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        『나 죽어가며 누워있을 때』에서 이웃 화자들의 역할

        정현숙(Hyunsook Jeong) 한국영미어문학회 2011 영미어문학 Vol.- No.98

        William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying has been studied in terms of variety of themes, such as ideological approach, mothering environments, or multiple narrator technique. In this study I tried to examine non-Bundren narrators' role focused on narratology and comic elements. According to Booth, the narrator may be more or less from the characters in the story he tells. He may differ morally, intellectually, and temporally. Thus the reader may have some safe distance from characters or even an implied author without being involved with a series of events in the story. In examining the role of non-Bundren narrators, I came to see that the major events that happened to Bundren family are told by non-Bundren narrators. In addition, individual's deepest agony and most profound loss blended by several outside narrators' narrative comes to diminish to the point of vantage point. That's the Southern humor tradition that Faulkner tries to follow. Thus Bundren narrators' agony and pain, physically or psychologically, are shown with the tint of comedy when especially accompanied by linguistic contrast between backwoods men and some town gentlemen. In conclusion using non-Bundren narrators Faulkner accomplishes a unique artistic achievement that otherwise would be more difficult to do.

      • KCI등재

        윌리엄 포크너의『성역』

        정현숙(Hyunsook Jeong) 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.102

        William Faulkner's Sanctuary has been regarded as a "pot boiler" for quite a long time where corruption, violence and distorted sex are scattered . While he was writing novels with very experimental literary techniques, he wrote this work without notable modern techniques. Instead, it portrays the society which emphasized materialism and devalued morality and traditional values. But interestingly, when I researched his first script before publication, it has a different story. It underlines Horace Benbow's story even if he is not a major character and an outsider of Jefferson and Old Frenchman's Band that are main backgrounds of the novel. In short, he is a stranger but anyway he was involved with Temple and Popeye's case and while he was investigating what really happened in Tommy's murder case, his mind gets lost in the midst of reality and fantasy/fact and his own suppressed desire. Unlike Horace in 1931 version of Sanctuary, he, in The Original Text is another Wolfman in Freudian terms. When I infer from the unspecified primal scene, he has suppressed desire, Oedipus complex, sense of guilt for a long time, until he came to confront Temple-Popeye case. In that literary narration means unconscious procedure, Horace's incestuous love for his step daughter and Oedipal relation reveals Faulkner's own psychology. And it tunnels itself into Sanctuary which has long been interpreted in different ways. In conclusion, this work left me to the conviction that even if this novel has been labeled "pot boiler", it could be a matrix of all the other his major novels in terms of themes, characters, and the relationship between past and present. Also rereading gives me a chance to glimpse his artistry.

      • KCI등재

        늑대인간과 조우 크리스머스: 원장면을 중심으로

        정현숙(Hyunsook Jeong) 한국영미어문학회 2006 영미어문학 Vol.- No.80

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the correlation of literary text and psychoanalysis. According to Freudian term, Urszene(in English, primal scene) means the first witness of sexual scene of parents, which might function as vital psychoanalytic clue to neurosis that is evident in Woolfman"s case. In his case, Woofman shows severe neurosis in adulthood but ? propos apr?s coups Freud, the analyst could trace Woolfman"s first witness of parents" sexual scene and castration anxiety through the medium of screen memory. In contrast with Woolfman"s case, Joe Christmas in William Faulkner"s Light in August was abandoned as an orphan by his own grandfather. At the age of 5 he witnessed the sexual scene of dietitian and a young doctor at an orphanage and he expected a whipping as usual but instead he got 1 dollar from her. As a result, he suffered great confusion because of lack of punishment that he had expected. The very sense of dislocation and confusion triggered later abhorrence against women and feminine sexuality. In several important episodes in Joe"s rootless and wandering life I can trace the impact of the primal scene and related psychological trauma in Joe"s psyche. By juxtaposing two primal scenes and two persons" psyche I can explore a profound vehicle to enrich the meaning of literature.

      • KCI등재

        영화로 이해하는 윌리엄 포크너와 버지니아 울프 - 〈시민 케인〉과 〈디 아워스〉

        정현숙(Hyunsook Jeong) 한국영미어문학회 2007 영미어문학 Vol.- No.82

          In recent years the need for an intensive study of English literature on an undergraduate basis has significantly declined partly because of our Korean college graduates" struggle for finding jobs due to hash economic condition since IMF. This sobering reality renders college curriculum more efficient and more practical in response to the rising demand for a highly effective curriculum.<BR>  In this paper I want to explain several teaching methods I tried over several years  as a pedagogical way. Using films both as teaching methodology in case of Citizen Kane in teaching William Faulkner"s Absalom, Absalom! and as teaching material in case of The Hours in teaching psychological approach to literature a well as the life of Virginia Woolf were effective as I expected.<BR>  Even though most Korean students had difficulty in understanding the full meaning of the text(both novel and films) when they were not offered enough validated and legitimate reading, paralleling that can be drawn from two different texts can widen their understanding and interest in English literature.

      • KCI등재

        디아스포라 작가에게 남겨진 고향의 기억: 부치 에메체타 작품을 중심으로

        정현숙 ( Hyunsook Jeong ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2020 인문사회 21 Vol.11 No.6

        본 연구는 디아스포라 작가로서 아프리카의 나이지리아 출신인 부치 에메체타의 대표적인 작품을 통하여 여성 작가로서 에메체타가 아프리카의 전통사회와 서구의 도시적 가치관의 두 세계 속에서 느끼는 갈등의 근본적인 문제점을 파악하고자 한다. 작가의 대표작 『이류시민』과 『노예소녀』, 『모성의 기쁨』분석을 통하여 근본적인 문제점은 노예상태와 같은 여성에게 부과된 억압의 문제와 교육 혹은 교육을 통한 독립과 자아실현, 그에 수반되는 서구화가 여성의 삶에 미치는 영향, 이 세 가지로 요약할 수 있다. 이 세 가지 서로 상충되는 힘이 작품의 전체에서 드러나는 작가의 딜레마의 핵심이다. 여성으로서 자유와 자아추구를 얻기 위해서는 아프리카의 전통과 자신의 아프리카인의 정체성을 부인해야만하고 반대로 아프리카의 전통을 소중히 간직하려면 여성의 독립을 포기해야만 한다. 따라서 이 문제를 둘러싼 두 개의 가치관, 두 개의 세계가 작가의 딜레마이며 개별 작품에 나타난 여성 주인공들의 내면의 사고구조와 영국에 의해 식민지가 된 나이지리아인들의 내면적인 식민지화의 문제도 함께 드러난다. 이 지점으로부터 향후 두 세계의 차이에서부터 발생하는 억압의 서사와 언어를 포함하는 혼종성에 관한 연구가 이어질 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the fundamental frustration and deep anguish represented in Buchi Emecheta’s major works. As a diaspora writer Emecheta feels the conflict between two worlds-the traditional Igbo culture, Nigeria and westernized London life. Through scrutinizing the details in Second Class Citizen, The Slave Girl, and The Joys of Motherhood, I found there are many elements that torture the life of young girls and even wives and mothers. It is a traditional patriarchal society and slave-like status in physical world as well as mentally that smother the very existence of women. Also this situation runs parallel to colonialized Nigerian society. These abusive and dismissive men took advantage of passive, obedient women to the end. That is the point where Emecheta put great emphasis on women’s education and seeking their own identity. At the same time that is the point of her dilemma of being an educated in western world and an immigrant from colonized Africa. From this point I can pursue the next task of examining the hybridity including language and oppressed narrative stuck out from gap.

      • KCI등재

        윌리엄 포크너의 『모세여 내려가라』

        정현숙(Jeong, Hyunsook) 새한영어영문학회 2018 새한영어영문학 Vol.60 No.2

        This study aims to explore the inscape of renunciation of the inheritance and psychological state of Ike McCasline while reading Old Carother’s ledgers. In the ledgers Ike, at first, wanted to discover the glorious past of the Old South, but his findings were the history of sins and evils such as miscegenation, incest, and horrible slavery. Obsessed with Old Carother’s amoral behavior, Ike decided to renunciate the inheritance of the plantation. Before his decision, Ike encountered ‘ledgers’ as an open text like the Bible which has been interpreted and reinterpreted for such a long time. As an open text. ‘ledgers’ provide a chasm and gap through which Ike reinterprets Old Carother’s past. Aside from tangled triangulation of Old Carothers, Eunice, and Tomasina, Brownly episode reveals Buck’s homosexual miscegeny with a slave as well as incestuous liaison between Buck and Buddy. This truth allows us to re-read the entire episode while it brings Ike to realize the fact that the ledgers are not sacred documents but a legitimate excuse full of sins and evils for him to renunciate the land ownership and the very idea of possession as well. In conclusion, reading Go Down, Moses in this way constructs a critical frame that is both diachronic and synchronic, and thus contributes to current debates articulated within the revisionary project of a new open text which enables interpretation and reinterpretation of the text.

      • KCI등재

        포크너 작품에 나타난 주제의 공간화: 번드런 가족과 플렘 스놉스를 중심으로

        정현숙(Jeong, Hyunsook) 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.60

        본 연구의 목표는 사회의 변화에 예민한 작가 윌리엄 포크너가 1950년대 미국이 원자폭탄시대로 진입하면서 냉전시대가 가져온 두려움과 공포를 느끼고 그 분위기가 작품에 투영되어 있다는 점을 살펴보고자 하는 것이다. 특히 작가는 그가 속하고 지키려던 남부사회에 불어 닥친, 또한 앞으로 불어올 변화에 매우 민감하게 반응했다. 그의 창작 시기를 1920년대에서 1950년대 말로 보았을 때 그 당시 미국사회, 특히 남부사회가 겪는 사회적 변화의 조짐들이 작품에 직·간접적으로 투영되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 초기 작품에 속하는 1930년에 출간된 『내 죽으며 누워있을 때』는 가난한 소작농 백인(rednecks)인 번드런 가족의 자녀들이 겪는 고통을 다루고 있는데 이들이 살고 있던 시골 지역을 떠나 도회지 제퍼슨으로 애디의 시신을 운구하는 과정에서 겪는 에피소드를 통해 벽촌에서 도시로의 공간 이동과 함께 인물들의 내부에 숨겨져 있던 욕망과 갈등과 관계들이 밖으로 드러나면서 자녀들 각각 비극적인 실체에 직면하게 된다. 또한 1950년대의 작품으로 스놉스 삼부작(Snopes Trilogy)중 『읍내』에서는 북부의 빈농출신인 플렘 스놉스가 남부 사회 중심으로 진입하는 과정을 다루는데 북부의 산업화, 도시화 문명이 남부의 전원 문명을 잠식하는 과정으로 해석할 수 있다. 농경생활에 대한 산업화 과정 등이 작가의 작품 전체를 아우르는 요소가 되고 있으며 이러한 요소들 가운데 남북전쟁 이전 시절(antebellum)에 대한 향수는 포크너 작품의 근간을 이루고 있다. 고향과 뿌리, “남부인임”의 근간이 되는 농경 생활이 산업화, 도시화의 거센 힘 앞에서 무너져가는 현상에 대한 고통과 회환이 작품 안에서 어떻게 다루어지고 있는지 파악하고 재해석함으로써 포크너 연구의 영역을 확장할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of spatialized theme in William Faulkner’s works. Through his literary career, he witnesses the fear and horror which come from the Cold War as the world enters the era of the atomic bomb. He is very sensitive to the change that his South will encounter soon. With this in mind, his whole career from the 1920s through the 1950s reveals this kind of social change directly and indirectly as well. As I Lay Dying, which treats the funeral journey tells the trip of so called ‘rednecks’ from the country to the city. Along with their movement from the rustic country to the sophisticated town, Bundren’s children suffered all kinds of suffering on their own. In contrast, the Snopes trilogy treats the story of Flem Snopes, a poor white who comes from the North and eventually controls and conquers the Southern aristocracy. Focused on two families, I try to explore the process of industrialization and encroachment on rural life and I am sure that Faulkner’s deep anguish might have come from the loss of antebellum nostalgia.

      • KCI등재

        효율적인 임무 피해 평가를 위한 자산-임무 의존성 모델 적용 및 최적화된 구현

        전영배(Youngbae Jeon),정현숙(Hyunsook Jeong),한인성(In sung Han),윤지원(Jiwon Yoon) 한국정보과학회 2017 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.23 No.10

        사이버 임무 피해 정량화는 정해져있는 임무에 따라 움직여 집단의 목표를 이룩하거나 이윤을 창출하는 군(軍)이나 기업들에게 빠질 수 없는 필수적인 작업이다. 조직이 지닌 자산에 대한 피해가 발생하였을 때, 수행 목표에 대한 피해를 최소화하기 위해 남은 자산만으로 달성할 수 있는 임무의 최대 수용력(capacity)을 정량화하고 빠른 시간 안에 새로운 차선책을 마련하여야 한다. 이를 위해서 자산과 임무에 대한 관계를 모델링하여 정형화하면 사이버 공격이 임무에 미친 피해 영향도를 계산할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 자산과 과업의 관리 업무를 분리하여 효율적인 관리가 가능하도록 자산과 임무 사이의 의존성에 대한 모델을 적용하였고, 적용한 모델을 바탕으로 벡터 단위의 오퍼레이션을 이용하여 계산의 병렬화나 버퍼를 이용해 연산속도를 향상시키는 등 빠른 시간 안에 계산을 완료할 수 있는 최적화된 시스템을 구현하였다. Cyber Mission Impact Assessment is one of the essential tasks which many militaries and industrial major companies should perform to effectively achieve their mission. The unexpected damage to an organization"s assets results in damage to the whole system’s performance of the organizations. In order to minimize the damage, it is necessary to quantify the available capacity of the mission, which can be achieved only with the remaining assets, and to immediately prepare a new second best plan in a moment. We therefore need to estimate the exact cyber attack’s impact to the mission when the unwanted damage occurs by modeling the relationship between the assets and the missions. In this paper, we propose a new model which deals with the dependencies between assets and missions for obtaining the exact impact of a cyber attack. The proposed model distinguishes task management from asset management for an efficient process, and it is implemented to be optimized using a vectorized operation for parallel processing and using a buffer to reduce the computation time.

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