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        제어흐름 에러 탐지를 위한 분리형 시그니처 모니터링 기법

        최기호,박대진,조정훈,Choi, Kiho,Park, Daejin,Cho, Jeonghun 대한임베디드공학회 2018 대한임베디드공학회논문지 Vol.13 No.5

        Control flow errors are caused by the vulnerability of memory and result in system failure. Signature-based control flow monitoring is a representative method for alleviating the problem. The method commonly consists of two routines; one routine is signature update and the other is signature verification. However, in the existing signature-based control flow monitoring, monitoring target application is tightly combined with the monitoring code, and the operation of monitoring in a single thread is the basic model. This makes the signature-based monitoring method difficult to expect performance improvement that can be taken in multi-thread and multi-core environments. In this paper, we propose a new signature-based control flow monitoring model that separates signature update and signature verification in thread level. The signature update is combined with application thread and signature verification runs on a separate monitor thread. In the proposed model, the application thread and the monitor thread are separated from each other, so that we can expect a performance improvement that can be taken in a multi-core and multi-thread environment.

      • KCI등재

        마이크로컨트롤러 환경에서 타깃 바이너리 파일 분석을 통한 최대 스택 메모리 사용량 예측 기법

        최기호,김성섭,박대진,조정훈,Choi, Kiho,Kim, Seongseop,Park, Daejin,Cho, Jeonghun 대한임베디드공학회 2017 대한임베디드공학회논문지 Vol.12 No.3

        Software safety is a key issue in embedded system of automotive and aviation industries. Various software testing approaches have been proposed to achieve software safety like ISO26262 Part 6 in automotive environment. In spite of one of the classic and basic approaches, stack memory is hard to estimating exactly because of uncertainty of target code generated by compiler and complex nested interrupt. In this paper, we propose an approach of analyzing the maximum stack usage statically from target binary code rather than the source code that also allows nested interrupts for determining the exact stack memory size. In our approach, determining maximum stack usage is divided into three steps: data extraction from ELF file, construction of call graph, and consideration of nested interrupt configurations for determining required stack size from the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine). Experimental results of the estimation of the maximum stack usage shows proposed approach is helpful for optimizing stack memory size and checking the stability of the program in the embedded system that especially supports nested interrupts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 구조화신탁(STARS) 거래를 이용한 국제조세전략 사례연구

        유지선 ( Jiseon Yoo ),최기호 ( Kiho Choi ) 한국회계학회 2015 회계저널 Vol.24 No.5

        본 논문에서는 구조화신탁(Structured Trust Advantaged Repackaged Securities, “STARS”) 거래를 통한 국제조세전략의 사례를 검토한다. STARS 거래는 2001년 미국은행인 BNY와 영국 은행인 Barclays가 수행한 조세차익거래이다. BNY는 세법상 도관으로 취급되는 신탁을 미국에 설립하고 영국에는 자회사를 설립한 후 이를 신탁의 수탁자로 지정함으로써 미국원천소득을 영국원천소득으로 전환시켰다. Barclays는 BNY에게 담보부대출을 해주면서 형식상으로는 BNY 신탁의 수익자가 될 수 있도록 일련의 계약을 맺음으로써 이 거래가 영국에서는 신탁수익으로 과세될 수 있도록 하였다. STARS 거래를 통해 BNY는 영국 자회사가 납부한 외국납부세액을 미국에서 공제받고 Barclays는 BNY의 영국 자회사가 영국에서 납부한 법인세를 환급받아서 그 일부를 스왑거래를 통해 BNY에게 이전하였다. 그 결과 미국 정부는 BNY의 외국납부세액공제 만큼의 세수 손실을 입었고 이 세수손실은 Barclays, BNY 그리고 영국정부에게로 흘러갔다. 이러한 STARS 사례는 조세전략, 조세법, 조세정책적인 면에서 다양한 시사점을 갖는다. 조세전략 측면에서 STARS 사례는 국가 간의 세법 차이를 활용한 국제조세전략이며 국내 원천소득을 국외원천소득으로 전환시킨 사례임과 동시에 Scholes et al.(2014)이 말한 바와 같이 모든 당사자(all parties) 관점에서 당사자 간 조세차익을 배분한 사례이다. 또한 이자율 스왑이라는 파생상품을 적극적으로 활용한 조세전략의 사례로서 가치가 있다. STARS 거래가 발생한 후 미국과 영국 정부는 STARS 사례를 통한 조세회피 및 유사한 사례의 재발을 방지하기 위해 적극적으로 대응하였다. 조세법 측면에서 이러한 양국 정부의 대응과정을 보면 우리나라도 증가하는 국제간 조세회피문제에 대응하기 위해서 실질과세 원칙을 보다 적극적으로 적용해야 하며 세법의 국제적 정합성을 높이기 위한 노력을 해야 한다는 시사점을 얻는다. 마지막으로 STARS 사례는 조세정책 측면에서도 시사점이 있다. STARS 사례는 외국납부세액공제제도의 구조적, 태생적 한계로 인해 조세회피 및 탈세의 유인이 증가함으로써 등장하게 된 국제조세전략으로 이해된다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위한 근본적인 해결방안으로서, 외국납부세액공제제도보다 정보 비대칭의 발생 가능성이 낮고, 조세회피의 규제가 비교적 용이한 지역과세방식으로의 전환을 검토해볼 필요가 있다. This study examines a transaction known as Structured Trust Advantaged Repacked Securities(“STARS”) conducted between BNY and Barclays in 2001. The STARS transaction is a type of tax avoidance scheme referred to as “Foreign Tax Credit Generators”. Foreign Tax Credit Generators are transactions designed to claim foreign tax credits even when there was no double-taxation. The STARS transaction conducted between BNY and Barclays consisted of two parts: creating a STARS structure and carrying out of STARS loan. BNY, a US-based bank, had income producing assets. Net income generated from the income producing assets shall be subject to tax at a rate of 35% in the US. However, BNY converted this US source income into foreign source income by creating a STAR structure. BNY formed a Delaware trust and funded the trust with the income producing assets. BNY then established a wholly owned subsidiary in the UK and appointed it as a trustee of the trust. The trustee was a UK resident for UK tax purposes. The trust income of the trustee was treated as UK income under the US-UK income tax treaty. As such, this trust income was treated as foreign source income of BNY for US income tax purposes. By converting US source income into foreign source income, BNY could claim a foreign tax credit in the US for taxes paid by the trustee in the UK. Barclays, a UK-based bank, entered into a series of complex arrangements with BNY. Barclays entered into sale and resale arrangements of the trust unit, a zero coupon swap arrangement and a guaranty and security arrangement with BNY. The net economic effect of these arrangements was to create a secured loan to BNY from Barclays. However, Barclays was liable for taxes on the trust income in the UK as a trust unit holder according to the legal structure of the arrangements. The STARS allowed BNY to claim foreign tax credits for taxes paid by its UK subsidiary, the trustee. Meanwhile, Barclays was able to get a tax refund for taxes paid by the trustee. Barclays shared some of the tax benefits indirectly with BNY by entering into the zero coupon swap agreement with BNY. In conclusion, the STARS transaction resulted in the decrease of tax revenues of the US government by the amount of foreign tax credit claimed by BNY and sharing of the relevant tax benefits between BNY, Barclays, and the UK governments. The Internal Revenue Service disallowed the foreign tax credits claimed by BNY and reclassified the income earned on the income producing assets as US source income. BNY challenged the IRS in the Tax Court. The IRS argued that the STARS transaction lacked economic substance. BNY, in contrast, contended that the STARS transaction had economic substance because BNY entered into the transaction to obtain low-cost funding for its banking business and that it reasonably expected to earn a pretax profit from the transaction. In 2013, The Tax Court held that BNY was not entitled to the tax benefits generated by the STARS transaction because the transaction lacked economic substance. The STARS transaction has implications from various perspectives. From the tax strategic perspective, the STARS transaction is a tax planning exploiting mismatches between tax rules and treatments in different jurisdictions. It is noteworthy that this scheme converted US source income into foreign source income, considered the tax implications for all the parties involved in the transaction as mentioned in Scholes et al.(2014), and exploited derivatives, the zero coupon swap, when designing the structure. From the legal perspective, the STARS transaction has implications regarding the application of the economic substance doctrine. After the STARS transaction became a controversial issue, the US and UK governments actively encountered the STARS transaction and other possible arrangements substantially similar to the STARS. The way both governments encountered tax avoidance schemes suggests the Korean government the need for broader application of the economic substance doctrine as well as the increased consistency of tax rules with different jurisdictions. Lastly, the STARS transaction has implications from the political perspective. Foreign tax credit generator scheme including the STARS transaction started to arise due to the structural and inherent deficiency of the foreign tax credit system. In order to restrict tax avoidance and evasion exploiting foreign tax credits, it is suggested to adopt territorial tax system which may reduce asymmetric information problem. It is forecasted that territorial tax system may also facilitate the restrictions of artificial arrangements designed for tax avoidance and thus reduce tax compliance and administration costs.

      • KCI등재

        배당소득 증대세제 및 기업소득 환류세제가 상장기업의 배당정책에 미치는 영향:도입 첫 해의 효과를 중심으로

        이예지(Ye Ji Lee),최기호(Kiho Choi) 한국조세연구포럼 2021 조세연구 Vol.21 No.4

        [연구목적] 본 연구는 기업이 배당소득 증대세제(이하, 배당세율 인하세제) 및 기업소득 환류세제가 도입된 첫 해인 2015년에 배당을 증가시켰는지를 실증분석하였다. [연구방법] 배당세율 인하세제를 적용받기 위해서는 기업의 3개년 배당성향 평균이 시장평균보다 50%(120%) 이상이면서 현금배당증가율이 10%(30%) 이상이어야 한다. 이에, 본 연구는 기업의 배당성향이 시장평균보다 50% 미만 집단, 50~120% 집단, 120% 이상 집단으로 구분하여 각각의 집단별로 동 제도에 대한 영향이 다른지를 분석하였다. 기업소득 환류세제의 경우 환류세를 부담하지 않기 위해 배당을 증가시켜야 하는 유인이 높은 기업일수록 2015년에 현금배당을 증가시켰는지를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 2015년을 분석대상연도로 하고 435 기업 표본을 이용하였다. [연구결과] 분석결과, 50~120% 집단은 2015년에 현금배당증가율을 유의하게 증가하였지만 50% 미만, 120% 이상 집단 간에는 유의한 차이가 발견되지 않았다. 또한 환류세 부담을 줄이고자 배당을 증가시킬 유인이 높은 기업일수록 2015년에 현금배당이 증가하였다. [연구의 시사점] 본 연구는 기업소득 환류세제 및 배당세율 인하세제의 효과가 처음으로 시행된 해에 배당세금이 기업의 배당정책에 영향을 미친다는 결과를 제시하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. [Purpose] We examine whether firms increase dividends for 2015 fiscal year, the first year of introduction of the dividend boosting tax(DBT) and corporate earnings circulation tax(CECT) policy. [Methodology] To be subject to DBT, corporate three-year average dividend payout ratio must be 50%(120%) or higher than the capital market average, and the cash dividend growth rate must be 10%(30%) or higher. Considering this, we divide our sample into three groups with dividend payout ratio of less than 50% of capital market average(DIV50%), more than 50 and less than 120%(DIV50%-120%), and more than 120%(DIV120%). And we investigates whether the impact of this tax policy varies by group. In addition, we expect that firms with higher incentive to increase dividends not to pay CECT taxes increase dividends for 2015 fiscal year. To test hypotheses, we use 435 firms in 2015. [Findings] We find that DIV50%-120% group significantly increase cash dividends for 2015 fiscal year, but there are no significant differences between DIV50% and DIV50%-120%. Also, firms with having possibility of paying CECT taxes significantly increase cash dividends for 2015 fiscal year. [Implications] Overall, our results imply that the new dividend tax polices have an influence on corporate dividend decisions.

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