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        탕평채 조리법의 표준화 및 오방색 청포묵 개발

        최가람 ( Ga Ram Choi ),이솔 ( Sol Lee ),이경애 ( Kyong Ae Lee ),신말식 ( Mal Shick Shin ),김향숙 ( Hyang Sook Kim ) 한국식생활문화학회 2014 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구는 탕평채의 표준 조리법을 확립하며, 나아가 천연 색소물질을 첨가한 청포묵을 기본 재료로 사용한 오방색 탕평채를 개발하기 위해 실시하였다. 관능검사를 통해 탕평채의 표준조리법 확립과 오방색 탕평채의 개발에 관한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 탕평채의 현대 조리서를 고찰하여 전문가 패널을 대상으로 한 시식회를 통해 탕평채를 보완한 결과 재료의 비율은 현대 조리서의 중간 분량을 조합한 평균조리법으로 하였으며, 소고기는 대량화를 위해 편육으로 만들어 소고기 양념을 조린 뒤 무치는 방법으로 변경하였고, 소스의 산도와 간장의 색을 줄이기 위하여 식품영양학과 학생 34명을 대상으로 기호도 검사를 실시 한 결과 청포묵 100 g 기준의 탕평채 분량에 해당하는 간장 6 g, 식초 3 g, 물 12.4 g, 소금 1 g, 설탕 3 g, 깨소금 0.65 g을 첨가하여 만든 초간장이 비교적 높은 기호도를 보였다. 표준조리법으로 조리한 탕평채의 주재료의 분량은 청포묵 100 g 기준으로 편육 20 g, 데친 숙주 21 g, 데친 미나리 21 g, 달걀 1/4개, 김 1/4장이며 초간장 분량은 간장 6 g, 식초 3 g, 설탕 3 g, 깨소금 0.65 g, 물 12.4 g, 소금 1 g이며, 편육을 만들기 위한 분량으로는 우둔 35 g, 대파 2.5 g, 생강 1 g, 통후추 0.4개이며 편육양념의 분량은 간장 4.56 g, 설탕 1.4 g, 물 10 g, 대파 2.62 g, 마늘 1.96 g, 참기름 1 g, 깨소금 0.7 g, 후춧가루 0.1 g였다. 탕평채의 표준 조리법은 다음과 같다. 1) 우둔을 찬물에 1시간 정도 담가 핏물을 빼준 다음 우둔이 잠길 정도로 물을 부은 뒤 뿌리를 포함한 대파, 생강, 후추를 넣고 끓으면 핏물을 뺀 우둔을 넣고 강 불에서 10분, 중불에서 40분을 삶은 뒤 건져내 거즈로 단단하게 싸 식힌뒤 4 cm길이 고깃결 방향으로 채 썰어준다. 2) 편육 양념의 대파와 마늘은 큼직하게 썰어 분량의 간장, 설탕, 물과 함께 졸인 뒤 대파와 마늘을 건져내고 채 썰어놓은 편육과 참기름, 깨소금, 후춧가루를 넣어 버무린다. 3) 청포묵은 0.5×0.5×5 cm로 채 썰어 끓는 물에 데친 후식혀주며, 숙주는 거두절미하고 미나리는 4 cm 길이로 썰어 데친다. 4) 계란은 황백지단으로 부쳐 4 cm 길이로 채 썰어주며, 김은 잘게 부순다. 5) 초간장 분량의 재료를 한 대 섞어 양념을 만든다. 6) 접시에 청포묵, 숙주, 미나리, 양념한 편육을 가지런히 올려놓고 채 썬 지단과 김을 고명으로 올린 후 초간장을 곁들여 낸다. 2. 치자, 오미자, 적양배추, 백년초, 들깨, 검은깨의 최적의 첨가비율을 알아보기 위해 수준별 농도로 청포묵에 첨가되는 천연 색소물질의 양을 조절한 뒤 식품영양학과 대학원생 10명을 대상으로 기호도 검사를 실시한 결과 다음과 같다. 치자는 사용 물 대비 2%첨가군, 오미자는 사용 물 대비 2%첨가군, 검은깨는 사용 전분 대비 4%첨가 군에서 비교적 높은 기호도를 나타내었다. This study attempted to develop a representative mild Korean food, including kimchi, bulgogi, galbi, and bibimbap, while maintaining existing images in order to spread Korean food worldwide. Tangpyeongchae is a mild healthy food with a nutritional balance of carbohydrates from cheongpomuk, protein from beef and eggs, and vitamins and minerals from water parsley, bean sprout, and laver. The food has a history of being favored by the political elite of the Joseon Dynasty and has features in Korean storytelling. Tangpyeongchae is an obangsaek food (five representative colors of Oriental philosophy). This study examined modern recipes of Tangpyeongchae in order to establish a standardized cooking method. Furthermore, the study examined customer interest and marketability of natural pigments to develop obangsaek cheongpomuk (mungbean gel) by adding black sesame, a traditional ingredient in Korea, to the cheongpomuk as well as traditional Korean pigments, chija and omija.

      • KCI등재

        기술가치평가를 위한 딥러닝 기반 매출추정 연구: 해양수산업을 중심으로

        최지혜(Ji-Hye Choi),안민호(Min-Ho Ahn),이찬호(Chan-Ho Lee),김민승(Min-Seung Kim),장용주(Yong-Ju Jang),이정희(Jeong-Hee Lee),성태응(Tae-Eung Sung) 한국기술혁신학회 2021 기술혁신학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        최근까지 수행된 해양수산 기술평가 사업은 해양수산 R&D 우수성과의 조기발굴을 통한 기술이전과 산업진흥을 도모해 왔다. 다수의 연구에서는 기술가치의 평가결과에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요인 중 하나인 매출액 추정방안이 도출되어 왔으나, 현 시점에서 데이터 기반으로 딥러닝을 적용하는 연구는 존재하지 않는다. 따라서, 해양수산 분야 업종별 기업·시장 환경 특성이 반영된 KED 데이터를 활용하여, 과거 연도별 기업 재무정보를 활용하여 이후 연도 매출이 어떤 양상을 보일지 추정하는 매출추정 예측 모형을 제안하고자 한다. 본 연구는 선형회귀, 머신러닝 모델, 딥러닝 모델 간 예측 성능 비교를 통해 딥러닝 모델이 가장 우수한 성능을 보임을 확인하였고, 기존 연구의 ‘매출액’ 추정 모델과 다르게 ‘매출성장률’ 추정을 모델링하여 활용하였다는 차별성에 주목하여, 향후 지능형 가치평가 시스템으로의 적용 이외에 기업 손익구조에 기반한 경영전략 수립, 금융시장에서의 기업가치평가(수익가치), 투자 전략 수립 등 다양한 분야에서 의사결정의 보조적 자료로 활용 가능할 것으로 기대된다. Until recently, the marine fisheries technology valuation has been promoting technology transfer and industry promotion through early detection of marine fisheries R&D excellence. Previous studies have derived sales prediction methods that are one of the factors that have the greatest impact on the results of technology value, but at present, there exist no studies that apply enterprises’ financial data based on deep learning. Therefore, we would like to propose a sales estimation forecasting model that uses KED data that reflects the characteristics of companies and market environments by marine fishery industry to estimate what the sales will look like in the next year by using corporate financial information in the past year. This study confirmed that the proposed deep learning model showed the best performance. In addition to the application of the intelligent technology valuation system in the future, it is expected to be a subsidiary metric of decision-making in various fields such as establishment of business strategies based on corporate profit-and-loss structure, corporate value evaluation and investment strategy establishment.

      • KCI등재

        하지의 지지유형에 따른 벤치프레스 운동 시 큰 가슴근의 근 활성도 분석

        박성진(Sung Jin Park),최가람(Ga Ram Choi),정명균(Myeong Kyun Jung) 한국사회체육학회 2013 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.53

        The purpose of this study was to compare 2 different of typical bench press(type 1: support ground, type 2: support bench) with electromyogram analysis technique and to show the muscle activation properties of pectoralis major. This study conducted an experiment with 10 young men in school K university who have never done weight training experience(n = 10 ; mean height 176.40 ± 4.75 cm ; mass 72.80 ± 7.30kg ; age 20.5 ± 1.90years). We monitored activation of muscle using surface electromyography when weight lifting performed 5 times of bench press at 75% of 1RM. Paired t-test was used to identify significant differences between type 1 and type 2. An alpha level of .05 was used to determine the significance level. We analyzed activation of pectoralis major during bench press. The results of analysis were as follows; Firstly, activation of left pectoralis major was a significant change in p<.05 level statiscally in electromyogram of supported types. Secondly, total pectoralis major muscle was not a significant change p>.05 level statistically in electromyogram of two position.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애 아동 대상 유·초 학교급 전환에 대한 특수교사의 주관적 인식 유형

        한은혜(Eun-Hye Han),최가람(Ga-Ram Choi),이미지(Mi-Ji Lee) 한국발달장애학회 2021 발달장애연구 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 유·초 특수교사의 주관적인 인식을 바탕으로 발달장애 아동의 일반 초등학교 전환에 대해 탐색하고, 이를 유형화하여 그 특징을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. Q방법론을 적용한 본 연구는 유·초 특수교사를 대상으로 반구조화된 면담을 통해 Q모집단을 구성하여 총 41개의 Q표본 진술문을 선정하였다. 유·초 특수교사 총 22명을 대상으로 Q표본 진술문을 Q-표본 분포도에 중요도 순으로 배치하도록 하였다. Q요인분석 결과, 연구대상자 19명이 4가지로 유형화되었다. 유형별 설명변량은 제1유형 30%, 제2유형 11%, 제3유형 9%, 제4유형 8%이고, 누적 설명량은 58%이다. 유형별 특성은 제1유형은 주변인의 긍정적 인식 및 태도 강조형, 제2유형은 유·초 학교급 간 차이와 발달장애 아동의 적응행동 강조형, 제3유형은 발달장애 아동과 부모의 개별적 역량 강조형, 제4유형은 발달장애 아동의 적응행동과 주변인의 역할 강조형으로 나타났다. 연구의 결과를 전환 관련 선행 연구와 비교하여 결론을 제시하였고, 체계적이고 실효성 있는 전환체계를 구축하기 위한 제언을 하였다. This study aims to explore the factors affecting the transition from kindergarten to elementary for children with developmental disabilities based on the subjective perception of kindergarten and elementary special education teachers, and to examine each type’s characteristics to classify the types of teachers according to their characteristics. This study, which applied Q-methodology, selected a total of 41 Q-sample statements by forming a Q-population through semi-structured interviews with elementary and kindergarten special education teacher. The Q-sample statements were sorted by 22 special education teachers in order of importance to the Q-sample distribution. Q-factor analysis shows that 19 subjects were classified into 4 types. The types of variance are 30% of the type 1, 11% of the type 2, 9% of the type 3, 8% of the type 4, and the cumulative variance was 58%. The characteristics of each types was named as follows. The first type is a “focusing on the positive perceptions and attitudes of stakeholders and peers.” The second type is “focusing on the difference between preschool and elementary school and adaptive behavior in children with developmental disabilities.” The third type “focusing on individual capacity of children with developmental disabilities and their parents.” The fourth type is “focusing on adaptive behavior in children with developmental disabilities and the role of the related people with children in the inclusion classroom.” The result of study presented conclusions compared the prior studies on transition, and suggested to establish a systematic and effective transition system.

      • KCI등재

        교각운동 시 발디딤 차이가 몸통과 다리근육의 근활성도에 미치는 영향

        김대훈(Kim, Dae-Hun),최가람(Choi, Ga-Ram) 한국사회체육학회 2016 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.66

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the muscle activation in differences of foot stance during bridging exercise in healthy adults. The subjects of this study were 18 healthy adults who were students of the department of physical therapy. We measured EMG activity on trunk and lower limbs with differences of foot stance during bridge exercise. The results of this study are as follows: First, in trunk muscles, erector spinae showed statistically significant difference on plantar stance(p<.05). Second, in lower limbs muscles, gluteus maximus showed statistically significant difference on plantar stance, semitendinosus on plantar (p<.05), toes stance and soleus on plantar & on heels stance. According to the results of study, bridging exercise posture with plantar stance can be suggested as an effective training method to strengthen trunk muscle activities. In addition, It is also effective in lower limbs during bridge exercise on heel toes. However, for heel stances, there was no difference in the trunk and lower limbs activation of muscle.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공군사관생도의 심폐능력에 따른 심리 · 생리요인 비교

        김인기(In-ki Kim),김건희(Gun-hee Kim),송성우(Sung-woo Song),최가람(Ga-ram Choi),엄장원(Jang-won Eom),곽재준(Jae-jun Kwak),유영남(Young-nam You),정덕화(Deok-hwa Jeong),강지훈(Ji-hun Kang) 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2019 한국군사학논집 Vol.75 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in psychological and physiological factors between groups by classifying groups based on the 3km running record of fourth grade Air Force Academy cadets. Among the top 46 Air Force Academy cadets who wanted to participate in the study, the study conducted an open survey of the top 13 and the bottom 15 who wanted to provide the data prior to the study. The subjects of the experiment and in-depth interview were studied by a total of 18 people, 9 of each upper and lower members who wished to participate in the study. Psychological factors were structured through inductive content analysis of data extracted from in-depth interviews, and physiological factors were conducted to verify differences between groups of body composition and cardiopulmonary function. The psychological factors of the upper and lower groups were found to be general areas of performance strategy, achievement motivation, emotional response, military spirit, situation perception, and basic physical strength. In the detailed areas, the subjects were also examined in 15 areas including physical fitness indicators, confidence, condition control, task orientation, and positive self-perception. As a result of comparison between upper and lower groups, the upper group was 2.2 times higher than the lower group and the lower group was 1.7 times higher than the upper group in the military spirit and performance strategy of the general area response rate. In general area response, the ratio of mental strength and confidence was different in the general area of military spirit. In addition, the upper group in the achievement motivation showed a high percentage of task tendency at 47%, while the lower group showed a high rate of zero motivation at 50%. In the emotional response, the upper group showed an equal ratio, while the lower group showed an 81% ratio of negative emotions. In the overall response by sub-region, the negative emotions of the subgroup were high at 28%. In the body composition, BFM showed a statistically significant difference between upper and lower groups, and Weight, FFM, and SMM did not show any significant difference between groups. In cardiopulmonary capacity, VO2max showed a statistically significant difference between upper and lower groups, and VE and LT did not show significant differences between groups.

      • KCI등재

        점프 수행능력 증대 훈련방법으로서의 드롭 점프의 운동역학적 특성

        김창국(Kim, Chang-Kook),이영철(Lee, Young-Chul),최가람(Choi, Ga-Ram),박성진(Park, Sung-Jin),손유남(Son, You-Nam),오진석(Oh, Jin-Suk) 한국사회체육학회 2017 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.70

        The drop jump is a popular form of plyometric exercise often udnertaken to enhance jump height. Despite its popularity why the drop jump is superior as a training method for jumping ability than other jump styles? That is still unclear. The purpose of this study is to compare among the jumping styles; countermovement jump, drop jump, squat jump, and then to identify which one is more effective training method at aspect of overload and specificity. Motion and force data were recorded for each performance and used to compute kinematic and kinetic variables, including jump height, hip, knee and ankle angles, resultant joint force, resultant joint power, maximum GRF and a number of temporal variables. Teh average of 8 trials(n=8) for each jump styles(countermovement jump, drop jump, squat jump) was used in a series of repeated measures ANOVA. We conclude that the countermovement jump may be more effectiv ethan the drop jump and the squat jump at jump performance, that the drop jump may be more effectiveh tan the countermovement jump and the squat jump at aspect of overload for enhancing the peak propulsion during upward phase, and that the drop jump has a greater training exercise specificity to performance a quick jump performance than the others.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 품새 중 두발 서기자세 옆차기와 학다리 서기자세 옆차기 동작의 근 활성도 비교분석

        김세원(Kim, Se-Won),손유남(Son, Yoo-Nam),최가람(Choi, Ga-Ram),이수길(Lee, Su-Gil),김두기(Kim, Du-Gi) 한국사회체육학회 2016 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.66

        The purposes of this research are to compare and analyze muscle activity between Yeopchagi posture of two-feet seogi and Yeopchagi movement of Hakdari seogi posture among the Taekwondo Poomsae and obtain muscle activity data of two. They are to provide scientific basic data by finding movement organization factors, characteristics and similarities and differences of each seogi posture Yeopchagi. Also, to suggest effective direction of performance for guide’s correct guidance and Poomsae player’s Yeopchagi technological movement and contribute to the improvement of Poomsae player’s athletic performance. Research subjects were 7 male Poomsae players who were registered in Korea Taekwondo Association as Poomsae players with award winning careers. The experiment was conducted by wireless EMG T. he conclusions are as follows. First, on the first condition, straight muscle of thigh commonly showed the highest muscle activity in Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture and Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture. Right straight muscle of thigh in both Yeopchagi of two stance postures showed the highest muscle activity. The second highest muscle activity was straight muscle of thigh in Yepchagi of two-feet stance posture(L) and anterior tibial muscle in Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture(L). And, if examining the characteristics of sequential muscle activity after the second muscle activity of Yeopchagi of two stand postures, Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture showed the highest muscle activity in support foot and nextly, in muscles of kicking feet. Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture showed the highest muscle activity in kicking foot and nextly, in muscles of support foot. Right gastrocnemius of Yeopchagi of two stance postures showed significantly statistical differences. Second, the muscle which showed the highest muscle activity in Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture and Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture on the second condition showed the same result as of the first condition. The second highest muscle activity was shown in straight muscle of thigh and there were positional differences as Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture was left straight muscle of thigh and Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture was right one. So, there were significantly statistical differences in right bicephalus femoris(p<.05) and right gastrocnemius(p<.001). Third, the muscle which showed the highest muscle activity in Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture and Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture on the third condition was support foot; left straight muscle of thigh in Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture and right kicking foot in Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture. During the Yeopchagi of Hakdari seogi posture, muscle activity of right straight muscle of thigh was higher than left straight muscle of thigh in the first condition and to the third condition. During the Yeopchagi of two-feet stance posture, right straight muscle of thigh on the first condition and left straight muscle of thigh of the second condition and the third condition showed differences of muscle activity.

      • KCI등재

        등받이 의자와 좌변기에서 스마트폰 사용 시 목세움근, 위등세모근, 척추세움근의 근활성도 비교

        김준혁 ( Jun-hyeok Kim ),강슬기 ( Seul-gi Kang ),김민주 ( Min-joo Kim ),민유진 ( Yu-jin Min ),백숙향 ( Suk-hyang Baek ),장윤호 ( Yoon-ho Jang ),주미정 ( Mi-jung Ju ),최가람 ( Ga-ram Choi ),홍성화 ( Sung-hwa Hong ),권혁규 ( Hyeok-g 대한신경치료학회 2018 신경치료 Vol.22 No.2

        Purpose The usage of a smartphone in the life have been increased because of the convenience of a smartphone. In addition, the usage of a smartphone is increased in the restroom. The use of smartphone in the toilets have affected on large intestine such as constipation and hemorrhoids. However, little is known about musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the Purpose of this study was to examine the effect of using smarphone in the restroom on muscle activity of cervical erector spineae, upper trapezius, and lumbar erector spinae in the able-bodied people. Methods 28 healthy subjects were recruited for this study. Electromyographic signals of both cervical erector spinae, upper trapezius and lumbar erector spinae were acquired during sitting on the general chair and toilet with using a smartphone. Paired t-test was used for determination of differences in the muscle activation between general chair and toilet. The significant level of the p value was set at 0.05. Results In cervical erector spinae and upper trapezius, no significant difference was observed between the general chair and toilet (p>.05). In contrast, regarding lumbar erector spinae, using a smartphone on the toilet showed significant difference compared to on the general chair (p<.05). Conclusion We found that the sitting on the toilet during using a smartphone showed higher muscle activation of lumbar erector spinae than the sitting on the general chair. Therefore, using a smartphone on the toilet could affect the musculoskeletal of the lower back.

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