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        『이성과 감성』 의 악당, 루시 스틸 연구

        조한선 ( Hansun Cho ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.6

        본 논문은 제인 오스틴의 이성과 감성 에 등장하는 악당 루시 스틸에 대한 연구이다. 비록 오스틴의 소설이 주인공들의 결혼으로 끝나는 사랑 이야기이지만, 그녀 소설의 권선징악적 요소 때문에 오래도록 교훈소설로 읽혀왔다. 오스틴은 주인공의 화합을 방해하는 사악한 인물들을 그녀 방식으로 예외 없이 징벌한다. 그러나 루시에 대한 오스틴의 묘사는 독자의 예상을 뒤엎는다. 루시는 주인공 엘리너와는 달리 천박한 기질을 가졌지만 엘리너의 경쟁자로 등장한다. 심지어 오스틴은 루시가 번듯한 사회에 입성하여 엘리너보다도 더 유복한 삶을 살게 그려낸다. 필자는 본 논문에서 루시가 아첨과 속임수라는 무기를 가지고 입성한 그 사회의 구성원들을 마음대로 조종할 수 있게 함으로써, 오스틴이 그 세계를 조롱하고 있다고 결론지었다. 지금까지 오스틴의 작품 연구는 주요 인물들을 중심으로 이루어져 왔다. 그러나 오스틴이 루시처럼 대수롭지 않은 인물을 통해서 19세기 가부장제 사회를 조롱하고 비판한 것이 뚜렷하기에, 본 연구가 오스틴 작품의 새로운 연구방향으로서 그녀 작품에 등장하는 주변인물에 대한 심층 연구로 이어지길 기대한다. This paper examines Lucy Steele, a villainess featured in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. Although Austen’s novels are love stories that end with the marriage of the main characters, they have long been interpreted as didactic novels because of the poetic justice in them. Austen punishes evil characters who interfere with the harmony of the main characters in her way without exception. However, Austen’s portrayal of Lucy goes against readers’ expectations. Unlike Elinor, the heroine, Lucy has a shallow temperament but appears as Elinor’s rival. Austen even portrays Lucy entering a decent society and living a more affluent life than Elinor. Therefore, the writer in this paper finally concludes that Austen is mocking the world that Lucy enters because Austen allows Lucy to selfishly manipulates the members of it with her flattery and manipulation. The research on Austen's works has centered on the major characters so far. However, since it is clear that Austen ridicules and criticizes the patriarchal society of the 19th century through insignificant figures like Lucy, I hope this paper will lead to in-depth studies on the minor characters in Austen's works as a new research direction for her works.

      • KCI등재후보

        알코올성 간염을 동반한 만성 음주자에 병발된 근융해중 및 급성 신부전증 1 예

        조한선(Han Seon Cho),이종인(Jong In Lee),원구태(Gu Tae Won),김영호(Yeong Ho Kim),이승환(Seung Hwan Lee),이광훈(Hwang Hun Lee),권상옥(Sang Ok Kwon),정순희(Sun Hee Jung) 대한내과학회 1991 대한내과학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        The abuse of alcohol causes many hazards in nearly all organs. One of those is acute alcoholic myopathy. The exact pathophysicological mechanism whereby alcohol exerts its effect on the muscles is not known. However, it seems likely that alcohol has a direct toxic effect on the muscle cells and/or the effect of altering membrane permeability. Acute alcoholic myopathy may present as a fulminant syndrome of muscle pain and tenderness associated with rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure. We present a case of 73-year-old man who developed alcoholic rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinemic acute renal failure after prolonged ingestion of alcohol. Alcoholic hepatitis, rhabdomyolysis, and acute tubular necreosis were confirmed by biochemical methods and tissue biopsy.

      • KCI등재

        『레이디 수잔』에 나타난 간통의 주제와 성 공포

        조한선 ( Han Sun Cho ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2016 현대영어영문학 Vol.60 No.1

        This study aims to explore why Austen decided not to publish Lady Susan and what she tried to conceal from the public eye. These two questions seem to be related to the adultery theme she deals with in Lady Susan and sex panic prevailing in Britain after the French Revolution. Austen had lived in an epoch of revolution. To its surprise, Britain lost American colonies in 1783, and ironically, French absolute monarchy collapsed in 1789 due to the excessive expenditure to help the independence of America from Britain. However, some conservative people blamed French aristocratic court``s moral depravity on the collapse of the monarchy. Around the time when Austen wrote Lady Susan, adultery was also rife among the upper class in Britain. British Parliament tried to purify the society through the law several times, but it proved to be of no effect. Man-dominated British society seemed to attempt to restrain woman``s sexuality as a way of protecting their social system. Austen portrays Lady Susan as a subversive character who is not restricted by social roles the society imposes on her. Through Lady Susan, Austen ridicules and criticizes the fallacy of her society. (Kyonggi University)

      • KCI등재

        오스틴의 전기적 관점에서 『이성과 감성』 읽기

        조한선 ( Cho¸ Han-sun ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2020 영어권문화연구 Vol.13 No.3

        This paper examines Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen’s debut novel, from her biographical perspective. Austen is well-known for her talent for creating completely different stories based on her experiences, so it may be improper to say that her life reflects in her works as it was. However, in her early works, especially in Sense and Sensibility, readers can find more of her biographical elements than in her later works. Therefore, the writer, in this paper, will try to find the Austen sisters’ stories hidden in those of the Dashwood sisters featured in Sense and Sensibility. It may be reckless to trace the Austen sisters’ lives in the fictional characters that Austen made in some respects. Besides, this paper, in part, has no choice but to rely on the writer’s guesses. Therefore, the writer will try to support them with factual evidence based on Austen’s letters, memoirs of her, and her biographies. In the 21st century, the interest in Austen’s personal life has been increasing. Thus, reading the works of Austen in light of her real-life is challenging but also meaningful when it comes to interpreting her novels from a different perspective.

      • KCI등재

        『엠마』의 부녀관계에 나타난 결핍, 공포 그리고 판타지

        조한선 ( Cho Han-sun ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2018 현대영어영문학 Vol.62 No.2

        This paper examines the influence of Mr. Woodhouse, a hypochondriac, on his daughter, Emma, in one of Jane Austen's works, Emma. Emma has almost all the conditions to marry, but she declares she will never marry from the beginning of the novel. Mr. Woodhouse is nervous and fears to part with people he is familiar with, so he hates marriage. Influenced by his lifestyle and way of thinking for a long time, Emma has been so sensitive to his anxiety that she has suppressed her desire for marriage and rejected marriage. The repressed desire arouses a fear because it is hidden. Emma tries to escape from the fear through making fantasies by means of matchmaking, but rather through this, she recognizes her desire for marriage. However, Emma concludes that her filial affection for her father and her desire for marriage can not be compatible. When there seems to be nothing Emma can do, Austen makes Mr. Knightley, a landlord, leave Donwell Abbey and move into Hartfield against readers' expectation. This will allow Emma to share the responsibility of caring for her father with Mr. Knightley. Therefore, Emma will become emotionally independent from her father and finally overcome her fear. (Kyonggi University)

      • KCI등재

        『프랑켄슈타인』에 나타난 출산 모티프

        조한선 ( Han Sun Cho ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2012 현대영어영문학 Vol.56 No.2

        This article aims to illuminate Carrie Meeber as a blue dreamer in Theodore Dreiser`s Sister Carrie. Theodore Dreiser is a naturalist-writer. Naturalism in America was a reaction against realism, which typified the Genteel Tradition. The naturalist theory is this: men are conditioned and dominated by environment, instinct, or chance. So, it is hard for man to succeed, for he is doomed to destroy in spite of his effort. It can be said that the reason why men cause destruction is that individuals are products of their environment. Dreiser accepted complete determinism. Accordingly, American naturalism bursts into blossom from Dreiser`s appearance. Throughout his career, Dreiser believed that life is necessarily a tragedy, and his novels describe his tragic sense of life. So in his first novel, Sister Carrie, he portrays his vision of the naturalism. Carrie Meeber, the heroine, is described as a victim of desire for success and security, and as a helpless victim of environment. She lives life according to instinct, seeking her desire unlike any other heroine of the traditional American novels. Finally, she succeeds in fulfilling her desire, but she is not satisfied with it at all. Sitting in the rocking chair at the end of this novel, Carrie symbolizes her melancholic state of mind. It shows that she is the blue dreamer in her rocking chair. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재

        『설득』에 나타난 하드윅 결혼법과 "설득"의 관련성

        조한선 ( Han Sun Cho ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2014 현대영어영문학 Vol.58 No.4

        This study examines the relationship between the Lord Hardwicke`s Marriage Act and ‘persuasion’ in Persuasion, Jane Austen`s last completed novel. In Jane Austen`s day, the parental attempt to influence a child`s choice of his or her future spouse was frequently described as ‘persuasion.’ It was Lord Hardwicke`s Marriage Act that justified and legalized the influence. Through the Act, the land owning gentry could retain their land within their class. In Persuasion, the heroine Anne Elliot and the hero Captain Wentworth stray apart and suffer from the agony of parting for about 8 years because of ‘persuasion.’ Through making them marry in the end, Jane Austen presents the Navy as a desirable new class, and criticizes irrationality and anachronism of the law and the landed gentry who made the law.

      • KCI등재

        「19호실로」: 분노 인지 및 표현의 회피로 인한 수잔 롤링스의 비극

        조한선(Cho, Han-sun) 새한영어영문학회 2022 새한영어영문학 Vol.64 No.2

        This paper examines the tragedy of Susan Rawlings, the main character of “To Room Nineteen,” by focusing on her anger emotion as an element opposed to her intelligence. Susan, who used to enjoy economic independence as an intelligent and competent career woman in the 1960s, voluntarily chooses unpaid housework with pregnancy and retreats from the public world because she is brainwashed by the gender-role socialization of patriarchal society. Inside her, anger that she does not even know builds up, and finally, it emerges with her husband’s extramarital affairs. ‘Anger’ is a human affect essential for survival, just like any other human emotion. However, Susan intentionally tries not to perceive her anger emotion in herself since her habitual intelligence is captivated by the ‘ideal femininity’ of serving others without anger. Eventually, Susan’s soul becomes the battlefield between her anger emotion and her intelligence. However, she does not overcome the demon, the fear of facing her anger as a way to develop herself. Finally, her habitual intelligence avoids admitting her anger and destroys her body which is the home of the emotion on its own.

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