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        인사관리혁신과 시장모형

        최종태(Jong Tae Choi) 한국경영학회 1998 經營學硏究 Vol.27 No.5

        Globalization, open market, and the development of information technology have caused an age of unlimited competition. Excellent companies of today have kept on innovating themselves for the past ten years or so to survive the severe competition. In the process of restructuring and change efforts based on a new business environment, personnel management, with a new paradigm, also had to have great change in its role and function. The purpose of this paper is to propose scope and content of a personnel management model that innovations of Korean companies should pursue. Special focus is on proposing an innovation model that show how change should be made from a noncompetitive seniority model to a competitive market model. Namely, change from seniority model to market model as personnel management innovation will be emphasized, with the descriptions of theory and practice related to it. It is important to come up with a market model suitable for and applicable to the situation of Korea. That is, while appreciating the general characteristics of market model by emphasizing ability and performance, we have to derive a market model suitable for Korea`s econotechnological and sociocultural characteristics. Considering situational characteristics, an eclectic market model (core-periphery model specifically) rather than the perfect market model seems to be a more applicable and suitable one as a market model of Korean personnel management. Efforts to increase competitiveness should be done by raising people at the core via internal labor market whereas the people at the periphery being raised by the transactions of the external labor market. Therefore, innovation of personnel management should be focused on developing competitive internal labor market to increase the competitiveness of people at the core. Four-P model of marketing is applied in describing the innovation in detail. Innovation of personnel management for market competitive career development management in relation to `product`, and market competitive wage management in relation to `price` are described in detail.

      • KCI등재

        흉복부 유합중복기형아의 1례

        최종태(JT Choi) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.7

        23세의 만삭이 된 초산부에서 복식제왕절개술로 만출시킨 다수지를 수반한 흉복부유합기형아 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. A case of full term thoracopagus (human double monster), combined with an extrathumb, consisted of 2 female fetuses, united from the upper end of sternum to a fused, common umbilicus, and delivered by classical cesarean section is reported with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재

        양수의 지방세포 Creatinine 및 자궁저 길이와 복위에 의한 태아 성숙도 측정

        최종태(JT Choi),이태호(TH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1973 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.16 No.9

        Accuracy of prediction of fetal maturity as judged creatinine concentrations and fat cell counts in the amniotic fluid, the anterior wall length of the gravid uterus and the abdominal circumference of pregnant women were studied. In this study 37 weeks of gestation and 2,500 gm. of birth weight were considered to be the lower limits of mature infant. When 37 weeks of gestation was chosen as a criterion of lower limits of fetal maturity, accuracy of prediction in the mature group as judged by creatinine concentration, fat cell counts, lenght of anterior uterine wall, abdominal circumference of pregnant women were 93.3%, 86.5%, 84.3%, 85.3% respectively. In premature group the results were 75.0%, 81.3%, 75.0%, 62.5% respectively and over all results were 90.5%, 85.7%, 82.9%, 81.9% respectively. On the other hand if birth weight of 2,500 gm. is chosen as criterion of lower limit of fetal maturity, accuracy of prediction in the mature group as judged by creatinine concentration, fat cell counts, length of the anterior uterine wall, abdominal circumference of the pregnant women were 92.1%, 87.6%, 86.5%, 82.0% respectively. In premature group the results were 75.0%, 87.5%, 68.8%, 75.0% respectively. In premature group the results were 75.0%, 87.5%, 68.8%, 75.0% respectively, and over all results were 89.5%, 87.6%, 83.8%, 81.0% respectively.

      • KCI등재

        담연 최종건 회장의 리더십과 사회적 책임경영

        최종태(Jong-Tae Choi) 한국경영사학회 2012 經營史學 Vol.61 No.-

        본고는 선경의 창업자인 담연 최종건 회장의 리더십과 사회적 책임경영을 고찰하는데 있다. 선경(SK)은 창업자인 담연 최종건의 창업정신과 경영이념을 바탕으로 하여 세계 기업으로 성장하였고, 한국경제의 발전에 크게 기여한 기업집단이다. 선경은 1945년 출발한 이래 1953년 전쟁으로 폐허가 된 이 땅에 섬유산업의 씨앗을 뿌리고 화학산업을 일으켰을 뿐만 아니라, 「석유에서 섬유까지」의 수직계열화를 실천하기 위한 터전을 닦아놓아 그 후계자로 하여금 완성하게 하였다. 오늘날에도 창업자의 정신적 유산을 이어 받아 기업의 면모를 일신하면서 세계적 기업으로 성장과 발전을 거듭해왔고, 다양한 산업분야에 걸쳐 한국경제를 이끌어 가는 견인차의 역할을 하고 있다. 이렇듯 SK그룹이 한국경제를 주도하며 세계적인 기업집단으로 성장하는 과정 속에서 그룹 창업자인 담연 최종건 회장의 시대(1953-1973)는 도전과 개척의 역사였다. 그는 개척적인 도전정신과 정도경영을 통해 창의적이고 의욕적인 경영의 멋을 보여 주었다. 올바른 판단력, 그리고 과감한 결단력 과 실천력은 선경(SK)의 도전 정신과 혁신경영의 DNA와 문화로 자리매김 토록 하였다. 담연 최종건 창업회장의 개척자정신, 도전정신, 사업 보국의 정신이 선경(SK)그룹의 창업을 낳았고, 인재와 기술, 그리고 신용을 중시한 경영이념을 바탕으로 한 그의 창조적 리더십과 공동체적 사회책임경영은 짧은 생애였지만 SK그룹 100년의 기반을 닦았고, 한국경제 발전에 큰 족적을 남겼다. 담양의 리더십의 특성은 창조적 카리스마와 혁신적 슈퍼 리더십으로 규정지울 수 있고, 그의 사회적 책임경영의 특성은 공동체적 정신과 사업보국정신에 입각한 기업차원을 넘어선 사회와 국가차원의 실현으로 규정지울 수 있다. The paper aims to reflect on the leadership and social responsibility of business management of Chey, Jong-Kun, the founder of SK Group. Sun Kyung or SK has grown to be a globally leading business entity by inheriting the spirit of his entrepreneurship and business management philosophy, significantly contributing to the economic development in Korea. Since its foundation in 1945, Sun Kyung has planted the seeds of industrial development in the textile and chemical industry in a war-torn country. With his management philosophy of pioneership and ethical management, he exemplified creative and passionate management practices. His leadership was creative charismatic and innovative super leadership, which has its roots in his sincerity, his spirit of challenge, perseverance, tenacity and the management practices based on innovation and technology. Damyeon Chey, Jong-Kun devoted efforts in implementing socially responsible business management practices. As he believed that the business management should be socially responsible contributing to communities based on the community, he invested to create values for the society and the country. Business entities and the industrial relations today can learn the lessons and draw implications from his business management on CSR.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동북아 시대에 있어서 한국기업의 향후진로

        최종태(Jong-Tae Choi) 韓國經營史學會 2014 經營史學 Vol.72 No.-

        The Korean corporations are in a verge of a turning point after going through a few historically critical events. It is said that the Korea has developed in economy, and industrialization that took other countries few hundred years in only 30 years which some may say as compressed growth . Lacking of natural resources Korea has developed by using human resources as the prime asset for the development driver. But in the late 1980s the Korea had to enter the era of high payment Low development . So the Korean corporations had to come up with a plan that could combine labor and technology to end up in high value added HRM strategy that is fit for the era. Still the nostalgia from the past blocked most of the corporations from taking the step and wound up having labor relation problems as well as losing corporate competitiveness. So it can be said that the IMF crisis that swept the nation is not just because of external currency problems or the manipulations of the foreign hedge funds. Rather it is much more rational to blame the forfeiture of internal corporate competitiveness. To survive in the turbulent era of high payment , formative and practical pay strategy that is technology based, performance based, participation based are absolutely needed. To do this there should be immense effort put in as well as investment to change the traditional model to the market model that could blend in Korea . And this should be the main competing strategy that the Korean corporations to follow. In the past few years there has been a movement to move out of Korea and move in to countries where the wages are lower. And the Korean society are still adhere to the traditional HRM systems. It is critical to face the change squarely and find a way to transform the HRM system that is fit for the new era. The new combination of labor and technology that could form a new dimension of core competence. It has been proven that the companies who have undergone the change are most likely to succeed. The Korean companies trying to aim at the higher level of products and strategy has to have their goals reflected in their HRM practices and make it their core competence in the competing strategy. Also the HRM system that could actualize the high value added era that the new kind of combination in the human resources and technology is asked for.

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