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        만성 B형 간염환자의 말초혈액에서의 바이러스의 검출 및 자매염색분체교환

        최우익(Woo-Ik Choi),김대광(Dae-Kwang Kim) 대한해부학회 1999 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.32 No.5

        HBsAg을 보유한 간암환자의 조직에서 hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA가 많이 검출되며, 일부 검출된 HBV-DNA는 숙주세포의 게놈에 통합되어 암유전자들을 활성화 시키는 경우도 있어 간세포에서 검출되는 HBV-DNA는 간암 발생에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 추정되었다. HBV-DNA는 간조직 다음으로 백혈구에서 가장 많이 검출된다. HBV-DNA가 사람 혈액세포에 존재하여 어떠한 기능을 하는 지는 아직 모르지만, HBV 감염에 의한 여러 병리기전에 관여할 것으로 추정된다. SCE는 체내에 스트레스를 유발하는 물질들을 세포유전학적으로 검출할 수 있는 방법인데 여러 돌연변이물질, 발암물질, 바이러스 감염, 그리고 암에 의해 SCE 빈도가 높게 나타난다. 본 연구에서는 48명의 만성 간염환자의 말초혈액의 DNA에서 HBV-DNA를 34명에서 검출하였다. 말초혈액에서 검출된 HBV-DNA가 백혈구에 어떠한 역할을 하는지 모르지만, HBV-DNA 양성과 음성인 만성 간염환자에서 말초혈액에서의 염색체 불안정성을 조사해 보았다. 두 실험군에서의 SCE 빈도는 대조군 보다도 유의성 있게 높게 나타났으나, HBV-DNA 양성과 음성 실험군 사이에서는 유의성이 없었다. 이 연구에서 말초혈액에서 HBV-DNA의 검출과는 무관하게 간염환자에서 대조군에 비해 높은 빈도의 SCE가 일어나는 것은 B형 간염 바이러스 감염에 의한 결과로 추정되며, 간염환자의 말초혈액에서 검출되는 HBV-DNA는 대부분의 간암에서 검출되는 HBV-DNA와 마찬가지로 비특이적인 것으로 추정된다. 앞으로 HBV 게놈을 구성하는 4개의 유전자중 어느 유전자가 간염환자의 말초혈액에서 검출되며 또 백혈구의 어느 세포에서 발견되는지를 추후 조사해 보고자 한다. In the present study author investigated 48 patients with chronic hepatitis B for the presence of peripheral blood HBV-DNA with the aid of DNA molecular techniques. HBV-DNA was detected in peripheral blood cells in 34 of 48 (70.8%) of chronic HBsAg positive patients. In order to know that the presence of HBV-DNA in peripheral blood induce more chromosomal instability in comparison with the absent, frequency of SCE was analyzed in peripheral blood. In HBV-DNA positive chronic hepatitis B patients a mean frequency of SCE was 11.5452±0.6944, in HBV-DNA negative patients 11.7540±0.7032, respectively. Both groups had significantly higher SCE frequence than that of normal control group (5.8533±0.437) (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between them. This study may suggest that the presence of HBV-DNA in peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis B may be related to certain pathogenetic processes in HBV infection, but it may have no effect on chromosomal instability in peripheral blood.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 중앙연방관구 주민의 시장개혁기 사회ㆍ경제적 변화와 특성

        최우익(Choi, Woo-Ik) 동북아시아문화학회 2013 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.35

        This study focuses on socio-economic changes and characteristics of the residents of the C entral Federal District of Russia. Actually the Central Federal District, which includes Moscow, is the center of Russia. Therefore, the study about residents of the Central Federal District shows how changes occur in Russia and Russian people"s lives and what features they have. The residents of the Central Federal District are classified into two directly-opposed groups in aspect of the phenomenon of population and migration, employment and economic activity, income and social stratification. In other words, the residents of the Moscow City and Moscow region are in pretty good socio-economic conditions, but the residents of the other regions are in poor conditions. However, there are very serious social stratification phenomenon in the former. Under these circumstances, equalized regional development and income distribution are some of the most important challenges of the market economy in Russia.

      • KCI등재

        기침으로 초래된 단순 늑골골절 1례

        최우익 ( Woo Ik Choi ) 대한외상학회 2014 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.27 No.1

        Violent or severe persistent coughing is rarely associated with rib fracture. We report a rare case of a coughinduced rib fracture in a patient without any traumatic history or any other underlying disease. A 32-year-old female presented to the emergency department complaining of having had right-sided pleuritic chest pain for 5 days. She had a background of an 8-week coughing illness. A posteroanterior view of the chest radiograph showed no definite fractured line. Chest computed tomography revealed a subtle break cortical line of the 7th rib in the right-sided chest wall. Early identification of a cough-induced fracture of the rib by using computed tomography may avoid unnecessary further work-ups including laboratory examination and may lead to appropriate discharge instructions including rest and reassurance. The clinical presentations and radiologic findings of rib fractures caused by coughing are presented along with a review of the literature.

      • KCI등재

        러시아의 인구감소와 국제이주민의 유입 : 인적자원 문제와 관련하여

        최우익(Choi Woo-Ik) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.26

        In recent years Russian population has rapidly decreased, which resulted in the insufficiency of human resources in the country. This article examines whether international immigrants in Russia may be an alternative source of labor force. For this goal, I investigate the number of immigrants, their native places, original nationalities, and average age, and their new residential areas and economic spheres where they find work in Russia. Data from the Russian National Statistical Office are used for this analysis. During the past 4-5 years, in the second half of the 2000s, international immigrants are becoming an important part of human resources in Russia. I argue that they are mainly labor immigrants, on the basis of the following facts. First, among the international immigrants in Russia, the percentages of the population of working age, especially in their twenties, are increasing. Second, their residential areas are spreading to various regions beyond the Central Federation District. The majority of foreign laborers is rapidly being legalized and the proportion of laborers from Central Asia is increasing. Generally they are engaged in manufacturing, mining and construction industries in the Urals and Siberia as well as in the Central Federation District. These phenomena lead us to a conclusion that international immigrants, now flowing into Russia, can become alternative labor resources in Russia.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 북극권 주민의 사회경제적 상황 비교 연구: 2010년대를 중심으로

        최우익 ( Choi Woo Ik ) 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2021 한국시베리아연구 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구는 다양한 사회경제적 지표를 분석하여 2010년대 러시아 북극권 주민의 사회경제적 상황을 분석하였다. 러시아 북극 지역에서 인구 문제는 점차 해소되는 과정에 있지만, 소득과 빈곤 문제는 더 첨예화되어 지역 간 사회경제적 계층화가 진행되고 있으며, 삶의 질은 여전히 열악한 수준에 있다. 2010년대 러시아 북극 지역은 세 가지 사회경제적 상황으로 구분할 수 있다. 첫째는 양호한 사회경제적 지역인 야말로네네츠와 추콧카이며, 둘째는 중간 수준의 사회경제적 지역인 네네츠, 무르만스크, 사하, 크라스노야르스크이며, 셋째는 불안정한 사회경제적 지역인 카렐리야, 코미, 아르한겔스크이다. 그 이전 시기와 비교하여 네네츠가 양호한 사회경제적 지역에서 중간 수준의 사회경제적 지역으로, 아르한겔스크가 중간 수준의 사회경제적 지역에서 불안정한 수준의 지역으로 사회경제적 위치가 하락하였다. 반면에 크라스노야르스크는 불안정한 수준에서 중간 수준의 지역으로 사회경제적 위치가 상승하였다. 2014년 서방의 경제제재로 러시아 북극권 주민은 다른 지역보다 사회경제적 충격을 더 크게 받았다. 이로 인한 러시아 북극권 주민의 사회경제적 상황의 악화는 약 2~3년간 지속하였고, 대략 2017~18년부터 이들의 사회경제적 상황이 회복되고 있다. This study analyzed the socioeconomic situation of the the Russian Arctic residents in the 2010s by analyzing various socioeconomic indicators. In the Arctic region of Russia, the population problem is in the process of being resolved, but income and poverty problems are getting sharper, so socioeconomic stratification between regions is progressing, and the quality of life is still at a poor level. The Russian Arctic region in the 2010s can be divided into three socioeconomic situations. The first are the good socioeconomic areas of Yamalnenets and Chukotka, the second are the moderate socioeconomic areas Nenets, Murmansk, Sakha and Krasnoyarsk, and the third are the unstable socioeconomic areas Karelia, Komi and Arhangelsk. Compared to the previous period, the socioeconomic position of Nenets decreased from a good socioeconomic region to a moderate socioeconomic region and Arkhangelsk from an intermediate socioeconomic region to an unstable region. On the other hand, Krasnoyarsk has risen in socioeconomic status from an unstable to an intermediate level. In 2014, economic sanctions from the West suffered a greater socioeconomic impact on the Russian Arctic residents than in other regions. As a result, the socioeconomic situation of the Russian Arctic residents continued to deteriorate for about 2-3 years, and their socioeconomic situation has been recovering from about 2017-18.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 국민의 사회의식 변화 고찰

        최우익(Choi, Woo Ik) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2013 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.35 No.-

        This study examines how the social consciousness of Russians changes over 20 years since the start of economic reforms. For this purpose, the study used data of Rosstat and social surveys by the Levada Center, as well as materials of different organizations and scientists. 20 years passed after the start of economic reforms, but not more than half of Russians approve of these reforms. In addition, the rate of citizens who believe that the success achieved by the reforms is not more than 10%. On the other hand, the rate of people who believe that their status is lower than middle class is 80%. In such a social consciousness it is difficult to create a good social atmosphere. But Russian citizens show a passive position, without taking part in mass demonstrations and rallies. Nevertheless more than half of the population is experiencing social pressure, and increases the percentage of citizens who believe that this tension will take the form of public protest. 본 연구는 경제개혁이 시작된 지 20여 년이 흐르는 동안 러시아인의 사회의식이 과연 어떻게 변화하였는지 살펴보고 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 러시아 통계청 자료와 레바다 센터(Левада-Центр)의 설문조사 자료, 그리고 그 밖에도 다양한 기관 및 학자들의 의식조사 자료를 이용하고 있다. 경제개혁이 시작된 지 20여 년이 지난 현재, 개혁에 대한 러시아 국민의 지지율은 절반을 넘지 못하는 실정이다. 게다가 개혁 과정에서 자신이 성공을 거두었다고 생각하는 국민 비율은 10% 수준에 불과하다. 반면 자신을 중간층 이하로 인식하는 비율은 80%에 달하고 있다. 이러한 사회의식 속에서 양호한 사회적 분위기가 조성되기는 힘들다. 그러면서도 러시아 국민은 대중적 시위나 집회에 섣불리 참여하지 않고 소극적 태도를 보이고 있다. 하지만 사회적 긴장감을 느끼는 국민이 절반 이상이며, 그 긴장이 사회적 저항 형태로 표출될 것으로 여기는 국민의 비율도 높아지고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 경제엘리트의 사회연결망분석 : 전문가 인터뷰를 통한 사례연구

        최우익(Choi Woo-Ik) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.18

        This study aims to do a social network analysis of the Russian business elite during the Putin administration. To do this, the author consulted Moscow's Levada Center to analyze the top fifty executives chosen by Forbes Magazine in 2007. Given the difficulty of conducting direct investigation or interviews of the business elites, the research was done by analyzing the data acquired through in-depth interviews of twelve experts ranging from scholars, journalism-related experts and economists. According to the obtained results, in 2007, the Russian business elite consists of four clusters that each have one person as a core. Three smaller clusters at the lower level are also found. Business elites that rank high on the Forbes ranking, without exception, are found to have a cozy relationship of some kind with powerful politicians. Meanwhile, collaborative relationship is often seen within the banking and the metal industry. In the gas or the oil industry however, one finds individual relationships between the business elites and politicians instead of cluster forms. The social network of the chosen fifty business elites can be categorized as follows: collusion with powerful politicians, collaborative relationship with business elites engaged in the same industry sector, family and school ties, and antagonistic relationship with the politicians. As was shown in previous studies, this study also confirms that the relationship with the powerful politicians is first and foremost important factor that exerts influence on the status and wealth of the business elites. Nevertheless, this study also finds that in forming Russian business elites, collaborative relationship with other business elites, family and kin relations, and school ties are important variables in sustaining the elites' status and wealth. Such finding shows that the business elite is a group that is not under the absolute influence of a single factor but has a vibrant inner dynamic that can be sustained or changed through many different factors.

      • KCI등재

        서평논문 : 현대 러시아의 사회계급,계층 구조: 이론과 현실

        최우익 ( Woo Ik Choi(чой Ву Ик) ) 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2015 러시아연구 Vol.25 No.2

        Данная статья ставит целью ознакомить читателей с книгой российского социолога Н. Е. Тихоновой ≪Социальная структура России: теории и реаль- ность≫. Монография объединяет несколько концепций структуры и стратифи- кации российского общества, а также анализирует российскую социальную реальность. По мнению автора, россияне считают, что в реальном российском обществе больше всего представителей низших слоев. Анализ Индекса уровня жизни показывает, что в России примерно 40% обеспеченных людей, в то время как малообеспеченное население составляет 60%. Следуя неомарксисит- скому подходу, 81% россиян является эксплуатируемым классом, а с позиции неовеберианского подхода 60% россиян не имеют права голоса. Таким образом, более 60% россиян пассивны и находятся за чертой бедности. Ресурсный подход показывает, что в российском обществе можно выделить класс исполнителей, класс капиталистов и третий класс. Представители третьего класса, занимая центральное место в структуре российского общества, как раз и являются реальным средним классом. Можно заключить, что применение ресурсной методологии помогает Н. Е. Тихоновой ярче выявить факторы классовой структуры российского общества, рассмотреть, как развивался каждый класс в отдельности, и как складывались межклассовые связи.

      • KCI등재

        일산화탄소 중독 환자에서 합병증 발생에 연관된 인자에 대한 분석

        장성원,전재천,최우익,Jang, Sung-Won,Jeon, Jae-Cheon,Choi, Woo-Ik 대한임상독성학회 2009 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning is an important medical emergency in Korea, but the factors leading to its serious manifestation are not well studied. Methods: We conducted a 5-year retrospective study of 98 carbon monoxide poisoned patients who visited the emergency departments of the Medical Center between December 2004 and March 2009. We categorized the patients into those exhibiting only local symptoms (group 1) and those showing systemic symptoms and complications (group 2). We compared the general characteristics as well as the clinical and laboratory findings between both groups. Results: The male to female ratio was 1.18. The most common systemic symptom was a mental change (43.9%), while the most common complication was rhabdomyolysis (31.6%). Poisoned area closed private room in group 2 were 23 (41.8%) cases and burning region in group 2 were 16(29.1%) cases (p=0.956). Individuals who were accidentally poisoned comprised of 43 (78.2%) cases while those that attempted suicidal poisoning comprised 12 (21.8%) cases (p=0.016). The most common symptom at arrival was mental change 33 (60.0%) cases in group 2. The mean time exposed to carbon monoxide was 43$\pm$3.97 hours in group 1 and 55$\pm$10.11 in group 2 (p=0.012). The patient's age, context of poisoning, symptom at arrival, and time exposed to the poison were found to be significant risk factors for complications by logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: Carbon monoxide poisoning is an emergency medical condition and the risk factors involved in the development of serious complications must be evaluated.

      • KCI등재

        고압산소치료를 받은 급성 일산화탄소 중독 환자들에서 발생한 지연성 신경정신과학적 후유증 발생과 관계된 인자

        이동하 ( Dong Ha Lee ),최우익 ( Woo Ik Choi ) 대한임상독성학회 2011 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        Purpose: Delayed neuropsychological sequelae (DNS) commonly occurs after recovery from acute carbon monoxide poisoning. The aim of this article is to identify the factors associated with DNS development. Methods: We retrospectively evaluated patients, admitted to the medical center emergency department from June 2005 to March 2011, who were suffering from acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. We categorized the patients into two groups - those with DNS, and those without DNS. Multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the factors related to manifestation of DNS. Results: Of the total one hundred fifty seven patients (157) recruited for the study, twenty two (22) developed DNS. Longer CO exposure times and lower GCS scores were positively associated with development of DNS symptoms. Conclusion: Our study identified two potential factors which are predictive of DNS development in CO intoxication, however, more studies are needed. Adequate follow-up after hospital discharge to monitor for and accurately identify manifestation of DNS, is also important.

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