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        가변 디퓨저를 장착한 원심 압축기 불안정성 연구

        차봉준,임병준,양수석,Cha, Bong-Jun,Im, Byeong-Jun,Yang, Su-Seok 대한기계학회 2002 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.26 No.8

        An experimental study on the performance and instability development characteristics of a centrifugal compressor equipped with a cambered variable diffuser has been performed with varying diffuser vane angles. The test was conducted at the design speed of 20,800 rpm and the 80% design speed of 16,640 rpm for 5 diffuser angles : 65$^{\circ}$, 70$^{\circ}$, 75$^{\circ}$, 77.5$^{\circ}$, 80$^{\circ}$ The steady performance test results showed that choking mass flow rate decreases and total pressure ratio increases with a narrowed surge margin as the diffuser vane angle increases. Unsteady pressures were measured using high-frequency pressure transducers at the inducer and the diffuser throat to investigate the instability phenomena such as rotating stall and surge inside the compressor. From the unsteady measurements, it is found that the transient process from rotating stall to surge was mainly affected by diffuser angles. The results of the present study can be applied to the instability control of the centrifugal compressors using a variable diffuser.

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        논문 : 이승우 소설에 나타난 창세 설화의 문학적 변용 -『태초에 유혹이 있었다』를 중심으로

        차봉준 ( Bong Jun Cha ) 한국문학과종교학회 2011 문학과종교 Vol.16 No.1

        Seung-woo Lee has been recognized as the representative author for Christian world view in literary history in Korea. His literary theme which had its started in very ideological question of ``what is God`` has not escaped from the problem for the author till the present. He has continued in the path of pursuing the original root of literature and psych with the exploration into the origin of the universe and essence and the pursuit of the sanctity which one dares to approach. As a result, throughout his novels, the solemnity and meticulousness of a monk on the path of the seemingly a seeker can be observed. This study focuses on the literary transfiguration of the story of genesis in Seung-woo Lee`s full-length novel, There existed temptations in the beginning. The novel has a new literary interpretation on the first tragic incident, the fall of humankind by the temptations of the snake which led to their banishment from the Eden. Humans were exiled for eternity from ``Eden`` which was a gift from God by violating the prohibiting laws. At the center of the tragedy are the Tree of Knowledge and snake as the crucial players. The author reinterprets the epistemological significance of the Tree of Knowledge, which was the first ever prohibiting rule in the literary perspective in the novel. Furthermore, the novel presents a in-depth interpretation that the fall of humans was not caused by the slyness of the tempter the snake but by the desires inherent in the human psyche more fundamentally. Based on this, the study stresses the importance of restoration of relationship through the once-lost communication with God. Thus, the study intends to more specific analysis on the epistemological significance of the story of genesis and the fundamental issue of human desires, supporting the theological arguments.

      • KCI등재

        『사람의 아들』의 성서(聖書) 모티프 수용(受容)과 기독교적(基督敎的) 상상력(想像力)

        차봉준 ( Cha Bong-jun ) 한국어문교육연구회 2008 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.36 No.2

        本 硏究는 李文烈의 『사람의 아들』을 중심으로 韓國 現代小說에서 基督敎 文學의 방향성을 모색함에 目的을 두었다. 그동안 基督敎的 世界觀을 표방한 多數의 작품이 발표되기는 했지만 작가의 思惟體系가 깊지 못한 점, 혹은 지나치게 護敎的 성향으로 흐른 점 등에 의해 긍정적 평가를 받지 못한 것이 사실이다. 그러나 『사람의 아들』의 경우는 基督敎的 想像力에 대한 작가의 省察이 매우 깊이 있게 형상화되었으며, 아울러 기독교가 지닌 문제에 대한 批判과 方向의 提起라는 점에서 기존의 작품들과는 차별되고 있다. 이문열은 聖書의 모티프를 끌어들여서 文字的 解釋에 머물러 있는 죽은 신앙에 대한 懷疑, 현실을 도외시한 거짓 신앙에 대한 反省을 보여준다. 또한 神의 存在에 대한 물음, 바람직한 宗敎像에 대한 작가적 인식의 표출에 이르러서는 靈智主義的 思惟, 實存主義的 認識과 같은 매우 심도 깊은 성찰을 보이고 있다. This study focused on Mun-Yeol Lee’s (Man’s Son( to examine Christian literature in modern Korean novels. There have been several works based on Christian worldview, but they have not received positive evaluation because writers’ thinking systems have not been deep enough or they were too theologically fundamental. However, (Man’s Son( thoroughly reflected the writer’s thoughts based on his Christian imagination and was distinguished from other novels with its criticism of Christianity and suggestions for the future of Christianity. In other words, (Man’s Son( is significant in that it deals with Biblical motifs while presenting how modern Korean novels should adopt the concept of Christian literature in a greater depth. Bringing Biblical motifs to his literature, Mun-Yeol Lee did not simply reconceptualized narrations in the Bible. He shows his reflection of dead religion that is trapped in literary interpretation and false religion that neglects the reality. He also shows a very deep reflection of gnosticist thoughts and existentialist awareness in respect to his questions on God’s existence and views on the ideal form of religion in reality.

      • KCI등재

        최인훈 '춘향뎐'의 패러디 담론과 역사 인식

        차봉준(Cha, Bong-Jun) 한국문학회 2010 韓國文學論叢 Vol.56 No.-

        본 연구는 최인훈의 단편소설 을 고전 과의 상호텍스트적 관계에서 분석하면서 패러디 담론의 양상과 그것에 함의된 작가의 역사 인식을 파악하는 것에 초점을 맞추었다. 지금까지 최인훈의 소설들은 등단 초기부터 일관되게 유지되어 온 환상적, 관념적 성향의 농후함으로 인해 반사실주의 소설로 거명되어 왔다. 아울러 작가의 세계에 대한 대응 방식도 현실 참여적 태도가 빈약하다는 측면에서 일부의 부정적 평가를 피할 수 없었던 것이 사실이다. 그러나 최인훈은 작가로서의 현실 참여를 내용적 차원이 아닌 ‘방법적 자각’이라는 형식적 차원 에서 구체화시켜 나갔는데, 그 대표적 방식이 패러디 기법이었다. 따라서 필자는 본 연구에서 최인훈이 을 중심으로 의도했던 효과와 의미를 발견하고, 이를 바탕으로 최인훈 소설에서 패러디가 갖는 의미를 작가 개인의 내면 의식 및 시대적 상황 인식에 결부시켜 분석했다.아울러 최인훈 소설이 표방하는 문학의 참여정신이 과연 어떻게 구현되고 있는가, 특히 형식적 실험을 통한 방법적 자각이 두드러진 패러디텍스트에서 작가의 미학적 자의식과 함께 부조리한 당대에 대한 역사인식이 어떤 식으로 강조되어 있는가에 초점을 맞춤으로써 작가가 표방하고 있는 본질적 저항의 실체를 확인하고자 했다. 결과적으로 최인훈의 은 선행텍스트의 서사 담론을 전반적으로 수용하면서도 계획된 차이를 바탕으로 당대에 대한 비판적 역사 인식을 나타내고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 즉 개개의 인물들이 처한 현실을 ‘어둠’의 상황으로 상징한 것을 시작으로 춘향과 이몽룡의 사랑이 현실적 공간을 벗어난 곳에서 성취되도록 전개한 서사의 후반부는 당대에 대한 비판적 성찰임을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 에 나타난 패러디 담론은 부정적 현실에 대한 본질적 저항이라는 작가의 역사 인식을 효과적으로 전달하기 위한 문학적 전략으로 결론내릴 수 있다. This study centered on the analysis of the intertextual relationship between In-hoon Choi’s short story and the classic , to understand the aspect of parodied discourse and the author’s historical perspective implied in the book. In-hoon Choi’s novels have been dubbed as antirealist novels due to imbued fantastical and idealistic tendencies which were persistently maintained from the start of his career. Moreover, the author’s response to the world could not prevent negative assessment by some in that the actualistic attitude was lacking. However, In-hoon Choi specifically reflected the reality an author, by ‘methodical awareness’ not content-wise as a way of formality and the representing method for such way of formality is a parody. Thus in the study focuses on the effects and meanings the author intended for by In-hoon Choi and based on such finding, analyzed the work with the combination of the meanings of parody in his novel with the author’s inner workings and context-awareness of the times. It further set out to investigate how literary spirit was portrayed by In-hoon Choi’s novels while focusing on how his historical perspective on the corruptions of his times, along with his aesthetic self-awareness were stressed in parody texts with distinighuished methodical awareness through cursory experimenets. The study was designed to witness the truth of fundamental resistance the author supported. In conclusion, by In-hoon Choi, adopted preceding text’s narrative discourse overall but at the same time, critical historical perspective on the time with the intended discrepancy. Namely, by symbolizing the reality each character was placed in as “darkness”, the latter part of the novel where' Chunghyang and Monryong Lee’s love becomes actualized outside the realistic realm was the critical reflection of his time. Therefore, it is concluded that parodied discourse in was a literary tool to effective communicate the author’s historical perspective, the fundamental resistance against the pessimistic reality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        S대학 글쓰기 교육의 의사소통역량 효과성 분석

        차봉준(Cha Bong-Jun),한윤영(Han Yunyoung) 한국문화융합학회 2018 문화와 융합 Vol.40 No.5

        이 논문은 S대학이 교양필수로 개설하고 있는 글쓰기 교과목의 수업 효과성 검증을 통해 해당 교과목이 재학생들의 의사소통역량 함양에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 확인함에 목적을 두었다. 특히 S대학의 글쓰기 교과목은 이론 중심으로 구성되어 있는 것이 아니라, 다양한 비교과 활동을 연계하고 있다는 점이 특징이다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 S대학 글쓰기 교육의 수업 효과성에 의미 있는 차이를 나타나게 한 원인 분석을 위해 S대학 글쓰기 교육과정의 구성상 특성과 연계 비교과 프로그램의 운영 방식을 먼저 살펴보았다. 그리고 이와 연계하여 수업 효과성을 조사하기 위해 활용한 진단도구에 대한 간략한 소개와 함께 연구방법 및 연구결과를 순차적으로 분석 제시하였다. 특히 의사소통 수업 효과성에 대한 분석은 기본역량과 특수역량의 두 범주로 나누어 제시하였으며, 아울러 계열별 효과성을 비교 검증함으로써 향후 해당 교과목의 개선을 위한 방향과 대안을 모색하는 것으로 연구를 마무리하였다. 본 연구의 결과 S대학의 의사소통의 기본역량 전체평균은 2.14점이었으며, 특수역량 전체평균은 2.80으로 특수역량이 기본역량보다 상대적으로 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석을 토대로 S대학 글쓰기 교과목의 의사소통역량 효과성을 평가해 볼 때 해당 교과과정은 재학생들의 의사소통 역량증진에 의미 있는 효과를 주는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 반면 의사소통의 기본역량 중 상대적으로 낮은 효과성을 보인 이해(△M=.25)와 특수역량 중 상대적으로 낮은 효과성을 보인 동기(△M=.15) 부분에 대한 증진방안 마련이 요구된다. 아울러 계열별 효과성 분석 결과, 법학계열의 의사소통 역량 증진이 가장 저조한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 계열별 특성에 적합한 교수-학습 방법 및 교재개발에 대한 학문적 논의가 요구된다. 그리고 글쓰기 교과가 실용적 측면에서의 직업인을 양성하는 교육목표는 달성하지만, 자아 성찰적 성장을 통해 인성을 함양하는 전인교육의 차원은 반영하고 있지 못한 것으로 판단되는데, 교육 내용인 글쓰기 주제 측면에서도 깊이 있는 고민과 보완이 필요할 것으로 보인다. This paper aims to confirm how the writing courses that is S university requirement classes to students in liberal arts courses affect the students’ communication competency by verifying the effectiveness of those courses. In particular, the writing courses are characterized by rather linking various Extracurricular programs than conducting theory-centered practices. This paper first examines structural uniqueness of the writing courses and operation of extracurricular programs in order to figure out the causes that made meaningful differences in the effectiveness of writing courses. Then, it introduces a brief introduction to the diagnostic tools used to investigate their effectiveness, and explores the research methods and results sequentially. Specifically, the analysis on their effectiveness is divided into two categories: basic competency and special competency. At last, this study is concluded by comparing and verifying the effectiveness to find directions and alternatives for improving the courses in the future. The findings shows that the special competency was relatively higher than the basic one(total average of special competency: 2.80/ total average of basic competency; 2.14). The findings can be interpreted that the curriculum has an effect on students’ communication competency. Meanwhile, the findings require to improve the relatively less effective understanding in basic communication competency(△M=.251) and the relatively less effective motivation in special ones(△M=.147). Furthermore, the singularity is that the law department shows the lowest level of achievement. Therefore, this study firstly suggests that academic discussions on teaching-learning methods and textbook development suitable for each department be required. Second, the writing curriculum should be improved for students‘ self-reflection growth with various topic and composition in order to achieve their multi-layered goals.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 박상륭 소설의 기독교적 상상력 연구 -「아겔다마」의 성서 모티프 패러디 양상을 중심으로-

        차봉준 ( Bong Jun Cha ) 한국문학과종교학회 2007 문학과종교 Vol.12 No.1

        This study aims to examine the system of Park Sang-Ryung`s Christian speculation by adopting "Ageldama", one of his early short novels, as a text. This study is meaningful as it provides us with a way to understand Park Sang-Ryung`s all the novels in which various religious speculations are involved. Besides, religious speculations were reflected in the author`s cognition deeper than any other religious speculation from his early novels to latest ones. For this reason, it`s thought that this is a meaningful study. "Ageldama" is a novel in which a biblical motif appears quite clearly among the author`s novels. Therefore, it`s expected that if we thoroughly compare and analyze this novel with a biblical motif, the precedent text, based on the parodic technique, the essence of his Christian speculation, which went trough his literary configuration process, will be specifically found out. The author shows a new understanding of Judas Iscariot who is negatively evaluated in the bible. Different from the Biblical point of view which focuses on Jesus` achievements, Park interprets events and meanings of the corresponding day completely based on Judas`s internal point of view. Also, through such a point of view, it was found that the author has borrowed the Gnostic point of view which has been regarded as a heretic and hasn`t been mentioned in the Bible. Besides, it`s worthy of notice that such a Christian speculation constantly has appeared in his other novels even after "Ageldama".

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대소설의 생태적 가능성

        차봉준(Cha, Bong-Jun) 문학과환경학회 2015 문학과 환경 Vol.14 No.1

        This study analyzes Korean modern novels that depict ecological problems and express reflections on them. As in the literature of Europe and the U.S., the ecology motif has become commonplace in Korean literature since the 1970s. Poems started to raise environmental issues from the 1970s but it was only after the 1980s that poets actively created their work with the motif. Meanwhile, narratives joined this trend a bit later; it was from the 1990s that fiction deeply centered on ecology became noticeable. Korean works of modern fiction, however, were published from the mid-1970s, and some had already reached with contemplation the highest level in literature. A Small Ball Shot Up by a Dwarf written by Jo Sehui in 1975 is the most exemplary novel among them. The story depicts the destruction of the environment inevitably caused by the highly industrialized Korean society in the 1970s. At the same time, it is possible to read the story from the literary ecological point of view since it includes a deeper ecological awareness of the confrontation among different classes and extreme isolation. This book accusingly presents the severe reality brought by environmental destruction in Korean society at the time. Likewise, since the story characterizes women who were oppressed and victimized by men, it is also feasible to analyze the story from the viewpoint of ecological feminism. Furthermore, if the reader focuses on the human nature of dominance masked in the confrontation among classes and economic disparity, it is viable to analyze the fiction from the social ecological viewpoint. Thus, A Small Ball Shot Up by a Dwarf can be analyzed on multiple layers from a variety of literary ecological points of view. This study reviews the author’s reflections on ecology implied in the narration of A Small Ball Shot Up by a Dwarf.

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