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        한국고전문학에 나타난 불륜의 사랑

        조혜란 단국대학교 일본연구소 2016 일본학연구 Vol.49 No.-

        본고의 관심은 조선시대 소설에 나타난 불륜의 양상 및 그 의미를 고찰하는 것이다. 이를 위해 우선 조선시대에 사용된 ‘불륜(不倫)’의 용례를 살피고 당대의 법 제도 및 사회적 통념, 관습에 근거하여 협의의 불륜, 간통에 해당하는 경우를 고찰하였다. 조선시대 소설에는 남녀의 애정을 다룬 작품들이 매우 많으나 남녀 주인공들이 불륜 관계에서 애정을 키워나가는 경우는 찾아보기 어렵다. 조선시대 소설에서 불륜, 여성의 간통 사건이 등장하는 대표적 작품으로는 김만중(金萬重)의 <사씨남정기(謝氏南征記)>를 들 수 있다. 이 작품에 등장하는 간부(奸婦) 교채란은 가부장제 혈통의 순수성을 위협하였기에 악인형 여성 인물의 전형이 되었다. 여성의 성적 욕망, 여성이 자신이 원하는 남성을 선택하여 주도권을 발휘하는 것 등은 여전히 여성형 악인의 표지로 작동하지만 18세기가 지나면서 <천수석(泉水石)>, <임씨삼대록(林氏三代錄)> 등의 국문장편소설에서는 여성의 불륜을 서술하는 태도에 변화가 생기는 것을 발견할 수 있었다. 해당 여성 인물에게 결혼이란 대를 잇기 위한 행위보다는 남편과 친밀감을 나누기 위한 것이었으며, 이 같은 필요가 충족되지 않았을 때 불륜을 저지르는 것으로 그려졌다. 여성의 불륜에 대한 서술 태도가 확연하게 달라지는 경우는 19세기 한문소설인 <절화기담(折花奇談)>, <포의교집(布衣交集)>에서 볼 수 있다. 두 작품의 서술자는 불륜을 주도적으로 소화하는 여성 주인공들을 그려내고, 그녀들의 불륜 이유에는 남편도 포함된다는 것을 명확하게 서술한다. 그녀들은 더 이상 악녀의 전형이 아니다. <절화기담>과 <포의교집>은 19세기 조선의 유교 사회가 여성의 불륜을 재현해 내는 한 가지 방식을 보여준다. 불륜을 행한 여성들이 그로 인한 징치를 당하지 않고 삶을 이어간다는 두 작품의 결구는 하층 여성의 성(性)에 대한, 또 금기, 도덕률에 대한 당대인들의 인식의 한 면을 보여준다. This paper is to examine how extramarital relationships are described in novels from Joseon dynasty’s and its meaning. Before analysis, various examples of the immoral relationship in documents have been examined from a broad-sense to a narrow-sense, based on the law, system, and customs of that time. Many of Joseon novels are about love stories, but there are rare cases of the extramarital relationship. Even so, those cases are notable. The extramarital relationship described in SassinamJeongki of Kim Man-jung, is a prime example. An immoral female character, Kyo Chae-ran, becomes a typical malefactress model because she threatens purity of patriarchal blood. In this way, female character’s sexual desire and her initiative to choose the man have labeled her ‘immoral’. However, passing through the 18th century, the description on extramarital relationships begin to shift. For female characters in Cheonsuseok and Imssisamdaerok, the marriage means sharing intimacy for a female, rather than merely perpetuating a family line. Therefore, they do have extramarital relationships only when their emotional needs are not satisfied. In contrast to the past two centuries, the 19th century adopts a different view of extramarital relationships. As narrators in Jeolhwakidam and Poyikyojip portraits heroins who actively lead the extramarital relationship, they claim that such immoral relationship is partly due to the husband’s fault. They are neither typical malefactress models. Both stories end up without any punishments for such adultery, and the female characters’ lives just go on. This ending shows one aspect of people’s thought of taboos, moral laws, and the sex of lower class women at that time. In this way, Jeolhwakidam and Poyikyojip show one way of representing woman’s extramarital relationships in the 19th century Joseon’s confucian culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        The effect of serum types on Chondrogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells

        조혜란,Aeri Lee,김교범 한국생체재료학회 2018 생체재료학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Background: Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is the most essential supplement in culture media for cellular proliferation, metabolism, and differentiation. However, due to a limited supply and subsequently rising prices, a series of studies have investigated a biological feasibility of replaceable serums to substitute FBS. Along with the increasing interests to manufacture stem cell-based cellular products, optimizing the composition of culture media including serums and exogenous growth factors (GFs) is of importance. In this experiment, the effect of bovine serum (BS) and newborn calf serum (NCS) on proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation capacity of human adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) was evaluated, especially in the chondrogenically supplemented culture condition. Methods: ADSCs were chondrogenically cultured with FBS, BS, and NCS for 14 days. For the acceleration of in vitro chondrogenesis, exogenous insulin-like growth factor and transforming growth factor-β3 were added. Viability and proliferation of ADSCs were evaluated using Live/Dead fluorescence staining and DNA amount, respectively. To investigate a chondrogenic differentiation, a series of assays were performed including a quantification of glycosaminoglycan deposition, alcian blue staining, and RT-PCR analysis for type II collagen, aggrecan and Sox-9 genes. Results: The results demonstrated that proliferation of ADSCs was facilitated in FBS condition as compared with other serum types. For chondrogenic marker gene expression, serum substitutes enhanced Sox-9 expression level on day 14. The deposition of glycosaminoglycan was more facilitated in BS condition regardless of additional chondrogenic GFs. Conclusion: It could be presumably speculated that serum types and exogenous supplements of GFs could also be important parameters to optimize culture media composition, especially in order to maintain the enhanced levels of both proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of ADSCs during expansion.

      • KCI등재

        삼대록계 국문장편소설에 나타난 추모(醜貌) 연구 : <유씨삼대록>의 순씨와 <임씨삼대록>의 목지란을 중심으로

        조혜란 한국고전여성문학회 2009 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.18

        이 논문은 삼대록계 국문장편소설에서 추모를 지닌 여성 인물에 대한 연구로, 작품 속에서 그녀들의 추모가 의미하는 바를 고찰하였다. 고전소설의 주인공들은 대개 미남 미녀들이다. 남녀를 막론하고 추한 용모를 지닌 인물은 드물다. 그런데 낙선재에 소장되어 있던 가문소설의 존재가 세상에 알려지고 연구가 진행됨에 따라 고전소설의 다른 하위장르들에 비해 가문소설의 경우에는 추모를 지닌 여성 인물들이 종종 등장한다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 다른 고전소설의 경우 미추(美醜)의 문제가 유교적 색덕(色德) 담론과 관련하여 인물 설정이 되는데 비해, 이들 작품에 등장하는 추모는 색다른 면모를 보이고 있어 흥미롭다. 본고는 가문소설 중에서도 우선 그 하위 장르인 삼대록계 국문장편소설로 대상을 한정하고, 그 중에서도 <유씨삼대록>의 순씨와 <임씨삼대록>의 목지란을 대상으로 논의를 전개하였다. 연구 결과, 이 논문에서 도출된 결론은 가문소설 전체로 확대될 가능성이 있을 것으로 사려된다. 순씨와 목지란은 둘 다 너무 못 생긴 용모를 지녔는데 순씨의 경우는 큰 키와 세련되지 못한 매너가 문제였다면 목지란의 경우는 인간보다는 짐승이나 야차 같은 이미지가 강조되었다. 추모에 대한 이 같은 차별적 묘사는 인물들의 삶에도 연관되어 순씨는 자식을 낳고 결국 남편과 시집에 의해 받아들여지는데 비해 목지란은 남편과 시집 구성원들에게 가문의 일원으로 인정받지 못한 채 타살당하고 만다. 본고는 인물 분석을 통해 삼대록계 국문장편소설에서 추모는 시집 온 여성을 타자화시키는 계기로 작동하였음을 밝혔다. 여성의 추모는 주로 혼인을 둘러싸고 문제가 되는데, 시집 구성원들의 시선에 포착되면서 시집 문화에 동질화될 수 있을지 아니면 차별과 배제의 기제로 작동할 것인지가 그려진다. 순씨와 목씨는 시집에 비해 친정이 보잘 것 없다는 공통점이 있으며 이 경우 추모는 문화자본의 결핍으로 이해 가능하다. 이들 작품군에서 추모형 여성이 종종 등장한다는 사실은 작품의 서술자는 물론이고 향유층 역시 그 서사를 즐겼다는 가정이 가능하다. 이를 통해 가문소설의 향유층 역시 이 타자화에 암묵적으로 동의하였음을 알 수 있다. This paper tries to consider the meaning of ugliness in woman characters in three-generation stories, questioning why those ugly women are often found in those novels. The man and woman protagonists of classical novels are usually portrayed as beautiful. Ugly characters are rarely found there regardless of their sex. On the other hand, as we became to know the presence of family novels which have been long kept in Naksunjae and started to read them, we could see that interestingly, some ugly woman characters appeared in three-generation stories unlike in other family novels. While in other classical novels, beauty and ugliness in woman characters is often related with the Confucian discourse of womanly beauty and virtue, in these three-generation stories, beauty and ugliness is described in other context. In order to explore its meaning, this study analyzed two women characters, Sunssi of Yussisamdaerok, and Mokjiran of Imssisamdaerok. Sunssi and Mokjiran were commonly portrayed as distinctively ugly women. But Mokjiran was more severely described than Sunssi. While Sunssi was unattractive in her tall height and an awkward manner, Mokjiran looked like almost animals. This distinction between them are fatally linked to their destiny. While Sunssi who had given birth to children was finally accepted by her husband and her in-laws, Mokjiran ended up being killed without any recognition from her husband and her in-laws. Considering these two woman characters came from poor family, their ugly appearance can be seen to demonstrate their lack of cultural capital. By analyzing the characterization of women in Yussisamdaerok and Imssisamdaerok, I found that in three-generation stories, the ugly appearance of women characters cause women to be treated as others in their husbands' family. The issue of beauty and ugliness in women became to be under focus around their marriage. At the moment when their in-laws came to know whether the brides are beautiful or not, it is decided whether the brides can be accepted in that household or not. The fact that ugly women characters are often found in those family novels shows that not only a narrator of a family novel, but also reading public of this kind of novel enjoyed novels which include ugly woman characters. This situation suggests that reading public of family novels also share the assumption which tended to treat ugly women as others.

      • KCI등재후보

        좌절과 모색의 경계 : 개화 지식인 의전(宜田) 육용정(陸用鼎)의 인물전 연구

        조혜란 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2011 탈경계 인문학 Vol.4 No.3

        Uijeon Yuk Yong-jeong is known for his Uijeon Gisul, the collection of writings in which he systematically developed his thoughts on enlightenment. But his literary works nowadays have also attracted notice from academics. This study is an attempt to examine his five biographical writings. The reason that I decided to focus attention on these works is that they are noticeable in being distinctively different from other biographical writings of Chinese classics and that their aesthetic sensibility is unfamiliar and impressively strong. This study tries to find the meaning of Yuk Yong-jeong’s biographical works in the context of narratives in his era through analyzing those five works and deriving the crucial characteristics from them. His five biographical works -- The Life of Mo So-sa, a Soldier’s Wife, The Life of Song So-hab, The Life of Gaeja, Lee Suk-ju, The Life of Doja, Kim Dong-gan, and The Life of Lee Sung-sun -- are all about low-class people, among whom some had experienced social and economic failure. These works show a transformation of existing forms of biographical writings because they tend to only very briefly give a person’s genealogy and generally not offer any conclusive judgment about the person. Moreover, many of the episodes recounted in them presented dead drunkenness, money-oriented attitudes, homosexuality, and violence, all of which were far from Confucian virtues. Due to these elements, Yuk Yong-jeong’s biographical works offer characteristics of raw rhetoric and a coarse aesthetic sensibility in an atmosphere of vulgarity. These characteristics found in his biographical works demonstrate a tendency different from his other genres, such as epitaphs and records of a deceased person’s life, in which he told normative narratives conforming to Confucian values. In his biographical writings, his views on perverse and minor people whose lives did not conform to Confucian values are neither negative nor judgmental, but accepting. Yuk Yong-jeong’s biographical works are found to have much in common with contemporary narrative, such as the new novel, in that there appeared a lot of low-class people and sensational episodes about sex and violence. This kind of aesthetically coarse sensibility of his works can be interpreted as follows: first, it may express pessimistic views on an uncertain and unpredictable future depicted as distorted desire; second, it might result from the attempt to find an alternative way of life in society on the part of Yuk Yong-jeong, a frustrated intellectual who believed in enlightenment thinking.

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