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      • KCI등재

        ‘현대화 이론’에 의한 노인 문제와 죽음의 결정요인 탐구 -영화 ‘죽여주는 여자’를 중심으로

        한명자 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.5

        The extension of life expectancy due to modernization means an extension of the benefit time for elderly care and disease. However, compared to the increase in the elderly, the attitude of children toward parental responsibility is gradually weakening. These social phenomena bring alienation, hopelessness, and stress to life in old age, and the resulting sense of helplessness leads to suicidal thoughts or intentional death (suicide), becoming a social problem. The intentional death (suicide) of the elderly is a social phenomenon that often occurs around them, and the reality can be seen through the movie. In this study, the main character 'Soyoung' in the movie 'The Woman Who Kills' and the surrounding characters 'Song Old Man', 'Jongsu', and 'Jaewoo' in conversations with the elderly problem and death factors were analyzed in the Matrix. ), and then applied to the 'flow chart of problems in the elderly due to modernization' compiled by Byeong-Woo Lim (2019), to explore the factors of intentional death (suicide). As a result of the analysis, the four elderly were exposed to problems of the elderly such as disease, alienation and loneliness, poverty, and loss. (Suicide) was analyzed. 현대화에 따른 평균수명의 연장은 노년기 돌봄과 질병에 있어 수혜 시간의 연장을 의미한다. 그러나 노인 증가에 비해 자녀들의 부모부양책임에 대한 태도는 점점 약화되어 가고 있다. 이러한 사회현상은 노년기 삶에 소외, 절망감, 스트레스를 가져다주고 이로 인한 무망감으로 자살 생각이나 의도적인 죽음(자살)을 불러오는 요인이 되어 사회문제가 되고 있다. 노인의 의도적인 죽음(자살)은 주변에서 흔히 일어나는 사회현상으로 영화를 통해서도 그 실상을 알 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 영화 ‘죽여주는 여자’에 등장하는 주인공 ‘소영’과 주변 인물인 ‘송 노인’, ‘종수’, ‘재우’ 등의 대화 속에서 노인 문제와 죽음 요인에 해당되는 내용을 매트릭스(Matrix) 분류 체계 방법으로 정리한 후, 임병우(2019)가 정리한 ‘현대화에 따른 노인 문제 발생 흐름도’에 적용하여 의도적 죽음(자살) 요인을 탐구하였다. 분석 결과 4명의 노인들은 질병, 소외와 고독, 빈곤, 상실 등 노인 문제에 노출되었으나, 현대화로 인한 지위 하락과 부양의식 태도 변화로 인한 돌봄 부족의 스트레스가 지속되자, 삶에 대한 절망감에 빠져 의도적 죽음(자살)을 선택한 것으로 분석되었다.

      • KCI등재

        영화 ‘박하사탕’을 통한 중년 남성의 자살 위험 요인 분석 - 주인공 ‘김영호’의 자살을 중심으로

        한명자,이현심 한국문화융합학회 2018 문화와 융합 Vol.40 No.1

        This study is to identify behaviors and dialogues of a main character called Kim Young-Ho in order to analyze risk factors of middle-aged men through a movie called ‘Mint Candy’, so that it tries to raise consciousness of the general public on the suicide of middle- aged men and ultimately it makes plans for suicidal prevention. In order for the research, this study found ‘the risk factors of suicide and depression symptom’ displayed in important scenes through main text analysis by utilizing a Matrix classification system. Also, as this study defined meaning of terms related to ‘the risk factors of suicide’ and ‘the depression symptoms, this study synthesized related contents of suicide and depression from the main character, Kim Young-Ho. As the result of analysis, the main character, Kim Young- Ho, spent the most of his life in depression due to trauma caused by bullet wound at emergency repression during military service, and he started thinking of suicide. Then, this study found that after he was faced with near elements such as ‘divorce’, ‘business failure’, ‘suicide infection’, and ‘accessibility of suicide’ direct trigger factors, he committed suicide. Therefore, this study suggested strategies for suicidal prevention and limitations of this research.

      • 급성 취장염의 임상적 고찰

        한명자,경난호 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1978 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.1 No.4

        The authors were conducted the studies based on the analysis of the clinical and laboratory features of 145 cases of acute pancreatitis, admitted to the department of internal medicine, Ewha Womans University Hoispital, during the period from January, 1970 to December, 1976. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The incidence of acute pancreatitis was higher in woman than man and its peak level was 20 years and in next, 30 years both male and female. 2) The main symptoms were severe epigastric pain(97.9%) and in next, nausea and vomiting, radiating abdominal pain, fever, indigestion, diarrhea & constipation. The physical examination most frequently showed abdominal tenderness(92.4%) and in next, abdominal distension, muscle rigidity, jaundice & hepatomegaly. 3) The elevation of serum amylase above 300 somogyi unit was 71.7%, that of serum lipase was 45.6%, that of serum bilirubin was 42.4%. CAm/Ccr ratio was increased by more than 1.5~2 times of normal group in acute pancreatitis. 4) In radiologic studies, localized gas distension on small bowel in 93 cases of plain abdomen was 56.0%. Widened C-loop was 24.1% and spasticity of duodenal bulb was 13.8% in 29cases of upper G-1 series and non-visualization of gall bladder was 25.0% in 20 cases of oral GB series. 5) The possible etioloigic factors were overeating, undetermined, alcohol drinking & biliary tract disease in frequent orders. And associated diseases were biliary tract disorder, peptic ulcer & gastritis, pulmonary tuberculosis and paralytic ileus. 6) In 8 cases among 145 cases, surgical operation was performed, as a result of biopsy, hemorrhagic pancreatitis was 4 cases, pancreatic pseudocyst was 2 cases, fat necrosis was 1 case and pancreatic abscess was 1 case. 7) On the therapeutic results, recovery & improvement was 95.1%. No improvement & death were 4.9% each other and relapse was 2.8%.

      • 불명열의 임상경과를 보였던 간결핵증 1예

        한명자,이우형,박이갑 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1980 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.3 No.2

        Tuberculous lesions in the liver are a common finding at autopsy in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. However upto 1956, only 33 cases of tuberculosis the liver have been reported by exploratory lapartory or autopsy in all the world, but recently diagnosis is more easy with development of liver yet. Recently we had the opportunity to observe 31-year-old male patient who had pulmonary tuberculosis and developed clinical course of F.U.O. In this paper we report a case of tuberculous hepatitis which confirmed by liver biopsy and briefly review the literatures.

      • 영화 ‘다우더’에 등장한 주요인물의 성격 분석 및 상담방안 - 에니어그램을 중심으로 -

        한명자,양은미 한국에니어그램학회 2019 에니어그램연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구에서는 영화 ‘다우더’에 등장한 주인공과 주요 인물들의 성격을 에니어그램 성격유형의 관 점에서 분석하였다. 주요 인물들의 범위는 ‘엄마’, ‘아빠’, ‘산’으로 제한하고, 그들의 대사에서 나타나 는 텍스트들을 매트릭스(Matrix)분류체계 방법을 사용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 ‘엄마’는 편협하고 강박적이며 분노조절을 못하는 1번 유형으로, ‘아빠’는 태만과 회피로 자포자기하는 9번 유형으로 나 타났다. 따라서 부모의 양육 아래 성장한 주인공 ‘산’은 권력자에게 복종을 하지만 수동-공격적인 6번 유형으로 나타나 결국, 부모와 정서적인 관계단절로 이어지면서 가족 위기를 맞이하게 되었다. 본 연 구는 성격의 문제로 부모자녀 간의 갈등을 겪어 위기에 직면한 가족관계 회복을 위하여 에니어그램을 활용한 전문상담프로그램 및 교육프로그램을 개발하는데 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. This study analyzed the main characters’ personality types in the movie ‘Daughter’ from Enneagram viewpoint. The analysis limited ‘Mom,’‘Dad,' and ‘San.’ Matrix classification method was used to analyzed their dialogue. According to the analysis results, ‘Mom’ was type 1 which is narrow, compulsive and unable to control anger, and ‘Dad’ showed type 9 of despair due to neglect and avoidance. Growing up in such a parent-cultivation environment, ‘San’ is obedient to those in power but shows passive attacks and showed type 6. These different personalities eventually brought about a family crisis and a break in the feeling of family. Therefore, this study tried to provide basic data on the development of professional counseling and education programs using Enneagram to restore family relationships that have been in crisis through conflicts between parents and children due to personality problems.

      • KCI등재

        연 재배지를 활용한 자유수면형 인공습지의 수질정화효율

        한명자,서동철,강세원,이용철,방석배,채정현,김갑순,장남익,허종수,박종환,조주식 한국응용생명화학회 2010 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry (J. Appl. Vol.53 No.4

        In order to investigate the treatment efficiency of pollutants in free water surface constructed wetlands (FWS CWs) with lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) cultivation pond, the experiment was consisted of two sites (site Ⅰ and Ⅱ) in Lake Juam, Korea. The sites were configured a lotus cultivation pond (with fertilizer application) - a dropwort bed - a reed bed for site I, and a lotus cultivation pond (without fertilizer application) - a dropwort bed - a reed bed for site Ⅱ. Removal rate of COD in site Ⅰ and Ⅱ were 13.3% and 26.0%, respectively. Removal rate of total nitrogen (TN) was 29.7% for site Ⅰ, and 36.3% for site Ⅱ. Removal rate of total phosphorus (TP) in site Ⅰ and Ⅱ were 36.0% and 36.5%, respectively. COD, TN and TP in effluent from site Ⅰ (with fertilizer) was higher than that in site Ⅱ (without fertilizer), showing that COD, TN and TP in effluent were strongly influenced by fertilizer addition. Therefore, in order to satisfy established water-quality standards, the amount of fertilizer used in lotus cultivation showed be evaluated. 연재배지를 활용한 자유수면형 습지에서 오염물질별 처리특성과 처리효율을 조사하기 위하여 site Ⅰ은 연 재배지조(비료처리)-미나리조-갈대조로 구성하였고, site Ⅱ 는 연 재배지조(무비료)-미나리조-갈대조로 구성하였다. 연재배지를 활용한 자유수면형 습지에서 최종방류수 중의COD 처리효율은 site I(비료시비) 및 Ⅱ (무비료)가 각각 13.3% 및 26.0%이었다. 자유수면형습지에서 최종방류수 중의 TN 처리효율은 site Ⅰ 및 Ⅱ 가 각각29.7% 및 36.3%이었으며, TP 처리효율은 site Ⅰ 및 Ⅱ 가 각각 36.0% 및 36.5%이었다. 비료를 시비한 site I에서 COD, TN및 TP 함량은 전반적으로 비료를 시비하지 않은 site II에 비해 높아 비료시비가 방류수 수질에 영향을 미치는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 연재배지를 활용한 자유수면형 습지에서 방류수 수질기준을 만족하기 위해서는 연재배지에 사용된 퇴비의 시비량을 우선적으로 고려해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        채소종자 발아와 유묘생장에 미치는 유기 또는 무기게르마늄의 효과 및 흡수특성

        한명자 ( Myung Ja Han ),김성은 ( Sung Un Kim ),서동철 ( Dong Cheol Seo ),정용화 ( Yong Hwa Cheong ),이도진 ( Do Jin Lee ),박문수 ( Moon Su Park ),임요섭 ( Yo Sup Rim ),손보균 ( Bo Kyoon Sohn ),허종수 ( Jong Soo Heo ),조주식 ( Ju S 한국환경농학회 2007 한국환경농학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        To investigate effects of inorganic (GeO2) and organic (Ge-132) germanium (Ge) on seed germination and on early stage growth of plants and the uptake characteristics, various concentrations (0, 10, 25, 50, 100 mg L-1) of Ge to popular vegetables such as leaf mustard, chinese cabbage and pak-choi, respectively, were treated. On seed germination, no significant effect was observed in both inorganic and organic Ge treatments except 100 mg L-1 treatment of inorganic Ge. Exogenous inorganic Ge (10∼100 mg L-1) treatments significantly inhibited the early root elongation growth of all plants. However, slight enhancement of early shoot elongation was detected in low concentrations (10 and 25 mg L-1) of Ge in the leaf mustard and chinese cabbage plants. Organic Ge treatments significantly stimulated the root and shoot growth at the 10, 25 and 50 mg L-1 treatments. Ge was accumulated linearly in the vegetables as both inorganic and organic Ge concentrations were increased. Interestingly, total contents of Ge in plants with Ge-132 treatments were 2∼4.5 times more than those with inorganic Ge treatments in all concentrations. At 25 mg L-1 treatment of Ge, contents of Ge in vegetables are following: in leaf mustard, inorganic Ge: 0.37 mg g-1dw and organic Ge: 1.47 mg g-1dw; in the chinese cabbage, inorganic Ge: 0.4 mg g-1dw and organic Ge: 0.86 mg g-1dw; in the pak-choi, inorganic Ge: 0.33 mg g-1dw and organic Ge: 0.70 mg g-1dw, respectively. These results showed organic Ge is much better on early stage seedling growth and on germanium accumulation of vegetables than inorganic Ge.

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