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        전산화 단층 촬영을 이용한 악관절 내장증에 관한 연구

        조대희,김재덕,Cho Dae-Hee,Kim Jae-Duk 대한영상치의학회 1988 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.18 No.1

        This study was performed to clarify the mechanism of clicking sound and locking on temporomandibular joint and to determine the radiographic findings of them by using computed tomogram. Through the preliminary study with cadavers, the proper scanning condition and the correlatonship between the anatomy of cadaver and computed tomogram had been determined. The subjects were consisted of 10 controls and 16 patients having clicking sound or locking on temporomandibular joint. By using Hitachi-W500 as computed tomographic device, direct axial views and sagittal views reformed according to the changes in window setting and using the non-linear fraction were taken and analyzed by visual method and measuring the attenuation numbers. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The density of the anterior band of meniscus showed isodense to the surrounding muscles in normal. 2. In patient group, affected side showed increased radiopaque area anterior to condyle and underneath articular eminence as the feature of anteriorly displaced meniscus on axial and sagittal views. 3. In patient group, the condyle was rotated postero-laterally in affected side. 4. Non-linear fraction highlightened the feature of anteriorly displaced meniscus.

      • KCI등재

        연변 조선족 시인들의 시에 나타난 백두산의 의미

        조대희(Cho, Dae-hee),이승하(Lee, Seung-ha) 한국비평문학회 2016 批評文學 Vol.- No.61

        연변 조선족 시인들의 시에는 백두산을 소재로 한 작품들이 적지 않다. 특히 오랜 냉전으로 인해 남북 간, 대한민국과 중국 조선족 동포사회 간 교류가 단절되었던 상황에서 민족의 성산으로 일컬어지는 백두산의 의미를 조선족 시인들의 시를 통해 되짚어보는 일은 중요한 의미가 있다. 백두산과 관련한 여러 시들을 통해 다음과 같은 특징들이 나타나고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 우선 모성적 성지로서 천지가 지닌 이미지다. 화산 활동을 통해 생성된 천지는 북쪽으로는 송화강, 동쪽으로는 두만강, 그리고 서쪽으로는 압록강으로 이어진다. 역사적 수난기에 백두산에 오르거나 백두산을 그리워하는 행위는 천지가 곧 아픔을 정화하고 치유하는 기능을 수행하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이처럼 천지는 우리 민족이 터전으로 삼은 만주와 한반도의 중심부에 위치하며 모성적 성지로서 정신적 지주 역할을 해오고 있다. 다음으로 1880년대 대기근을 피해 고향을 떠난 조선족들이 겪은 이산의 아픔과 연변 정착 과정의 고통이 백두산을 통해 잘 나타나 있다. 이민족으로서 타국 타지에 정착하는 과정에 차별과 모욕을 견뎌온 조상들의 애환도 잘 드러난다. 고국이 일제에 강점된 후에는 독립군들이 백두산과 연변 지역에서 전개한 항일 투쟁과 고난 성취 과정 등이 나타나 있다. 이것은 백두산이 우리 민족의 살아있는 역사적 현장임을 생생하게 보여준다. 마지막으로 민족의 분단과 갈등의 현실을 마주하며 동질성 회복을 위한 구심체로서 백두산을 예찬하고 있다. 백두산의 지리적, 역사적 현장의 의미를 되새기면서 민족의 원형을 각성하고 신뢰 회복을 통해 통일을 이룩하기를 바라고 있다. 이를 통해 널리 인류의 평화와 번영의 길로 나아가기를 소망한다. 세 가지로 나누어본 백두산의 의미와 가치는 개별성을 넘어 상호 유기적으로 연결되어 있다. 이것은 백두산의 의미가 단순히 신화에 머무르지 않고 우리 민족의 역사적 현장에 늘 함께 하고 있기 때문이다. 이처럼 분단된 조국의 현실에서 연변 조선족 시인들이 한민족의 정체성과 민족혼을 백두산을 통해 보여주고 있다는 점은 민족동질성 회복을 위해 분단국가에 살아가는 시인의 사명을 되새겨보게 한다. 그러므로 이러한 일련의 성과는 문학사적으로도 매우 가치가 있다. There are lots of poems about Mt Baekdu written by the ethnic poets living in Yanbian province, China. It is very significant to review the Mt Baekdu called the sacred place of all the Korean through the poems by the ethnic poets especially in Yanbian province in the condition of the separation and the severance of an interrelationship between South-North Korea and South Korea-Ethnic Korean living in China incurred by Cold War. In regard to Mt Baekdu, the following features come into sight. First of all, Chunji at the top of Mt Baekdu appears to be a maternal sacred place in the poems. Chunji which was created as the result of a volcanic activity is connected to Songhwua river to the north, Tumen river to the east, Yalu river to the west. Such an act of Climbing up or yearning for Mt Baekdu during the national and historical periods of ordeal shows that the Chunji has the functions for purifying and healing its torments soon after. Like aboves, Chunji that we (our ethnic group) used to set up a base for the nation is located not only in the middle of Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula ,but also functioning as a spiritual anchor and a maternal sacred place in the mind of poets. Second, the poetries regarding Mt Baekdu well describe the ethnic Koreans, living in Yanbian who had left their hometown escaping from the great famine in homeland in 1880, suffering lots of painful separations and the difficulties of settling in Yanbian province. They also show Joys, sorrows, discriminations and insults that our ancestors went through in the process of settling in a foreign country as emigrants. The anti-Japanese struggles and fights broken out in the area of Mt Baekdu and Yanbian province by Korean resistance guerrilla for their independence and the process of overcoming hardship under Japanese imperialism appear vividly in the poems. It also shows that Mt Baekdu represents the vivid historical site and the background to all the Korean who lost their homeland. Lastly, the poetries praise Mt Baekdu as a centripetal point for recovering cultural homogeneity, facing the reality of separation, conflicts and discords of Homeland.The poetries wish the nation to be reunified through the process of awakening and arousing national consciousness by reminding the geographic and historic meanings of Mt Baekdu. The poets also hope that unified Korea contributes to the way of the peace and the prosperity for the whole world. The meanings and values of Mt Baekdu divided into three dimensions are mutually and organically linked together beyond the individual characters. This is because Mt Baekdu remains not only as a myth but also accompanies in the historic place at all times with us. In spite of the national separation, the ethnic Korean poets in Yanbian province tried to present the national identity and the spirit through Mt Baekdu and which reminds the poets living in the separated country of recovering the national homogeneity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        SMED 기법을 적용한 사출공정의 가동준비시간 단축 사례 연구

        조대희 ( Dae-hee Cho ),이지수 ( Ji-soo Lee ),이강원 ( Kang-won Lee ) 대한설비관리학회 2018 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Manufacturing organization must increase production process flexibility to cope with demand for high diversity and low quantity. To get greater flexibility, organization must find ways to reduce setup and changeover time through elimination of waste and non value added setup activities and convert time spent on changeovers to production time. SMED(Single Minute Exchange of Die) is one of the most successful lean production method for reducing waste in a manufacturing process. This paper describes the application of SMED concept for reduction of changeover time and increasing productivity in injection process industry. The process of reducing changeover time implemented in a case company is described in detail. The implementation has enabled reduction of injection mold changeover time by 81% after changing some of the internal activities to external activities and proper streamlining of activities using SMED technique.

      • KCI등재

        경찰 우범자 관리의 패러다임 전환

        조대희(Cho, Dae Hee) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2016 경찰학연구 Vol.16 No.3

        경찰의 우범자 관리를 법제화하기 위해 정부와 국회에서 입법화를 시도하였으나, 인권침해 등을 이유로 답보상태이며 그간 제시된 법안의 내용도 지금 경찰이 하고 있는 업무관행 현실을 법제화하는 수준에 그치고 있어 국민적 공감대를 형성하지도 못하고 있다. 우리나라의 우범자 관리는 애초부터 조직폭력배 검거 등 ‘신속한 수사’ 목적에 초점을 두고 관리해왔기 때문에 재범방지와는 거리가 멀고 특히 우범자의 재사회화라는 가치와는 동떨어져 있어 실질적인 범죄예방효과를 기대하기 어렵다. 즉, 경찰 주도의 우범자 관리는 ‘감시’ 중심으로 흐를 수밖에 없어 형식적인 점검 수준에 그치고 있는 것이다. 이제는 우범자 관리를 신속한 수사보다는 ‘재사회화를 통한 재범방지’에 방점을 두고 경찰 단독이 아닌 ‘관련기관간의 협업’을 통해 이루어지도록 패러다임이 전환되어야 한다. 이를 위해 Polibation과 같은 경찰과 보호관찰의 유기적 협력방안 뿐만 아니라, 치안 거버넌스 차원에서 지역 치안공동체를 활용하는 방안이 검토되어야 한다. If an potential offender repeats a crime, the primary responsibility is given to the police because they did not handle the situation very well. The regulation of potential criminal is required, despite how late it is, in order to establish a safe society. In Korea potential criminals are controlled by minor police branch groups such as “rules regarding potential criminal information gathering”. Especially when the 1991, the rule was established, observing those with a criminal record, establishing them as potential criminals in order to prevent repeated crimes. So far, the regulations of potential criminals have no laws or systems overseeing it in Korea. This fact comes in conflict with the rules regarding individual privacy, leading to a rather overly formal and minimal method. In addition, the regulations related to potential criminals management have not affected the original purposes, efficient investigation and crime prevention. And there are no regulatory justifications in terms of purpose, definitions, types, selection(inclusion), screening and material disposal. As mentioned before, while problems regarding repeated offence by potential criminals are found in many areas, the solution can be first found in considering change on how the law treats the so-called potential criminals. It is considered the most realistic solution in terms of problem solving so far as to especially insert provisions for the amendment on the act to promote the regulation of “the Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers”, which can be called the common law standard in police activity. But, since the ultimate goal of the prevention of recidivism is to fully reintegrate criminals back to society, we must consider that multi-agency public protection arrangements such as the police and protection surveillance to install related agencies configure the system to work together and consistently manage the rehabilitations. There is a limit to prevent recidivism only by police surveillance. In particular, amid no measures in place for existing problems, such as no criteria for proper assessment of recidivism risks and blind spots in the control of data collected by police, allowing for management of potential criminals is not desirable from the criminal policy standpoint.

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