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      • An experimental analysis of vowel adaptation in Chinese loanword phonology

        Han Seoyoung(韓瑞英) 한국중어중문학회 2018 한국중어중문학회 우수논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In this paper, laboratory phonological methods are used to analyze the phonetic adaptation of Korean vowel into Chinese. The adaptation strategies, the typology of variable adaptation and the related constraints are investigated and compared with existing loanwords. This paper argues that [+back] and [+low] quality play the most important role in adaptation strategies based on the maximum entropy modeling. It was the result of the interaction between the linguistic universality of loanword phonology and the linguistic individuality of Chinese phonology.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 차용어 분류에 대한 운율형태론적 접근

        한서영 ( Han Seoyoung ) 한국중국어문학회 2015 中國文學 Vol.83 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to criticize the existing etymological typology and to propose a new prosodic morphological approach toward loanword classification in Chinese. The etymological typology is incapable of capturing the real structure of mental lexicon internalized among native speakers of Chinese. To solve this problem, I argue that the prosodic morphological criteria should initially be established on the basis of native “wordhood” in Chinese. After many commonly used conceptions of Chinese wordhood were transformed into markedness constraints of Optimality Theory, a prosodic morphological typology was defined to compare the statistical significance with that of the etymological typology based on lexical frequency. The results show that first, because there is a high level of correlation between the etymological typology and the prosodic morphological typology, any previous discussion of the borrowing type lacks theoretical justification unless the prosodic morphological environment is controlled. Second, the etymological typology is not significant at all in a prosodic-morphologically marked environment. In the prosodic-morphologically unmarked environment, however, it was not complementary distributed. Third, while prosodic morphological criteria sorted both semantic and graphic loanwords into their subclasses significantly, only phonetic loanwords defy classification in their subfields. Finally, the prosodic morphological characteristics of phonetic loanwords had nothing to with the kind of a source language. To conclude, a prosodic morphological approach to loanword classification in Chinese is more convincing than the etymological typology because it is more conducive to obtain descriptive adequacy, linguistic universality and statistical significance.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 차용어 음운론의 모음 적응에 대한 실험 연구

        한서영 ( Han Seoyoung ) 한국중국어문학회 2017 中國文學 Vol.90 No.-

        이 연구는 한국어 모음을 중국어로 음역한 변이형을 연구대상으로 놓고, 실험음운론과 최대엔트로피문법을 방법론으로 삼아 분석한다. 이를 통하여 중국어 차용어 음운론에서 모음의 적응 전략과 변이형의 분포를 기술하고, 관련된 제약의 가중치를 구하여 기존의 차용어와 비교하고자 한다. 그 결과, [+후설성]과 [+저설성]을 일치시키려는 전략과 모음 및 활음을 삽입하려는 전략이 중요한 것으로 드러났다. 이를 통하여 중국어 차용어 음운론 내부의 언어보편성과 중국어의 개별 언어 특수성을 살펴볼 수 있었다.

      • KCI우수등재

        미일전쟁 시기 이승만의 연설활동과 공공외교, 1941-1945

        한서영(Seoyoung Han) 한국국제정치학회 2021 國際政治論叢 Vol.61 No.3

        이 연구는 이승만이 1941~1945년 미일전쟁 시기 펼쳤던 연설활동의 양상과 함의를 분석했다. 이승만은 미국 7개 주(州), 13개 등의 도시에서 미국인과 세계 각지에 흩어진 한국인 등을 대상으로 51회 이상의 연설을 했다. 그의 연설활동은 다음과 같은 함의를 가진다. 첫째, 이승만은 대한민국 임시정부 승인과 한국인의 연합군 참전, 한반도 거주 한인들과 세계 각지에 흩어진 한인들에게 적극적인 무장투쟁을 권고했다. 이는 한국의 독립과 주권보장이 불확실한 상황에서 한국인의 독립 소망에 대한 의지를 피력하고 연합국에 한국에 유리한 여론을 형성하는 노력이었다. 둘째, 이승만은 조미수호통상조약으로 맺어진 한미관계를 강조하며 한국의 독립에 대한 미국의 관심과 책임을 촉구했다. 아시아와 미국, 유럽은 서로 연대되어 있다는 인식 속에서 한국의 가치와 비전을 전했다. 셋째, 이승만은 연설활동을 통해 진주만 공습 이후 미국인들의 반일감정이 증폭된 상황에서 일본의 선전 활동에 대항하여 한국의 역사와 입장을 알렸다. 이런 활동은 궁극적으로 대한민국 임시정부의 승인이나 한국의 연합군 참전 등의 성과로 이어지지는 못했다. 그러나 외국 대중과의 직접 소통을 통해 한국의 역사, 문화, 가치, 비전 등을 확산시키고 공감대를 형성해 한국에 대한 우호적 이미지를 만들고자 했던 측면에서 그의 활동은 공공외교적 의미가 있었다. In this study, I analyze the aspects and implications of Syngman Rhee’s speech activities during the Pacific War (1941–1945). Syngman Rhee delivered over 51 speeches in seven states and 13 cities in the United States. His speech activities have the following implications. First, in a situation where Korea’s independence and guarantee of sovereignty were uncertain, he expressed the will of Koreans for independence and formed public opinion to favor Korea. He strongly advocated for the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea to be approved, and for Koreans to participate in the war. He also encouraged Koreans to keep engaging in armed struggle. Second, Syngman Rhee promoted the relationship between Korea and the United States that was established by the Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce and Navigation and urged the United States to help Korea achieve independence. He also opined that Asia, the United States, and Europe were connected to each other. Third, his speeches constituted public diplomacy activities to inform foreign public about the situation of Korea against Japan’s propaganda when anti-Japanese sentiment became amplified after the attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States. These activities did not ultimately achieve the approval of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea or the participation of Koreans in the war. However, by directly communicating with the foreign public, he wanted to spread Korea’s history, culture, values, and vision and form a consensus to create a positive image of Korea. These were meaningful expressions of public diplomacy that formed one of the diplomatic channels for Korea.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 베이징방언 연속발화 기능어 개(個)의 음성적 약화 변이

        한서영 ( Han Seoyoung ) 한국중국언어학회 2020 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.88

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the variability in phonetic reduction of the function word “ge” in connected speech from the Beijing dialect of Modern Chinese. Based on the phonetic corpus taken from the famous TV show, the type and the degree of the reduced variety were analyzed using acoustic phonetical and statistical methods. The relationship between linguistic environment and its reduced forms was also examined. The results showed that most of consonants were changed into the approximants (51%) or deleted (16%), which appears to be the result of the cliticization of “ge”. Vowels showed the tendency of being weakened as a schwa (80%), which was consistent with language universal tendencies. Frequency effects and the morphological environments turned out to be statistically not significant in the correlation study (p>.05), unlike other usage-based approaches. Sentence stress and utterance rate, however, showed fairly low level of relevance. (p<.05) Theoretically, the prosodic characteristics of the Beijing dialect as a stress language and language contact with other dialects would be expected to continuously accelerate the phonetic reduction of “ge” in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        해금 창작 음악의 경향 분석

        한서영(Han Seoyoung) 한국국악교육학회 2009 국악교육 Vol.28 No.-

        본 논문에서는 해금 창작곡이 처음 등장하는 1960년대부터 2000년대까지의 시기를 10년 단위로 구분하여 해금 창작 음악이 어떻게 변화하고 발전되어 왔는지 분석하였다. 시기별로 해금 창작 음악의 경향을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 1960년대는 서양의 고전음악의 선율을 답습하거나 변주 정도에 그치는 것으로 창작이라고 하기에는 미흡한 상태의 작품이 작곡되었다. 그러나 우리 음악에 서양 음악의 형식을 도입하여 창작 음악 작곡을 시도한 해금 창작 음악에 있어서 의미 있는 시기이다. 1970년대는 단순한 서양 음악의 답습에서 벗어나 해금 창작곡에 전통적인 요소를 계승하기 위하여 노력하였다. 서양 음악 기법의 도입이 좀 더 적극적이고 세밀하게 이루어졌으며 추성, 퇴성, 잉어질 등 전통 해금의 연주 기법을 창작 음악에 도입하여 작곡하였다. 또한 개방현과 중음주법이 처음으로 시도되었다. 1980년대는 서양 음악의 기법이 해금의 전통적인 연주 기법과 어울린 독특한 해금 연주곡들이 탄생하였고 이전 시기에 비하여 많은 작곡가들이 등장하였다. 해금 협주곡이 본격적으로 작곡, 연주되기 시작하였다. 조의 변화, 무박 연주와 폭넓은 음역 사용 등 다양한 방식이 시도되었다. 해금 고유의 성음과 특색을 잘 살린 묘사음악이 처음으로 나타나기도 하였다. 1990년대는 서양 음악의 모방에서 벗어나 해금의 전통적인 특성을 살리면서도 새로운 현대적인 해금 음악이 정착되는 시기라고 할 수 있다. 해금 고유의 특성을 잘 살리면서도 세련된 표현방식과 현대화된 연주 기법을 갖는 대표적인 현대 해금 창작 음악들이 등장하였다. 이 시기에 표제음악도 많이 작곡되었다. 또한 우리 음악의 현대화에 걸 맞는 악기 개량도 활발히 진행되었다. 2000년대는 서양 음악의 기본을 충실히 익힌 여러 작곡가들이 해금을 비롯한 우리 음악의 작곡에 많이 참여하는 시기로서 우리 음악이 더욱 세련되고 형식미를 갖추게 되는 시기이다. 서양의 재즈, 크로스오버, 퓨전 음악 등에 영향을 받아 대중적인 다양한 소품들이 작곡되었고 이를 연주하는 유명 연주가들이 많이 등장하여 해금의 대중화에 기여하였다. 우리 음악의 현대화에 악기 개량은 필수적인데 이러한 움직임은 2000년대에 들어 더욱 본격화되었다. 개량된 해금을 바탕으로 새로운 곡들이 작곡 되고 연주되었으며 해금의 개량으로 음역이 많이 넓어져 고음과 저음 해금을 사용한 해금 중주곡들도 많이 연주되었다. This thesis classified the period from 1960s to 2000s into the decades and analyzed how the haegum (a type of Korean fiddle) creative music has changed and developed. The trend of the haegum creative music by the decade are summarized as follows. In 1960s, composition works merely followed the melodies of Western classical music or were limited to variations of such melodies, which were not qualified enough to be referred to as creative music. However, the period was meaningful in that the Western music elements were introduced to and employed in our music. In 1970s, musicians struggled to move beyond the mere variation of the Western music and inherit the traditional Korean music elements to haegum creative music. The employment of the Western music techniques became more active and refined. Additionally, traditional haegum performing techniques such as Chuseong, Toeseong, and Ing-eojil were introduced to the creative music in composing. Also, open string and jungeumjubeob were newly experimented. In 1980s, the unique haegum music pieces that harmonized the Western music techniques with the traditional haegum performing techniques were produced, and more composers emerged as compared to the previous decade. Haegum concertos started to be composed and performed prominently. At this time, diverse methods such as variation of musical keys, tempo-free performance, and employment of a broad range of pitches were experimented. Particularly, imitative music that manifested unique sounds and characteristics of the haegum first appeared. In 1990s, while the trend were moving out of imitating the Western music, traditional characteristics of the haegum were well manifested and a new modern-style haegum music was settled. The representative modern haegum creative music appeared, displaying unique characteristics of the haegum, elaborate expression techniques, and modernized performing techniques. In this period, many program music works were composed. In addition, musical instruments were actively modified to suit the modernization of the traditional music. In 2000, various composers with a solid foundation on the Western music composed many music works, refining our music and establishing the formal beauty in our music. Influenced by Jazz, Crossover, and Fusion of the West, various popular short pieces were composed, and they were played by many famous performers, which in turn contributed to popularization of the haegum. In order to adapt the haegum to the modernized music, modification of the instrument is essential, and such movement turned more active in 2000s. Based on the modified haegum, new music pieces were composed and performed. With broader range of pitches by modification of the instrument, many duet and trio music were performed with high pitch and low pitch haegums.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능 시대 중국어 음성학·음운론·음성인식의 언어관과 연구방법론

        한서영 ( Han¸ Seoyoung ) 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.108 No.-

        The aim of this study is to explore human knowledge of language by comparing the research methodology of Chinese speech recognition, phonetics, and phonology in the era of artificial intelligence. By doing this, this study tries to analyze underlying linguistic views in every methods. We first described an acoustic model and a language model in the speech recognition model. A speech chain of human communication was also described to find common ground with the speech recognition model. Then, using the phonetic weakening variant of modern Chinese function word “ge”, a rule-based generative phonological framework has been adapted based on rationalistic views. The view of the first-generation artificial intelligence was also discussed in this regard. Furthermore, the constraint weights for the phonetic weakening variant of “ge” were obtained based on the Harmonic grammar and the Maximum entropy model. These modeling were in relation to machine learning of second-generation artificial intelligence based on an empirical perspective. To conclude, it was revealed that knowledge of human speech is probabilistic. Furthermore, due to a great deal of big data training, mutual AI is expected to be able to learn about the universal grammar of human language, but it was pointed out that the limits are still clear in terms of functionalism and pragmatics.

      • KCI등재

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