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      • KCI등재

        2010년 일개 회사에서 집단발생한 바실루스 세레우스 식중독에 관한 역학조사

        최금발,임현술,이관,하경임,정광현,손창규,Choi, Kum-Bal,Lim, Hyun-Sul,Lee, Kwan,Ha, Gyoung-Yim,Jung, Kwang-Hyun,Sohn, Chang-Kyu 대한예방의학회 2011 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.44 No.2

        Objects: In July 2 2010, a diarrhea outbreak occurred among the workers in a company in Gyeungju city, Korea. An epidemiological investigation was performed to clarify the cause and transmission route of the outbreak. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire survey among 193 persons, and we examined 21 rectal swabs and 6 environmental specimens. We also delegated the Daegu Bukgu public health center to examine 3 food service employees and 5 environmental specimens from the P buffet which served a buffet on June 30. The patient case was defined as a worker of L Corporation and who participated in the company meal service and who had diarrhea more than one time. We also collected the underground water filter of the company on July 23. Results: The attack rate of diarrhea among the employees was 20.3%. The epidemic curve showed that a single exposure peaked on July 1. The relative risk of attendance and non-attendance by date was highest for the lunch of June 30 (35.62; 95% CI, 2.25 to 574.79). There was no specific food that was statistically regarded as the source of the outbreak. $Bacillus$ $cereus$ was cultured from two of the rectal swabs, two of the preserved foods and the underground water filter. We thought the exposure date was lunch of June 30 according the latency period of $B.$ $cereus$. Conclusions: We concluded the route of transmission was infection of dishes, spoons and chopsticks in the lunch buffet of June 30 by the underground water. At the lunch buffet, 50 dishes, 40 spoons, and chopsticks were served as cleaned and wiped with a dishcloth. We thought the underground water contaminated the dishes, spoons, chopsticks and the dishcloth. Those contaminated materials became the cause of this outbreak.

      • KCI등재후보

        경기도 낙농업자의 주요 인수공통감염증 인지도

        최금발(Kum-Bal Choi),임현술(Hyun-Sul Lim),이관(Kwan Lee),민영선(Young-Sun Min) 한국농촌의학 지역보건학회 2010 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.35 No.4

        2007년 경기도 낙농업 농가 482개소의 716명을 대상으로 인수공통감염증(브루셀라증, 큐열, 장출혈성대장균감염증)에 대한 설문연구를 실시하여 인수공통감염증에 대한 인지도를 분석하였다. 브루셀라증 인지율은 90.2%(646명), 큐열의 인지율은 2.5%(18명), 장출혈성대장균감염증의 인지율은 56.6%(405명)이었다. 성별에 따른 인지율은 브루셀라증 인지율은 남자 92.4%, 여자 86.4%, 큐열의 경우 남자 2.2%, 여자 3.1%, 장출혈성대장균 감염증은 남자 60.7%, 여자 49.2%이었다. 연령에 따른 인지율은 브루셀라증의 경우 39세 이하가 94.3%, 40대가 92.2%, 50대가 89.5%, 60세 이상이 85.6% 이었으며, 큐열은 각각 5.7%, 2.9%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 장출혈성대장균감염증은 각각 64.2%, 63.8%, 52.9%, 46.4%이었다. 학력에 따른 인지율은 브루셀라증은 초등학교 졸업 이하 84.4%, 중학교 졸업 88.4%, 고등학교 졸업 93.3%, 기술(전문)학교 졸업 이상 96.1% 이었으며, 큐열은 각각 1.3%, 3.2%, 1.9%, 5.3%, 장출혈성대장균의 경우 각각 41.6%, 52.8%, 64.4%, 69.7%로 브루셀라증과 장출혈성대장균감염증에서 학력별로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 브루셀라증과 장출혈성대장균감염증에 대해 연령, 성별로 보정하고 학력과 사육하는 소중 젖소가 50%를 넘는 낙농업자 중 사육 젖소 두수를 이용해 로지스틱 회귀분석을 시행한 결과, 장출혈성대장균감염증에서 초등학교 졸업 이하 학력군에 비해 고등학교 이상의 학력군이, 사육 젖소 49두 이하 군에 비해 사육 젖소 70두 이상 군이 장출혈성대장균감염증 인지도가 유의하게 높았다. 브루셀라증, 큐열, 장출혈성대장균감염증을 들어본 적이 있는 연구 대상자를 상대로 각 인수공통감염증에 대하여 알게 된 경로를 묻는 질문에서는 모두 텔레비전을 응답한 경우가 가장 많았다. 전파경로에 관한 질문에서 브루셀라증의 경우 ‘소 분만과정 참여 및 태반의 비위생적 처리’라고 응답한 대상자가 63.2%로 가장 높았으며, 큐열과 장출혈성대장균감염증의 경우 ‘생으로 된 소고기나 부산물’이라고 응답한 대상자가 각각 66.7%, 64.2%로 가장 높았다. 인수공통감염증 예방이 어려운 이유를 묻는 질문에는 ‘보호구가 불편하고 거추장스러워’ 46.8%, ‘예방법을 몰라서’ 34.1%, ‘보호장비가 없어서’ 21.8%, ‘예방의 필요성을 못 느껴서’ 18.9% 등의 순이었다. 이 연구는 인수공통감염증의 고위험군인 낙농업자의 브루셀라증, 큐열, 장출혈성대장균감염증의 인지도를 연구하였고, 인수공통감염증의 교육 및 홍보에 기초자료로 기여할 수 있을 것이다. Objective: We surveyed awareness levels of brucellosis, Q fever and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) among dairy farmers in Gyeonggi Province to suggest directions for public education and public relations. Methods: We designed questionnaires to evaluate awareness of 3 major zooneses. We conducted a questionnaire survey to assess knowledge of the general characteristics of them, information sources for the awareness of zooneses, and the mode of transmission. Subjects were 716 workers from 482 dairy farms in Gyeonggi province. Results: The awareness levels for brucellosis, Q fever, and EHEC were 90.2%, 2.5% and 56.6%, respectively. Awareness of brucellosis and EHEC were tended to increase with higher number of school years. Television was the most common route of information for these zoonoses. Most common responses for questions concerning the method of transmission for each zoonoses, ‘Contact with parturient fluid or placenta of animal’ was 63.2% for brucellosis, ’Ingestion of raw meat or residual product’ was 66.7% and 64.2% for Q fever and EHEC, respectively. The most common reason why dairy farmers think that it is difficult to prevent zoonoses was the inconvenience of wearing protection. Conclusions: Education programs for zoonoses, especially Q fever, are needed for dairy farmers. In addition, publicity information activities about prevention of zoonoses are needed for high risk groups, such as the dairy farmers surveyed.

      • KCI등재

        Epidemiological Investigation of an Outbreak of Hepatitis A at a Residential Facility for the Disabled, 2011

        임현술,최금발,이새롬 대한예방의학회 2013 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.46 No.2

        Objectives: An outbreak of hepatitis A occurred at a residential facility for the disabled in July 10, 2011. This investigation was carried out to develop a response plan, and to find the infection source of the disease. Methods: A field epidemiologist investigated the symptoms, vaccination histories, living environments, and probable infection sources with 51 residents and 31 teachers and staff members. In July 25, 81 subjects were tested for the hepatitis A virus antibody, and specimens of the initial 3 cases and the last case were genetically tested. Results: Three cases occurred July 10 to 14, twelve cases August 3 to 9, and the last case on August 29. Among the teachers and staff, no one was IgM positive (on July 25). The base sequences of the initial 3 and of the last case were identical. The vehicle of the outbreak was believed to be a single person. The initial 3 patients were exposed at the same time and they might have disseminated the infection among the patients who developed symptoms in early August, and the last patient might have, in turn, been infected by the early August cases. Conclusions: The initial source of infection is not clear, but volunteers could freely come into contact with residents, and an infected volunteer might have been the common infection source of the initial patients. Volunteers’ washing their hands only after their activity might be the cause of this outbreak. Although there may be other possible causes, it would be reasonable to ask volunteers to wash their hands both before and after their activities.

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