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        로짓 모형을 활용한 국내 대형항공사와 저비용항공사 선택 요인에 관한 연구

        한민아 ( Mina Han ),이경재 ( Kyungjae Rhee ) 한국항공경영학회 2021 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        항공 시장 규제 완화 이후 저비용항공사 (LCCs)는 항공 네트워크에 큰 영향을 미쳤으며 기존 대형 항공사 (FSCs)와의 경쟁은 더욱 심화될 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구는 승객 2,882 명을 대상으로 한 설문 조사를 통해 로짓 회귀 모형을 활용하여 승객의 대형항공사 및 저비용항공사 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 국내 저비용항공사와 대형항공사 선택 결정요소에는 차이가 있었다. 항공료는 저비용항공사 선택의 주요 결정 요소인 반면 서비스 품질, 안전 및 항공사 이미지는 대형항공사 선택의 결정 요소임을 확인하였다. Since the deregulation of the aviation market, low-cost carriers (LCCs) have had a major impact on the aviation network and are expected to intensify competition with existing full-service carriers (FSCs). By using a survey of 2,882 passengers, this study determines factors that can influence passengers’ choice to use Korean FSCs and LCCs by employing a logit regression model. As a result of the analysis, there were differences in the main determinants of the selection of Korean FSCs and LCCs. The regression results indicate that the airfare is the main determinant in choosing LCCs, while service quality, safety, and airline image are determinants in choosing FSCs.

      • KCI등재후보

        특발성 맥락막신생혈관에 대한 장기간의 자연경과

        한민,김현웅,윤일한,Min Han,Hyun-Woong Kim,Il-Han Yun 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.5

        Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between lesional variation and visual outcome and natural course of idiopathic choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in the patient who had been treated with conservative treatment only. Methods: Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fluorescein and indocyanine angiographic examination (FAG and ICGA) and comparative analyses were performed for twenty eyes diagnosed with subfoveal and juxtafoveal idiopathic CNV and the long-term (mean, 24.7 months) natural course was followed. Results: Juxtafoveal CNV occurred in 12 eyes (60%) and final BCVA in 17 eyes (85%) improved over 1 line or remained unchanged. Minimal or no leakage of final FAG was shown in 12 eyes (60%). In final ICGA, dark rim was found in 16 eyes (80%), hyperfluorescent area in 12 (60%) and focal choroidal venous dilatation in 3 (15%). Juxtafoveal CNV had more favorable visual outcome than subfoveal CNV and the increased dark rim and decreased hyperfluorescent area in ICGA were significantly correlated with favorable visual outcome. Conclusions: Idiopathic CNV had a favorable visual outcome during long-term follow-up period with conservative treatment only.

      • KCI등재

        문화예술교육사들의 예술교육경험에 대한 내러티브 연구

        한민서(Min-Seo, Han) 한국문화교육학회 2021 문화예술교육연구 Vol.16 No.2

        이 연구는 문화예술교육의 질적 성장이 있으려면 예술교육자들을 교육의 주체로 하여 그들의시각에서 이야기를 들어봐야 한다는 문제의식에서 출발하였다. 연구자는 예술교육자를 한 명의평생교육자로 인식하고, 이들이 어떤 삶의 경험을 이루어 왔는지 들여다봄으로써 교육적 행위가이해될 수 있을 것으로 생각하였다. 그래서 내러티브 연구를 기초로 문화예술교육사들의 예술교육경험에 대한 의미탐구로 예술교육자들의 삶의 교육적 경험을 이해하는데 연구의 주안점을 두었다. 연구결과 <어디선가 솟아나는 예술에 대한 욕망>, <우연한 시작, 운명적 만남>, <문화예술교육안에서 나의 존재에 대한 성찰>로 각 주제를 도출하였다. 종합하면, 문화예술교육사들의 예술교육경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구는 세상 한 자락에서 열심히 살아가고 있는 존재들에 대한 관심과 이해의 여정이었다. 예술교육자들은 예술에 대한 학습자의 경험을 가지고 교수자로 활동하면서 성찰의 과정을 이어왔다. 예술에 대한 생각의 지평이 넓혀졌고, 개인에게 머물러 있던 감정과 에너지들이 점차 타인에게 확장되었다. 예술교육자로 활동하면서 예술 활동을 멈춘 것이 아니라, 예술의 가치를 많은 사람들과 공유하며 예술에 대한 다양한 상상과 예술을 바라보는 가치, 관점들을재구성 하였다. 아울러, 문화예술교육 현장의 이야기를 나누면서 문화예술교육이 함의하고 있는복합적이고 다양한 문제들을 다시한번 고민할 수 있는 내용을 제시하였다 This study started by looking through the lens of art educators who are the main subjects of education in order to encourage qualitative growth in arts and culture education. Researchers have seen art educators as a lifelong educator, and know how educational behavior can be understood by looking at what life experiences they have achieved. Therefore, this study aims to understand the educational experiences of art educators lives as a study on the meaning exploration of arts education experiences of arts and culture educators. The results of were categorized and analyzed by using coded data and are organized as follows. Each theme was drawn with <Desire for Art Soaring>, <Incidental start, Fateful encounter>, and <Reflection on My Existence in arts and culture education.>. Taken together, arts and culture educators exploration of the meaning of art education experiences is a process understanding the interest of beings who strive in one corner of the world. Art educators have continued their process of reflection as instructors based on their experience as learners of art. Their idea of art has expanded, and the emotions and energies that started in them alone gradually expanded to others. As an art educator, they did not stop producing art, but shared the value of art with many people and started to imagine various things about art. Art educators have reconstructed their values and perspectives of art, rather than experiencing a transformation of identity in the process of existential reflection.

      • KCI등재후보

        세대간 지원교환 유형과 성인자녀의 심리적 복지감

        한민아 ( Han Min A ),한경혜 ( Han Gyeong Hye ) 한국가족관계학회 2004 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the patterns of inter-generational support exchange and the psychological well-being of the adult children in Korea. Previous studies about the inter-generational support exchange and psychological well-being in Korea mostly focused on the elderly parents and have several methodological limitations. This study seek to overcome those gaps in previous research. The data used for this study is the subset of the data collected for the study called "Successful Midlife Development: Mental Health and Work/family Life course in Korea and the United States". Data were collected from a national representative sample of 1,667 Korean adults ranging in age from 30 to 59 through structured questionnaires. The results of the data analysis show that the support pattern could be categorized as support-given, support-received, reciprocal, and no-exchange groups. Adult children who belongs to reciprocal exchange groups showed highest psychological well-being. Theoretical and policy implications of the study are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        항공사의 친환경 경영활동이 기업신뢰, 브랜드이미지 및 고객시민행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        한민아(Han, Min A),박종우(Park, Jong Woo) 글로벌경영학회 2020 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effects of airlines eco-friendly management activities on corporate trust, brand image, and customer citizenship behavior. The measurement items of eco-friendly management activities were derived from previous studies and supplemented with a Delphi survey of expert groups. In order to collect data and verify hypotheses, a survey was conducted for air service users. The results are as follows. First, among the items of eco-friendly management activities, environmental education, eco-friendly in-flight service, and social contributions and campaigns have a significant and positive impact on corporate trust, brand image and customer citizenship behavior. Second, corporate trust and brand image were found to have a positive effect on customer citizenship behavior. These results indicate that airlines eco-friendly management is an important factor to improve corporate trust, differentiate brand image, and induce customer citizenship behavior. Sustainable environmental management, centered on manufacturing, has become an essential element for corporate survival, and strong environmental policies are being implemented in the aviation industry. This study aims to help the airlines eco-friendly management strategies and practices by providing a theoretical basis and data for the development of an eco-friendly management measurement tool and empirical research for airlines. The significance of this study is that among airline eco-friendly management activities, environmental education, eco-friendly in-flight service, social contributions and campaigns have a significant and positive effect on customer citizenship behavior, a significant outcome variable in service industry research. 본 연구의 목적은 항공사의 친환경 경영활동이 기업신뢰, 브랜드이미지, 그리고 고객시민행동에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 선행연구와 전문가 집단의 델파이조사를 통하여 항공사에 적합한 친환경 경영활동 측정 모형을 개발하고 국내 항공서비스 이용객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집, 이를 분석하여 가설을 검증하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 항공사 친환경 경영활동 중 친환경 교육, 친환경 기내서비스, 사회공헌 및 캠페인은 기업신뢰, 브랜드이미지 및 고객시민행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 기업신뢰와 브랜드이미지는 고객시민행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 항공사의 친환경 경영활동이 기업 신뢰도 향상, 브랜드이미지 차별화 및 고객의 자발적 기업참여를 이끌어낼 수 있는 중요한 요소임을 의미한다. 제조업 중심의 지속가능한 환경경영은 기업 생존을 위한 필수 요소가 되었으며 항공 산업에서도 강도 높은 환경관련 정책들이 시행되고 있는 상황에서 본 연구는 친환경 경영활동 측정 도구 개발 및 실증연구의 이론적 근거와 기초자료를 제공하고 항공사의 친환경 경영 전략과 실무에 도움이 되고자 한다. 또한 항공사 친환경활동 중 친환경 교육, 친환경 기내서비스, 사회공헌 및 캠페인이 서비스산업 연구에서 의미 있게 다루어지고 있는 결과변수인 고객시민행동에 긍정적 영향을 미친다는 유의미한 결과를 얻었다는 점이 본 연구의 의의라 할 수 있다.

      • $0.1\;{\mu}m$ 이하의 게이트 길이를 갖는 Metamorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor의 모델링 및 구조 최적화

        한민,김삼동,이진구,Han Min,Kim Sam-Dong,Rhee Jin-Koo 대한전자공학회 2005 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.42 No.3

        본 논문에서는 $0.1\;{\mu}m$ 이하의 게이트 길이를 갖는 MHEMT의 DC 및 RF 특성을 상용 시뮬레이터인 ISE-TCAD tool을 이용하여 결과를 고찰하였다. 이후 MHEMT의 게이트 길이와, 소스-드레인 간격 및 채널 두께를 변화시켜 가면서 소자의 수평, 수직 Scaling효과가 소자 특성에 미치는 영향을 비교하였으며, 게이트 길이 $(L_g)$가 $0.1\;{\mu}m$ 이하로 감소함에 따라 $g_{m,max}$가 같이 감소하는 현상에 대해서 논의해 보았다. 또한 이 현상을 가지고 소자의 횡적, 종적 파라미터의 scaling 효과에 대한 모델을 제시 했다. In this paper, we analyzed the DC and RF characteristics of $0.1\;{\mu}m$ metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (MHEMT) using the ISE-TCAD simulation tool. we also analyzed the effects or the scaling on vertical and lateral dimensions such as a gate length, source-drain spacing, and channel thickness. We discussed the degradation of extrinsic transconductance $g_{m,max}$ in the MHEMTs adopting the gate length $(L_g)$ of $sub-0.1\;{\mu}m$. We suggested the model describing the effects on the vertical and lateral parameter scaling.

      • KCI등재후보

        중등도조명시각계를 이용한 정상인과 라식 수술 후 환자의 중등도 조명시각 및 눈부심에 관한 연구

        한민,최우석,허준,Min Han,Woo-Seok Choi,Jun Her 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.10

        Purpose: To evaluate of the mesopic vision and glare in normal subjects and post-LASIK patients by using mesoptometer. Methods: One hundred sixty eyes of eighty subjects with normal vision and no ocular disease were divided into four groups. Each twenty subjects were followed up for more than 3 months and the authors tested the mesopic vision and glare disability with Mesotest II. The authors also measured eighty eyes of forty patients by same means depending on pupil size and high order root mean square (RMS) values before LASIK surgery in 1st and 3rd months postoperatively and compared with data of normal subjects. Results: The mesopic vision and glare disability at 1:5 contrast level were extremly reduced in the group over 60 age old but there was no statistical significance. In post-LASIK patients, mesopic vision and glare disability were significantly reduced in 1st month after surgery. However the values returned nearly to preoperative figures in 3rd month. Patients with large pupil and high order RMS values reduced more in mesopic vision and glare disability but there was not statistical significance. Conclusions: The mesopic vision and glare disability were reduced in older age group and they were reduced in the patients with large pupils and high order RMS values in the early postoperative period after LASIK.

      • KCI등재후보

        예술교육과 의학교육의 융합 : 인간이해를 중심으로

        한민서(HAN, Minseo) 한국문화예술교육학회 2021 모드니 예술 Vol.18 No.-

        This study suggested a point of application and convergence to medical education based on the properties of art education. Currently, medical education is setting the curriculum centered on nurturing medical scientists and understanding human beings, and is leading various changes. In addition, in preparation for the future, the introduction of convergence education programs is being promoted. In this respect, art education has a special lens that can lead from aesthetic experience education to research. In addition to the medium characteristics of art such as contingency, daily life, and reduction, it is possible to evoke points that have not been considered through the true ‘doing art’ method. Recognition of the individual, as well as the free imagination that can interest and understand others, follows. You can nurture knowledge for ‘doctorism’ and discover new possibilities. The convergence of art education and medical education will give an opportunity to take on new challenges in educational programs that are difficult to solve on its own, and art education will have an opportunity to expand the field of study. What is important is the interest and continuous research between each discipline, and it is necessary to have an attitude of collaboration according to a long-term plan rather than just a short-term class.

      • KCI등재후보

        구성주의이론의 부모코칭 적용에 관한 탐색적 연구

        한민아(Han, Minah),도미향(Do, Mi-Hyang) 한국부모교육학회 2021 부모교육연구 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구는 부모코칭과 구성주의의 이론적 관계를 고찰하고, 구성주의 이론이 부모코칭에 관한 이론적 배경과 부모코칭기술에 어떻게 적용되는가를 탐색하기 위한 목적으로 실시하였다. 이를 위해 부모코칭과 구성주의의 이론적 연계성, 부모코칭 기술에 구성주의가 어떻게 적용되는지를 살펴보았다. 첫째, 구성주의의 출현 배경, 정의와 목표, 핵심 연구주제를 기술하고 둘째, 구성주의 이론이 부모코칭의 인간관과 철학의 이론적 토대가 되고 있음을 연구결과를 통해 탐색적으로 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 부모코칭의 중요 기술인 질문하기, 피드백하기에 구성주의 이론이 어떤 영향을 미치고 있는가를 설명하였다. 연구결과, 구성주의 이론이 부모코칭 철학 및 가치의 이론적 토대가 되고 있음을 확인하였으며, 구성주의 이론은 부모코칭의 중요 기술인 ‘질문하기’와 ‘피드백하기’에 직접적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 구성주의이론은 부모코칭의 학문적인 기반을 강화하고, 부모코칭 현장에서 부모자녀 상호성장과 긍정적인 상호관계를 향상시키기 위해 주목해야 할 이론이라는 결론을 내릴 수 있다. This study was conducted to examine the theoretical relationship between parent coaching and constructivism and to explore how constructivist theory is applied in parent coaching. To this end, the theoretical connection between parent coaching and constructivism, and how constructivism is applied to parent coaching techniques was examined. First, the background of the emergence of constructivism, definitions and goals, and key research topics were described. Second, the research results showed that constructivist theory became the theoretical basis for the human view and philosophy of parent coaching. Finally, how constructivist theory has an influence on asking questions and feedback is explained, which are important techniques of parent coaching. As a result of this study, it was confirmed that the theory of constructivism is the theoretical basis for the philosophy and values of parent coaching, and it was found that constructivist theory has a direct influence on the important skills of parent coaching, such as asking questions and feedback. Therefore, it can be concluded that the constructivist theory is a theory that should be noted to strengthen the academic foundation of parent coaching and to improve its effectiveness in the field of parent coaching.

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