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        무용 전공여고생의 신체만족 및 자아존중감 수준과 신체상의 관계

        조은정(Cho Eun-Jeong) 한국체육과학회 2009 한국체육과학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study were 1) to examine the relations of the body satisfaction, self-esteem and body image of female student majoring in dance from high school. the subjects were 238 female students from high school. the instruments for this study were multidimensional body-self relations questionnaire(Brown, Cash, & Mikulka, 1990), body image scale(Rowe, 1996) and self-esteem scale(Rosenberg, 1965, 1979). The data were analyzed by exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA and MANOVA. Factor analysis showed that body image had four dimensions: attention to grooming, health/fitness evaluation, health/fitness influence, overall appearance evaluation. first, body satisfaction group received highly scores of the level of body image attention to grooming, health/fitness evaluation, health/fitness influence, overall appearance evaluation, and self-esteem than did those in the body dissatisfaction group. second, we found the interaction effects depending upon overall appearance evaluation between the level of body satisfaction and self-esteem.

      • KCI등재

        지시사 시(是)의 연결기능으로의 변천 경로 연구

        조은정 ( Cho Eun-jeong ) 한국중국학회 2018 중국학보 Vol.85 No.-

        본고에서는 출토문헌과 전래문헌 자료를 전면적으로 재조사하여 통계 수치를 통해 지시사 是의 연결기능으로의 변천 경로를 고찰하였다. 본 논문에서는 지시사 是를 통사·화용·의미기능과 선행사와의 거리의 각도에서 목적어전치와 주어 용법으로 나누어 서주 초기부터 전국 시기까지의 용법을 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 지시사 是의 초기 주류 용법은 목적어전치 구조였으며 춘추 이후가 되어서야 주어 구조에 다량 사용된다. 목적어전치 구조는 ‘是V’류와 ‘是V+VP’류, ‘是VP’류로 세분되었는데 ‘是V’류는 唯命是聽의 기원이 되고 ‘是V+VP’류는 접속사 是以를 변천해 내며 ‘是VP’는 是의 계사 용법으로의 변천과 깊은 연관을 지니고 있었다. 주어 용법은 초기에는 ‘是VP’류가 주로 사용되다가 춘추 이후가 되어서야 ‘是NP’류가 급증했다. 본고에서는 이러한 지시사 是의 통사구조별 변천 경로를 도출해내고 是가 지시기능이나 대체기능 외에도 연결기능으로 변천 사용되고 있음을 증명하였다. 이러한 연결기능은 특정한 언어환경에서 획득 가능했으며 연결기능을 지니고 나서야 비로소 문법화된다는 사실도 증명하였다. In the present study, the evolution path of the demonstrative shi (是) into the linking function is investigated through statistical figures by an overall reexamination of unearthed and transmitted documents. The usage is examined from the Early Western Zhou to the Warring States period by dividing the demonstrative shi (是) into prepositional-object and subject usage from the perspective of syntactic, pragmatic, and semantic functions, as well as distance from the antecedent. The initial mainstream usage of the demonstrative shi (是) was the prepositional-object form, and it was commonly used in the subject form only after the Spring and Autumn Period. The prepositional-object form was subdivided into ‘shi+V’, ‘shi+V+VP’, and ‘shi+VP’ types. The ‘shi+V’ type was the origin of 唯命是聽, the ‘shi+V+VP’ type changed the conjunction 是以, and the ‘shi+VP’ type was strongly related to the usage transition of 是 to the copula. Initially, the ‘shi+VP’ type was mainly used for subjects, but then the use of the ‘shi+NP’ type rapidly increased after the Spring and Autumn Period. The present study derives the evolution path of the demonstrative shi (是) by its syntactic structure and proves that shi (是) evolved and was used for a linking function in addition to indicative and substitute functions. It also proves that such a linking function was possible in a specific language environment and grammaticalization occurred only after obtaining the linking function.

      • KCI등재

        홍콩의 지하철역과 주요 거리 이름으로 살펴본 (향항정부월어평음)香港政府월語평音의 표기방법과 문제점

        조은정 ( Eun Jeong Cho ) 중국어문연구회 2015 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.69

        Hong Kong Government’s Cantonese Notation is a kind of notation that Hong Kong government has marked the Cantonese pronunciation by the Roman alphabet. This notation has been used all the way from British colonial days until now, its main purpose is to record proper nouns, such as names, place names, street names and MTR names in Hong Kong. This notation was enacted for foreigners do not know the Chinese characters and Cantonese pronunciation, so it is marked in English, but there’s a big difference between the original Cantonese pronunciation and this Roman alphabet. In particular, all of aspirated sounds and unaspirated sounds are represented by aspirated sounds, the finals are indicated without distinction of long vowels and short vowels. close-mid vowels and open-mid vowels are also used without distinction. In addition, one final is marked by several finals, and several finals are marked by one final. The homophone and pronunciation of the same Chinese character are marked by several forms.

      • 안동지역 물리치료사들의 피로자각증상여부에 대한 조사

        조은정(Cho Eun-jeong) 한국전문물리치료학회 2000 한국전문물리치료학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Participants of this 1998 survey included 100 physical therapists working in hospitals located in Andong City. 77.7% of the participants were in their twenties and 20.2% in their forties. 46.4% of the participants were 3rd year students at a junior college, and 1.0% were college graduates. 67.6% of the participants had less than 5 years experience and 1.0% 16 years experience in their field. 59.6% of the participants were married. Regarding questions about occupational satisfaction, many of the participants replied "normal" for the first and third questions, and few answered "very much". Most of the participants answered "normal" for all the questions concerning their work environment with few replying "very much". With regards to awareness of the physical signs of fatigue, "occasionally, yes" were the most frequent answers. Regarding awareness of the psychological signs of fatigue, the similar proportions of participants answered "occasionally, yes" as that for "feel nothing". Similarly, with regard to awareness of the neuro-sensitive signs of fatigue, there was a similar ratio of participants answering "occasionally, yes" and "feel nothing". It can be concluded that there are many causes of fatigue amongst physical therapists. Improvements in daily nutrition, mental health and general well-being are important in tackling these problems. It appears that fatigue amongst physical therapists may be cumulative and due to prolonged working hours. To promote better daily functioning and early recovery from fatigue, appropriate assignments of working and resting hours are necessary. They would also benefit the prevention of symptomatic problems in the waist and shoulder.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 홍콩의 주요 거리 이름으로 살펴본 월방언(□方言) 차용어의 유형 및 그 특징

        조은정 ( Eun Jeong Cho ) 중국어문연구회 2014 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.65

        香港街道之名和香港的殖民歷史有密切的關係。其建設時期爲一八四一年到一九三十年代 末,卽香港開埠之後的一百年。在這時期建設的香港街道,大部分以香港總督的名字來取名。 除此之外,還有以英國皇室, 香港第一間公共設施, 船隻, 食品, □方言固有的詞彙來取名。 香港街道之名按照飜譯的方法分類的話,可分爲意譯詞, 音譯詞, 半音譯半意譯詞, 基 於意義的新詞之四種。透過這些街道之名,我們可知當時香港獨特的歷史和文化以及與普通 話不同的□方言音韻的特色。 □方言具有53個韻母(普通話只有38個),而且還保存著中古的-p, -t, -k入聲與陽聲韻 -m韻尾,□方言的聲母和韻母相□時,能□出660個音節(普通話只能□出400個音節),因 此標出借詞,其發音比普通話更接近英語的原音。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서양선교사들의 월방언(?方言) 학습교재를 통해 살펴본 근대(近代)시기 홍콩의 학교

        조은정 ( Cho Eun-jeong ) 중국어문연구회 2016 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.75

        Immediately after Hong Kong became a British colony, Western schools are beginning to appear in Hong Kong. In the early days, the various missionary group including Morrison Education Society established schools. Hong Kong government has set up a government school in 1848, after that continuously founded schools for the purpose to educate people. Western schools taught not only Western sciences but also China``s traditional classics, such as the Three Character Classic, the Thousand- Character Classic and the Nine Chinese Classics. This fact is enough to show that Hong Kong government respect China``s traditions and put Chinese(Hong Kong people) in the way of preserving their mother tongue. Hong Kong government made an effort to educate Hong Kong people and therefore established colleges(secondary schools) and universities as well as elementary schools. It was very important to learn music, art and physical education in elementary school. In college, students had to learn Western sciences such as geography, arithmetic, composition, grammar, history, chemistry and geometry. The students could learn the knowledges of advanced sciences and understand advanced social thoughts.

      • KCI등재

        중년 운동참가자의 낙관주의와 긍정적 기대인 희망의 관계

        조은정(Eun Jeong Cho) 한국사회체육학회 2010 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.39

        The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the optimism and hope in middle-aged sport participants. For this purpose, I chose people, 135, who were in sport participants in everyday life. To process the data, I conducted exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis with SPSS 11.0 program and confirmatory factor analysis, structure equation model analysis with AMOS 7.0. The results of this research are as followings. First, optimism had positive effect on pathway thinking of hope. Second, optimism had positive effect on agency thinking of hope. Third, optimism had positive effect on agency thinking compared with path thinking.

      • KCI등재

        상고중국어 근칭지시사의 접속사로의 문법화 연구

        조은정(Cho, Eun-jeong) 한국중어중문학회 2020 中語中文學 Vol.- No.81

        In this paper, we discussed the ways in which the two proximal demonstratives of CI (此) and SI (斯) are grammaticalized as conjunctions. After a review, we came to the conclusion that the grammatical usage of CI (此) and SI (斯) as conjunctions was different. CI (此) is used when CI (此) from the grammatical structure of “VP, 此+VP” is no longer substituting the antecedent which is then grammaticalized into a clause conjunction that represents the cumulative from the subject, and furthermore evolves into a sentence conjunction that demonstrates the cumulative. SI (斯) is initially used as a parallel phrase conjunction in the grammatical structure of “V+斯+V”, then grammaticalized into a clause conjunction that represents the cumulative word from the subject. From this, we realized that the proximal demonstratives do not change but work as a cumulative as they are grammaticalized into a clause conjunction, and the way in which they are grammaticalized can be different even when compared to other identical proximal demonstratives.

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