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        루쉰의 중국 고대소설 연구 3 : 일본 학자 마스다 와타루增田涉와의 학문적 교류

        趙寬熙(Cho, Kwan-Hee) 한국중국소설학회 2020 中國小說論叢 Vol.61 No.-

        루쉰의 주요 업적 가운데 하나는 중국소설사를 집필한 것이다. 루쉰의 《중국소설사략》(이하 《사략》으로 약칭함)은 이후 여타의 중국소설사를 압도하면서 일종의 경전의 위치까지 올라섰을 정도로 후세에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 《사략》의 영향력은 중국 국내에 국한되지 않았으니, 출간 즉시 해외 학자들의 큰 관심을 받았다. 이에 앞서 루쉰은 일본의 대표적인 중국문학 연구가인 시오노야 온鹽谷溫을 비롯한 몇 명의 학자들과 학문적 교류를 이어오고 있었다. 그런 가운데 시오노야 온의 제자인 마스다 와타루增田涉는 대학 졸업 직후 직접 루쉰이 살고 있던 상하이에 와서 루쉰의 가르침을 청했다. 마스다는 1931년 4월부터 12월까지 약 8개월 간 매주 한두 차례씩 루쉰과 만나 《사략》을 강습받았다. 마스다가 중국을 떠나 일본으로 돌아간 뒤에는 《사략》을 번역하면서 의문 나는 것들을 편지로 물었고, 루쉰은 그런 질문들에 대해 꼼꼼한 답을 주었다. 그런 과정을 통해 결국 마스다는 루쉰과 만난지 4년 만인 1935년 《사략》의 일역본을 출간할 수 있었다. 그리고 두 사람 사이에 오갔던 편지들은 마스다 사후인 1986년에 《루쉰·마스다 와타루 사제 답문집魯迅·増田渉師弟答問集》(汲古書院)이라는 한 권의 책으로 묶여져 나왔다. 이를 통해 우리는 두 사람 사이에 학문적 교류뿐 아니라 이를 넘어선 사제 간의 진한 믿음과 우정마저도 엿볼 수 있다. One of the outstanding achievements of Lu Xun is to write a History of Chinese Novels. Lu Xun’s A Brief History of Chinese Novels had a great effect on the future generation and since then overwhelmed other histories of Chinese novels to be a kind of canon. The influence of A Brief History of Chinese Novels did not confine itself to China, and attracted the biggest attention of the foreign scholars just after publication. Before this, Lu Xun had a scholastic exchange with several scholars including Shionoya On, one of the representative scholars in Japan. In the meanwhile, Masuda Wataru, the student of Shionoya On, came to Shanghai where Lu Xun lived in and asked Lu Xun to teach him. right after collage. Masuda saw Lu Xun once or twice every week during eight months from April 1931 to December and took lessons from him. After returning to Japan, Masuda asked many questions he faced in translating A Brief History of Chinese Novels to Lu Xun by mail. and Lu Xun gave detailed answers to him. Through the process of that, Masuda could publish the Japanese version of A Brief History of Chinese Novels in 1935, four years after they met. In 1986, after death of Masuda, the letters between them was published as A Collection of Questions and Answers between Lun Xun and Masuda. Throughout this, we can take a look at a faithful trust and friendship as well as scholastic exchanges between them.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘인문학 위기’ 담론에 대한 비판적 고찰 2

        趙寬熙(Cho Kwan-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2008 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.49

        The crucial point lied in the Chinese Studies Society in Korea is scholars political apathy and absence of social consciousness. These have narrowed their viewpoints and have not been able to get out of text-centrism and philological research. Moreover the resultism and pragmatism is so prevalent in the entire society that most scholars are dominated by them and then they lost their subjective standpoints in their studies. To regain the subjectivity in the Chinese Literature in Korea, we should regard it as one of foreign literatures and rectify names. That means we ought to reform orthography for Chinese language. Namely, there is no such a name as Soh Dongpa, but Su Shi. There is only Cho Kwanhee, not Zhao Kuanxi. Consequently, we should refine writings in Korean rather than in other languages. Here I suggest that we prepare our own orthography for Chinese language, develop our own qualifying proficiency exam in Chinese, and develop the teaching methods and materials for Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        DSLR 카메라로 촬영한 동영상의 영상표현능력에 관한 연구

        조관희 ( Kwan Hee Cho ),이정범 ( Jung Beom Lee ),최군성 ( Kun Sung Choi ) 한국사진학회 2010 AURA Vol.0 No.22

        With the introduction of HD video recording function, the DSLR camera equipped with large CMOS has recently been attracting high interests from many fields, including picture, movie and broadcasting. Based on the recognition that the utilizability of the video recorded by DSLR camera depends on the image expression ability of recorded HD video, the present research conducted an analysis to compare the video recorded by DSLR camera with that recorded by existing HD video camera and also with the still image obtained by DSLR camera. For a detailed analysis, both objective research and subjective research were carried out. The objective research involved videos and still images of a standard chart recorded by DSLR camera and HD video camera, to comparatively analyze the resolution, dynamic range, noise and color reproduction between the two kinds of camera. Whereas the subjective research involved video recording of person, scenery and night view which have been appearing frequently in image, to comparatively analyze the characteristics between the recorded videos. According to the results of measurement, the video recorded by DSLR camera proved better performance of DSLR camera compared to existing HD video camera in resolution, dynamic range and noise, thus proving the utilizability of DSLR camera. In color expression, however, HD video camera showed better performance. There was a limitation to utilizing the video recorded by DSLR camera for photograph purposes, yet the research proved its utilizability for small size printing and internet.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 중국어 교육에 대한 반성적 고찰

        趙寬熙(Cho Kwan-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2009 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.57

        Koreans have experienced a sweeping zeal for learning Chinese since the diplomatic relationship between Korea and China in recent years. But I wonder if Korea's Chinese education system is well prepared to meet the rising demand. In this thesis, I would like to closely look into Chinese education in Korea and come up with alternatives. Roughly speaking, before Korea-China diplomatic relationship, the grammar translation method was dominant in Korea's Chinese education, which in turn produced those low in communicative competence. So, after the diplomatic ties between two countries, Korea's Chinese education has focused on so-called 'Practical Chinese' teaching to improve real communicative competence. But Practical Chinese teaching is not without its drawbacks. Because it concentrates on teaching about language, learners can't build up comprehensive knowledge about China. As a result, while learners can get involved in a simple communication with the Chinese, they can't talk with them about various topics including sociocultural aspects. Therefore, I insist that learners should be taught Chinese Culture in oder to make them with proper communication skills participate in (in-depth) conversations about diverse aspects of China with native speakers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘인문학 위기’ 담론에 대한 비판적 고찰 1

        趙寬熙(Cho Kwan-hee) 중국어문학연구회 2008 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.48

        Is there a true crisis of the human studies in Korea? Some professors addressed that there used to be lots of symptoms of the decline of the humanities. They say the number of students who are willing to study the humanities are gradually less than that of the past, the lectures concerning human studies are increasingly diminished. Why did such a crisis happen to human studies in Korea? There are many diagnoses and solutions suggested, but those are focussed on the lack of financial supports by the government, especially represented by Korea Reserch Foundation. I think, however, there are other possible causes to the crisis of human studies in Korea: the absence of the true spirit of humanities, the wave of Neo-liberalism which drives most of scholars to search for the funds and so on. Is there any proper way to get out of the crisis of human studies? Before that, is there the substance of such a crisis in the literal meaning? I think over the fundamentals in front of lots of arguments concerning the decline of human studies in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        운하 운송 barge 시스템의 최적 시스템 개발 연구

        조규남(Kyu-Nam Cho),조관희(Kwan Hee Cho) 한국해양공학회 1998 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.12 No.1

        Construction of the Kyung-Inn Canal between Inchon and Han River water way of 18 kilometer length is considered recently. The canal may reduce traffic congestions between Seoul and Inchon, remarkably. Since the type of transportation system of the canal will be barge system, an analysis on the canal barge characteristics is carried out in this paper. The merits and demerits of various canal barge transportation systems are studied, respectively.<br/> Also, several barge connecting systems are studied and the corresponding characteristics are analyzed and compared. Optimal barge system is selected based on the simple modeling of the several barge systems and the relevant evaluations.<br/> Primitive design issue of the barge transportation system of the canal is also presented.

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