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      • 미술치료가 성폭력에서 성매매로 이어진 청소년의 자아개념증진에 미치는 효과

        조정자 한국미술치료학회 2002 美術治療硏究 Vol.9 No.2

        This research is related to teenagers who were victims from sexual­selling and have recovered their emotions, improved their self­concept by implementing art therapy. There are 23 sessions and each session will last for approximately one hour.I have made the following conclusions through the obtained conclusion from this research. Art therapy improved sexual-selling teenagers self­concept . In conclusion, I have understood that art therapy does influence this assignment. How are therapy influences teenagers from sexual abuse followed by sexual­selling to improve their self-concept.

      • 쏘聯邦의 政治制度

        趙貞子 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1967 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.10 No.-

        This survey of the political system of the U.S.S.R. was written as part of a textbook to be sued for the lecture on the "criticism of Communism" offered each semester in Ewha Womans University. This study, therefore, emphasizes student analysis of the Soviet government as it appears and as it actually works. I have specifically set out these broad questions which the students may be able to answer in the end. (1) What is the hidden motivation of the Soviet regime? (2) In what ways do the Soviet government differ from the other representative governments? (3) What is the actual relationship between the government institutions and the Communist party? (4) What is the nature of the political leadership and what are the prospects for change in the future? It is by no means an easy task to be able to analyze these questions. There has been the problem of obtaining accessible resources, and the study had to e done at a distance. In the course of studying governments, I have found that to read the textbook on British Government is one thing and to observe how it actually works in the real seat of government in the United Kingdom is an another matter. Aware of these limitations, I have tried to seek out the true nature and functions of the Soviet institutions and where the actual power resides in those institution. The Study Covers Ⅰ. Introduction (A) The historical background of the U.S.S.R (B) The constitution Ⅱ. The Communist Party (A) The characteristics of the Communist party in the Soviet Union (B) The organization Ⅲ. Central Government (A) Elections-Supreme Soviet (B) The Council of Ministers (c) Courts of Law Ⅳ. The nature of the Political leadership.

      • KCI등재

        오순절 교회의 통전적인 성령사역

        조정자 한국선교신학회 2022 선교신학 Vol.67 No.-

        This study is based on the biblical basis of Pentecostal missions, the direct connection between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the life of being a witness of Christ based on Acts 1:8, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the Messianic proclamation of Christ based on Luke 4:18-19. Specifically, this paper discusses the missionary call to the poor, the oppressed, and the captives. Furthermore, it examines the historical and chronological change of the Pentecostal missions. In the early periods, the proclamation of the gospel accompanied by wonders and miracles was the main focus, but it gradually developed into a holistic mission that responded to social situations and included active actions for the marginalized and weak people. In this process, we discuss how the challenge facing Pentecostal missions lies in how the holistic Pentecostal ministry preserves the unique elements of this movement based on pneumatology. 본 연구는 오순절 선교의 통전적인 성령사역의 측면을 살펴보고자한다. 먼저 성서적 접근으로서 사도행전 1장 8절에 의거한 성령세례와 그리스도의 증인되는 삶의 직접적인 연계를 언급하고, 누가복음 4:18-19을 근거로 그리스도는 성령의 기름 부으심과 메시아적 선포, 구체적으로 가난한 자와 눌린 자, 포로된 자들을 향한 선교적 부르심임을 논한다. 나아가 오순절 선교의 역사적인 변천을 살펴 보면서, 초기에는 기사와 이적을 동반한 복음선포가 주를 이루었다가 점차 사회의 상황에 응답하는 통전적 선교로 발전해 사회의 약자들을 향한 적극적인 행동을 포괄함을 논하고자 한다. 그러므로 이러한 과정에서 오순절 선교가 어떻게 오순절 통전적 사역이 성령론에 근거한 이 운동의 독특한 요소들을 보존하며 이시대에 도전할 수 있는 가를 보여주고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        미술치료기법을 통한 성폭행 피해아동의 상담사례

        조정자,김동연 한국미술치료학회 1996 美術治療硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        최근 우리 사회에 큰 문제로 대두되고 있는 사회적 병리현상 가운데 하나는 성폭행의 문제이다. 이를테면 성폭력상담소의 연구에서도 밝힌 바와 같이 30%정도가 13세 이하의 아동에 대한 성폭행이며, 이 중의 40%가 근친상간이라는 점을 볼 때 매우 심각한 문제가 아닐수없다. 외국의 경우에도 이러한 우리의 상황을 지지해 주고 있는 연구가 많다. Russel(1983)은 16%가 18세이전에 적어도 한 번은 강제적인 근친상간의 경험이 있다고 보고했으며, Finkelhor(1980)도 미국의 성인여성 가운데 100명 중 1명이 아동기 시절에 친부로부터 성적 학대를 당했다는 주장을 한 바 있다. Timnick(l985)도 그의 연구에셔 연구대상자의 22%가 아동기 동안 성 적 학대를 경험 했다고 브고 했으며, 이 가운대 27%가 여성이고, 16%가 남성이었다. 특히, 성폭행을 행한 사람은 친구 및 아는 사람이 41%로 가장 높았고, 낯선사람이 27%, 친척이 23% 등의 순위를 나타내었다. The study is a counseling case in a child sexually abused by her stepfather. The child expressed her surpressed emotion through art therapy technique. and present study examined her parents perception through the KFD(Kinetic Family Drawing). Figure 1 and Figure 2 showed the KFD before counseling and Figure 9 presented the KFD toward the end of counseling therapy. As the drawing showed, her conflict toward her family reduced and emotional shift that she wanted to live a happy life with her biological father was expressed. Especially it appered that she perceived the confused mind status of her mother.

      • KCI등재

        Jung의 분석심리학에서 그림자 인식의 중요성과 그림자 통합 방법

        조정자,이종연 한국상담학회 2009 상담학연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The shadow is the dark parts of ego formed by repression of consciousness as inferior and immature personality of unconscious in human psyche. Since shadow is the other personality of ego, this shadow can be destructive or creative dependent on how ego-consciousness deals with it. Based on Jung's analytical psychology, this study categorized persons's attitude of shadow recognition into four types according to the level of individual unconscious and ego-consciousness to address the importance of shadow recognition and explored methods of shadow integration. The results of this study suggest that persons could recover healthy life and live whole life when they recognize and integrate their shadow. The results of this study also could provide a theoretical and practical guide for developing shadow recognition type scale which can be used in understanding true self. 그림자는 의식과 무의식으로 구성된 인간의 마음 중 무의식의 열등하고 미숙한 인격으로서 의식의 억압에 의해 이루어진 자아의 어두운 부분을 말한다. 이러한 그림자는 자아의 다른 인격으로서, 자아의식을 지배하게 되면 파괴적일 수 있다. 그러나 그림자를 자아의식에 통합하면 창조적인 힘을 발휘할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 Jung의 분석심리학적 이론에 기초하여 사람들이 그림자를 인식하는 태도를 네 유형으로 나누어 그림자를 인식하는 것의 중요성을 알아보고, 그림자를 통합하는 방법을 고찰하였다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과는 사람들이 심리적으로 건강하고 온전한 삶을 살도록 돕기 위한 방법에 관한 상담의 이론적․실제적 기초를 제공해준다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • 政經分離政策을 中心으로 한 日本과 中共關係

        趙貞子 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1975 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.25 No.-

        Japan's foreign relations with the People's Republic of China have been one of the most important and controversial issues since Japan regained her independence in 1952. Geographical proximity, historical ties that Japan has with China, and China being a major power with nuclear capability made it vitally important for Japan to keep a pipeline open with her, and the policy of separating economics from politics permitted trade relations with her. In this thesis I am chiefly interested in finding out why it was of utmost important for Japan to adopt this principle of foreign policy toward the People's Republic of China. In the first section, the international situation and historical circumstances which eventually led Japan to adopt this policy will be explored. The second section will deal with the international significance and implications of this policy. In section three I should like to analyze how the actual negotiations on "trade" are used by both the Chinese leaders and the pro-Peking leaders in Japan as a means of changing Japan's policy toward China. An important aspect of this policy treated in the last section is the internal political impact in Japan. The Chief cause of adopting an pursing the policy of separating economics from politics stemmed from international circumstances in which Japan found herself as a defeated nation after the Second World War. It was the nature of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the timing of the singing, the attitude of Communist China and Japan's particular relation to the United Stated that made Japan recognize Nationalist China. Since neither Nationalist China nor Communist China would permit diplomatic ties with any country that recognized the other, it was not possible for Japan to recognize both regimes. Therefore, Japan maintained only economic relations with Communist China without any direct political contact. Sino-Japanese trade relations were based on the reality of both Communist China and Japan. From Japan's point of view it was a realistic approach to maximize economic opportunities and minimize political involvement until the right opportunity came for normalization. By adopting and practicing the policy of separating economics from politics, Japan looked for larger commercial opportunities in the future and t also served as a pipeline between the two big countries in Asia. Form China's viewpoint, it was an " accumulative" approach for the eventual normalization of relations with Japan. Trade was used as an instrument of political pressure and it reflected China's political aims. The volume of trade fluctuated and the techniques China used varied according to the political objectives. China appealed to a " board political spectrum" in Japan through private agreements and exchange of unofficial private delegations. China threatened Japan with suspension of trade, and manipulated her with "friendly trade" and "memorandum trade". Since the agreement for the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations was signed ion September 29, 1972, the controversial issue of "separating economics from politics" has become a story of the past. The admission of Communist China to the United Nations in 1971, Nixon's visit to China in February, 1972, and the eventual change of the policy of ht United Nations gave Japan an opportunity to change her policy and recognize the People's Republic of China.

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