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      • KCI등재

        Criminal Proceedings Against Foreign State-Owned Enterprises and the United States Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

        최영란 동아대학교 법학연구소 2024 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.44

        The United States Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) grants sovereign immunity to foreign states and may extend the immunity to instrumentalities and agents of foreign states, including state-owned enterprises. It has been clear that sovereign immunity under the FSIA can be addressed in civil cases where foreign states defendants may object jurisdiction of U.S. courts. However, whether such immunity of the FSIA can be granted in criminal proceedings had not been resolved. Finally, in April, 2023, in Türkiye Halk Bankasi S.A. v. United States (Halkbank), the United States Supreme Court clarified that a foreign state-owned enterprise can be subject to criminal proceedings in U.S. courts, but with regard to immunity, the FSIA does not cover criminal cases. Still, a question whether the foreign state-owned enterprise has the jurisdictional immunity under common laws needs to be solved. This paper reviews the FSIA and the Halbank case to discuss the jurisdictional immunity of foreign states in criminal proceedings. Then, the paper examines the extraterritorial application of some U.S. criminal statutes on foreign state-owned enterprises and relevant cases in order to find a way how to prosecute foreign state-owned enterprises involving criminal activities by stealing trade secrets, taking or paying bribes, and involving money laundering.

      • 중국 외교 언어의 정확성과 모호성에 대한 번역 연구

        최영란,유곤 천진사범대학교 한국문화연구중심 2021 중한언어문화연구 Vol.20 No.-

        国际形势风云激荡、变乱交织, 世界面临百年未有之大变局。2019年, 中美贸易摩擦, 香港“修例风波”, 伊核问题, 中朝、朝美首脑会谈等外事议题吸引全球目光。中韩两国自1992年建交以来, 在经济、社会、文化等方面的交流日益密切, 在外交领域的合作也逐步展开。相较其他领域, 外交活动对两国关系会产生更深刻、更直接的影响。普通民众主要通过媒体了解他国的外交政策和相关动向, 因此, 媒体报道中对外交语言的正确理解、翻译与否, 对两国社会间的信息传递, 甚至两国民众感情都会产生重要影响。然而, 目前中韩翻译研究主要集中在对文学作品领域, 对外交语言涉及甚少。另外, 从国际关系的视角也更多关注中国的外交政策等“行为”层面, 而对“语言”层面的研究较为缺乏。本文以2019年5月至10月的外交部例行记者会发言实录为基础, 以韩国主流媒体翻译报道为语料, 从语言学、 翻译学等角度进行分析研究, 旨在探索中国外交语言的韩译策略与方法, 提高对中国外交语言的理解与翻译水平, 为中韩外事翻译人员提供借鉴。

      • KCI등재

        건측 상지운동을 포함한 경혈지압이 뇌졸중으로 인한 편마비 환자의 하지기능에 미치는 효과 : The Lower Extremity Hemiplegic Patients Caused by Stroke

        최영란,한상숙 병원간호사회 2005 임상간호연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Purpose: This study was to identify effects of the Meridian Acupressure Treatment combined with the Unaffected Upper Extremity Exercise (U.U.E.E) on the function of lower extremity in hemiplegic patients caused by Stroke. Method: The subjects of this study were 36 hemiplegic patients who were hospitalized in K-oriental medical center. The experimental group were treated both meridian acupressure on affected lower extremity (LR3, GB39, GB31, ST36) and elbow exercise on unaffected upper extremity. The treatment had been performed for 10 minutes daily for 2 weeks. Result: The unsymmetrical weight gravity of both leg in the experimental group who received meridian acupressure combined exercising unaffected upper extremity was significantly lower than in control group. There were statistically significant increase in the Fugl-Meyer score and manual muscle test (MMT). Conclusion: This study has proven that the Meridian Acupressure Treatment combined with the U.U.E.E might be an effective approach towards improving hemiplegic patients caused by Stroke.

      • Session 2. Humanities and Social ⅱ : ■ Speech 1: 김란류 소고춤 연구

        최영란 한국무용연구학회 2015 한국무용연구회 국제학술발표논문집 Vol.2015 No.-

        본 연구는 최근 대전지역을 중심으로 점차 확산되어 있는 김란류 소고춤의 춤사위와 특성을 살펴보고자 한다. 충청도지역인 동시에 대전을 대표하는 김란의 무용을 학문적으로 체계화하는 작업의 일환으로서, 먼저 대전지역춤의 특성을 잘 담아내고 있는 소고춤을 탐색해 보고자 한다. 김란류 소고춤은 기방춤에 가깝다. 일반적으로 소고춤이 다양한 장단과 화려한 몸놀림(몸재간) 대신에 소고의 장단놀이보다는 단아하고 섬세하며 소고를 갖고 노니는 여인의 자태가 돋보이는 춤이다. 이 춤은 손잡이가 없는 소고를 잡은 왼손과 소고채를 쥔 오른손을 번갈아 가며서 크고 작은 태극모양을 몸 안쪽으로 돌리며 추는 것이 이 춤의 특징이다. 이것은 동작이 확산되어져 있다가 안으로 모아지는 동작이 많이 이루어져 있음을 알 수 있는데, 동작이 다양하기 보다는 구성이 단조롭고 깨끗하며 섬세하다. 또한 입춤의 정적이고 단아한 춤사위에 소고라는 동적이고 질박한 무구의 장단이 절묘하게 조화를 이루어낸 춤이다. 앞으로 ``김란류 소고춤``의 전승과정, 춤의 의미와 가치에 대한 지속적인 연구가 이루어져서 충정·대전을 대표하는 민속춤의 한 종목으로서 자리매김할 수 있기를 희망합니다.

      • KCI등재

        최근 미국 이민법과 입법논의에 구현된 인권 문제

        최영란 대한변호사협회 2011 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.417

        Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the U.S. government declared a “war on terrorism” like many other nations, to protect their national borders, by strengthening their immigration enforcement and by authorizing more controlled and selective immigration policies through legislation related to immigration laws. A new enforcement authority, the Department of Homeland Security, was established to fortify the national borders to prevent illegal aliens from crossing over borders. In addition, one of the notorious laws, Patriot Act, has been enacted right after the 9/11 and in enforcing the law, many violative incidents of human rights and constitutionally protected individual rights of the U.S. citizens, naturally born in the U.S or naturalized as the foreign-born, have been reported. Even in these recent days some fear of terrorism against the U. S. made a bill proposal to deprive the citizenship of the naturalized-foreign-born U.S. citizens if they engage in terrorist activities. These kinds of legislative activities by the Congress and the enforcement by the Adminstration prove the U.S. closed, exclusionary, and selective immigration policies not only in recent years, but also throughout its immigration history. The main purpose of this paper looks over some human rights issues reflected in recent U.S. immigration laws. Some regulations are enacted to protect human rights of aliens, such as would-be spouses of U.S. citizens, victims of violence and trafficking, and refugees. Other legislative discussions on whether to grant pardons to illegal aliens and whether to revoke the U.S. citizenship of aliens who are engaged in terrorist activities might be discriminatory to aliens or violative of human rights of aliens. 2001년 9/11 사태로 인해, 미국은 외국인 출입국 및 국적 취득에 관한 이민 정책과 관련하여긴급하게 대테러전에 돌입하는 이민정책을 폈다. 국토안보부를 설립, 국가 및 경제 안보를 위한 국경보호 차원에서 이민정책을 시행하겠다는 의지를 보여주고 있다. 이러한 통제적, 폐쇄적 이민정책은 단지외국인에 의한 9/11 테러공격에 의해 갑자기 시행된 것은 아니라고 본다. 건국 초기의 미국은 개방적인 이민정책에서 점차로 국익과 직결된 선별적인 이민정책을 취해왔으며, 1980년대 이후부터는 통제적이면서도 선별적인 이민정책을 취했다. 이러한 미국의 이민정책의 변화는 이민 관련 입법에 잘 반영되어있어, 이민 관련법에 대한 검토를 통해, 미국의 이민정책의 전반적인 내용을 파악하는 것이 이 글의목적이다. 이 글에서는 미국의 외국인에 대한 입국, 체류, 국적 취득 및 상실에 관한 이민법제도를 개관하고, 외국인 배우자, 난민, 불법체류자, 국적상실 문제와 관련하여, 최근의 미국 이민법과 이민 입법논의에 구현된 인권 보호적 또는 침해적 요소에 대해 검토한다.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 장애인 관련법

        최영란 원광대학교 법학연구소 2014 圓光法學 Vol.30 No.4

        Grundsätzlich muss der Patient beweisen, dass ein Medizinfehler vorliegt und dieser für den Gesundheitsschaden ursächlich ist. Für Patienten sind die Nachweise einer ärztlichen Pflichtverletzung sowie der Ursächlichkeit des medizinischen Behandlungsfehlers für den eingetretenen Schaden jedoch schwer zu führen, weil sie nicht das notwendige Wissen der Behandlungsabläufe und die medizinischen Zusammenhänge haben. Die Rechtsprechung in Deutschland hatte besondere Regelungen zur Beweislastverteilung im Arzthaftungsrecht entwickelt und auch die Umkehr der Beweislast zugunsten des Patienten anerkannt. Aus diesem Hintergrund ist sie ausdrücklich mit dem am 26. Februar 2013 in Kraft getretenen Patientenrechtegesetz geregelt. In Fälle des groben Behandlungsfehler, des Dokumentationsfehler sowie des Aufklärungsfehler ist die Umkehr der Beweislast in der Regel in Deutschland anerkannt. Für die Beweiserleichterung ist es erforderlich, dass die hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit zwischen dem eingetretenen Schaden und der fahrlässigen Behandlung vorliegen soll, im Gegensatz zu den groben Behandlungsfehlern, wobei muss der Arzt bzw. Behandelnde beweisen, dass der nachgewiesene Fehler nicht den Schaden verursacht hat. Der Dokumentationsfehler führt zu einer Beweiserleichterung für den Patienten, da die vom Behandelnden fehlerhaft verursachte Unaufklärbarkeit des Behandlungsverlaufs nicht zulasten des Patienten gehen soll. Bezüglich der Aufklärungspflicht muss der Behandelnde auch beweisen, dass er eine Einwilligung eingehalt hat und den Patienten entsprechend den gesetzlichen Anforderungen aufgeklärt hat. Wenn die Aufklärung nicht ausreichend war und hätte sich der Patient bei ordnungsgemäßer Aufklärung in einem Entscheidungskonflikt über die Vornahme des Eingriffs befunden, so wird vermutet, dass der Patient in den Eingriff nicht eingewilligt hätte. Nach der koreanischen Rechtslage wird die Beweislast des Patienten von der Rechtsprechung Zug um Zug erleichtert, die Rechtsprechung lehnt hingegen ausdrücklich die Umkehr der Beweislast ab. Für Patientenrecht ist die Umkehr der Beweislastregeln unweigerlich. Vor allem stellt eine Frage deshalb ein Hauptthema beim medizinischen Haftungsrecht dar, ob eine besondere Rechtsfigur zur Umkehr der Beweislast de lege ferenda anerkannt werden muss.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 민속놀이 비교 연구

        최영란 한국체육사학회 2001 체육사학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        The traditional folk recreation reflect its own race's racial emotions and ideas, and the Korean folk recreations also express his tradition and have been banded down as one part of the history. The purpose of this thesis is to research the present conditions of the Korean folk recreation that is famous for its a long history. Particularly, the main focus of this thesis's dissertation is on clarifying the real conditions in inheritance of the Korean folk recreation and its modernized process, by comparing the examples of the North Korean recreation with those of the South Korean recreation. <The Folk Recreation> in {The General Survey on the Korean Folk} that was published in the South Korea classifies the whole inherited folk recreation into four categories; the recreation for children the recreation for the adults, sports games, and acrobatics. One of the main characteristics that are shown in the South Korean folk recreation tradition is that the trait of 'pastime', or 'amusement' is stronger than that of the North Korea. This reinforcement of this entertaining and amusing trait is closely related with the sudden and drastic spread of mass culture and its great effects. Ultimately, all of these result are grounded upon the social and economic situations that have rapidly and continually changed into a highly developed industrial aspect, since the modernization. However, the folk recreation in several provincial districts are clearly distinguished from that in urban areas, which means some rural areas have a function of devotion, yet. The folk recreation's characteristics in the South Korea, above all, include 'amusement' and 'entertainment', and another main characteristic is the 'ritual' characteristic. Many audience are still voluntarily participating in these folk recreations for the purpose of fulfilling their ritual consciousness. Therefore, even though this ritual side's characteristic is weakened, compared with the past old ages, some folk recreation events of the South Korea are still functioning as a ritual or religious effect. One more characteristic that is companied together with 'entertainment', 'amusement', and 'ritualism' is 'the artistic'. The folk recreation in the South Korea has been inherited as a form of 'folk art', and being recreated into a form of 'public performance'. On the contrary, the common characteristic of the North Korea is 'an enormous scale'. The North intend to unite social groups through the folk recreation activities, cultivate friendship among social members as well as noble dispositions of the people. And these distinguishedly social function and purposeful consciousness have made the North Korean's folk recreation have a greatly reformed characteristics, compared with the past. The most noticeable characteristic is 'the physical educational-ization of the folk recreation' that embodied the idea of huge scale. Following Kin II Seong's instruction, "The racial folk physical culture, such as 'the traditional seesaw games', 'swing', and 'tug of war' should be encouraged for people", the North Korean developed the traditional folk recreation into one item of physical education for students. The next characteristic is 'art-ification' of the folk recreation Kim Jeong II has instructed people to art-ify the folk recreation. The representative work is {The Song of Seasons}, a suite for folk dance, created by Peeboda Opera Company, in which work the game of yut, the swing game, the traditional wrestling game are transformed into artistic work. The last characteristic is 'acrobatic-fication' of the folk recreation. The acrobatics of the North Korea include horse-riding, hard-craft, foot-craft, and sword-craft, which adopt folk recreation forms in an indirect way. The most important function of the North Korean folk recreation is the social revolutionary one. Therefore, the North Korean folk recreation is recreated under this kind of invincible idea. While the South Korean folk recreational activities have the characteristics of 'amusement', 'entertainment', and 'rituality', those in the North Korea have been recreated in a huge scale, for the purpose of establishing a nation on the ground of socialism. Not only this line of difference but also some common points can be pointed out. The examples of the common point are the Korean wrestling(SSiLeum), which folk recreation is performed in the form of game, and other various dances that ate recreated in a modernized sense.

      • KCI등재

        제 6 차 교육과정에 의한 초등학교 자연 교과서의 내용 분석

        최영란,이형철 한국초등과학교육학회 1998 초등과학교육 Vol.17 No.2

        This study was intended to suggest the desirable direction in the 7th national curriculum revision through the analysis of the elementary science textbooks in the 6th national curriculum. The analysis system was composed of three categories, (1)knowledge (2)inquiry process and (3)attitude. And knowledge was divided into fact, concept and rule. And inquiry process was divided into thirteen subcategories such as manipulating experimental apparatus, observing, measuring, recording data, classifying, interpreting/predicting, determining relationship/causal explanation, extrapolating/interpolating, drawing conclusions/formulating a generalization or model, evaluating, formulating a problem, generating a hypothesis and designing an experiment/controlling variables. Each sentence in the textbooks was considered as an analyzing unit. The frequency and percentage of each category were counted and the ratios were calculated. The findings could be summarized as follows; 1. The content of the elementary science textbooks was composed of knowledge 10.3%, inquiry process 88.8%, attitude 0.8% respectively. 2. As increasing the grades, the ratio of knowledge showed high frequency, but that of attitude showed low frequency. 3. In All the grades, the ratio of observing was the highest in inquiry process. 4. In the domain of physics and chemistry, the manipulating experimental apparatus showed high frequency. In the domain of biology and earth science, the role of observing was emphasized.

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