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      • KCI등재
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        Seroprevalence and risk factors of Lyme disease among Korean deer farmers

        딜라람 아지리아,조재학,유석주,박지혁,Acharya, Dilaram,Cho, Jae-Hak,Yoo, Seok-Ju,Park, Ji-Hyuk Korean Society for Rural Medicine and Community He 2019 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.44 No.2

        This study was undertaken to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors associated with contracting Lyme disease (LD) among Korean deer farmers. This cross-sectional study devised questionnaire that addressed farm activities, was devised and the blood samples of 516 Korean deer farmers were tested. LD seroprevalence was determined by Western blot test. Fisher's exact test, the chi-squared test, and the chi-squared test for trend analysis were performed to assess the risk associated with LD. Of total 516 study participants recruited, only 12 (2.3%) were seropositive for LD. The result of the study revealed that only deer farmers raising Elk (Cervus Canadensis) were found to be at significantly higher risk of contracting LD than other deer farmers (p=0.033). In addition, a male sex, an age of < 40 years, and those that had raised deer for < 19 years had higher rates of LD infection than their counterparts. Similarly, those that managed livestock sheds, fed deer, processed industry and prepared compost had higher rates of LD infection. In terms of protective factors, those who did not use protective measures such as wear glasses and masks, or protective gloves and aprons, and those that did not disinfect work instruments and did not shower after work had higher rates of LD than those that used protective measures. In conclusion, preventive health strategies should take into account the profiles of deer farmers at greater risk based on considerations of personal, type of work, and the use of personal protective measures. 목적 : 이번 연구는 인수공통감염병의 고위험군인 사슴농가 종사자를 대상으로 라임병의 감염 실태 파악 및 위험요인 분석을 위해 수행하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 전국 시 군 지역의 사슴농가를 중심으로 516명에 대해 설문조사 및 혈청검사를 실시하였다. 라임병 진단방법은 IFA(Indirect Immunofluorescence antibody Assay, 간접면역형광항체법)와 IFA검사의 높은 위양성률을 보완하기 위해 ELISA 검사 그리고 Western Blot 법을 이용하였다. 결과 : 전국 사슴농가 종사자 516명의 라임병 최종 혈청 유병률은 2.3%이었으며, 엘크 (Cervus Canadensis)만을 기르는 사슴 농가 종사자의 라임병 혈청유병률이 3.6%로 다른 종류의 사슴을 키우는 사슴 농가 종사자보다 라임병 발병 위험이 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다(p = 0.033). 결론 : 국내 사슴농가 종사자들이 인수공통감염병인 라임병에 노출되어 있음을 확인하였고, 키우는 사슴의 종류나 작업 행태, 보호복 착용 여부 등에 따라 라임병 노출의 가능성이 다름을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        Seroprevalence and risk factors of Lyme disease among Korean deer farmers

        Dilaram Acharya(딜라람 아지리아),Jae-Hak Cho(조재학),Seok-Ju Yoo(유석주),Ji-Hyuk Park(박지혁) 한국농촌의학 지역보건학회 2019 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.44 No.2

        목적 : 이번 연구는 인수공통감염병의 고위험군인 사슴농가 종사자를 대상으로 라임병의 감염 실태 파악 및 위험요인 분석을 위해 수행하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 전국 시·군 지역의 사슴농가를 중심으로 516명에 대해 설문조사 및 혈청검사를 실시하였다. 라임병 진단방법은 IFA(Indirect Immunofluorescence antibody Assay, 간접면역형광항체법)와 IFA검사의 높은 위양성률을 보완하기 위해 ELISA 검사 그리고 Western Blot 법을 이용하였다. 결과 : 전국 사슴농가 종사자 516명의 라임병 최종 혈청 유병률은 2.3%이었으며, 엘크 (Cervus Canadensis)만을 기르는 사슴 농가 종사자의 라임병 혈청유병률이 3.6%로 다른 종류의 사슴을 키우는 사슴 농가 종사자보다 라임병 발병 위험이 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다(p = 0.033). 결론 : 국내 사슴농가 종사자들이 인수공통감염병인 라임병에 노출되어 있음을 확인하였고, 키우는 사슴의 종류나 작업 행태, 보호복 착용 여부 등에 따라 라임병 노출의 가능성이 다름을 확인할 수 있었다. This study was undertaken to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors associated with contracting Lyme disease (LD) among Korean deer farmers. This cross-sectional study devised questionnaire that addressed farm activities, was devised and the blood samples of 516 Korean deer farmers were tested. LD seroprevalence was determined by Western blot test. Fisher"s exact test, the chi-squared test, and the chi-squared test for trend analysis were performed to assess the risk associated with LD. Of total 516 study participants recruited, only 12 (2.3%) were seropositive for LD. The result of the study revealed that only deer farmers raising Elk (Cervus Canadensis) were found to be at significantly higher risk of contracting LD than other deer farmers (p=0.033). In addition, a male sex, an age of < 40 years, and those that had raised deer for < 19 years had higher rates of LD infection than their counterparts. Similarly, those that managed livestock sheds, fed deer, processed industry and prepared compost had higher rates of LD infection. In terms of protective factors, those who did not use protective measures such as wear glasses and masks, or protective gloves and aprons, and those that did not disinfect work instruments and did not shower after work had higher rates of LD than those that used protective measures. In conclusion, preventive health strategies should take into account the profiles of deer farmers at greater risk based on considerations of personal, type of work, and the use of personal protective measures.

      • 전두근 근막 피판을 이용한 안검하수의 교정

        이승우,김광수,김홍균,조재학,강정훈,안영 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2004 東國醫學 Vol.11 No.2

        상안검거근의 기능이 불량한 환자에게서 전두근 현수법과 전두근 전이술이 사용되어져 왔으나 이들 방법은 수술 후 재발의 가능성이 높거나 수술기술의 어려움 등과 같은 여러 문제점이 있다. 저자들은 상안검거근의 기능이 불량한 환자에게 전두근 근막 피판을 이용한 안검하수 교정술을 실시하고 그 효과를 보고자 하였다. 수술 전 MRD1가 0~3 mm이고 상안검거근 기능이 0~3 mm로 안검하수의 정도가 심한 11명 18안에게 전두근 근막 피판을 이용한 안검하수 교정술을 실시하였다. 연령은 2~50세로 평균 25세였으며 환자는 남자가 7명, 여자가 4명이었고 단안이었던 경우가 4명, 양안이었던 경우가 7명이었다. 수술 후 평균 11개월의 추적관찰 중 한례에서 우안의 저교정으로 재수술을 시행하였고 또 다른 한례에서 과교정을 보였으며 마시지만으로 호전하였고 그 외의 경우는 만족할 만한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 전두근 근막 피판을 이용한 안검하수 교정술은 간편하고 효과적으로 생각된다. 또한 전두근과 안윤근 같은 인접조직을 이용하여 직접적으로 안검을 거상함으로써 하며 자가 조직 이식보다 더 생리적인장점이 있는 것으로 생각된다. For the correction of ptosis with poor levator function, frontalis suspensioin with various autogenous or non-autogenous materials and direct transplantation of frontalis muscle have been used by many authors. Each of technique have some problems, such as reccurrence of ptosis and difficulty of surgical technique. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the surgical outcome of patients the blepharoptosis who were received a superiorly based frontalis myofascial flap. Superiorly based frontalis myofascial flap was performed an 11 pateints (18 eyes) with blepharoptosis between 0 and 3 mm MRD1, between 0 and 3mm levator function. Age range from 2 to 50 years (mean 25 years). Of the patients, seven patients were male and four patients were female. After the follow-up period of mean 11 months, the Overall results were satisfactory. Even though 2 cases reported poor results. The one case was undercorrection and received reoperation and the other case was overcorrection and improved after massage. Frontalis myofascial flap advancement is a technically simple, safe, and effective technique for the repair of blepharoptosis. The physiologic advantage of frontalis muscle flap advancement that it elevates the eyelid directly by moving the insertion of the frontalis muscle into the eyelid, rather than by autograft.

      • 빛간섭단층계를 이용한 중심성 장액 맥락망막병증의 관찰

        이승우,김홍균,김광수,조재학,강정훈 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2004 東國醫學 Vol.11 No.2

        중심성 장액 맥락망막병증에서 새로운 검사 방법인 빛간섭단층계(Optical Coherence Tomography,OCT)를 사용하여 급성기의 임상경과를 알아보고자 하였다. 중심성 장액 맥락망막병증으로 진단된 15명(15안)을 대상으로 OCT를 시행하여 황반부의 두께를 측정하였으며 그 평균값은 421.80±101.42 μm, 황반부의 부피는 8.58±1.11 mm³이었다. 대상 환자의 최대교정시력의 평균은 logMAR 시력으로 0.28±0.19으로 시력과 황반부의 두께 및 부피와는 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계를 보였다(Spearman correlation coefficient R=0. 566, p<0.01). OCT는 중심성 장액 맥락망막병증에서 장액성 액체량과 망막부피의 변화에 따른 시력의 정도를 객관적으로 추적 관찰할 수 있는 유용한 검사 방법이라 사료된다. Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) is characterized by serous detachment of the neurosensory retina in the macular region. We performed Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) examination to evaluate the sensory retinal detachment of CSC during the acute phase. The 15 patients(15 eyes) whose initial examination disclosed the clinical diagnosis of central serous chorioretionpathy were examined. OCT section acquired directly through the fovea. Serous detachment of the neurosensory retina was seen an the OCT image as elevation of the retinal layers above an optically clear fluid-filled cavity. The mean of thickness at the center of the fovea during the acute phase was 421.80±101.42μm and the mean macular volume was 8.58±1.11 mm³. The best corrected visual acuity (logMAR scale) was 0.28±0.19. Visual acuity was highly correlated to the foveal thickness and macular volume (Spearman correlation coeficient R=0.566, P<0.01). We concluded that OCT can be useful in defining anatomic change and quantitative monitoring in CSC.

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