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      • KCI등재

        기후변화 환경에서의 낙엽성 참나무 6종의 발아와 초기 생장

        정헌모,김해란,유영한 한국하천호수학회 2021 생태와 환경 Vol.54 No.4

        The present study investigated the effect of global warming on germination and initial growth across six deciduous oak species (Quercus mongolica, Q. variabilis, Q. serrata, Q. dentata, Q. aliena, and Q. acutissima), which are the dominant tree species in Korea forest ecosystems. Seeds were sown in climate change treatments, with temperatures higher than those of the control (approximately 3.0°C higher), and CO2 concentrations higher than those of the control (approximately 2-fold higher). Initial growth in each species was measured every two weeks. Initial growth was more rapid in all oak species at the time of root and shoot emergence under high temperature and CO2 treatments than in the control group. Leaf emergence in Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis, and Q. serrata occurred earlier under the climate change treatments than under the control. Root length increased significantly in Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis, and Q. dentata under the climate change treatments when compared to under the control. However, Q. aliena and Q. serrata exhibited a contrasting trends, and no significant difference was observed between the species and Q. acutissima. Shoot length increased significantly in Q. aliena under climate change treatments when compared to under the control but decreased in Q. aliena. In addition, no significant difference was observed in shoot length among Q. mongolica, Q. dentata, and Q. acutissima. The results showed that climate change treatments facilitated early growth, rapid emergence from the ground, leaf development, and enhanced belowground growth in Q. mongolica. Conversely, Q. aliena exhibited the lowest aboveground and belowground growth under climate change treatments when compared to other oak species. Climate change treatments had the least impact on Q. acutissima considering the insignificant differences observed in initial growth rates under climate change treatment.

      • KCI등재

        환경영향평가 온실가스 항목 내 훼손수목의 탄소저장량 평가 개선을 위한 제언

        정헌모,김해란,김덕엽,장인영,강성룡 한국하천호수학회 2022 생태와 환경 Vol.55 No.4

        We deduced the proper estimation methodology for the amount of carbon sequestration by damaged trees for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The nine development projects related to renewable energy, damaged trees occur, assessment status and used method of evaluating the carbon storage of damaged trees were summarized. And after re-calculating the carbon storage of damaged trees through allometric equations, the difference between the two groups, re-calculated the damaged trees carbon storage and the damaged trees carbon storage in the report, was validated. As a result, damaged trees carbon storage in words was more than the re-calculated damaged trees carbon storage, and it was statistically significant (p<0.005). This result means that the existing method for calculating damaged tree carbon storage is overcalculated. It was judged that it was necessary to improve the calculation method. Therefore, allometric equations suitable for each dominated-tree species should be used when calculating the damaged tree carbon storage. Furthermore, we propose to establish a carbon storage calculation system based on actual data from the ecosystem so that researchers can efficiently and accurately the damaged trees carbon storage.

      • KCI등재

        산림 사업에 의한 산림 식생 및 토양 탄소 변화

        정헌모,장인영,한상학,조소연,최철현,이연지,강성룡 한국하천호수학회 2023 생태와 환경 Vol.56 No.4

        To investigate the impact of forestry projects on the carbon stocks of forests, we estimated the carbon stock change of above-ground and soil before and after forestry projects using forest type maps, forestry project information, and soil information. First, we selected six map sheet with large areas and declining age class based on forest type map information. Then, we collected data such as forest type maps, growth coefficients, soil organic matter content, and soil bulk density of the estimated areas to calculate forest carbon storage. As a result, forest carbon stocks decreased by about 34.1~70.0% after forestry projects at all sites. In addition, compared to reference studies, domestic forest soils store less carbon than the above-ground, so it is judged that domestic forest soils have great potential to store more carbon and strategies to increase carbon storage are needed. It was estimated that the amount of carbon stored before forestry projects is about 1.5 times more than after forestry projects. The study estimated that it takes about 27 years for forests to recover to their pre-thinning carbon stocks following forestry projects. Since it takes a long time for forests to recover to their original carbon stocks once their carbon stocks are reduced by physical damage, it is necessary to plan to preserve them as much as possible, especially for highly conservative forests, so that they can maintain their carbon storage function.

      • KCI등재

        Soil CO2 efflux in a warm-temperature and sub-alpine forest in Jeju, South Korea

        정헌모,장래하,김해란,유영한 한국생태학회 2017 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.41 No.6

        Background: This study investigated the temporal variation in soil CO₂ efflux and its relationship with soil temperature and precipitation in the Quercus glauca and Abies koreana forests in Jeju Island, South Korea, from August 2010 to December 2012. Q. glauca and A. koreana forests are typical vegetation of warm-temperate evergreen forest zone and sub-alpine coniferous forest zone, respectively, in Jeju island. Results: The mean soil CO₂ efflux of Q. glauca forest was 0.7 g CO2m−2 h−1 at 14.3 °C and that of A. koreana forest was 0.4 g CO2m−2 h−1 at 6.8 °C. The cumulative annual soil CO2 efflux of Q. glauca and A. koreana forests was 54.2 and 34.2 t CO₂ ha−1, respectively. Total accumulated soil carbon efflux in Q. glauca and A. koreana forests was 29.5 and 18.7 t C ha−1 for 2 years, respectively. The relationship between soil CO₂ efflux and soil temperate at 10 cm depth was highly significant in the Q. glauca (r2 = 0.853) and A. koreana forests (r2 = 0.842). Soil temperature was the main controlling factor over CO₂ efflux during most of the study period. Also, precipitation may affect soil CO₂ efflux that appeared to be an important factor controlling the efflux rate. Conclusions: Soil CO2 efflux was affected by soil temperature as the dominant control and moisture as the limiting factor. The difference of soil CO2 efflux between of Q. glauca and A. koreana forests was induced by soil temperature to altitude and regional precipitation.

      • KCI등재

        습지생태계의 공익적 서비스 연구 1 : 자생어류을 이용한 모기유충의 효과적인 생태학적 제어방법

        정헌모,김해란,유영한 한국습지학회 2013 한국습지학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        토종어류를 이용한 효율적인 생태학적 모기 방제 방법을 제안하기 위해 서산지역에 서식하는 토종어류를 이용하여 모기 를 제어할 수 있는 최적 조건을 알아보았다. 어류 종류별에 따른 모기유충 포식률과 온도차에 따른 포식활동의 변화를 알아본 결과, 32℃의 환경에서는 왜몰개가 가장 높은 포식률을 보였고 미꾸라지가 가장 낮은 포식률을 보였다. 반면 낮은 온도의 환경에서는 왜몰개와 얼룩동사리가 가장 빠른 시간에 높은 포식률을 보인 반면, 미꾸라지는 온도와 상관없이 어 류 6종 중에 모기유충 포식률이 가장 낮았다. 수심에 따른 어류 종류별 모기유충 포식률은 왜몰개와 참붕어가 수조의 아 랫부분에서, 붕어와 얼룩동사리는 수조 바닥부분에서 높은 포식률을 보였고, 미꾸라지는 수조 바닥부분에서 모기유충을 섭식하였다. 그리고 대륙송사리는 수표면에서 95%의 높은 포식률을 보였다. 서로 다른 위치에서 먹이활동을 하는 어류 3 종을 선정하여 모기유충 50마리를 포식하는데 걸리는 시간을 측정한 결과, 왜몰개 2마리는 10분, 대륙송사리 2마리는 21 분 그리고 미꾸라지 2마리는 45분이 걸렸다. 반면 미꾸라지와 왜몰개를 각각 1마리씩 넣었을 때는 8분, 미꾸라지와 대륙 송사리를 넣었을 때는 17분이 걸렸다.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and increased temperature on leaf quality responses of rare and endangered plants

        정헌모,김해란,홍승범,유영한 한국생태학회 2018 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.42 No.1

        Background: In the study, the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the nitrogen content, carbon content, and C:N ratio of seven rare and endangered species (Quercus gilva, Hibiscus hambo, Paliurus ramosissimus, Cicuta virosa, Bupleurum latissimum, Viola raddeana, and Iris dichotoma) were examined under control (ambient CO2 +ambient temperature) and treatment (elevated CO2 + elevated temperature) for 3 years (May 2008 and June 2011). Results: Elevated CO2 concentration and temperature result in a decline in leaf nitrogen content for three woody species in May 2009 and June 2011, while four herb species showed different responses to each other. The nitrogen content of B. latissimum and I. dichotoma decreased under treatment in either 2009 and 2011. The leaf nitrogen content of C. virosa and V. raddeana was not significantly affected by elevated CO2 and temperature in 2009, but that of C. virosa increased and that V. raddeana decreased under the treatment in 2011. In 2009, it was found that there was no difference in carbon content in the leaves of the six species except for that of P. ramosissimus. On the other hand, while there was no difference in carbon content in the leaves of Q. gilva in the control and treatment in 2011, carbon content in the leaves of the remaining six species increased due to the rise of CO2 concentration and temperature. The C:N ratio in the leaf of C. virosa grown in the treatment was lower in both 2009 and 2011 than that in the control. The C:N ratio in the leaf of V. raddeana decreased by 16.4% from the previous year, but increased by 28.9% in 2011. For the other five species, C:N ratios increased both in 2009 and 2011. In 2009 and 2011, chlorophyll contents in the leaves of Q. gilva and H. hamabo were higher in the treatment than those in the control. In the case of P. ramosissimus, the ratio was higher in the treatment than that in the control in 2009, but in 2011, the result was the opposite. Among four herb species, the chlorophyll contents in the leaves of C. virosa, V. raddeana, and I. dichotoma did not show any difference between gradients in 2009, but decreased due to the rise of CO2 concentration and temperature in 2011. Leaf nitrogen and carbon contents, C:N ratio, and chlorophyll contents in the leaves of seven rare and endangered species of plant were found to be influenced by the rise and duration of CO2 concentration and temperature, species, and interaction among those factors. Conclusions: The findings above seem to show that long-term rise of CO2 concentration, and temperature causes changes in physiological responses of rare and endangered species of plant and the responses may be species-specific. In particular, woody species seem to be more sensitive to the rise of CO2 concentration and temperature than herb species.

      • KCI등재

        제주도 곶자왈 상록활엽수 종가시나무의 생물량 추정을 위한 상대생장식

        정헌모,김해란,조규태,이승혁,한영섭,유영한 한국습지학회 2014 한국습지학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 제주도 곶자왈습지에서 서식하는 상록활엽수인 종가시나무의 지상부 생물량에 대한 상대생 장식을 개발하기 위하여 수행되었다. 그 결과 독립변수가 DBH일 때, 줄기(Ws), 가지(Wb), 잎(Wl) 그리 고 지상부(Wab)의 상대생장식은 각각logWs=2.4042logDBH-1.3045, logWb=2.6436logDBH-1.6232, logWl=1.5428logDBH-1.3692 그리고 logWab=2.3324logDBH-0.9181이었다. 독립변수가 D2H일 때, 줄기(Ws), 가지(Wb), 잎(Wl) 그리고 지상부(Wab)의 상대생장식은 각각 logWs=0.853logD2H-1.4252, logWb=0.8453logD2H-1.5834, logWl=0.5328logD2H-1.4073 그리고 logWab=0.8265logD2H-1.0327이었다. 독립변수가DBH일 때, 줄기, 가지 잎 그리고 지상부 상대생장식의 R2값은 0.9873, 0.9711, 0.7979 그리고 0.993 이었고 독립변수가D2H일 때 0.9841, 0.9174, 0.7537 그리고 0.9876 이었다. 독립변수가 DBH인 상 대생장식과 D2H인 상대생장식은 모두 관측값과 예측값 사이에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없어 어느 상 대생장식을 사용하더라도 결과에는 차이가 없었다.

      • 국립생태원에 복원된 한반도숲 유형에 따른 외래식물 현황과 관리전략

        정헌모 ( Heon Mo Jeong ),홍용식 ( Yong Sik Hong ),박중형 ( Jun Hyeong Park ),원창오 ( Chang O Won ),조수현 ( Soo Hyun Cho ),이희천 ( Hee Cheon Lee ),유영한 ( Young Han You ) 한국환경생태학회 2013 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2013 No.2

        국립생태원에 조성된 한반도숲은 기후에 따라 우리나라에 자생하는 대표적인 식물군락을 그대로 옮겨 복원한 생태식재림이다. 본 연구는 2013년 4월부터 8월까지 12개 군락으로 구성된 한반도숲에서 발생하는 외래식물들을 조사하여 그 현황과 귀화율 및 도시화지수를 분석하였고, 지속적인 모니터링을 통하여 외래식물을 관리하기 위한 기초 자료로 활용하고자 수행되었다. 한반도숲의 외래식물은 총 72종류로 26과 57속 62종 10변종이 확인되었으며 그 중 귀화식물은 18종으로 확인되었다. 외래식물은 큰비짜루국화와 망초 등 국화과에서 15종으로 가장 많았고 벼과 12종, 콩과9종 등의 순으로 많았다. 귀화율은 28.1%로 신갈나무군락(냉온대낙엽활엽수림)에서 가장 높았고 전나무군락(22.0%, 아한대침엽수림), 소나무군락(15.2%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 붉가시나무-동백나무군락(15.1%, 난온대상록활엽수림), 잣나무군락(12.5%, 냉온대낙엽활엽수림), 졸참나무군락(11.6%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 구상나무군락(11.1%, 아한대침엽수림), 신갈나무군락(10.0%, 온대낙엽활엽수림)과 개서어나무군락(10.0%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 서어나무군락(9.8%, 온대낙엽활엽수림)과 소나무군락(9.8%, 온대낙엽활엽수림), 굴참나무군락(9.6%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 순이었다. 한반도숲 전체의 귀화율은 6.7%였다. 도시화지수는 3.1%로 신갈나무군락(냉온대낙엽활엽수림)에서 가장 높았고 구상나무군락(2.8%, 아한대침엽수림)과 붉가시나무-동백나무군락(2.8%, 난온대상록활엽수림), 소나무군락(2.4%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 소나무군락(1.7%, 온대낙엽활엽수림)와 굴참나무군락(1.7%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 그리고 졸참나무군락(1.7%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 잣나무군락(1.4%, 냉온대낙엽활엽수림)와 서어나무군락(1.4%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 그리고 개서어나무군락(1.4%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 신갈나무군락(1.1%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 순이었다. 한반도숲 전체의 도시화지수는 6.3%였다. 외래식물의 귀화율과 도시화지수는 군락의 유형에 따라 경향이 없는것으로 판단되었고 활엽수와 침엽수에 따른 경향도 없는 것으로 판단되었다. 그러나 온대낙엽활수림대의 신갈나무군락, 서어나무군락, 소나무군락, 굴참나무군락의 귀화율과도시화지수는 다른 군락들과 비교하여 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 온대낙엽활엽수림대의 식물군락들이 직선상인 한반도숲의 중심에 위치하고 있어 외부로부터의 식물 유입에 영향을 덜 받기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 한반도숲의 식물군락은 생태식재 후 약 1년이 되어 완전히 활착되지 않은 상태이며 가지와 잎이 적어 임상으로의 빛의 투과가 많은 상황이다. 장기적으로 한반도숲의 지속적인 관리로써 식물군락이 활착하여 수관이 더 풍성해지면 빛에 민감한 외래식물의 발생이 점차 제한될 것으로 사료된다.

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