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        백화점 옥상공원의 계획요소 중요도 및 구성 공간과 시설에 대한 선호도 조사

        조재경(Cho, Jae Kyung),이민아(Lee, Min-Ah) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to configure the spaces and elements of the roof-garden plan that users regard as important, and to investigate their preferred spaces and facilities, ultimately providing basic information for the planning of user-directed roof gardens for local residents. A questionnaire survey was used as the research method, targeting roof-garden users in the L department store of Jeollabuk-do. A total of 225 people responded to the questionnaire, and 223 of them were used for this study. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS ver.18.0, using frequency, percentage, t-test, and one way ANOVA. The respondents preferred rest space the most, followed by the convenient space, landscaping and green space, and play and exercise space. Teenage students preferred the pool and artificial spaces, such as a fountain, and planned convenient spaces and rest spaces, such as a playground. Cafes and restaurants, chairs and tables, and walking trails should be considered for single women in their twenties. Due to the high population of married couples in their thirties, the preference for play facilities and safety facilities was higher than in other groups. The well-educated population in their forties, when viewed from their preference for landscaping and green space, requires the opportunity to rest in nature. The results of this study cannot be generalized since the study was directed at roof-garden users in a department store in Jeollabuk-do. However, it is possible to provide specific information about the user-directed roof-garden plan, since the study was analyzed together with various user variables.

      • 한국건축 전통논의의 성격

        조재모(Cho, jae_mo) 강원대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 기초과학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        본 논문은 1960년대 말부터 진행되어온 한국의 건축전통 논의의 성격을 분석하고 보다 발전적인 관점으로 전환하기 위한 시도이다. 국립종합박물관 설계경기와 부여박물관의 왜색논쟁으로 촉발된 건축전통에 관한 논의는 형태를 위주로 한 것이었다. 1970년대를 거치면서 콘크리트조의 전통형 태 계승이 유행하면서 형태 위주의 논의는 우리전통논의의 큰 맥을 형성하여 왔지만 이는 수동적인 성격을 갖고 있었고,따라서 전통의 문제를 ‘계승하여야 하는 타자로 인식하게 하는 오류를 범하였다 본고는 1920년대 이래의 주택개량운동과 도시형한옥에 주목하여 수동적인 형태 중심의 전통 논의를 극복하여야 한다는 점을 주장하며, 전통논의의 핵심은 점진적 지속성과 방법론적 다양성의 확보임을 결론으로 제시하였다. This study is an attempt to reconsider the angle of vision with analysis on the discussion about Korean architectural tradition, that was provoked by the competition of national museum and PUYO museum of Kim Sugeon. Through 1970s, form-oriented discussion has been the leading issue but on the other hand misguided 'the tradition' as the object to be succeeded. I think we have to pay attention to the long term continuance such as the residential renewal movement since 1920s and construction of urban Han-Ok. Finally, the key point of discussion about architectural tradition might be the continuance and the gradual transition.

      • 지체부자유 환자를 위한 싸이클형 헬스케어 재활훈련기 디자인 개발

        조재상(J. S. Cho),송성미(S. M. Song),권대규(T. K. Kwon),조광수(K. S. Cho),홍정표(J. P. Hong) 한국재활복지공학회 2014 한국재활복지공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        South Korea is rapidly becoming an aging society, and moreover, there is an increasing number of the handicapped by congenital or acquired causes, wherewith there has been a growing interest in rehab medicine industry and rehab training. Hereat, this study was conducted to develop the design of bike-type rehab equipment. In line with it, an investigation was made into the problems of healthcare designs and bike-rehab training, and then the bike-type rehab equipment was evaluated with regard to its usability and applicability, from the perspective of rehab patients. After an ergonomic analysis was made of Koreans’ physical characteristics, a cluster analysis was made of 54 samples, bike-type rehab devices made by 5 companies, in addition to a trend analysis on shapes and colors. Based on the results, idea sketches were evaluated in twice and the design was created with 3D modeling. The proposed designs were evaluated by 10 rehab-device indexes, wherefrom the most ideal proposal was selected. Then, a prototype was made as designed and its usability was evaluated by rehab patients. The last step was to correct and compensate the problems and defects detected in the process of usability evaluation, and the final prototype came out on this wise.

      • KCI등재

        누가-행전에 나타난 빌라도의 초상

        조재천(Jaecheon Cho) 한국신약학회 2011 신약논단 Vol.18 No.4

        눅 3:1과 13:1에 단편적으로 언급된 유대총독 본디오 빌라도는 예수의 재판장면에서(눅 23장) 제국에 대한 반역죄로 고소당한 예수를 심문하고 재판하는 판관으로 등장한다. 산헤드린에서의 재판과 헤롯 안티파스가 주관한 재판에 대한 보도를 통해 누가는 상대적으로 빌라도 법정의 중요성을 부각시키며, 다른 복음서 저자들의 묘사와 비교하여 빌라도를 좀 더 정의롭고 공평한 관리로 그린다. 이미 초도 심문에서 예수의 무죄를 선언한 빌라도는 고소인단의 압력에도 불구하고 무죄판결과 훈계방면이라는 자신의 입장을 고수하다가 마지막에 백성의 요구에 굽히고 만다. 무죄인 예수를 십자가에 못 박도록 방조한 빌라도의 초상은 행 4:27-28에 반영되어, 다른 유대인들과 함께 예수에 대적하는 공모에 가담한 일원으로 묘사되었다. 이는 빌라도 개인을 향한 반감이라기보다는 그레코-로마 세계에서 초기 기독교인들이 직면해야 했던 정치사회적 현실을 반영한다. 누가-행전에 나타난 빌라도의 초상은 1세기 기독교인들에게 제국의 권력이 절대 선도 절대 악도 아닌 복합적이고 다원적인 실체로 인식되었음을 밝혀주는 하나의 스냅 사진과도 같다. This study explores Luke’s portrait of Pilate in light of the portraits found in Matthew, Mark and John. In Luke 13, Pilate is held responsible for brutal and sacrilegious treatment of Galileans who had come to Jerusalem to sacrifice. The text leaves the impression of a harsh governor prone to violence and without respect for religious scruple. The trial scene (Luke 22-23), on the other hand, characterizes Pilate to have moral scruples: he is reluctant to issue a death sentence without adequate cause. Pilate sees clearly from the beginning that the accusations against Jesus are groundless, and resists to the pressure to have Jesus crucified. The Lukan Pilate fares quite well in comparison with Jewish Sanhedrin and the tetrarch Herod, both of whom examined Jesus and acted unjustly. In the end, Luke could not but have Pilate grant the people their wish and allow the innocent Jesus to be crucified. Even then, Luke avoids saying directly that Pilate condemned Jesus to the cross and makes it clear that this is just a matter of giving the populace their way. All this imbues Pilate with a certain amount of concern for justice although Luke’s Pilate shows no particular respect for Jesus. In Acts 4:27-28, Pilate is cast as a conspirator, along with Herod, the people of Israel, and the gentiles in general. Here Pilate is assimilated to the type of the conspiratorial governor, plotting with others to bring about the demise of the righteous. This lack of consistency makes Pilate a round character, not a flat one. However, he is an impenetrable round character. Luke does not seem interested in explaining Pilate’s motives or providing a psychological portrait. Instead, Luke"s central concern for the salvation history behind the complex and round character like Pilate highlights possibilities and limites of the imperial power vis-a-vis the church.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        근대건축 디자인의 색채 사용 특성에 관한 연구

        조재상(Cho, Jae-Sang),유희종(You, Hee-Jong) 한국주거환경학회 2015 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.13 No.3

        Recently, local governments of Korea have been taking the lead in forming modernized streets focusing on modernistic architectures in an effort to enhance the characteristics of urban history and cultural assets. However, the modernistic streets, already formed, show serious disharmony in colors of exterior materials and signs in the coexistence of modernistic and new architectures. Hence, there needs a guideline for color designs for developing modernistic streets focusing on modernistic architectures which can maintain the unique identity of cities. This study was conducted as a basic study on the characteristics of the use of colors in modernistic designs, focusing on color designs limited to school architecture which is a part of the use type of modernistic architectures. As a result of this study, it was found that there are 476 modernistic architecture cultural assets while there are 66 school modernistic architecture cultural assets. 26 of those school modernistic architecture cultural assets, which have historic, academic and artistic values, were taken as samples, and then the colors of them analyzed by means of Korea Standard Color Analysis(KCSA) and visual color comparisons. This study presents a starting point for a reference of the environment color designs of modernistic architectures and modernistic culture streets. This study may hopefully contribute to the ways and improvements of color management and system.

      • KCI등재

        Gout와 통풍(痛風)의 어원 형성과 번역 과정에 관한 의사학적 고찰

        조재흥(CHO Jae-Heung),정재영(JUNG Jae Young) 대한의사학회 2015 醫史學 Vol.24 No.2

        This study aims to address questions regarding the translation of ‘gout’ into ‘tongfeng (痛風)’ in East Asia. To this end, the formation process of the origins, ‘gout’ from Western medicine and ‘tongfeng’ from Oriental medicine, and the translational process were investigated through the relevant records and literature dating from the 16th century on. Symptoms associated with gout were originally mentioned in ancient Egypt and various terminologies were used to refer to gout, such as podagra, cheiragra and gonogra. The word ‘gout’, which is derived from Latin, was used for the first time in the 13th century. The reason for this linguistic alteration is thought to be the need for a comprehensive term to cover the various terms for gout in symptomatic body parts, since it can occur concurrently in many joints. However, it took hundreds of years before gout was independently established as a medical term. In oriental medicine, terms describing diseases with features similar to gout include bibing (痺病), lijiefeng (歷節風), baihufeng (白虎風) and tongfeng (痛風). Among them, the concept of ‘tongfeng’ has been established since the Jin and Yuan dynasties. The cause, prevention and various treatments for tongfeng were proposed throughout the Ming and Qing dynasties. The early translation of gout and tongfeng in East Asia, respectively, is estimated to have occurred in the 18th century. The first literature translating gout in China was ‘An English and Chinese Vocabulary in the Court Dialect (yinghua yunfu lijie, 英華韻府歷階)’. From the publication of this book until the late 19th century, gout was translated into an unfamiliar Chinese character ‘Jiu feng jiao (酒風脚)’, likely because the translation was done mostly by foreign missionaries at the time, and they created a new word on the basis of Western medicine instead of researching and translating similar diseases in oriental medicine. In Japan, the first book translating gout was ‘A Pocket Dictionary of the English and Japanese Language (Eiwa taiyaku shuchin jisho, 英和??袖珍?書)’, Japan’s the first English-Japanese translation dictionary. In this book, gout was translated into tongfeng, a word adopted from oriental medicine. These differences from China are thought to be caused by Rangaku doctors (蘭方醫), who, influenced by oriental medicine in the Jin and Yuan dynasties, played an important role in translating medical terminology at that time.

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