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        10년 후 : 해외입양을 통해 바라보는 가족의 의미 The Meaning of Family through Trans-racial Adoption

        허현주 한국사진학회 2005 AURA Vol.0 No.12

        This is a photo-documentary about an adoptive family with two Korean-born children, fourteen-year-old-girl Alex, and twelve-year-old-boy Joey, living in Central New York. The family has been documented since 1992. In this story there is 10-year time interval. Many Korean babies have been sent to foreign countries to fmd lovely homes and wonderful parents since Korean War. Since then more than one-hundred fifty thousand babies have been adopted. The number of babies sent to other countries has grown bigger and bigger during 1980s. Since mid-1980s placing Korean kids in foreign homes has been very negatively perceived because of some media misrepresentation especially in Korea. However, as I introduced to more and more trans-racial adoptive families, I realized that the media have portrayed too much about pessimistic side. I, as a visual communicator, felt compelled to document what the public should know about adoptive family. In fact, some people, whether American or Korean, still have some negative feelings toward adoption. Trans-racial adoption maybe a very delicate issue to them with various reason. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to educate people, to give them better awareness, and to minimize pre-judgement about the issue adoption, especially trans-racial adoption. An adoptive family is only a family. I do not want the public see them through filters. Sixteen photographs can show only slice of their lives. Twelve years ago, it took a long time for me to find a subject family whose life would go on to the public. I really appreciated the Leograndes agree on showing their private life to the public. It is a very hard decision for them reveal their life to the public. I will attempt to re-document the same family on an on-going basis.

      • KCI등재

        급속도로 진행된 간파열에 의한 복강 내 출혈을 동반한 HELLP 증후군으로 의심되는 중증 전자간증 환자의 마취 경험 - 증례 보고 -

        허현주,김형태,이지혜,임소망,김옥현,이한결 대한마취통증의학회 2018 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.13 No.4

        The diagnosis of HELLP syndrome associated with preeclampsia-eclampsia during pregnancy uses three test results, including hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme, low platelets and their related clinical symptoms. Liver rupture is a life-threatening and rare complication related to HELLP syndrome. Early diagnosis and rapid treatment are very important for protecting the life of the patient and the fetus. We are reporting an anesthetic experience a sudden-onset suspicious HELLP syndrome with an intraperitoneal hemorrhage caused by a rapidly progressed liver rupture in a severe preeclampsia patient without any abnormalities during gestation.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of chemical pregnancy rates according to the anesthetic method during ultrasound-guided transvaginal oocyte retrieval for in vitro fertilization: a retrospective study

        허현주,김유일,이지혜,이한결,백승민,김기만 대한마취통증의학회 2020 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.15 No.1

        Background: Oocyte retrieval is the most important procedure in in vitro fertilization (IVF). Various anesthetic methods are used to control a patient’s anxiety and pain during IVF; however, there are no recommended anesthetic methods at present. In this study, we retrospectively investigated chemical pregnancy rates according to the anesthetic method used for oocyte retrieval. Methods: We reviewed records of patients who underwent oocyte retrieval between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2017. Patients were divided into the spinal anesthesia (SA) and monitored anesthesia care (MAC) groups. The primary outcome was chemical pregnancy rate after IVF. Results: The study included 95 patients. SA was administered in 77 (81%) and MAC in 18 (19%). The overall chemical pregnancy rate was 32.6% (31/95). According to the anesthetic method, the pregnancy rate was 32.5% (25/77) in the SA group and 33.3% (6/18) in the MAC group. There was no statistical difference in the pregnancy rate between the groups (P = 0.575). The procedural time was significantly shorter in the SA group than in the MAC group (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Chemical pregnancy rates were not significantly different between the SA and MAC groups. However, the procedure duration was shorter in the SA group than in the MAC group.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 패션 커뮤니티의 나눔 활동 - 어빙 고프만의 인상관리 이론을 중심으로 -

        허현주,전재훈 한국의류산업학회 2023 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        This study focuses on online communities and the ritual conversations of users when participating in sharingactivities. The study aims to understand the social and psychological phenomena that occur between users within the con-text of Erving Goffman’s impression management theory. Case studies and a content analysis were conducted by col-lecting posts and comments related to fashion products in the sharing activities category on Naver Cafe “Family Sale.”On the one hand, the study identified various disposition motives among givers, including a desire for recognition, self-expression, activation of the community, emotional sympathy, goodwill, play, and simple disposition. On the other hand,receivers’ purchase motives included the need for a product, reciprocation based on a sense of belonging, play, gift-giving,and simple response. Analyzing the posts of givers and the comments of receivers of fashion products using impressionmanagement strategies and dramaturgical analysis, the study interpreted users’ impression management and revealedpropensities in fashion consumption: fashionability, conspicuousness, value orientation, and economic feasibility. Throughritual conversations, users managed to attain emotional stability on an individual level, while they reinforced collectivebonds on a social level. They fulfilled their roles with their own narratives to achieve personal and collective goals in anon-face-to-face situations and non-monetary transactions. This study is significant in that it examines normative com-munication in an online community and user relationships to understand a recent phenomenon in the fashion industry.

      • KCI등재후보

        5ㆍ18 광주 민주화운동 관련 신문사진 연구 : 1980~2000 게재된 사진을 중심으로

        허현주 한국사진학회 2002 AURA Vol.0 No.9

        It has been over 20 years since 5·18 Gwangju D emocritization Movement occurred. Assuming that history is a reflection of present and future based on the reality, not only has the Movement impacted a lot on the direction of reform movements but also on the methods of academic research. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the trend for the contents and quantity of the newspaper photographs related 5 ·18 Gwangju Democritization Movement for 20 years. Six central and seven local newspapers during the period were selected for this research. And more than thirteen hundred pictures selected from the thirteen newspapers were used for the analyses. As a result, the researcher found out three major things. First of all, almost all newspapers never published 5·18 related photographs for the first several years since 1980, because of the censorship. Secondly, the number of published photographs has increased as time goes. However, newspapers have not paid much attention on the in-depth analysis of the contents of the photographs. Thirdly, as time goes by, pictures of visitors to cemetery or student and people' s rallies have been replaced with pictures of cultural events or festival. Almost same photographs', have been used repeatedly to speak for 5·18. Pictures covered by newspaper photographers become our precious historical data. It is hoped that this study serves as a momentum of discovering buried historical materials.

      • KCI등재

        사회갈등시위 방식변화에 대한 사진 분석 -2013~2022년 사진을 중심으로-

        허현주 현대사진영상학회 2023 현대사진영상학회논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        This study analyzed photos of major conflict cases that occurred in Korean society from 2013 to 2022, using protest signage (format, color scheme, slogan content and font color) and protest behavior as the main variables. To this end, the study sought to find correlations between the observed protest behavior and the recognized level of conflict from a public conflict awareness survey conducted by the Korea Conflict Resolution Center from 2013 to 2022. The study selected and analyzed the most impressive conflict cases in a given year when multiple conflicts occurred, and perused the statistical results of surveys and the content analysis of photos published in the media, including analogous cases. The main objectives of the study are: ① to investigate how protest behavior has changed over the past decade, from 2013 to 2022, and ② to examine and interpret how public conflict awareness is related to social conflicts. For each year, two to four selected cases were analyzed along with related photos, beyond the photos presented in the main text. The study discovered extreme manifestations in protest signage design, slogan content and protest behavior. However, it found that in most cases, protesters tried to avoid violence. In particular, the study dealt with conflicts between government (central or local) and public institutions and locals, which are mainly related to livelihood, health, and property. It could be biased emotionally, but the fact that residents restrained their emotions and presented their claims through defensive slogans rather than aggressive voices indicates a mature sense of civic consciousness in conflict situations. If long-standing local conflicts are linked to external organizations and conflict with government policy, protests tend to become more striking and volatile. Protest signage design, format, and slogan content varied over the 10 years, but they were harmoniously constructed to deliver messages effectively. In particular, placards and banners were written succinctly and clearly, with slogans that fit well with the primary background color. This represents the development of the overall appearance of protests. In conclusion, the study discovered that, over time, the general public and groups learned from numerous protests, resulting in a similar appearance of protests. The first objective of the study, the changes in the appearance of protests over the past decade, were mostly verified, although there were some changes, such as protest marches with flower wreaths or post-it notes. The second objective, the comparison and analysis of the correlation between the content of conflict photos and public conflict awareness, confirmed their mutual consistency.

      • KCI등재

        한 , 미 신문 1 면의 사진 연구

        허현주 한국사진학회 2001 AURA Vol.8 No.1

        Newspapers have taken the place of our lives and environment for a long time. And their influence becomes more and mare powerful. Whatever it is traditional newspaper or electronic newspaper, we can say that the lives of the moderns are not free from newspapers. We call newspaper's front gage its face. Therefore, newspaper's front page should be made to attract readers' attention. This research is focused on four Korean and American newspapers. Comparing the two countries' newspapers will help Korean newspapers make better front pages. From the results, American newspapers uses about twice more the number of pictures on the front pages than Korean Newspapers. Moreover, Korean newspapers do not contain a wide variety of pictures. Korean newspapers attach importance to spot or general news photographs, and put less sports-related pictures or portraits on the front pages. The result is not absolute, but it gives us ability to read the trend of pictures on Korean newspapers front pages.

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