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      • KCI등재

        진화적 적응 웨이브릿 변환에 의한 레이다 표적의 산란 해석

        최인식,Choi, In-Sik 한국군사과학기술학회 2007 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        In this paper, the evolutionary adaptive wavelet transform(EAWT) is applied to the scattering analysis of radar target. EAWT algorithm uses evolutionary programming for the time-frequency parameter extraction instead of FFT and the bisection search method used in the conventional adaptive wavelet transform(AWT). Therefore, the EAWT has a better performance than the conventional AWT. In the simulation using wire target(Airbus-like), the comparisons with the conventional AWT are presented to show the superiority of the EAWT algorithm in the analysis of scattering phenomenology. The EAWT can be effectively applied to the radar target recognition.

      • KCI등재후보

        21세기 문화목회에 대한 비전: "전통목회"에서 "문화목회"에로의 전환이 가져오는 의의와 문제 및 현대문화와 전통문화에 대한 문화목회적 대안에 대한 고찰

        최인식 ( In Sik Choi ) 한국조직신학회 2011 한국조직신학논총 Vol.31 No.-

        This essay offers a theologico-practical alternative how to save Korean churches from the critical realities, in which they suffer from the identity crisis under the indiscriminate attack of the anti-Christian movement. A major premise for the argument should be that the existing pastoral paradigm, namely the traditional ministry cannot handle the spirit of the new times. The author analyses characteristics of the traditional ministry system. They are local, institutional, pastor-centered, focused on the s o u l-winning, motivated by pastoral expansionism, denominational, and doctrinal. These characteristic factors of the traditional ministry consequentially brought about the self-centered exclusive Christianity, so that it is endangered to lose the leadership and respect of the most non-Christians. They criticize that the present Christianity became materialistic and selfish, and that it concerns no more about the interaction with the society. It is argued that the main cause comes from the spiritual, ethical, and cultural limit of the traditional ministry paradigm in the face of the new times. The author discusses two kinds of new ministry paradigm: the ministry of cultures and the cultural ministry. The ministry of cultures carries on the traditional type of church ministry. It brings the public cultural trends into the traditional system. In this case church takes a role not only of the religious institution but also of a cultural center of her community. Cultures become concrete media for the interaction between the church and the world. This paradigm makes church more active in the age of the culture change than the traditional one, and the existing church members does not resist new attempt to bring public cultures into the church, for the new paradigm hold fast the traditional doctrine and institution. In spite of these merits, however, individual centeredness of the local churches can not be escaped by the ministry of cultures. On the other hand the cultural ministry has different theological aspect from the ministry of cultures. It does not deal with cultures as media but as message. Those cultures engaged in the cultural ministry such as religio-philosophical teachings, origin of the national holidays, ancestor worship, and so on mostly have historical values and influential power for the people. The cultural ministry finds good spirits accorded with the Biblical spirit from the traditional cultures on the one hand and it criticizes their distorted forms and makes alternative for the new cultural trends for the sake of the interaction between good spirits of the traditional cultures and the Biblical spirit. Finally, the author tries to show the possibility of the cultural ministry as he finds common spirits between Korean traditional ancestor worship and the Lord`s Supper. From this point he makes a new creative theology of the memorial service in which Christians experience spiritual fellowship between the dead and the living.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 한국 교회를 향한 예수의 생태학적 리더십

        최인식(In Sik Choi) 한국기독교학회 2004 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.35 No.-

        Korean churches are facing the critical crisis with the leadership in the churches. It is not grounded in the lack of leaders` power or leaders` technique in how to exercise the leadership within the congregation, but in the uncertainty of it` s direction. Most Korean church leaders are concerned much more about the expansion of their church growth or outward size than about the essential mission of the church. In this drift, theories of the church leadership is strongly inclined toward studies of the church management. However, as far as the church leadership is concerned, more attention and emphasis should be placed upon the ways of solving many problems Korean churches undergo which originate from modem ideologies and their contradiction, rather than the outward growth or the management of the church. In this article, we focus on the leadership of Jesus in the Gospel. Its characteristic is ecological in terms of exercising his power over the whole lives of the creation. We suggest that the ecological leadership of Jesus ought to be the principle for Korean church leadership. Churches in the 21st century, including Korean churches, must find solutions at least to the three urgent questions: the suppression of the natural environment through the technological cultures, the suppression of the body through the mind, and the suppression of women through the patriarchal ideology. We find that Jesus gives our contemporary problems the theological solution, which people can apply to this post modern era. Because he enables us to acquire the vision that nature, body, and women can be liberated from all inherited unjust ideological system, under his ecological leadership. Firstly, Jesus shows his ecological vision and leadership which allows the oppressed natural environment free from all kinds of exploitation. We recognize them in his teaching of the prayer: "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The earth as nature is not human s own property, but the Creator` s. Thereafter, it must return to Him every Jubilee according to the Torah. Only from then nature can be wholly revived. Jesus proclaims that the time of the Lord` s favor has come. Now according this pronounce the land must be redistributed equally to the people. Secondly, Jesus shows his ecological vision and leadership to make the oppressed body free from all kinds of pain and wound which occur due to the Cartesian dualism of mind and body. However, all kinds of dualism are eliminated through the crucifixion of his body and its resurrection. From this crucified and resurrected body of Jesus we can realize that the body is not only body, but also the whole human being itself. In accordance to this discourse, people comprehend that Jesus` reception of the cross is the ecological leadership, which enables all segregation one in harmony. Thirdly, Jesus shows his ecological vision and leadership to make the oppressed women free from the patriarchic ideology and its social system. Due to the original blessing of God, Jesus claims that man and woman are the equal partner, and each one is the inter - subject. The womanhood should not be defined by the manhood, because the two are united into one. In conclusion, the source of the ecological leadership of Jesus and its meaning for the church leadership are `sharing` and `making empty` , which all are based on Jesus` life and thought. Firstly, these are the source of the church` s ecological leadership, because they are the life style of loving God and loving neighbor in the Kingdom of God, who liberates us from all desire and repress. Secondly, this `sharing` and `making empty` is the source of the church leadership to preach Good News to the poor, because those who share and make themselves empty pursue the solidarity with the poor. Thirdly, these are the source of the ecological leadership for curing the destroyed ecological system and human relationship through the eco - friendly life style of `sharing` and `making e

      • KCI등재

        성령세례의 신학적 의의에 대한 고찰 마틴 냅(M. Knapp)과 윌리엄 갓비(W. Godbey)를 중심으로

        최인식 ( In Sik Choi ) 한국조직신학회 2012 한국조직신학논총 Vol.33 No.-

        This thesis is about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We methodologically deals with it in three directions. Firstly, we typologically approach the existing various theories of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You can find two grand types, such as experience-oriented type of the Evangelical churches and dogmaoriented type of the Reformed churches. Secondly, we historically handle the American ecclesiastical contexts of the late nineteenth century in which the baptism with the Holy Spirit was most actively debated and practiced in the church history. Especially, the ideas of Martin Knapp and William Godbey on the baptism with the Holy Spirit are studied in detail. As leaders of the Holiness Movement they enthusiastically founded theology of the baptism with the Holy Spirit in spite of the oppression of the ecclesiasticism in terms of the Episcopal Methodist Church in America. Finally, we theologically investigate the meanings of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They are to divide in three areas, such as ecclesiastical, soteriological, and ethical area in terms of the church renewal. The ecclesiastical meaning of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is that the essential identity lies exclusively on Jesus Christ. Because the subject of the Spiritual baptism is Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is sent by Him for the purpose of the witnessing Jesus Christ. Its soteriological meaning is revealed with the incarnation of the Holy Spirit. That means Holy Spirit dwell in believer through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Since then the sanctification finally starts in believer. In addition, we find its ethical meaning in his or her act of resistance against all kinds of secular or ecclesiastical humanism. It defies the true identity of Jesus-centered Spiritual community of the church. In its final analysis, the most important thing is that believers or Christian communities should experience the incarnation of the Holy Spirit through the Pentecostal baptism with the Holy Spirit, whether it happens on the regeneration or after.

      • KCI등재후보

        사중복음 교회론 -하나님 나라 공동체 신학

        최인식 ( In Sik Choi ) 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2016 神學과 宣敎 Vol.48 No.-

        본 논문은 사중복음 속에 희미하게 흐르고 있는 교회론적 맥락을 정밀하게 탐색한 후, 이를 하나님 나라 공동체라는 관점으로 정리하고 해석하였다. 본 소고는 하나님 나라의 관점에서 사중복음의 교회를 “중생한 자들의 하나님 말씀 공동체”, “중생한 자들의 성례전 공동체”, 그리고 “중생한 자들의 하나님 나라공동체”로 정의하고 있으며, 이러한 정의 아래 사중복음 교회론이 표방하는 교회의 속성과 사명을 니케아-콘스탄티노플 신조(381년)가 제출한 “하나이며, 거룩하며, 보편적이며, 사도적인 교회”라는 선언과 대질(對質)하고 있다. 교회의 유일성은 “중생의 바실레이아”로, 교회의 거룩성은 “성결의 코이노니아”로, 교회의 보편성은 “신유의 디아코노니아”로, 그리고 교회의 사도성은 “재림의 케리그마”로 해석할 수 있다고 본 논문은 밝히고 있다. 때로는 정밀묘사의 소묘처럼, 때로는 원근법을 가미한 풍경화처럼 사중복음 교회론을 그려보고자 했으며, 또한 사중복음 교회론이 담고 있는 다양하고 역동적인 신학의 풍경을 세세하게 보여주려고 시도했다. 즉, 사중복음 교회론의 흐름 속에는 ‘하나이며, 거룩하며, 보편적이며, 사도적인’ 고대교회의 교회론, 종교개혁-개신교 전통의 ‘하나님 백성, 그리스도의 몸, 그리고 성령의 새로운 피조물’로서 교회론, ‘신자의 교회’로 대표되는 자유교회의 급진적 교회론, 그리고 존 웨슬리의 ‘교회 안의 작은 교회들’이라는 경건주의적 교회론이 합류하고 있다고 논증코자 한 것이다. 그리고 본 소고는 이처럼 다종다양한 교회론적 흐름을 최대한도로 소화하고 수렴하여 ‘중생, 성결, 신유, 재림’의 사중복음 교회론을 ‘하나님 나라의 공동체’라는 압축파일로 담아내는 데 집중했다. 이제 이 압축파일의 열고 닫음은 독자제현의 몫이리라. This article is aiming at organizing and interpreting the ecclesiological context, and at defining the doctrine of the Church in the Fourfold Gospel Theology from the perspective of Christian community, originating from the Kingdom of God. Based on the Kingdom of God, this article is suggesting to extensively view the notion of the Church in the Fourfold Gospel as the community of God’s Word of the regenerated, as the sacramental community of the regenerated, and as the community of the Kingdom of God of the regenerated. Furthermore, the author attempts to make a comparison of the ecclesial nature and substance between the eccleisology of the Fourfold Gospel: “regeneration, sanctification, divine healing, and second coming” and the nature of the true Church, declared by the creed of Nicene-Constantinople(381): “ecclesia una, sancta, catholica, et apostolica.” Put in more detail, the unity of the Church corresponds to the basileia of the regenerated, the holiness of the Church is related to the koinonia of the sanctified, the catholicity of the Church is connected to the diakonia of the healed, and the apostolicity of the Church is interpreted by the kerygma of the second coming. Consequently, we come to know that various ecclesiological heritages are running in the streams of the doctrine of the Church in the Fourfold Gospel Theology. In other words, the doctrine of the Church in the Fourfold Gospel Theology is properly accepting the creed of Nicene-Constantinople(381) as “ecclesia una, sancta, catholica, et apostolica,” the reformation-protestant tradition of the Church as ‘the people of God, the body of Christ, and the new creature of the Holy Spirit,’ the radical notion of the “believer’s church” in the Free Church, and the Puritan Church of John Wesley as “ecclesiola in ecclesia.” Depending on this scrutinization, the author argues that the Church of the Fourfold Gospel is rooted in the streams of these diverse eccelsiological traditions.

      • KCI등재

        개혁주의 신학과 웨슬리안 신학의 대화를 위한 칼뱅의 이중예정론과 웨슬리의 예지예정론 비교 연구

        최인식(In Sik Choi) 한국기독교학회 2013 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.88 No.-

        This thesis tries to resolve the blockage of amicable, dialogical interchange between the two different mainline denominational traditions of which theologies are represented by Wesleyanism and Calvinism. One of the obstacles is predestination theory. They have their own traditional-theological stances in matters of the issue. Namely, Presbyterians adhere to predestinatio gemina, while Wesleyans, the theory of foreknowledge predestination. As a result, they undergo conflictory situation each other. Meanwhile, there have been some researches that turned out to be a failure, however, because their comparative method concerned only textual doctrines without situational analysis and comparison, and was ahisorical. Moreover they mainly focused on finding doctrinal differences one after another. Therefore, we apply “New Comparativism” by William Paden for the purpose of the cooperative understanding of each other instead. Its basic principles are historical, cross-cultural comparison. The results of our research are as follows: From the Wesleyan stance, we found several important theological significances in predestinatio gemina. First, Calvin`s predestination provided the grounds of the biblical-theological justification for the Reformed churches and for individuals the salvational assurance. The base should be the faith in Christ. This does not belong to the free will but comes from God`s election. On behalf of this grace of God man cannot find any room for the human merits and the free will. The token of the elected should be their faith in Christ Jesus, and as for those who are not in Him, we should call them the reprobates. Finally, through this research we are able to establish an acknowledgement that the legitimacy of Calvin`s unconditional election can be secured only from God`s side, and the legitimacy of Wesley`s conditional election can be justified only from the human`s side. At this point, we conclude that from the Divine side`s perspective, the human belief is the present given by God`s grace, and from the human side`s perspective the same belief is person`s response to God`s grace. When Calvin denied the foreknowledge, it was to foreknow the human merits in the future. When Wesley upheld it, it meant to foreknow the human belief in the future. These two in unison must reveal that only the belief in Jesus Christ is the necessary and sufficient condition for God`s salvation.

      • KCI등재

        충주지역 희유원소광상에서 산출되는 갈렴석의 지구화학적특성

        박맹언,김근수,최인식,Park, Maeng-Eon,Kim, Gun-Soo,Choi, In-Sik 대한자원환경지질학회 1996 자원환경지질 Vol.29 No.5

        Rare metal (Nb-Zr-REE) ore deposits are located in the Chungju area. Geotectonically, the rare metal ore deposits are situated in the transitional zone between Kyeonggi massif and Okcheon belt. The rare metal deposits are distributed in Kyemyeongsan Formation which consist of schist and alkaline igneous rocks. Alkali granite has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatism and hydrothermal processes. The ore contains mainly Ce-La, Ta-Nb, Y, Y-Nd, Nd-Th group minerals. More than 15 RE and REE minerals are found in the ore deposits. Allanite, one of the Ce-La rich REE minerals belonging to the epidote group, is the most common mineral in the studied area. The allanite- bearing rocks may be devided into seven types by features of occurrence and mineral associations; zircon type (ZT), allanite-vein type (AT), feldspar type (KT), fluorite type (FT), quartz-mica type (QT), iron-oxide type (MT), and amphibole type (HT). The allanite veins (AT) and zircon rich rocks (ZT) contain the highest total REE contents. Differences in REE abundance can be interpreted in terms of varying portions of magmatic hydrothermal fluid. Petrographical and chemical data are presented for allanites which were collected from different types. The allanites show wide variations in optical properties, due in part to differences in their chemical composition (depending on the types) and to the degree of crystallinity of the individual specimens. Allanite metamicts in biotite are generally surrounded by well developed pleochroic haloes. Usually, allanite is accompanied by zircon and other REE-bearing minerals. CaO and total REE contents $({\sum}RE_2O_3)$ range from 9.29 to 18.79% and 11.66 to 26.31%, respectively. Also, SiO, (28.87~32.61%), $Al_2O_3$ (8.30~16.88%), and $Fc_2O_3$ (16.74~24.38%) contents show varying contents from type to type. The ${\sum}RE_2O_3$ of allanite has positive relationships with $Fe_2O_3$ and negative relaton with CaO, $SiO_2$, and $Al_2O_3$ Backscattered electron microscope images (BEl) of allanite shows that the its mineral composition and texture is very complex. The allanite-bearing hosts show distinct light REE enrichment with strong negative Eu anomaly except for HI. The HT has an almost flat REE distribution pattern with a small negative Eu anomaly. The chemical variation of the allanites with occurrences and mineral association can be related to condition of temperature and oxidation states in precipitation environment.

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