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      • KCI등재

        Trace gas 법에 의한 의복기 환기 양상의 평가

        추미선,中島利誠 한국의류학회 1997 한국의류학회지 Vol.21 No.8

        Effects of the ambient air temperature and the opening position on the pattern of the clothing ventilation of a thermal manikin wearing an impermeable blouse were investigated by the trace gas method. Under an isothermal condition, the ventilation was governed by diffusion, and the ventilation rate through the wrist-openings was greatly affected by the distance from the openings. Under non-isothermal conditions, however, the ventilation was accelerated by the convection driven by the temperature gradient between the clothing microclimate and the surrounding air; the greater the temperature gradient, the greater the ventilation. Even though it was certainly affected by the ambient air temperature, the ventilation rate was more significantly influenced by the position of openings. The ventilation patterns at the arm and the body were distinctive.

      • KCI등재

        AI 로봇과 비인간 역할의 역설 - 영국 드라마 < Humans >를 중심으로

        추미선,유승호 한국영상학회 2018 한국영상학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.3

        고프먼은 사회와 개인을 무대와 무대에서 연기하는 연기자로 비유하여 설명한다. 사회라는 무대에서 연기자인 개인은 기대되는 역할을 연기하고 자아의 표현도 무대에 맞게 요구되므로 개인의 자아와 사회가 맺는 그 관계성은 긴밀하다. 이처럼 사회라는 무대에서 개인은 상황에 따라 연기자와 관객이 되어 상호작용한다. 그런데 고프먼 이론에는 인간이면서도 인간이 아닌 ‘특별하고 예외적인 역할’을 수행하는 인간이 있다. 상호작용에 참여할지라도 연기자나 관객역도 맡지 않는 ‘비인간(non-person)역할’이 그것이다. 본 연구는 우리 사회에 존재하는 비인간 역할이 기술의 발전으로 기계와 로봇으로 대체되면서 생기는 새로운 사회의 갈등 양상을 살펴본다. 특히 로봇이 우리가 사는 세상에 존재하면서 수행하게 되는 비인간 역할을 어빙 고프먼의 하인 개념을 중심으로 살펴볼 것이다. 로봇이 현대사회에서 비인간의 역할을 수행하면서 펼쳐지는 상황은 어떤 것일까? 본 연구에서는 영국드라마 <Humans>를 사례로 삼아 로봇이 인간의 일상생활에서 인간과의 관계가 어떻게 배치되는지, 그리고 로봇이 비인간 역할을 수행할 때 인간과의 관계가 어떻게 변해 가는지 고찰해 보고자 한다. 드라마 <Humans>는 로봇이 인간의 생활에 개입했을 때 생길 수 있는 상황을 보여주는 ‘거대한 사고실험’의 드라마가 된다. 드라마에서 인간이 로봇을 대하는 태도에 따라 그것은 인간들 간의 갈등, 즉 근대적 인간과 전 근대적 인간의 갈등으로 나타났다. 특히 드라마 속에서는 하인의 역할을 수행하는 로봇을 동경의 대상으로 바라보는 관점까지 드러남으로써 로봇을 둘러싸고 출현하는 인간 종들 간의 갈등을 세밀하게 보여준다. 특히 로봇이 인간의 정서에 개입하여 비인간역할을 수행할 때 인간과 어떤 관계를 생성할 것인가에 대해 집중적으로 고찰할 것이다. Goffman, channeling Shakespeare, explains social life as being composed of individuals upon a stage and carrying out their actions upon it. On this stage of society, an actor plays and acts out the roles expected of him, and such expressions of the self must also match the stage. Thus, the roles of individuals can change in accordance with the needs and wants of society as well as the reality faced by others. Likewise, individuals interact with each other as actors and spectators on the "stage of society." Within such a framework, there exists a group of people who perform 'particular and unusual roles', according to Goffman's theory. These are ‘non-person roles', referring to those separate from the actor or audience, despite participation in the interaction. This study focuses on the aspect of conflict in modern society caused by those carrying out such non-person roles existing in our society, which are being replaced by AI due to developments and advances of technology. In particular, this paper examines the non-person roles that robots are able to perform in our life, focusing on the "servant framing". We observe how a robot performs a 'non-person role' in human life through the TV show 'Humans' which is a 'thought experiment' that presents the conflict between the modern and post-human perspective toward robots. It also portrays the conflicts between those who consider the robot as a servant and those who see it as an object of admiration on the TV show. The findings here suggest why robots become an object of admiration despite performing the role of a servant, providing directions and instructions regarding our attitudes so as to more capably avoid conflicts in the coming future society. It focuses particularly on how robots engage with humans when robots intervene in human emotions and carry out non-person roles as described above.

      • KCI등재후보

        환경 온도가 개구부를 통한 의복의 환기 양상에 미치는 영향

        추미선 服飾文化學會 2002 服飾文化硏究 Vol.10 No.6

        The effects of ambient air temperature on the clothing ventilation were investigated numerically by a finite difference method. Numerical analysis using a 2-dimensional model comprising the air space between the skin and the clothing was conducted under the assumption that the clothing ventilation occurred only through the openings not through the fabric. The larger the temperature difference between the skin and the surroundings, the more apparen the thermal boundary layer. As the ambient air temperature decreased, the air flow and the rate of the return of oxygen concentration to the atmosphere level in the colthing increased. convection was dominant under low ambient air temperature, whereas conduction was dominant under high ambient air temperature. The ventilation rate was faster in the clothing microenvironment of the body part than that of the arm part.

      • KCI등재

        개구부를 통한 의복의 환기 양상 평가

        추미선 복식문화학회 2000 服飾文化硏究 Vol.8 No.5

        Clothing ventilation was investigated using a manikin wearing an impermeable overall under an isothermal condition, in which the ventilation occurred only through the openings. The ventilation volume was estimated by both microenvironment volume and ventilation rate, where, the microenvironment volume was measured by an air substitution method and the ventilation rate by a trace gas method. Microenvironment volume of the experimental garment was about 21.0 liters. Even though it was certainly affected by the distance from the opening, the ventilation rate was more significantly influenced by the opening area and the shape of air layer in the clothing. The volume of air exchange in the clothing microenvironment was affected greatly by the microenvironment volume and the opening area, and it was different fur each part of the body with bigger air exchange volume in the microenvironment of the leg as compared to that of the arm.

      • 衣服의 動作適合性에 관하여 : 上肢動作에 의한 上體의 變化 Changes of the measurement of upper body by arm movements

        鄭雲子,姜京子,秋美先 慶尙大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        이상 上肢의 動作에 의한 上 의 伸縮 치수와 형태변화에 대해 比較 檢討한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 上肢의 動作으로 인해 長徑項目의 脇丈, 前肩先丈등이 크게 伸張하였으며, 특히 上擧時에 最高値를 나타내었고 幅徑項目에선 背幅의 伸張이 컸으며 背肩幅, 肩幅은 收縮 현상이 크게 나타났다. 2. 前擧動作에선 C.L上의 後面은 20∼32%의 높은 伸張率을 보였으마 側面과 前面은 오히려 收縮현상을 나타내므로 기능적인 의복 제작에 있어서는 C.L부근의 後面에 여유분을 加算함이 效果的이다. 3. 上擧動作에선 脇丈이 64.0%의 현저한 伸張율을 나타낸 반면 肩幅은 46.5%의 收縮率을 보여 상당히 좁아짐을 알 수 있으므로 활동성을 고려하여 脇線 주변에 여유분을 충분히 두는 것이 合理的이다. 4. 靜立時에 最大値를 나타낸 腕付根圍는 型에 있어서 U字型을 이루던 것이 動作이 커짐에 따라 圓弧와 같은 형을 형성했다. In order to reveal the defference ot the body measurement during moving and satic pose, we adopted the smoetometry and the flat pattern design of Shell made by plaster tape method. The results are as follws : 1. The items of length, both the side and the anterior shoulder point length wer greatly expanded owing to the arm movement. Expecially, the largest length was recorded at the up-motion. In items of breadth, the expansion of posterior breadth was a little larger, while the dorsal shoulder and the shoulder breadth were greatly contracted. 2. At the front lifting motion, the back side fo chest line was expanded at the rate of 20-32%, whereas both lateral and frontal sides showed contractive results, so it may be effective to add a little extra width to the back side area fo the chest line for funtional purpose. 3. At upward lifting motion, the side length was remarkablely expanded at rate of 64.0%. But the shoulder breadth became considerably narrow, and its rate of contraction was 46.5%. Therefore it is thougtht to be rational to add enougth extra width taking into account of the activity. 4. The armscye girth was observed the maximum value at the static pose, and its shape was changed from U-shape to arc as the movement became larger.

      • 女性의 基本欲求와 衣裳價値觀間의 相關關係 硏究

        姜京子,李貞淑,秋美先 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.2

        This was designed in order to find out the correlation between the basic needs and values on teh clothes of women, 358 women living in Taegu city and JinJu city were selected as sample for this study. The major findigs of this research were as followings. 1. Women have stronger needs for physiology, self-actualization belongness and affection self-esteem and safety. They regards economic, sensory values most important. 2. Young women tend to regard aesthetic values such as form,color, harmony important. Older women like to wear comfortable clothes. 3. Women having higher education have lower needs for physiology and safety, and they have strong need for self-actualization, And they tend to regard aesthetic values important, but they have lower religious values on the clothes. 4. There is difference of need and clothing values of women depending on the monthly income of the family. 5. Unemployed women have stronger need for self-actualization than the employed women. Ⅱ.Correlation between basic needs and values on clothes was investigated. 1. Married women who regard aethetic values important have stronger need for self-actualization. Single women who regard economic values important have lower needs for safety and self-actualization but married women have lower needs for belongingness and self-esteem. 2. There is a little difference of correltion between values and needs depending on the age and education of respondents. 3. There is a difference of correlation between values and needs depending on the monthly incomes of respondents.

      • 女高生의 着衣標準設定에 관한 調査硏究 : In Jinju Area 晋州地方을 중심으로

        鄭福南,秋美先 慶尙大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.25 No.2

        內陸盆地型의 氣候 特性이 顯著한 晋州地方의 溫熱環境 變化에 따른 女高生의 適正 着衣量 標準 設定을 위한 基礎資料를 얻고져 着衣量 및 着肢의 實態를 調査한 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 着衣量은 氣溫과 반비례하였으며 溫熱環境 變化에 따른 着衣調節은 주로 上衣, 外衣에 依存하고 있었다. 2. 着衣枚數는 上衣의 경우 室內·外 모두 8月에는 3枚, 9, 10월에는 3∼4枚, 11月에는 4枚, 12月에는 4∼5枚 着用이 가장 많았고 下衣는 室內·外 모두 8月에서 11月까지는 3枚 着用이 대부분이었으며 12月에는 3∼4枚 着用이 가장 많았다. 材質에 있어서는 全月에 걸쳐 上衣는 綿과 合成纖維가 약 70∼80%ffm 차지했고 下衣는 溫熱環境 條件에 관계없이 綿을 가장 많이 입었다. 3. 着衣量과 溫 感間의 相關關係에서는 室內·外 모두 r=0.27로 正의 相關을 보였다. 4. 着衣量과 氣溫과의 관계는 r=-0.81로 높은 負의 相關을 나타내었으며 Y=-25.21X+1368.06의 回歸式을 얻었다. 5. 被調査者 전체와 快適者의 着衣量 비교에 있어서는 高溫期인 8月에는 快適者의 着衣量이 적었고 低溫期인 12月에는 快適者의 着衣量이 더 많아 대체로 溫熱環境條件에 適應하는 着衣調節이 圓滑하지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 6. 着衣量과 保溫力과의 관계에서는 被調査者 전체의 clo値와 快適者의 clo値가 모두 高溫期인 8月에는 Winslow의 clo値보다 훨씬 높았으며 低溫期인 12月에는 훨씬 낮게 나타났다. In order to pursuit the reasonable clothing life, the clothing practice of high school girls after the abolishment of the student uniform was investigated and basic information of the proper clothing weight depending on the changes of thermal environment was obtained from 100 high school girls in the Jinju area. The results are as follows 1. The total clothing weight was inverse proportion to the air temperature. The control of the variable temperature with clothes was performed by upper and outer clothing. 2. The number of clothes worn indoor and outdoor was changed with the changes of air temperature; upper clothes were 3 kinds in August, 3-4 in September and October, 4 in November, 4-5 in December, while lower clothes were 3 in August to November and 3-4 in December. In materials of clothing put on from August to December, cotton and synthetic fiber took 70-80 percent for upper part of the body and the cotton was used exclusively for lower part with the changes of external environmental temperature. 3. The positive correlation (=0.27) was shown between clothing weight and thermal sensation in indoor and outdoor life. 4. The high negative correlation (r=-0.81) was recognized between clothing weight and outdoor temperature with regression equation of Y=-25.21X+1368.06. 5. In comparison of the clothing weight between total and comfortable subjects, the clothing weight of these was lighter than those at high temperature in August, but heavier at low temperature in December. 6. In relation of clothing weight and thermal insulation, total and comfortable subjects' clo values investigated were higher than Winslow's at the high temperature in August, but much lower at low temperature in December.

      • AI 로봇과 비인간 역할의 역설

        추미선(Misun Chu),유승호(Seoungho Ryu) 한국HCI학회 2018 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2018 No.1

        고프만은 사회라는 무대에서 연기자인 개인은 기대되는 역할을 연기하고 자아의 표현도 그 무대에 맞게 요구된다고 설명한다. 따라서 개인의 역할은 상황에 따라 변할 수 있는데 이러한 고프만 이론에는 인간이면서도 인간이 아닌 ‘특별하고 예외적인 역할’을 수행하는 인간이 있다. 상호작용에 참여할지라도 연기자나 관객역도 맡지 않는 ‘비인간 non-person 역할’이 그것이다. 본 연구는 로봇이 현대사회에서 비인간의 역할을 수행하면서 펼쳐지는 상황을 고프만의 이론을 기반으로, 그리고 영국드라마〈Humans〉를 사례로 삼아 고찰해 보고자 한다. 드라마〈Humans〉는 로봇이 인간의 생활에 개입했을 때 생길 수 있는 상황을 보여주는 ‘거대한 사고실험’의 드라마로 인간이 로봇을 대하는 태도에 따라 인간들 간의 갈등, 즉 근대적 인간과 전 근대적 인간의 갈등을 잘 보여주고 있다. 특히 드라마 속에서는 하인의 역할을 수행하는 로봇을 동경의 대상으로 바라보는 관점까지 드러남으로써 로봇을 둘러싸고 출현하는 인간 간의 갈등을 세밀하게 보여준다. 또한 로봇이 왜 동경의 대상이 되는지 드라마를 통해 분석하고 4 차 산업혁명시대의 로봇을 둘러싼 갈등을 극복하기 위한 방안을 모색해보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

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