidence must be strictly related to the facts that require proof(factum probandum), and it should be a practical matter to rule out the rational hypothesis that the accused is not guilty. However, it can not be said that the demand for such relevance and substantivity should exclude all irrational hypotheses on the accused. The legal maxim ‘in dubio pro reo’ serves as the lighthouse of the night sea, which leads the judgment to the right destination, but the lighthouse is not the destination of the ship named ‘free evaluation of evidence’. The important thing is to take the lighthouse warning and head for the right destination. From this perspective, it will be necessary to appreciate the intent of Supreme Court’s decision, which states that “The recognition of guilt in a criminal trial shall be based on the proof beyond reasonable doubt. It does not, however, require a degree to exclude all possible doubts that are not rational. It is not permissible to exclude evidence with probative power based on suspicion without reasonable grounds because it is beyond the limitations of the Principle of Free Evaluation of Evidence.”

      • KCI등재후보

        불법적·반윤리적 목적의 승낙과 상해

        황태정 한국형사판례연구회 2011 刑事判例硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        A subject of demand on appropriateness in accordance with social rules is thought to be the most important at behaviors by the consent. In other words, estimate of the action by criminal law shall be discussed not by an actor's internal will but by infringement upon legal interest at outside world. Either purpose or motive of the one who has infringed upon legal interest with consent shall not be considered at the estimate of appropriateness of social rules. Therefore, the subject that shall limit consent by social rules shall be not motives and purposes of the consent but ‘an action that infringes upon legal interest’ in accordance with the consent. What type of infringement upon legal interest does limit justification? The problem is related to ‘scope’ of the demand on appropriateness of social rules. Unless special provisions which punish crimes such as murder and abortion regardless of consent, Article 24 of the Criminal Act shall be applied to the crimes of all of private legal interests considering legislation purpose and systematic position. Majority of the scholars think that infringement upon legal interest of other crime types than aforementioned crimes require appropriateness of social rules, and ‘bodily injury’ with consent can be of problem. Considering various kinds of spectrum of bodily injury, the discussion has reached ‘degree’ of demand on appropriateness of social rules, in other words, scope of the permit of bodily injury subject to the consent.The value and specialty of legal interest of bodily injury subject to the consent can be discussed: But, medical treatment for beauty care, minor bodily injury and others that have minor bodily injury with consent of entity of legal interest need not be protected by the Criminal Act. When bodily injury subject to the consent jeopardizes existence of legal entity to threaten life or equivalent and to be serious, punishment against the action is thought to be admitted despite consent. Article 258(Aggravated Bodily Injury) of the Criminal Act can be used for reference.

      • KCI등재

        전자감독제도의 비교법적 검토와 시사점

        황태정 아주대학교 법학연구소 2017 아주법학 Vol.11 No.1

        전자감독이 다분히 고위험군 범죄자에 대한 강성 형사정책으로서의 성격을 띠고 있는 우리나라와 달리, 서구 각국의 전자감독제도는 유·무죄확정 전 재판진행 중에 있는 자에게 미결구금에 대신하여 일정한 조건 하에서 또는 보석의 한 조건으로 실시되기도 하고, 법원의 판결에 따른 유죄확정 후 형집행의 단계에서 집중보호관찰프로그램이나 가택구금명령 등과 결합되어 실시되는 등 다양한 형태로 활용되고 있는 모습을 보여주고 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 문제의식에서 우리나라 전자감독제도의 문제점 발견과 입법적 개선을 위해, 전자감독제도가 태동하고 발전한 서구 각국의 전자감독제도를 연구하고자 한다. 이 연구에서는 선행연구에서 상대적으로 많이 다루어지지 않았던 스웨덴, 프랑스, 벨기에의 전자감독제도를 제도적 배경, 입법과정, 현황 등의 순으로 각각 살펴보고, 이들 제도의 내용을 비교법적 관점에서 검토하기로 한다. 그리고 이러한 외국의 법제도가 우리 법제도에 주는 시사점을 고민해 봄으로써, 궁극적으로는 향후 우리나라 전자감독제도가 나아가야 할 방향을 모색해 보고자 한다. In Korea, the electronic monitoring system - often called ‘electronic supervision system’ - was introduced in order to prevent recidivism of sexual offences in 2007 and came into effect from 2008. 10 years after the adoption of the electronic supervision system in Korea, the electronic monitoring was positively evaluated as an effective crime control measure. The rate of recidivism was declined to 1.70%, that percentage was the degree of 1/8 of previous recidivism rate. As a result, the electronic monitoring and had been expanded to kidnapping, murder and burglar and the period of the electronic monitoring was also increased. On the other hand, various problems such as effectiveness of electronic monitoring have been raised. While the electronic monitoring in Korea is used as a kind of rigid criminal policy, in most advanced countries such as Sweden, France and Belgium, the electronic monitoring was used as an alternative to overcrowding prison populations. Therefore it seems to be necessary to review the possibility of accepting ‘electronic monitoring house arrest’ using front-door or back-door program in our electronic monitoring system. This research is aiming to review the electronic monitoring system of advanced countries and gain some implications from it in order to improve our electronic monitoring system. For this purpose, I tried to review the electronic monitoring system of advanced countries such as Sweden, France and Belgium, especially in the viewpoint of the background of the system, related legislative process, current condition of operation of the system etc.

      • KCI등재

        메타버스와 사이버 인격권 - 문제되는 행위유형과 현행법‧법률안 검토 -

        황태정 한국비교형사법학회 2023 비교형사법연구 Vol.24 No.4

        With the recent increase in violations of personality rights such as defamation, insults, hate speech, sexual harassment, and stalking in the metaverse, a criminal response to them is emerging as an important task. In particular, sexual ways of violations of personality rights such as sexual harassment, sexual contact, and stalking targeting avatars on the Internet are serious social problems related to the protection of children and adolescents using the Internet. In some cases, the violation of legal interests established based on the real world is impossible in the virtual world, so the norms of the real world cannot be equally applied to actions in the virtual space. The need for Punishment for actions in the metaverse should be evaluated differently depending on how closely the actions taking place in the virtual space are connected to the real world and how closely the damage of the avatar is connected to the infringement of the user's legal interests. Recently, bills with various contents have been proposed to the National Assembly, and most of these bills consist of criminalizing the actions of avatars in the metaverse and punishing the actors behind the avatars. This study will categorize the violation of personal rights in the metaverse first, then examine the interpretation of the relevant current laws and the applicability of them to the metaverse, and finally analyze the contents of the recently proposed bills. Through this analysis and review of current laws and bills, it is expected that the current normative approach and future direction for behavior in virtual space can be found. 메타버스와 게임 등 기존의 인터넷 플랫폼과의 경계가 정립되지 않은 가운데, 최근 메타버스 내에서의 명예훼손·모욕, 혐오·차별, 성적 행위, 스토킹 등과 같은 인격권 침해행위가 규율하기 어려운 과제로 등장하고 있다. 이러한 문제에 대응하고자 다양한 형식과 내용의 법률안들이 등장하고 있는데, 이들 법안은 대부분 메타버스 안에서의 아바타의 행위를 범죄화하고 이를 처벌하겠다는 내용을 담고 있다. 현실세계와 가상세계에서의 행위에 대한 평가는 같아야 하는 것도 있고 달라야 하는 것도 있다. 현실세계를 기준으로 설정된 법익에 대한 침해가 가상세계에서 가능한 경우도 그렇지 않은 경우도 있기 때문이다. 결국 메타버스 안에서 일어나는 행위들에 대해서는 그 행위가 현실세계와 얼마나 밀접하게 연결되어 있는지, 아바타의 피해가 이용자의 법익침해로 얼마나 긴밀하게 연결되는지를 사안에 따라 달리 평가하고 이에 따른 다른 입법적 대안을 마련하여야 할 것이다. 현실세계와 가상세계의 접점에서 일어나는 인지부조화를 자꾸 법률적 문제로 풀어나가려고 해서는 안 된다. 보충성과 최후수단성이 담보되어야 할 형벌법규의 경우는 더욱 그렇다. 특히 가상세계에서의 고유한 불법에 대응한다는 명분으로 이루어지는 명확성과 적정성이 결여된 무분별한 형사입법은 자제되어야 할 것이다. 표현의 자유가 더욱 두텁게 보장되어야 할 가상세계의 특성을 고려할 때 메타버스에서의 행위는 실제 현실에서의 법익침해로 이어질 때에 한하여 범죄로 판단되어야 할 것이며, 가상세계에서 행위의 규율방식 또한 형벌과 같은 사후진압적인 방식보다는 이용자규약 합리화, 사업자의 이용자보호‧피해방지의무‧사후조치의무 등 사전예방적‧자율규제적 방식으로의 패러다임 전환이 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자장치 부착요건의 해석범위와 한계

        황태정 한국형사판례연구회 2012 刑事判例硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        The punishment laws and regulations should be strictly interpreted and applied according to phrases based on ‘Nullum crimen sine lege’ principles, and they should not be interpreted excessively in disadvantage of the defendant nor be interpreted analogically, and requirements and/or conditions of attachment of electronic device should be also interpreted in same way. The prosecutors were permitted to ask the court order of attachment of electronic device in accordance with the Act on the Electronic Monitoring of Specific Criminal Offenders when a criminal was admitted to have habit by committing sex violence crime two times or more(including guilty judgment). Majority opinions accepted 'guilty judgment' only: When the court judged whether or not the one who was given request for oder to attachment of electronic device committed sex violence crime two times or more, it should not consider previous record of protective disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Act. On the other hand, minority opinions said that the regulation should be applied at guilty judgment only, so that previous record of protective disposition against sexual violence in accordance with the Juvenile Act should be applied to sex violence crime two times or more. Majority opinion followed not only the Juvenile Act but also protective disposition to be advantageous to the one who was given request for oder to attachment of electronic device: But, ‘committing crime’ was limited to ‘guilty judgment’ except for behavior of corresponding case not to be good from point of view of interpretation of the Criminal Act. Majority opinion said that the one who committed sex violence crime should be punished in accordance with the Act on the Electronic Monitoring of Specific Criminal Offenders depending upon two cases to be unfair, that is to say, guilty judgment in accordance with general criminal procedures and protective disposition in accordance with the Juvenile Act. Judicial precedents of lower court differed to require legislative supplementation.

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