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      • KCI등재후보

        신경외과 중환자실 환자의 경장영양 지침서 적용에 따른 영양적 중재 효과

        한정희,김영란,이영민,김애리,김호진,정영균,유정하,Han, Jung-Hee,Kim, Young Ran,Lee, Young Min,Kim, Ae Lee,Kim, Ho Jin,Jeong, Young-Gyun,Ryu, Jeong Ha 한국의료질향상학회 2011 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Background : Evidence-based guidelines are now used for enteral nutrition(EN) in neurosurgical intensive care unit patients who mostly depend on EN. This study compared and analyzed the nutritive conditions of patients before and after they underwent guideline based nutritional interventions in order to determine whether using these guidelines improved their calorie supply. Methods : Data on the patients' nutritional requirements, maximum calorie supply through EN, serum albumin level, and total lymphocyte count were collected and analyzed using SAS version 9.1.3. All the statistical analyses were performed at a significance level of P<0.05. Result : The maximum calorie supply through EN was $923.1{\pm}359.7$ kcal before the intervention and $1254.4{\pm}196.3$ kcal after the intervention; this difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). The ratio of nutritional requirements to maximum calorie supply through EN was $55.5{\pm}22.4%$ and $74.2{\pm}13.9%$ before and after the intervention, respectively; this difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). This indicates a 19% increase in the ratio after the nutritional intervention. The serum albumin level also significantly increased from $2.7{\pm}0.6g/dL$ before the intervention to $3.2{\pm}0.4g/dL$ after the intervention(P<0.05). The total lymphocyte count slightly increased from $1267.7{\pm}728.2cells/mm^3$ before the intervention to $1801.9{\pm}1211.5cells/mm^3$ after the intervention; this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion : The results showed that using the evidence-based feeding guidelines for interventions increased the calorie supply and improved the patients' nutritive conditions from moderate malnutrition to mild malnutrition.

      • KCI등재

        Bivariate Ordered Probit 모형을 이용한 미국 농업의 다원적 기능에 대한 소비자 인식분석

        한정희,문완기,조용성,Han, Jung-Hee,Moon, Wan-Ki,Cho, Yong-Sung 한국유기농업학회 2009 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.17 No.4

        This study conducts a survey and test to understand U.S. public's perception about multifunctionality. The questionnaire suggests seven alternative way of providing questions about intangible benefits provided by agriculture in the U.S. The final questionnaire was administered as an e-mail survey in June 2008 to a nationally representative household panel maintained in the U.S. by the Ipsos Observer. Data analysis shows that 64 percent of respondents considered the multifunctionality of agriculiture as an important issue and 45 percent of respondents were in favor of increasing government expenditure to support farmland preservation. Using Fishbein's multi-attribute model as a theoretical background, this paper develops an empirical model to assess and attributes of multifunctionality. For the analysis, bivariate orderd probit model was set up to reflect respondent's attitude. Regression analyses show that two questions (how much you agree with agriculture's intangible benefit and increasing government expenditure to support agriculture) are shaped by different sets of facts.

      • KCI등재

        기업가적 대학과 스마트전문화에 기반한 대학의 창업환경 조성연구 - 테크니온공대, 히브리대학교 사례를 중심으로 -

        한정희,Han, Jung Hee 한국벤처창업학회 2013 벤처창업연구 Vol.8 No.3

        창업을 통한 일자리 창출은 지구상의 대부분 국가들의 중요한 이슈이다. 창업분위기 조성에서 있어 대학은 중요한 역할을 한다. 이스라엘 대학들은 기술이전과 사업화 및 창업에서 우리나라 대학들과 비교해 볼 때 성공률이 월등히 높다. 본 연구에서는 이와 관련한 이스라엘 대학의 특성을 찾아, 우리나라 대학들에게 적용될 수 있는 방안을 제공하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 이스라엘 대학들은 자체 전문가를 보유 기술이전부서의 팀을 갖추고 있으며, 유망기술의 경우 미리 기술이전을 통한 창업자금을 지원하여 창업환경을 조성한다. 기술이전 사업화 및 창업 단계마다 체계적으로 차별화된 집중지원 방법이 지원된다. 또한, 대학은 특정 기술 분야에 집중, 기술사업화 및 창업 성공 이후에야 사용료 수입을 얻는다. 일정부분의 위험을 대학과 창업파트너와 공유하고 있다. 이스라엘의 창업 성공이 높은 것은 대학의 단계별 차별적 지원과 대학과 기업이 위험을 공유하기 때문이라 판단된다. Job creations through doing star-ups is the biggest issues for almost nations. This study explores the entrepreneurial university's rule for making job creations based on Smart specialization and entrepreneurial university perspectives. In order to the aims, this study reviews the previous literatures and examines the some Israel universities, which is Technion University, Hebrew university as well as government support policies. Technion University and Hebrew university have own technology transfer institutions composed of experts for technology transfer and doing start-ups by using technologies. Each institutions have own characteristics regarding technology transfer and doing start-ups. T3, which is technology transfer institution of Technion University facilitates the start-up by step-by-step supporting mechanism. T3 has been operating EIR which has focused on business and marketing. Yissum, which is technology transfer institution of Hebrew university has board members. they have crucial roles to success the start ups. they can reconciliate the conflicts between university and Yissum. Also they can participate the business activities as mentors. Start-up money will be supported for even sprout state technology if their technologies are a promising business. Risk sharing between universities and start-ups influences on the increase of success ratio in Israel when comparing to that of Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        중소기업 혁신능력 향상을 위한 정책적 접근

        한정희(Han, Jung-Hee) 한국산학기술학회 2006 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.7 No.6

        지역혁신체계, 클러스터의 목표는 이를 통하여 지역 중소기업의 기술경쟁력 강화에 있는 것이지 클러스터 자체의 형성에 있는 것은 아니다. 중소기업은 지역 경제발전의 중심에 있다. 지역혁신체계, 클러스터의 성공은 중소기업의 혁신(기술개발)능력 향상에 달려 있다. 기술개발 능력을 위해선 기술자 간의 네트워크를 발전시키고 지역 언론 매체들이 클러스터에 적극 참여하여 제품 혁신에 기여 하여야 한다. 대학은 기술지도 및 연구인력, 교육프로그램을 보다 다양하게 기업에게 제공해 주어야 하고 지방정부는 참여자들의 네트워크 접촉점이 많도록 하는 역할을 해야 한다. 다시 말해 지역 기업의 기술개발을 위해서는 이에 필요한 다양한 지식이 확산되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 지역 중소기업의 혁신능력 향상을 위해 지역혁신클러스터내의 각 주체들의 바람직한 역할 및 정책을 제시하고자 한다. The policy aims of Regional Innovation Cluster(RIC) are not making the RIC itself but promoting the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) in the region. Also, it goes without saying that small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) do the key roles of regional economic growth. This paper indicates that the innovative capabilities of SMEs are the crucial factors of the success of Regional Innovation Cluster. In order to improve SMEs’ capabilities for innovation, know ledges are vital including codified knowledge or tacit knowledge. In cluster, the linkages especially among researchers and factory workers is important to innovative activities, and universities have to offer knowledge, education programs and new researchers fully qualified to SMEs. Also, regional governments and medias positively participate the cluster as helpers. Based upon the research results, some policy implications have been suggested concerning the policy supports to enhance innovative activities of SMEs within the Regional innovation Cluster.

      • 신뢰와 혁신활동간의 관계연구

        한정희(Hee, Han-Jung) 한국산학기술학회 2008 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.- No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 집합적인 효율성을 추구하기 위해 지역적 집적인 클러스터 내 기업들의 혁신활동에 있어서 기관 간 신뢰를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 실증연구를 통하여 볼때, 신뢰가 아직 충분히 형성되지 못하고 있다. 기업은 대학과 연구소는 신뢰하지만, 기업과 기업간, 기업과 공공기관은 신뢰하지 못한다. 이를 통하여 클러스터의 작동이 이루어지기 위해서는 신뢰를 촉진하는 여러 가지 네트워크가 개발되어 야 할 것이다. A aim of this study is to show that trust formed among actors in clusters effects on the innovation for firms. This paper finds that trust is not enough formed. firms feel trust in relationship between firms and universities and between firms and research institutes. However, trust not to be formed in relationship between firm and public agencies and between firms and other firms. By mean of the finding, the various network types which can facilitate trust must be made by policy support.

      • KCI등재

        18-19세기 正統派 畵風을 통해 본 동아시아의 회화교류

        韓正熙(Han Jung-hee) 미술사연구회 2008 미술사연구 Vol.- No.22

        In the history of artistic exchanges in the East Asian Art tradition, the widespread of the Orthodox School style, particularly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is noticeable. As one of the most influential painting styles in the Qing period, the Orthodox School style was initially originated in the early 17th century, however, its extensive impact on Korean and Japanese art tradition became increasingly visible during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Painters designated as the so called Orthodox School painters are those who faithfully followed the theories and painting styles of Dong Qichang(1555-1636), the late Ming literati painter and critic. Such followers in the seventeenth century as Wang Shimin(1592-1680), Wang Jian(1598-1677), Wang Hui (1632-1717), Wang Yuanqi(1642-1715), Yun Shouping(1633-1690), and Wu Li(1632- 1718) are often named as the Four Wangs, Wu, and Yun, or the Six Masters of the Early Qing. In later periods, followers of the Orthodox school were grouped into three different schools; Loudong School, the followers of Wang Yuanqi, Yushan School, those of Wang Hui, and finally Changchou School, those of Yun Shouping. The Loudong School, more influential than the other two schools, includes a large number of followers, which make it almost impossible to enlist all of their names in this limited paper. Wang Yu, Wang Chen, Huang Ding, Tang Dai, Fang Shishu, Dong Bangda, Qian Weicheng, and Zhang Zongcang are the prominent ones of the Loudong School. Those who belong to the Wushan School are Yang Jin, Wang Jiu, Li Shizhuo, and Song Junye. They closely imitated Wang Hui’s style. By the late nineteenth century, however, the Orthodox School started to give its leading position away to other newly emerged schools such as the Yangzhou School or Shanghai School, which accommodated the taste of a larger population with the subjects of flower and bird. Nevertheless, several painters such as Dai Xi, Tang Yifen, Huang Yi, Xi Gang, Wang Xuehao still exercised the style of the Orthodox School until the end of the nineteenth century. It is not easy to be certain about when the style of the Orthodox School entered the Korean art world, but several extant archival records suggest that it was introduced to Korean artists by the late eighteenth century, almost one hundred years after the death of Wang Shimin. Given the dynamic cultural and artistic exchanges in previous centuries, the late eighteenth century seems to be too late. The names of the Four Wangs, Wu Li, and Yun Shouping started to appear in several essays of scholars such as Park Je-ga’s Jeongyugak Jip, Sin Wi’s Gyeongsudang Jeongo, and Kim Jeong-hui’s Chusa Jip. Although the titles of Chinese paintings were available in these records, further information regarding pictorial features of those paintings still remained unresolved. Recently, the Seoul Art Center held a special exhibition that commemorates the one hundred fifty years of the death of Kim Jeong-hui, a scholar-painter and calligrapher of the late Joseon period. This exhibition, in fact, provides us with a number of Chinese paintings, which might have been available to the late Joseon-period painters. For example, Lu Guansun’s Landscape after Wang Hui ,and □Jun’s Landscape can be easily recognized as having closely followed the style of Orthodox School. Zhu Dayuan’s Liuqiao Bridge can be understood in relation with Yun Shouping’s style. Li Yan’s Landscape is done in a highly simplistic and refined brushwork, which also features Kim Jeonghui’s Winterscape. I believe that a similar type of landscape paintings as Li Yan or Kim Jeong-hui, was popular not only in Korea, but also in China around the same time. Another example is a pair of six-folding screen in the Horim Museum. In this folding screen, are painted over sixty works of landscape in a miniature size. They were modeled after masterworks, which bear the style of the Orthodox School. Landscape after Wang Hui clearly in

      • KCI등재

        케이블 비용을 고려한 링메쉬 구조의 광통신망 설계

        한정희(Han, Jung-Hee) 한국산학기술학회 2010 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.11 No.5

        본 논문에서는 링과 메쉬 구조를 이용한 경제적인 계층형 광통신망 설계 문제를 다룬다. 계층형(hierarchical) 광통신망 설계 문제에서 고려하는 비용 요소는 링 구조의 광통신망 내부(intra-ring) 트래픽 처리를 담당하는 OADM(Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer), 메쉬 구조의 링간(inter-ring) 트래픽 처리를 담당하는 OXC(Optical Cross-Connect) 및 OADM간 케이블 비용 및 OXC간 케이블 비용이다. 이 논문에서 제시하는 계층형 광통신망 설계 문제에서는 OADM 및 OXC의 트래픽 처리 용량과 각 링의 OADM 개수 제약을 고려한다. 이 논문에서는 계층형 광 통신망 설계 문제를 정수계획법(integer programming) 모형으로 모델링하며, 링의 대칭성(symmetry)을 부분적으로 제거 하는 절단평면(cutting planes)을 개발한다. 또한, 우수한 품질의 해를 적절한 시간동안 찾기 위해 휴리스틱 알고리즘을 개발한다. 모의 실험을 통해 절단평면과 휴리스틱 알고리즘의 성능을 평가한 결과 크기가 작은 문제에 대해서는 이 논문에서 개발한 절단평면을 정수계획법 모형에 추가함으로서 최적해를 구하는 시간을 크게 단축시키며, 크기가 큰 문제에 대해서는 이 논문에서 개발한 휴리스틱 알고리즘이 상용 소프트웨어인 CPLEX가 찾는 휴리스틱 해보다 우수 한 해를 발견함을 확인하였다. In this paper, we deal with a hierarchical ring-mesh optical network design problem. The objective is to minimize the total cost of optical add-drop multiplexers (OADMs) handling intra-ring traffic, optical cross-connects (OXCs) handling inter-ring traffic, and cabling cost among OADMs and among OXCs, while satisfying intra-ring and inter-ring capacities. We develop an integer programming (IP) formulation for the problem and devise some cutting planes that partially break the symmetry of rings. Dealing with the inherent computational complexity of the problem, we devise an effective heuristic procedure that finds a good quality feasible solution within reasonable computing times. Computational results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed solution procedure; the developed symmetry breaking inequalities significantly reduce the computing time to find an optimal solution for small size problems, and the heuristic procedure finds a better feasible solution than that CPLEX, a commercial optimization software, finds for large size problems.

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