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      • KCI우수등재

        대리형사사법의 원칙에서의 형법적용 흠결 보완기능 연구

        조인현(Cho In Hyun) 한국형사법학회 2016 刑事法硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        오늘날 외국인 입국자가 해마다 늘고 국제테러 범죄가 세계적으로 확산하고 있다. 국제테러, 마약범죄나 조직범죄의 성격을 지니는 국제범죄는 정치범으로부터 제외된다. 또한, 외국인 범죄 전력자가 내국인에게 중한 범죄피해를 입히고 있다. 도피 범죄는 그것이 어디에서 누구에 의해 행하여졌더라도 반드시 처벌되어야 한다는 사고가 타당할 것이다. 외국인의 국외범에 대하여 영미법계에서는 범죄인 인도가 적극적으로 활용되지만, 자국의 입법이나 국제적 관행에 따라 범죄인 인도가 제한되고 있다. 범죄인 인도 거절로부터 발생하는 형법적용상 흠결은 인도거절 대상 범죄 처리에 대하여 아무런 형벌 법규가 마련되어 있지 않다는 점으로부터 발생한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 자국이 외국으로부터 범죄인을 인도받거나 외국에 범죄인을 인도하여 외국인의 국외범 문제를 해결하는 것 뿐만 아니라 범죄인 인도법상 인도거절 범죄인을 처벌하는 것은 형사사법적 정의와 합치하는 것이라고 생각된다. 전통적으로 대리형사사법의 원칙은 국제연대성에 따른 국제범죄 퇴치의 필요성에 기인한다. 이러한 대리형사사법의 원칙은 “범죄인 인도의 난점”을 해소함으로써 도피 범죄인을 방지할 수 있다. 또한, 북한에서 행하여진 북한인 범죄는 외국인의 국외범처럼 우리형법의 실무적 적용 범위를 벗어난 지 오래이다. 독일의 대리형사사법의 원칙은 국제관계에서 외국인의 국외범의 도피를 방지하였으며, 동서독 관계에서 나타났던 형법적용의 흠결을 해소하였다. 1953년 제정형법의 입법자가 미처 예상하지 못하였던 다국적 국제범죄가 계속 저질러지고 있고, 국외 도피범 문제가 우리의 현실로 등장하였다. 우리형법에 있어서도 이른바 국제형법 적용이론은 시대 변화에 상응할 수 있도록 발전적으로 개선되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 외국인의 국외범에 대한 형법적용의 간극을 방지할 수 있도록 대리형사사법의 원칙이 도입되어야 할 것이다. Thanks to the previous studies with the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice, it could be discussed with this article. Historically the Principle evolved from the 1794 ‘Preußische Allgemeine Landrecht’. After the Prussian model act, especially in the continental countries including Germany, Austria and Swiss the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice was legislated in their Penal Codes. This Principle is acknowledged as a part of the International Criminal Law(Internationales Strafrecht). Meanwhile our Korean Criminal Law was influenced by the German Criminal Law and the Japanese Draft for Revising Criminal Act. In European countries the cases of substituted administration of criminal justice had been eagerly discussed focusing in the nationality or passive personality principle. Specially the Principle was very importantly applied in the divided situation of East- and West Germany. The Principle is due to the theory of aut dedere aut punire (either extradite or punish). The incorporation of the Principle in modern codes is exemplified in Germany, Austria and Swiss. Germany, Project of Penal Code (1927) was as follows. The penal laws of the Imperial Germany apply to other acts committed abroad, if the act is incriminated by the law of the place of the act and if the actor … at the time of the act was an alien, has been arrested upon the territory, and has not been extradited, although extradition would be permissible according to the nature of the act. Austrian Penal Code was regulated as follows. Should the foreign state refuse to receive him, the foreign offender will generally be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of the present penal code. While in Japan neither the Penal Code or the Japanese Draft for Revising Criminal Act knew the Principle. But in our Korean Peninsula the Principle would be very important for us to apply Korean Criminal Law in offences committed abroad, whoever committed them outside of the South Korea. Thus our legislator might no longer be lagging in providing for the Principle of vicarious administration of criminal justice.

      • KCI등재

        부진정부작위범에 있어서 위험발생 요건의 연혁적 해석

        조인현(Cho, In-Hyun) 한국형사정책학회 2016 刑事政策 Vol.28 No.3

        The Crimes committed through Omission are regulated in Korean Criminal Act and the article 18 is as follows : When a person who, having a duty to prevent the occurrence of danger, or having caused the occurrence of danger, does not prevent the occurrence of danger, that person shall be punished in accordance with the results of such danger. In 2015 an fatal marine accident of the ship - Sewol was occurred. Thereafter the declaration of our Supreme Court has been made for seafarer s criminal responsibility and the opinions of the Court were dissented between majority and minority. Most of the defendants pertaining in this thesis were sentenced guilty. While the captain of the ship - Sewol committed murders by omission was sentenced as murderer, then the chief mate and the second mate of the ship - Sewol have been acquitted. The responsibility was based reasonably on the principle of nulla poena sine lege. Thus the defendants duty to act is grounded on the regulations as such the Aggravated Punishment Act, the Rescue and Aid at sea and in the river act, and Seafarers ACT. In this article historical interpretation method was tried and the grounds of judicial decisions were studied. Thus it resulted in the validity of majority opinion s of the Court s decision which is applying the criminal regulations .in respect of the principle of no crime without a law.

      • KCI등재

        부작위 살인죄의 구조의무 관련성 연구 - 가안(假案) 규정의 시사점을 중심으로 -

        조인현 ( Cho In-hyun ) 한국경찰법학회 2020 경찰법연구 Vol.18 No.3

        There are two kinds of omissions in criminal law. The first of them has special logical structure as contrasted with genuine meanings in the crime of omission. That is, no one should be punished for a omission which, at the time of its perpetration, is not legally classified by law as a criminal offense, nor should a punishment not provided for by criminal code be applied. It means that a penalty shoud be imposed by certain obligation in compliance with the procedures that corresponds to the principle of no crime without a law. The other was intensively researched in this article as follows : Especially, the author researched the historical interpretation method and tried to find the grounds for the judicial decisions regarding to omission without duty. Also, he respectfully considers the principle of ‘nulla poena sine lege’ in discussing omission without duty. By the way, the Crime committed through Omission without duty isn’t regulated in Korean Criminal Code. Therefore he proposes that it would be improved by introducing the criminal constituent factors like the German Criminal Code and that of the Swiss. Thus, he also argues the criminal of murder by omission without duty could be punished against his breach of law, regardless of his negative behavior. Moreover, he suggests the responsibility could be based on the good Samaritan law in ‘de lege ferenda’.

      • KCI등재

        논 문 : 인터넷 비방 행위의 보편주의(Ubiquitatstheorie) 적용론 -형법상 비방 요건과 관련하여-

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국경찰법학회 2015 경찰법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        According to the Korean Criminal Act and Public Official Election Act, the Internet Defamation as Slander could be punished. Thus, a person who defames the national flag or the national emblem should be punished. Also any person who slanders a candidate (including pre-candidate), his spouse, lineal ascendants or descendants, siblings by pointing out any fact openly should be punished. In most civil law jurisdictions, defamation might be treated as a crime. Even in some common law countries and several american states there are criminal libel laws. Moreover in the chinese criminal act, internet defamation as slander is directly regulated as a crime. The phenomenon of internet crimes is somewhat specipic, it occurs all the same time and appears at every places in the world. It is ubiquitous. The so-called principle of ubiquity is more prevalent than any other theories in applicating criminal law against the distance crime. Nowadays there are two different opinions as to whether the principle should be restricted or extended. The former seems to be reasonable in retrospective of the german criminal law theory, though, it could not be accepted according to the Korean Criminal Act. Therefore it``s proper for the principle to be less restrictively applicated. The grounds are as follows: Firstly, the Korean Criminal Act is different from the german one. Secondly, the national sovereignty and protectionism must be thoroughly acknowledged on the viewpoint of jurisdictional principles following after the article 2 of the Korean Criminal Act. Thirdly, in de lege lata the opinion for restriction against the principle of ubiquity is not proper, because we must abide by the article 2 of the korean criminal code which does not obviously regulate the principle of ubiquity. The strong opinion for restriction against the principle might be resulted in negating the principle of ubiquity.

      • KCI등재

        진술거부권 행사 피고인의 양형 가중 문제 고찰 -마약, 강력범죄 등 중한 범죄 유형을 중심으로-

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 한국형사정책학회 2014 刑事政策 Vol.26 No.2

        The right to remain silent follows from the development and expansion of the role of defense system. The Miranda warning acknowledged the common-law right to remain silent. The right to remain silent was regulated in the Fifth Amendment of the United States of America. But it is open to the court to draw appropriate inferences from the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994(CJPOA) in England. It might be stressed that the CJPOA has not abolished the right to remain silent in the commom-law. It would be better to think about the guidance of estimating sentencing factor for the defendant who has the right to remain silent Nowadays the court has a dilemma for the defendants who have exercised the right to remain silent. At this situation for the most important thing, it needs criteria of sentencing guidelines in the korean jury trial. We have to pay close attention to allow the visual record to be introduced as evidence in trial, even in the case that we ask the prosecution or police to record the investigation procedure to guarantee the transparency of that procedure. However, in sentencing stage, the court could draw adverse inferences from the defendant who is apparently guilty in retrospective of the objective evidence. Labeling and Criminal Careers plays an important role in persistent criminal behaviours. Thus it must be appropriate criminal policy for the application of sentencing factors to resolve labeling against the defendants at the transient period of the korean criminal justice system.

      • KCI등재

        경찰관 불심검문의 수사관련 집행현황과 제약 요인 고찰 - 경직법 제3조 1항을 중심으로 -

        조인현(Cho, In-Hyun) 한국형사법학회 2013 刑事法硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        Die Anlässe in diesem Thema sind aus dem folgenden Gesichtspunkt heraus entstanden, dass die im koreanischen Polizeiaufgabengesetz vorgesehene polizeiliche Befragung eigentlich in der Streit von der Richtikeit liegt. Dazu gibt es in der Befragung die Problematik, dass die Polizei unter welchen Voraussetzungen eine rechtmäßige Maßnahme treffen könne. In der Staatsanwaltliche Kriminalstatistik haben wir die wichtige Rolle der Befragung mit der Strafverfolgung erfasst. Die Zahl der von der polizeilichen Befragung als die Spuren für das Jahr 2011 betrug 340,307. Die staatsanwaltliche Kriminalstatistik von der polizeilichen Befragung verzeichnete die zu viel höhere Zahl der Straftat, nicht nur im Strafgesetz z.B Diebstahl, sondern auch im speziellen Strafgesetz z.B Drogendelikte in Korea. Wenn wir die Ansicht haben, dass die Polizei ihre Aufgaben von der Befragung nicht nur im Bereich der Gefahrenabwehr als die Verwaltungspolizei sondern auch im Bereich der Strafverfolgung nimmt, werden die polizeiliche Maßnahmen von der Befragung gegeben worden sein. Auch ist der Blick der koreanischen Richtersentscheidung von der Befragung der Polizeibeamten wichtig. Mit der Analyse von der Entscheidungsgründe haben wir wahrgenommen, dass die Wahrung der menschen Würde sollte gewährleistet werden, unter allen polizeilichen Maßnahmen die Rechtmäßigkeit zu garantieren. In diesem Zusammenhang würden solche Maßnahmen insbesondere in den Ermittlungsstrafverfahren der Polizeibeamten verfassungsrechtlich gerechtfertigt. Daher ist die Schutz von Privatsphäre von zentraler Bedeutung für das Fortleben der allgemeinen Handlungsfreiheit im Grundrecht. Sicherich wäre eine Beschränkung der Handlungsfreiheit und einer gewissen persönlichen Freierraum sowie mit den Betroffenen inne seiender Würdigkeit von der ermittlichen Befragung ohne gesetzmäßige Gründe nicht zulässig.

      • KCI등재

        국제형사법에 있어서 법률의 착오에 관한 이행법률 적용 방안

        조인현 ( In Hyun Cho ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2015 서울대학교 法學 Vol.56 No.2

        무릇 인간이 저지르는 전쟁범죄 행위가 민간인 피해 발생을 되풀이 해왔다. 이러한 인류의 선험적 악례에서 개인의 형사책임을 추궁하기 위한 초국가적 형법의 당위성이 발견될 수 있다. 그리고 전쟁 수행 과정에서 발생한 민간인 학살행위에 대하여 정당한 형법 적용 명제가 요청된다. 「국제형사재판소에 관한 로마규정」 입법 의도에 의하면 법률의 착오의 성립 요건이 엄격하다. 이 때문에 이러한 로마규정의 이행은 결국 회피불가능한 금지착오에도 면책을 인정하지 아니하게 되므로, 독일에서는 로마규정의 법률의 착오 해석론이 독일의 헌법적 사고에 반하는 것으로 이해되었다. 초창기 법률의 착오에 관한 입법 과정에서는 영미법 학자들에 의하여 법률의 착오의 도입이 거부되어 왔다. 마침내 유엔총회가 국제형사법상 법률의 착오 도입 필요성에 대하여 긍정적인 입장으로 태도를 전환한 것은 프라이부르크 초안에 기인하였다. 하지만 프라이부르크 초안에서 제안된 법률의 착오의 내용이 유엔총회에 제대로 반영되지 아니하였다. 위 로마규정에 대한 법률의 착오 조항의 도입 연혁에 있어서도 영미법과 대륙법의 양 법계간의 의견이 극심하게 대립하였다. 특히 국제적 무력충돌의 중대성에 비추어 볼 때 전쟁범죄에서 법률의 착오 성립 범위가 아주 제한적일 수밖에 없다. 하지만 전쟁범죄에 있어서도 법률의 착오에 기인한 행위자의 면책 가능성이 포기될 수 없다. 이와 같은 이행법률의 적용에 있어서 책임조각설 논의 실익은 행위자에 대해 피해자의 정당방위가 가능하다는 점에 있다. 무엇보다도 행위자의 처벌은 책임의 양에 비례하여 제각기 정당한 형벌이 부과되어야 하고 그러한 형벌의 부과는 행위 관련 정도에 상응하여야 한다. The International Criminal Law and Procesure (Volkerstrafrecht) is a term of art for the foreign application of domestic criminal law. The common law tradition follows the principle of error iuris nocet. Thus everyone should know the law and discover the law before taking action. Different from the common law approach, mistake of law in the civil law is not regarded as irrelevant per se. In the Korean and German Criminal Law, it is a discrete excuse excluding criminal responsibility if it was unavoidable on mistake in criminal law irrespective of negating the mens rea. After the ‘Freiburg Draft’ about ‘mistake of law’, the defendant who commits a crime in the mistaken belief that he is acting lawfully could not be punished. But the draft was not fully respected by the decision of Preparatory Committee for UN. Also, in the cases of the international criminal courts (ICC, ICTY), the defences of mistake of law could not succeed. There are critiques about the sentences of the international criminal courts. That is, it is not good to equate the misconception of a normative element of an offence with the misconception of a factual element. And it is not quite right that the mistake of law shall only be a ground for excluding criminal responsibility if it negates the mental element required by the crime. As a result, we should refrain from disregarding the legal system and criminal law theory of the civil law countries. Therefore, the mistake of law must be a ground for excluding criminl responcibility if it negates knowledge of the unlawfulness of the act. Although the war crime is so wicked that it would appear intolerable, there will be certain circumstances that we can apply mistake of law to the defendant.

      • KCI우수등재

        우리 형법상 무고죄의 해석론적 한계

        조인현(Cho, In-Hyun) 한국형사법학회 2014 刑事法硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        21세기 공동체 사회의 법질서 변천 상황과 맞물려 형법각칙 무고죄가 법규범의 실효성 문제와 타당성 논란이 제기되고 있다. 우리 무고죄는 1940년 일본 형법가안과 동일한 구성요건이 그대로 변함이 없다. 무고는 행위자가 국가의 형사 사법활동을 이용하여 타인에게 피해를 입히게 되는 것이다. 행위자로부터의 법익침해 순서에 따르자면 무고는 개인에 대한 해악이 직접적인 원인이다. 독일에서는 무고죄가 형법 전 편제의 변동 없이 범죄혐의에 대한 무고행위의 처벌이 가능하도록 규정하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 오래 전부터 정치적 무고죄도 시행되고 있다. 그런데 우리 형법상 무고죄는 제정형법 이래 일본형법 가안에서처럼 국가적 법익을 침해하는 죄로 되어 있다. 이러한 형태의 무고죄에 대하여 해석론적 입법론적 고찰이 요청된다. 더욱이 남북이 분단되어 있는 데도 현행법상 무고죄는 대한민국 영역에서 해석 및 적용상의 문제가 있으며 피무고인 보호기능이 불충분하다. 그리고 우리 형법의 무고죄는 국가적 법익 보호 기능에 치중되어 있다. 그래서 무고죄가 해석론적으로 그 적용 범위가 확대되어야 할 구성요건인데도 불구하고 경우에 따라서는 제한 해석되기도 하는 아이러니컬한 현상이 일어나고 있다. 따라서 무고죄에 있어서 형사사법기능의 보호와 병행하여 인간의 존엄성을 해치는 반인도적 무고 행위가 처벌될 수 있도록 독일에서처럼 피무고자의 개인적 법익 보호 기능을 강화하여야 할 것이다. There are opinions over the harms in respect of an legal interests of nation or private citizens in the crimes of false accusation in the korean criminal act. The article 156 for the crimes of False Accusation protects mainly the legal interests of the judicial procedure. Therefore it is necessary that the article should have to be altered to protect the legal interests of private citizens more effectively. Because of changes in social and legal situations it would be better to wide the interpretational range of the article. Moreover, this study investigated on the historical legal background about criminal and disciplinary punishment in the crimes of false accusation. The concepts of criminal and disciplinary punishment was derived from the jerman dynasty criminal act in 1871. There are some limits of interpretation for the crimes of false accusation in the korean criminal act. Thus, my suggestions are as follows. firstly, the legal interests of private citizens should be more than usually respected. Although the expression of the false information might not be detailed description of evidence, the crimes of false accusation should be materialized and those who commit the crimes must be punished. The article also needs to be improved to protect the individual interests more easily, and the crimes of false accusation against humanity have to be also punished by legislation. Secondly, it is appropriate for the degree of recognition for the intention in the crimes of false accusation to recognise the theory of willful negligence (dolus eventualis) . Thirdly, In order to be the crimes of false accusation by the article, the concepts of disciplinary punishment should be sufficient enough for any sanction under the public law.

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        Automotive SoC semi-conductor industry is getting bigger with growth of demand of automotive infotainment. Especially, SoC platform includes CPU, DSP, CODEC and multiple operational units. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable micro-controller platform to be able to use additional functions for other purpose. This design is dynamically reconfigurable in order to maximize utilization of Huffman Decoder and IMDCT block while minimizing dynamic power consumption and circuit size. When compared with a conventional design, the proposed design is 30% better in the number of used LUT4s, 10% better in terms of the number of used SLICE’s, 4% better in terms of SLICE Register, and 14% better in dynamic power consumption of a FPGA device.

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        한국비교형사법학회 추계학술대회 제1주제 발제에 서울대학교 신동운 교수님의 연구사적 중대성이 수록되었던 것은 학문적 논의상 너무도 당연하였다. 교수님께서는 국내에 가안 심의록들을 도입하여 알리고 이들을 학계에서 해독해 낼 수 있도록 진력하셨다. 필자는 교수님의 노고에 머리 숙여 깊이 감사드린다. 아울러 이탈리아 원전이 재인용되었던 점은 본고의 마감일자 준수가 걸림돌이었다. 이 글은 프랑스, 이탈리아, 독일의 불능범론에 이어 제정형법에 도입된 불능범 논의를 비교법적으로 다루고 있다. 여기에는 ‘대법원 2018도 16002 판결’에 대한 해석론적 논의도 포함되어 있다. 불능미수와 관련한 법제연혁 고찰로부터 출발하여 불능범에 관한 제정형법의 독창성이나, 독일을 비롯한 외국 입법례와 차별화된 불능범의 성립범위가 자세히 논증되었다. 프랑스에서는 1810년 나폴레옹 형법전에 의하여 실행의 착수 개념이 규정되었다. 하지만 프랑스 형법전은 불능범 규정을 도입하지 아니하였다. 그리하여 프랑스의 불능미수는 해석론에 의하여 그 범죄 성립범위가 결정된다. 이탈리아에서는 형법학자 베카리아 범죄관에 의하여 발달한 ‘사회적 해’라는 관념에 기초하여 불능범 불처벌주의가 규정되었다. 독일형법에 도입된 실행의 착수 표지는 구성요건 실현의 개시라는 요건으로 구체적으로 개정되었다. 그리고 독일형법은 불능미수범에 대한 처벌주의를 규정하였다. 가안은 일본형법에 의하여 도입된 실행의 착수 표지를 계속 유지하면서 불능범 불처벌주의를 규정하였다. 가안은 제정형법의 불능범 규정의 대본으로 활용되었다. 본고에서 가안의 불능범 도입경위가 상세히 고찰되었다. 가안 심의과정에서 불능범 도입 논의는 泉二예비초안에 기초하였다. 그리고, 주관주의에 입각한 牧野수정안과 여러 대안들이 집중적으로 논의되었다. 가안 기초위원회와 본위원회 최종안 결의를 거쳐 완성된 불능범의 입안은 불처벌주의로 정리되었다. 제정형법은 실행의 착수를 미수범 판단기준으로 규정하였다. 그리고 동법 제27조는 불능범 처벌주의를 도입하여 위험성을 근거로 범죄 성립여부를 판단할 수 있도록 규정하였다. 이와 같은 연구결과에 따라 불능미수의 성립범위는 분명하게 파악될 수 있었다. 144) Our Korean Criminal Act §27 legislated in 1953 provides that even though the occurrence of a crime is impossible because of the means adopted for the commission of the crime or because of mistake of objects, the punishment shall be imposed if there has been a resulting danger, but the punishment may be mitigated or remitted. The provision is related to the Impossible Crime. German Criminal Act §23 (3) is related to the Impossible Attempt. Therefore, Korean Criminal Act §27 is different from German Criminal Act §23 (3). Thus, 'de lege lata' of the Impossible Crime could not be the same Korean Criminal Act as German Criminal Act. The result of this article could be summerized as follows : Firstly, the ruling of the Court is reasonable from the point of view that the Korean Criminal Act §27 should be rather confined to the criminal. And as the author's opinion, it is necessary to impose a restriction on the meaning of dangerousness. Secondly, the unreasonable extention of the scope of the Impossible Crime to punish couldn't be allowed in Korean Criminal Act §27. In this respect, I think, the concrete danger theory would be reasonable in interpreting §27. Also it is proper to interprete the scope of being mistaken by the defendant, and rather within the means or object for the Impossible Crime. Lastly, the author has researched the Impossible Crime in ‘de lege lata’. Moreover, he proposes that it would be improved by introducing the concrete norm of the commensement stage for the commission of the crime in ‘de lege ferenda’.

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