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        시공간 정보의 인터랙티브 시각화 가이드라인 연구 -위치기반 소셜 네트워크 서비스 사용 맥락을 중심으로-

        김보나 ( Bo Na Kim ),최혜영 ( Hey Young Choi ),박승호 ( Seung Ho Park ) 디자인융복합학회 2014 디자인융복합연구 Vol.13 No.6

        시간과 공간에 대한 정보는 사람이 생활을 하는 데 있어 반드시 알아야 하는 근본적인 정보이다. 이러한 시공간적 정보는 우리가 일상생활이나 특정 상황에 있을 때 중요한 정보와 기준을 제시한다. 이러한 시공간적 정보는 스마트 디바이스와 컴퓨터의 보급이 대중화되면서 핵심 서비스로 급부상하게 되었다. 또한, 모바일 기기가 개인화되면서 디바이스에 내장된 GPS를 활용한 위치기반 서비스는 생활 속 일부로 자리 잡게 되었다. LBS는 특정한 관심이나 활동을 공유하는 사람들 사이의 관계망을 구축해 주는 소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS)와 결합하여 위치기반 소셜 네트워크 서비스(LBSNS)라는 새로운 영역을 구축하면서 소셜 서비스 영역을 확장하게 되었다. LBSNS는 위치를 기반으로 하여 비디오, 오디오, 텍스트, 이미지 등의 미디어 요소들을 태그하고 이러한 정보를 공유함으로써 네트워크를 형성하는데 이때 크게 시간, 공간, 소셜, 첨부 콘텐츠 등 많은 데이터가 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 사회적 관계 데이터를 LBSNS 사용 맥락에 따른 데이터의 유형으로 분류하고, 인터랙티브 시각화 요소를 추출하여 유형별 효과적인 시각화 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 우리 주변에 흩어져 있는 방대한 LBSNS 데이터로부터 유의미한 패턴의 읽어내고 패턴의 분석과 이해를 통해 실체를 파악하고 그 실체가 요구하는 니즈를 정보화하여 소통하게 되기를 기대한다. Information about ``time`` and ``space`` is the most fundamental information that people must know for their living. Whether in our daily lives or particular situation, these spatial-temporal information suggest significant information and standard that determine our behavior and attitude, and also improve the quality of life of people. As dissemination of smart devices and computers are popularized, spatial information has risen rapidly as a core service. Also, as mobile devices became personalized, location-based services(LBS) that utilizes a built-in GPS in a device has settled in part of our lives. By combining various technologies and content with location information, services are more diversified and advanced. LBS has combined with SNS, which builds networks between people who share certain interests and activities, and established new territory called location-based social network services(LBSNS) and extended social services sector. LBSNS is a service that provides the location of a user to acquaintances and share related information through a combination of built-in GPS in the smart device and social network services. Based on the position, LBSNS tags media elements such as video, audio, text, and images, and by sharing these information it forms a network, which generates data about time, space, social, and attached content. Therefore, on the basis of these characteristics, the study was conducted as it is expected to be able to read the patterns of meaningful phenomenon through LBSNS data. As soon as a new service area like LBSNS is established, recording of personal information with smart devices became easier and people could communicate without restrictions of time and space. In this study, the social relationship data classification according to the type of data used in location-based social network service context, and interactive visualization by presenting the type of element was chuchu effective visualization methods.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        원재료로부터 분리된 α-, β-, γ-키틴의 물리화학적 특성과 약물 방출

        장미경 ( Mi Kyeong Jang ),최창용 ( Chang Yong Choi ),최혜영 ( Hey Young Choi ),김태형 ( Tai Hyoung Kim ),손소희 ( So Hee Son ),장지태 ( Ji Tae Jang ),양현필 ( Hyun Pil Yang ),정특래 ( Teok Rae Jung ),강성구 ( Seong Koo Kang ), 한국키틴키토산학회 2003 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        α-, β-, γ-키틴이 천연 재료로부터 분리되었고 이의 특성이 FT-IR spectrophotometer, solid state CP/MAS ^(13)C NMR spectrophotometer, TGA, XRD에 의해 확인되었다. 또한, 본 연구에서 분리한 키틴을 이용하여 서방성 제제로서의 가능성을 알아보기 위하여 약물전달체를 제조하였다. α-, β-, and γ-chitin의 점도평균분자량(Mvis)이 점도계를 이용하여 측정하였으며, 결과로써 각각의 분자량이 701, 612, and 524 kDa임을 확인하였다. FT-IR스펙트럼에서 아마이드 Ⅰ에서의 흡수밴드가 α-키틴에 있어서는 이중선으로, β-키틴에서는 단일선으로 나타났으며 γ-키틴에서는 α-, β-키틴의 중간형태로 나타났음을 확인하였다. Solid state CP/MAS ^(13) NMR 스펙트럼결과에서 α-키틴의 경우 C3과 C5의 피크가 각각 73과 75ppm에서 나타났으며 β-키틴은 74 ppm에서 단일선으로 나타났고, γ-키틴의 경우 C3과 C5의 흡수 피크가 α-키틴과 유사한 형태의 피크를 나타냈었다. X-ray회절 분석에서는 α-키틴의 경우 9.6, 19.6, 21.1, 23.7에서 4개의 결정면을 확인할 수 있었고, β-키틴의 경우 9.1, 20.3에서 2개의 결정면을 나타내었다. 또한 역평행의 구조와 평행의 구조가 혼재되어 있는 γ-키틴의 경우 β-키틴 보다 오히려 α-키틴에 가까운 결정성을 나타내었다. 그러나 400℃까지 가열하였을 경우 5°~35°에서 나타나던 of α-, β- and γ-chitin의 결정면이 사라졌음을 알 수 있었다. DSC 측정결과로써, α-, β-, γ-chitin의 구조적 특성으로 인해 각각 다른 발열 피크를 나타내었으며, 결과로써 α-chitin의 경우 330, β-chitin은 220 그리고 γ-chitin은 300℃임을 확인하였다. 또한, 본 연구에서 제조한 키틴을 사용하여, 약물전달체를 제조하고, 약물의 방출 거동을 살펴 본 결과, β<γ<α순으로 β-키틴이 서방성의 방출 거동을 나타내었다. 이는 분자간 수소결합이 존재하지 않은 β-키틴 분자 내로 약물이 도입되고 또한 이들간의 상호 인력에 의해 약물 방출이 지연되는 것으로 사료되며, 따라서 본 연구에서 제조된 α-β-γ-chitin의 서방성 약물 전달체로써의 가능성을 확인하였다. α-, β-, and y-chitin were isolated from natural resources by chemical method to investigate the crystalline structure of chitin. Their characterization was identified by FT-IR spectrophotometer, solid state CPMAS ^(13)C NMR spectrophotometer, DSC and XRD. A molecular weight (M_(vis)) of α- , β-, and y-chitin were determined by viscometer resulting in 701, 612, and 524 kDa, respectively. And we have prepared the drug carrier according to the α- , β-, and y-chitin and release profile was investigated. At FT-IR spectra, α-, β-chitin showed doublet and singlet at amide I band, respectively, and y-chitin showed intermediate form between α- and β-chitin. From solid state CP/MAS ^(13)C NMR spectra, two signals appeared at around 73 and 75 ppm assigned to C3 and C5 carbon atoms in a-chitin are sharply separated, the signals of C3 and C5 in β-chitin shows singlet at around 74 ppm. In case of y-chitin, two signals show at around 73 and 75 ppm assigned to C3 and C5 carbon atoms. From the X-ray diffraction results, a-chitin was observed four crystalline reflections, shown at 9.6, 19.6, 21.1, and 23.7 by crystalline structure. Also, β-chitin showed two crystalline reflections as indicated at 9.1˚, and 20.3˚ in the crystalline structure spectroscopy. y-chitin with structure of both antiparallel and parallel was close to X-ray diffraction patterns of a-chitin. As the result of DSC, due to difference in structural characteristics, remarkable differences in the exothermic transition for α-, β-, and y-chitin were observed. However, four crystalline reflections observed in the 28 range of 5 - 35˚ were disappeared in case of α-, β- and y-chitin after heating up to 400℃. The exothermic peak in α-, β-, and y-chitin were shows at 330, 220, and 300℃, respectively. The drug carrier were prepared by using α-, β-, and y-chitin, and the behavior of drug release were investigated by PBS 7.4 at 37±0.5℃. As the result, the drug release behavior was order of y-chitin > a-chitin > β-chitin.

      • Polygoum Tinctoria와 합성 인디고 염료의 물리화학적 특성 비교

        최창용,장미경,공병기,최혜영,나상권,이동병,양숙향,나재운 한국공업화학회 2002 응용화학 Vol.6 No.2

        The natural dye substances appear to have a lot of benefits that enable the dyed materials to exhibit their natural colors. It may have a bit of a harmful influence on the human body itself, in comparison with the synthetic substances. It also causes hardly any environmental pollution because of the natural chemicals and costs much less to disposal. In this study was investigated physicochemical characterization of polygoum tinctoria dye substance and synthetic indigo. Calcium hydroxide was added into polygoum tinctoria leaves to precipitate dye substances and it was freezing dried into powder form. Characterizations of dye substances were investigated by UV/VIS spectrophotometer, TLC, DSC, TGA, HPLC, and MALDI-TOF Mass. Resultantly, polygoum tinctoria was confirmed that is consisted of two ingredients from these results.

      • α, β, γ-키틴을 사용한 서방성 메트릭스제제 제조

        최혜영,최창용,공병기,임동한,장미경,정창남,나재운 한국공업화학회 2002 응용화학 Vol.6 No.1

        α,β,γ-chitin were isolated from natural resources by treatment with NaOH solution and for deprotenization, and then by treatment with dilute HCI solution for demineralization. The chitin gel matrices were prepared using α,β,γ-chitin for application of drug delivery systems. In this study, α,β,γ-chitin were isolated from crab shell, squid pen and beetles of cuticle, respectively, and physicochemical properties were investigated using fourier transform infrared spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer, and differential scanning calorimeter. And then the chitin gel matrices were prepared using α,β,γ-chitin and dissolution characteristics of drug from chitin gel matrices were investigated. The dissolution profiles of α,β,γ-chitin gel matrices were determined by means of available compendium. Dissolution efficiency of these gel matrices were observed at 37 ± 0.5℃.

      • Polymeric Gene Carrier as a mean of targeting to Artery Wall Cells

        Choi, Hey Young,Bae, Eun Yeong,Choi, Chang Yong,Jang, Mi Kyeong,Kim, Myung Yul,Nah, Jae Woon 한국공업화학회 2002 응용화학 Vol.6 No.2

        Non-viral gene carriers continue to attract a great deal of interest due to advantageous safety profile. Among the non-viral gene carriers, cationic liposomes or synthetic gene carriers are efficient DNA carriers in vitro, but there in vivo applications are greatly hampered because of their low bioavailability. On the other hand, chitosan, a natural cationic polysaccharide, is a candidate non-viral vector for gene delivery because of its high positive charges and low cytotoxicity. In this work, AWBP-PEG-LMWSC was synthesized by conjugation the arterial wall binding peptide (AWBP), a specific targeting peptide, to the end of PEGylation low molecular water soluble chitosan (LMWSC) as a gene carrier to target artery wall cells. Chatacters of the synthesized AWBP-PEG-LMWSC were analyzed by measuring FT-IR, ^1H-NMR, zeta-potentiometer, atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmittance electro microscopy (TEM). And the physical and biochemical properties of AWBP-PEG-LMWSC/pDNA complexes will be also investigated.

      • The Synthesis of Gene Carrier to Target Artery Wall Cells using Low Molecular and Water-Soluble Chitosan

        Choi, Hey Young,Jang, Mi-Kyeong,Nah, Jae-Woon 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.1

        Chitosan is the second most plentiful biomass and is already known as a biocompatible, biodegradable, and low-toxic material[1]. In this work, low molecular and water-soluble chitosan (LMWSC, molecular weight of 22kDa) was characterized and evaluated as a gene carrier. The formation of plasmid/LMWSC complex was proved and transfection efficiency in 293T cells was evaluated. The cytotoxicity of LMWSC also was determined by MTT assay. To facilitate the cellular uptake by artery wall cells, artery wall binding peptide(AWBP) was introduced into LMWSC based gene carrier. AWBP-PEG-g-LMWSC was synthesized by conjugation the AWBP to the end of PEG-g-LMWSC. The synthesized AWBP-PEG-g-LMWSC can be considered as a promising gene carrier to treat cardiovascular related disease. Characteristics of the synthesized AWBP-PEG-g-LMWSC were analyzed by measuring FT-IR, ¹H-NMR, zeta-potentiometer, and AFM.

      • Thermosensitive Nanoparticles Consist of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Poly(ε-caprolactone) and Poly(ethylene glycol)-Poly(ε-caprolactone) Block Copolymers

        Choi, Changyong,Kim, Tae-Hyoung,Chae, Su Young,Choi, Hey Young,Kim, Dong-Gon,Kwon, Joong-Kuen,Nah, Jae-Woon 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.1

        Thermosensitive nanoparticles were prepared by self-assembly of two different poly(ε-caprolactone)(PCL) based amphiphilic block copolymers of PEG-PCL and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-PCL (PNIPAAm-PCL). The nanoparticles, prepared by dialysis method with different PNIPAAm-PCL contents, showed different physicochemical properties such as lower critical solution temperature (LCST), particle size, and critical aggregation concentration (cac), measured by ¹H NMR, DSC, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and fluorescence spectroscopy.

      • 염색 조건에 따른 Polygoum Tinctoria 염색의 최적화

        최창용,장미경,공병기,최혜영,나상권,이동병,양숙향,나재운 한국공업화학회 2002 응용화학 Vol.6 No.2

        The natural dye substances largely consist of plant, animal and mineral materials, which we can easily and naturally be obtained all around us. It has been widely used all around the world for numerous years. Indigo, as a blue pigment, has been known as one of the oldest natural dyes. Generally, natural dyes have moderate colors and are environmentally friendly, while harmful mordants must be used for fixing them and obtaining a full color range on fabrics and it is very hard to improve K/S of the dyeing and mordanting. In this study, polygoum tinctoria dyeing was carried out various fabrics according to the various dyeing conditions - fermentation temperature, dyeing temperature, dyeing time, and kinds and amounts of alkali. And then the values of K/S according to dyeing conditions were investigated by colorimeter. We investigated to dyefastness against the light, wshing, perspiration and friction by KS(Korea Industrial Standard).

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