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        디지털 증거에 있어 ‘동일성’·‘무결성’의 증거법적 검토

        조은별(Cho, Eun-Byul) 한국형사법학회 2021 형사법연구 Vol.33 No.4

        판례는 디지털증거의 증거능력 요건으로 ‘동일성’과 ‘무결성’을 언급한다. 그런데 동일성과 무결성에 대한 학계 논의를 살펴보면 ‘동일성’을 진정성이라는 용어로 나타내기도 하고, 또는 ‘무결성’을 진정성이라고 하기도 하며, ‘동일성’을 무결성으로 표현하기도 한다. 디지털 증거에 있어 ‘동일성’과 ‘무결성’을 요구하는 법적 근거가 뚜렷하지 않다 보니, 법을 근거로 해석론을 전개하는 것이 아니라 용어를 중심으로 해석론을 전개함으로써 야기되는 문제라고 보여진다. 또한 이미 체계적인 입론을 구축하고 있는 미연방증거규칙 제901조를 전제로 해석하는 경우가 많은데, 이 때 제901조에 등장하는 ‘Authentication’ 및 ‘Identification’에 대한 제대로 된 이해 없이 번역된 용어를 통해 논의를 진행하는 것 역시 이유 중 하나이다. 이와 같이 사용하는 용어와 개념 자체가 통일되어 있지 않다보니 디지털 증거의 증거능력에 대한 올바른 고찰을 제시하지 못하고 오히려 혼동을 야기하는 경우도 발생한다. 따라서 ‘동일성’과 ‘무결성’에 관한 논의를 전개하고자 한다면, 일단 미국에서의 ‘Authentication’과 ‘Identification’의 개념을 정립하고 우리나라에서 쓰이는 용어와의 얽힌 타래를 풀어내는 일이 선행되어야 한다. 그 이후에는 ‘동일성’과 ‘무결성’이 디지털 증거에 있어 증거능력 요건으로 요구되는 이유 및 우리 법체계를 살펴 그에 부합하는 정의를 내려야 할 것이다. 그리고 이를 증거능력 요건으로 포섭시킬 수 있는 법적 근거를 밝혀 우리 증거법 내에서 ‘동일성’과 ‘무결성’이 차지하는 위치를 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 그런데 판례는 주로 동일성 및 무결성의 구체적인 입증방법에 그 논의가 집중되어 있으며, 그 외의 부분에 있어 법원의 태도를 체계화시켜 이해할 수 있을만한 사례가 충분히 누적되어 있지 않다. 따라서 현재로서는 형사정책적 판단을 전제로 하는 한편 관련 사례가 충분히 누적되어 있는 미국에서의 논의를 참고로 할 수밖에 없는데, 이 때 무조건적으로 미국의 논의를 받아들일 것이 아니라 우리 법제와도 조화될 수 있는 것인지 여부를 살펴 신중하게 살펴보는 태도가 필요할 것이다. Courts refer to ‘Authentication’ and ‘Integrity’ as the admissibility requirements of digital evidence. However, if we look at the academic discussions on these, scholars mix these words with each other or with other concepts. This is a problem caused by the fact that the legal basis for demanding ‘Authentication’ and ‘Integrity’ in digital evidence is not clear, so theory is not developed based on the law, but centered on terms. In addition, scholars often proceed the discussion citing Rule 901 of the Federal Rules of Evidence which is acknowledged establishing solid view on this topic, without much accurate understanding about it. As such, since the terms and concepts used are not unified, it becomes impossible to provide a correct insight into the admissibility of evidence of digital evidence, but rather causes confusion. Therefore, in order to develop a discussion on Authentication and Integrity , it must be preferentially preceded by establishing the concept of terms used in Article 901 of the Federal Rules of Evidence and unraveling the entanglement with terms used in Korea. After that, a definition of ‘Authentication’ and ‘Integrity’ should be made by looking at the both the reasons why these are required as requirements for admissibility of evidence in digital evidence and the structure of our legal system. And it is necessary to clarify the position of Authentication’ and Integrity in our Evidence Law by finding the legal basis that can embrace these. However, the issues of legal cases are mainly focused on how to satisfy the requirements of Authentication’ or Integrity , and there are not enough cases to analyze and understand the court s attitude in other areas. Therefore, at the present time, it’s inevitable to refer to the discussion in the United States, where related cases have been sufficiently accumulated. However, we should keep in mind that rather than unconditionally accepting the US discussion, it will be necessary to carefully examine whether it can be harmonized with our legal system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Sauve-Kapandji 수술 후 한방재활치료에 대한 증례보고

        조은별(Eun-Byul Cho),금지혜(Ji-Hye Geum),백동기(Dong-Gi Baek),이정한(Jung-Han Lee) 척추신경추나의학회 2019 척추신경추나의학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to report the clinical progress of a patient exposed to a Sauve-Kapandji procedure after being diagnosed with dislocation of distal radioulnar joint and was treated using Korean medicine rehabilitation treatment. Methods : During the admission period, the patient was treated with acupuncture, cupping, herbal medicine, and Chuna therapy. The clinical progress was assessed by using range of motion(ROM), manual muscle test(MMT), numeric rating scale(NRS), and pain disability index(PDI). Results : After receiving the above treatments, the active ROM and motor grade of the elbow, wrist, and finger joints were improved; the NRS and PDI were decreased. Conclusions : Although this is a single case report, Korean medicine rehabilitation treatment, including Chuna manual therapy, might be an effective intervention for a patient after being exposed to a Sauve-Kapandji procedure.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        구강편평태선을 동반한 천공성 광택태선

        조은별 ( Eun Byul Cho ),이영숙 ( Young Wook Lee ),박은주 ( Eun Joo Park ),권인호 ( In Ho Kwon ),조희진 ( Hee Jin Cho ),감광호 ( Kwang Ho Kim ),김광중 ( Kwang Joong Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2010 대한피부과학회지 Vol.48 No.11

        Lichen planus is an unique, common inflammatory disorder that affects the skin, mucous membranes, nails and hair. Oral lichen planus is among the more common mucosal conditions with an unknown etiology. Lichen nitidus is an uncommon, usually asymptomatic cutaneous eruption that is characterized by the presence of multiple, small, flesh colored papules. Perforation in lichen nitidus is a rare phenomenon. Lichen nitidus is distinguished from lichen planus on both clinical and histologic grounds. However, the possibility that lichen nitidus represents a micropapular variant of lichen planus has never been definitively excluded. Herein, we report on a case of perforating lichen nitidus associated with oral lichen planus. (Korean J Dermatol 2010;48(11):1012∼1015)

      • 골절에 한약을 적용한 한의학 증례보고 문헌고찰

        조은별(Eun-Byul Cho),심상송(Sang-Song Shim),한용민(Young-Min Han),안재윤(Jae-Yoon Ahn) 대한모유수유한의학회 2020 nipple confusion,breastfeeding consultation,IBCLC, Vol.1 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this literature review was to research fracture cases treated with herbal medicine in Korea. The analysis was focused on the fracture site, outcome measure, herbal medicine decoction and medicinal herbs. Methods: We searched case reports of fractures treated with Korean medicine, published since 2011 until 2020 November, in five Korean databases. The key words Fracture (in Korean and English) and Case (in Korean) were used to obtain the data. Studies that did not use herbal medicine and studies that did not indicate medicinal herbs were excluded. Results: Numeric rating scale or visual analog scale were used in 34 cases. Among the 35 case reports, the most used herbal medicine, Dangguisu-san was reported in 8 cases. Sipjeondaebo-tang, Bojungikgi-tang, Samul-tang were used in 3 cases. Common reasons for using the herbal medicine were pain and swelling control (20 cases), bones and muscles strengthening ( 17 cases), blood circulation (15 cases), and bone healing ( 6 cases). Conclusion: In Korean medical case reports, imaging tests and various evaluation methods are used to diagnose fractures. Appropriate treatment methods and herbal medicine prescriptions are used according to the patient s symptoms and the stage of fracture healing. Various case reports of fractures and additional experimental, clinical studies on the specific effects of herbal medicines on the bone fusion process are needed in the future.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Clyclosporine으로 치료한 포진상 농가진

        조은별 ( Eun Byul Cho ),최우진 ( Woo Jin Choi ),승나르 ( Na Reu Seung ),박은주 ( Eun Joo Park ),조희진 ( Hee Jin Cho ),김광호 ( Kwang Ho Kim ),김광중 ( Kwang Joong Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2010 대한피부과학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Impetigo herpetiformis is a rare, severe dermatologic disorder that is similar to a type of pustular psoriasis that predominantly occurs during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This condition usually resolves after delivery and it rarely continues until the postpartum period. Systemic corticosteroids have proven to be the drug of choice for the management of impetigo herpetiformis. In the postpartum period, oral retinoids such as isotretinoin, etretinate and acitretin can be used to control impetigo herpetiformis, but their side effect such as teratogenicity is a big issue to women of child-bearing age. We report here on a case of impetigo herpetiformis in a 28-year-old woman who did not respond to oral corticosteroids, but she was treated successfully with cyclosporine. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case of impetigo herpetiformis treated with cyclosporine in the Korean medical literature. (Korean J Dermatol 2010;48(5):420~423)

      • KCI등재

        부모의 코칭리더십이 고등학생 자녀의 그릿에 미치는 영향: 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개효과

        조은별 ( Eun-byul Cho ),탁진국 ( Jin-kook Tak ) 한국청소년학회 2022 청소년학연구 Vol.29 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to elucidate the causal mechanism that parental coaching leadership leads to children's grit through psychological empowerment for high school students, and the mediating effect of psychological empowerment in the relationship between parental coaching leadership and grit was investigated. For this purpose, parental coaching leadership, psychological empowerment, and grit were measured for 313 high school students across the country. For data analysis, mediating effects were verified using SPSS 25.0 SPSS Macro Process 4.1. As a result of the study, it was found that psychological empowerment had a mediating effect on the relationship between parental coaching leadership and grit. This study is the first study on parental coaching leadership, and it is meaningful in that it is the first study to reveal that coaching leadership mediates psychological empowerment and affects grit even in the relationship between parents and children, not at work. The results of this study suggest that education and experience should be provided to improve the psychological empowerment of high school children along with the development of programs to improve parents' coaching leadership and the spread of coaching culture in the home.

      • KCI등재

        백반증 병변에 국한하여 발생한 건선 1예

        조은별 ( Eun Byul Cho ),이민경 ( Min Kyung Lee ),정지윤 ( Ji Yun Jung ),박은주 ( Eun Joo Park ),김광호 ( Kwang Ho Kim ),김광중 ( Kwang Joong Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2016 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.54 No.5

        Although the coexistence of vitiligo and psoriasis is well known and considered not unusual, psoriasis localized exactly on vitiliginous lesions has been rarely reported. We report a 13-year-old girl with erythematous scaly plaques localized only on the depigmented vitiliginous patches after narrow-band UVB therapy. Biopsy samples were taken from the areas where the new erythematous plaques occurred. Considering the clinical findings and the biopsy results, our case corresponds to psoriasis co-localized with vitiligo. After the patient discontinued phototherapy and started oral cyclosporine, the psoriatic lesions improved. We report a rare case of psoriasis arising strictly on vitiligo lesions. (Korean J Dermatol 2016;54(5):385∼388)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        방사선 투시검사로 인한 만성 방사선 피부염

        조은별 ( Eun Byul Cho ),송병한 ( Byong Han Song ),박은주 ( Eun Joo Park ),권인호 ( In Ho Kwon ),김광호 ( Kwang Ho Kim ),김광중 ( Kwang Joong Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2012 대한피부과학회지 Vol.50 No.7

        Fluoroscopy-induced chronic radiation dermatitis (FICRD) is a cutaneous disorder that results from prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation during interventional procedures. With the expanded use of interventional procedures, there is increased fluoroscopic exposure. However, diagnosis and treatment of such disorder remain difficult. Herein, we report on a case of FICRD that occurred in the right subscapular area. (Korean J Dermatol 2012;50(7):614∼ 617)

      • 피아노듀오중심 음악치료프로그램이 장애⋅비장애아동의 형제관계 및 상호작용에 미치는 영향

        조은별(Eun-Byul Cho),문소영(Soyoung Moon) 한국음악치료심리재활학회 2022 음악치료심리재활연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 피아노듀오중심 음악치료프로그램이 장애⋅비장애아동의 형제관계 및 상호작용에 미치는영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 만 18세 미만의 발달장애판정을 받은 아동과 비장애아동으로구성된 형제 3쌍으로 선정하였다. 피아노듀오중심 음악치료프로그램은 단일집단으로 2017년 1월 7일부터2017년 4월 8일까지 주 1회 총 12회기씩, 한 회기 당 40분씩 진행하였으며, 프로그램 전후로 사전-사후검사를실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 비장애아동이 지각한 형제관계와 어머니가 지각한 형제관계가 전반적으로 증가된모습을 보였다. 형제 C의 어머니가 지각한 형제관계의 경우 12% 감소되는 변화율을 보였으나 하위영역으로나누어 살펴 볼 때 형제 C의 경우 경쟁의식 및 부정성 점수가 감소되어 형제간 상호작용에 변화가 나타났음을도출하였다. 이를 통해 피아노듀오중심 음악치료프로그램이 장애⋅비장애아동의 형제관계 및 상호작용에영향을 미칠 수 있음을 시사하며 음악치료분야에서 피아노듀오의 치료적 사용 및 장애⋅비장애아동이 함께하는 프로그램의 기초 연구로써 의의를 둔다. This study analyzes the effects of piano duo-based music therapy program on the sibling relationships and interactions of disabled and non-disabled children. For the research, three pairs of siblings consisting of children under the age of 18 with developmental disabilities and non-disabled children were selected. Using single-subject research design, total 12 sessions of a 40-minute the piano duo-based music therapy program were provided once a week for from Jan. 7th 2017 to Apr. 8th. Pre- and post-tests were performed before and after the program. The result of this study suggests that there was an general improvement in the scores for sibling relationships reported by the non-disabled children and the mothers. Sibling relationships score reported by the mothers from pair C decreased by 12%; however, pair C still showed decrease in scores for negative domains especially the sense of rivalry/competition score indicating a lower level of negativity in their sibling relationship. In conclusion, the study proves that piano duo-based music therapy program can influence the sibling relationships and interactions of disabled and non-disabled children. The study attempted to provide a basis for further researches investigating programs for disabled and non-disabled children’s sibling relationships and the therapeutic use of piano duo-based program.

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