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        1969~1971년 국내외 정세변화와 학생운동세력의 현실인식

        허은 한국근현대사학회 2009 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.49 No.-

        This article focused on the time period of 1969~1971 and is also based on a critical argument that it is significant to look upon this time period as "a transition period"(轉換期). As already known, there were huge changes in international and domestic politics in this time period, such as Nixon Doctrine, U.S-China Detente, the Constitutional Amendment for Third Term, the Proclamation of national emergency. We need to pay attention to the fact that in early 1970s, the majority of the people of South Korea recognized the Korean society undergoing transition period. They also recognized that the rapidly changing international and domestic situation would require themselves to fundamentally switch their attitude toward Cold war and international relation. Consequently, they began viewing Northeast Asian international relations and N.K-S.K relation with a new perspective. University student movement groups had paid attention to changing circumstances within and beyond the boundary of the nation at the same time. Then, they came to define the situation as "a revolutionary transition period". They had thought this current of changes toward pro-democracy and pro-unification would provide critical momentum for them. So, in "a revolutionary transition period", they believed they should deploy movement for democracy, reunification and national autonomy. In doing so, student had used this particular term, "revolutionary" to define the changing world order as a momentum they need, but what they actually did was far from radical idealism the term should represent. In fact, the main concern of student activists in domestic level was recover democratic system. And their main concern in international level was to lay cornerstones for reciprocal reunification by resolving tension between north and south. This time, the students" awareness was rather practical and concrete than abstract and ideological. This article focused on the time period of 1969~1971 and is also based on a critical argument that it is significant to look upon this time period as "a transition period"(轉換期). As already known, there were huge changes in international and domestic politics in this time period, such as Nixon Doctrine, U.S-China Detente, the Constitutional Amendment for Third Term, the Proclamation of national emergency. We need to pay attention to the fact that in early 1970s, the majority of the people of South Korea recognized the Korean society undergoing transition period. They also recognized that the rapidly changing international and domestic situation would require themselves to fundamentally switch their attitude toward Cold war and international relation. Consequently, they began viewing Northeast Asian international relations and N.K-S.K relation with a new perspective. University student movement groups had paid attention to changing circumstances within and beyond the boundary of the nation at the same time. Then, they came to define the situation as "a revolutionary transition period". They had thought this current of changes toward pro-democracy and pro-unification would provide critical momentum for them. So, in "a revolutionary transition period", they believed they should deploy movement for democracy, reunification and national autonomy. In doing so, student had used this particular term, "revolutionary" to define the changing world order as a momentum they need, but what they actually did was far from radical idealism the term should represent. In fact, the main concern of student activists in domestic level was recover democratic system. And their main concern in international level was to lay cornerstones for reciprocal reunification by resolving tension between north and south. This time, the students" awareness was rather practical and concrete than abstract and ideological.

      • KCI우수등재

        창원 지역 노동계급 여성의 성별 노동 불평등적응 기제에 관한 연구

        허은 비판사회학회 2018 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.120

        This study seeks to clarify the adaptation mechanism of working-class women in Changwon to gender inequality at work, based on Charles Tilly’s ‘durable inequality’ theory. The results of the study are as follows. In the conditions of the local labor markets where there is a large gap in the quality of jobs according to gender, the division of working-class households is organized in such a way that gender is the main axis, giving the roles of family support and mothering to husband and wife, respectively. In the process of organizing the division of labor within the household, a local knowledge of the gender categories constitutes a mothering-centered lifetime perspective and a sense of partnership for child rearing. These are inscribed on female workers’ adaptation process to gender inequality at work. On the one hand, the mothering-centered lifetime perspective of unmarried women workers alleviates the current livelihood anxiety due to poor working condition, and prevents their complaints about retirement practices before giving birth by stating that the termination of employment after marriage is a voluntary option for the mother’s role in infancy children. On the other hand, the sense of partnership of mutual cooperation for child rearing serves as a framework for interpreting the gender hierarchy in the labor markets for married women workers, and offsets the negative identity arising from the lower status of female worker with a positive identity derived from the mother’s status. In addition, the sense of partnership allows the privilege of male workers to be justified as inevitable for the father’s child support role. Finally, through this adaptation mechanism, gender inequalities in the local labor market are durably maintained. 본 연구의 목적은 틸리(C. Tilly)의 장기지속 불평등 이론을 기반으로 성별 노동 불평등에 대한 창원 지역 노동계급 여성의 적응 기제를 규명하는 데 있다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 성별에 따라 일자리 질의 격차가 크게 나타나는 지역노동시장의 조건 아래 노동계급 가구의 분업은 젠더를 주축으로 남성과 여성에게 각각 부양 역할과 ‘어머니’ 역할을 부여하는 방식으로 조직된다. 이 과정에서 모성 중심 노동생애전망과 동반자 의식이 젠더에 대한 국지적 지식으로 구성되며, 이는 성별 노동 불평등에 대한 여성 노동자들의 적응 과정에 기입된다. 모성 중심 노동생애전망은 미혼여성 노동자들에게 결혼을통한 생계 안정 전망을 제공함으로써 열악한 노동조건에 따른 현재의 생계 불안을 완화하고, 결혼 이후 취업 중단을 유아기 자녀 돌봄을 위한 자발적 선택으로 규정함으로써출산 전 퇴직 관행에 대한 불만을 차단한다. 젠더관계를 자녀 양육을 위해 상호 협력하는 관계로 규정하는 동반자 의식은 기혼여성 노동자들에게 노동시장에서의 젠더 위계를 해석하는 틀로 작용함으로써 하층 노동자 지위에서 비롯되는 부정적 정체감을 ‘어머니’ 지위에서 비롯되는 긍정적 정체감으로 상쇄하고, 남성 노동자의 특권을 ‘아버지’ 역할 수행을 위한 것이란 명분으로 정당화한다. 이러한 적응 기제를 통해 창원 지역노동시장의 성별 불평등 구조는 재생산된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 판타지 드라마 스토리텔링의 특성: 판타지 구성요소와 내러티브 전략을 중심으로

        허은 고려대학교 정보문화연구소(구 고려대학교 언론연구소) 2015 커뮤니케이션 科學 Vol.31 No.1

        최근 시간이동, 무속주술, 귀신 등이 등장하는 판타지 드라마들이 눈에 띄게 많아졌다. 케이블방송과 종합편성채널들이 TV 드라마 제작에 나서면서 드라마의 공급과 수요가 증가하는 과정에서 자연스럽게 소재와 영역이 확장된 결과다. 본 연구는 TV 드라마의 한 장르로 자리 잡기 시작한 판타지 드라마의 내용 분석을 통해 판타지의 구성요소, 재현 방식의 특징, 내러티브를 관통하는 장르적 관습을 분석하고자 한다. 판타지 드라마 내러티브를 구성하는 언표와 상징들에 대한 의미 분석을 통해 분절된 허구의 현실들이 판타지 장치를 통해 어떻게 재배열되었는지 살펴보는 데 의미가 있다. 타입슬립 내러티브의 관습은 인과론, 윤회설, 다중우주 평행이론 등이다. 시간이동으로 과거를 바꾸고 돌아와도 세상만물 인과에 의해 복제와 반복의 틀을 벗어나지 않는다는 관습에 천착한다. 인간의 상상력으로 과거와 현재를 재조합해보지만 운명의 틀을 벗어나기 어렵다는 현대인들의 강박감을 보여주는 일면이라 할 수 있다. 무속신앙을 모티브로 한 판타지 드라마는 우리 정서에 스며있는 토속신앙의 다양한 변주들이다. 무속 판타지는 인간이 가장 두려워하는 죽음을 일상으로 가져와 삶과 죽음을 새로운 관계로 재결합시킨다. 서양의 마술처럼 무속주술은 운명을 바꾸고자 했던 민중들의 염원을 담은 능동적인 판타지다. 무속신앙과 결합한 판타지가 은유하는 표상들은 새로운 세상을 꿈꾸는 집단들의 무의식이 발원해낸 결과이자 현실 대응을 위한 삶의 기제라 할 수 있다. This paper studies what elements compose the fantasy narratives and how reconstruct the reality and fiction in the fantasy drama. Analyzing the signifiant and symbol of fantasy narratives, this paper reviews how fragmented desire and fictional reality become a sequential story in the fantasy drama. Time slip based on the causality, Buddist samsara and parallel theory. Even one change the past, present and future never change because life keeps going in the context of destiny. Shamanism fantasy bring the death to daily life. Fantasy makes death the extention of life, not the end of life. Shamanism sorcery is people’s active narratives, dreaming the better world as the Western people believe in magic. Shamanism sorcery fantasy drama symbolize unconscious desire to escape their painful and hopeless life.

      • KCI등재

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