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        뻐꾸기 탐색 방법을 활용한 다계층 시스템의 중복 할당 최적화

        정일한(Il-Han Chung) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.4

        신뢰도는 열차, 비행기, 여객선과 같이 시스템에 한번 고장이 발생한 경우 치명적인 결과로 이어져 시스템에서 중요한 설계 요인으로 고려되어진다. 상당히 높은 신뢰도를 요구하는 시스템에서 시스템의 신뢰도를 향상시키는 방법에는 다양하게 있지만, 부품의 중복은 시스템 신뢰도를 향상시키기 위한 효율적인 방법으로 알려져 있다. 신뢰도를 높이기 위해 부품을 중복하는 경우에는 어떤 부품을 몇 개를 중복해야 하는지를 시스템 신뢰도 측면과 비용, 기타 설계자원 측면에서 고려하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 직렬 구조를 가지는 다계층 시스템에 대한 중복할당의 방법을 다룬다. 다계층시스템에 대한 정의를 설명하고, 제약된 설계비용에서 시스템 신뢰도를 최대화하기 위한 중복 부품의 선정과 중복수량을 최적화하는 방법을 다룬다. 특히, 다계층 시스템에서 경로집합 중에 단 하나의 품목만 중복이 가능한 경우에 대해서 다루며, 유효한 해를 찾기 위한 방법을 제시한다. 최적화를 위해 뻐꾸기 탐색 알고리즘을 적용한다. 뻐꾸기 탐색 알고리즘에서는 다계층시스템의 중복할당 최적화를 위한 탐색절차, 이웃해의 탐색 방법, 해의 표현 등을 제시한다. 수치예제를 통해 기존에 유전알고리즘과 뻐꾸기 탐색 알고리즘의 성능을 비교한다. Reliability is considered a particularly important design factor for systems that have critical results once a failure occurs in a system, such as trains, airplanes, and passenger ships. The reliability of the system can be improved in several ways, but in a system that requires considerable reliability, the redundancy of parts is efficient in improving the system reliability. In the case of duplicating parts to improve reliability, the kind of parts and the number of duplicating parts should be determined under the system reliability, part costs, and resources. This study examined the redundancy allocation of multi-level systems with serial structures. This paper describes the definition of a multi-system and how to optimize the kind of parts and number of duplications to maximize the system reliability. To optimize the redundancy, the cuckoo search algorithm was applied. The search procedure, the solution representation and the development of the neighborhood solution were proposed to optimize the redundancy allocation of a multi-level system. The results of numerical experiments were compared with the genetic algorithm and cuckoo search algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        Estimation problems for failure processes in repairable systems with preventive maintenance

        정일한 ( Il Han Chung ) 한국경영공학회 2014 한국경영공학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Estimation problems of failure parameters and maintenance effects in repairable systems are considered. A proportional age reduction model for corrective and preventive maintenances under which the system ages are reduced after maintenances is assumed. The failure data(the points of corrective maintenance) and the points of preventive maintenance are given for analysis, and the maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the parameters of failure distribution and age reduction factors for corrective and preventive maintenances. Four kinds (two kinds of encoding and selection methods) of genetic algorithm is proposed to maximize likelihood function. In numerical examples, We employ simulation to generate failure times and GA is used to estimate parameters of Weibull distribution and improvement factor of PM and CM. In addition, there is comparison of performance of genetic algorithms.

      • A Repair-Time Limit Replacement Model with Imperfect Repair

        Il Han Chung(정일한),Won Young Yun(윤원영) 대한산업공학회 2013 대한산업공학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        This article concerns a profit model in a repair limit replacement problem with imperfect repair. If a system fails, we should decide whether we repair the failed system (repair option) or replace it by new one (replacement option with a lead time). We assume that repair times are random variables and can be estimated before repair with estimation error. If the estimated repair time is less than the specified limit (repair time limit), the failed unit is repaired but the unit after repair is different from the new one (imperfect repair). Otherwise, we order a new unit to replace the failed unit. The long run average profit (expected profit rate) is used as an optimization criterion and the optimal repair time limit maximizes the expected profit rate. Some special cases are derived.

      • KCI등재

        목표가용도를 고려한 다계층 시스템의 최적 중복 설계

        정일한 ( Il Han Chung ) 한국품질경영학회 2013 품질경영학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        Purpose: System availability and life cycle cost are often used to evaluate the system performance and is influenced by the operation and maintenance characteristic. In this paper. we propose the method to improve life cycle cost and satisfy the target availability through redundancy allocation. Methods: We consider the redundancy is available at all items in multi level system. Thus, we assume that sub-assembly. module. components can be duplicated. Simulation and genetic algorithm are employed to optimize redundancy allocation. Results: Target availability is higher. the life cycle cost is increased. In addition. the items for redundancy are selected at higher level in multi level system if target availability is higher. Conclusion: We could know that target availability affects the duplication number of items and the selection of redundancy items. For further study, we will consider new optimization algorithms to compare with the proposed GA algorithm and improve optimization performance.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일반품질연구 : 대안 부품을 고려한 다계층 시스템의 최적 중복 설계

        정일한 ( Il Han Chung ) 한국품질경영학회 2015 품질경영학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        Purpose: System consists of a lot of units with coherent function. In design phase, various units could be considered with the same function. In this study, we consider the alternative units with the same function and redundancy allocation to maximize system reliability in multi level system. Methods: The redundancy allocation problem with the alternative units in multi level system is formulated. Memetic algorithm(MA) is proposed to optimize the redundancy allocation problem. In addition, the performance of the proposed algorithm is explained by a numerical experiment. Results: MA showed better results than genetic algorithm(GA) and the convergence of the solutions in MA was also faster than GA. In addition, we could know from experiment that system reliability is increased and the chosen unit for redundancy allocation is changed if cost limit is increased. Conclusion: The chose unit for redundancy allocation is changed as resource constraints. It means we need to consider the alternative units in system design. In the future, we need to consider various problem related to redundancy allocation in multi level system and develop the better method to enhance search performance.

      • KCI등재

        무기체계 RAM 시뮬레이션의 정확도 향상을 위한 요소별 영향 분석

        정일한,박삼준,Chung, Il-Han,Park, Sam-Joon 한국군사과학기술학회 2008 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.11 No.6

        In the development stage of weapon system, it is important to analyze RAM(Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) characteristics. RAM simulation is one of the advanced techniques for analyzing RAM to overpass the limit of mathematical techniques. However, it is necessary to obtain correct input data for reliability and maintainability about target and support system to get highly accurate results through RAM simulation. In this study, we propose the technical method to improve the results by defining input data of simulation more correctly based on analyzing effects of RAM characteristics by major factors.

      • KCI등재

        북한 관료부패에 관한 연구

        정일용(Il-Young Chung),김한배(Han-Bae Kim) 호남대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2006 인문사회과학연구 Vol.15 No.-

        동일민족으로서 유일한 분단국으로 남아있으면서 서로 다른 체제를 형성하고 있는 곳이 한반도는 미래에 통일을 이루어야 한다는 것은 당연한 것이다. 이러한 통일을 위해서는 양 체제의 차이점을 극복해야 한다. 이를 위해서는 양 체제에 대한 비교연구와 그 대응방안을 제시해야 한다. 이를 통해 남북한의 통일 후에 있을 시행착오를 최소화함으로써 통일 후에 들어가는 통일비용을 절감할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 사회주의를 표방하고 있는 북한의 체제가 갖고 있는 문제점들 특히 그 체제를 움직이는 관료제에 대한 문제점을 분석하고 해결책을 강구할 필요가 있다. 이 관료제의 문제점 중 특히 사회 전체에 대한 영향이 크다고 할 수 있는 관료들의 부패문제에 대해 검토하고 이에 대한 대응책을 강구해야 한다. 실제 현실에서 발견될 수 있는 관료부패가 미치는 영향의 심각성을 고려하고, 그러한 부패의 상당부분은 결국 거시적 수준에서 적절히 설명될 수 있다는 점에서 체제론적 접근을 통해 북한의 관료부패에 관해 분석하였다. 이러한 관점에서 개인적 측면의 부패, 구조적 측면에서의 부패, 환경적 측면에서의 부패에 대해 분석하고 그 해결방안도 이 세 가지 측면에서 모색하였다. 이 결과 남한의 경우 향후 남북한 통합을 대비해서 봤을 때, 이 각 측면에서 언급한 내용들이 지금 당장의 남한 내부만의 문제가 아니라 민족화해와 통합의 순기능적 이행을 위해 위해서 시정되거나 개선되어야 할 사항들이라 할 수 있다. This paper focuses the bureaucratic corruption phenomena in north korea. This explanatory aims at analyzing the cause and improvements of north korea's bureaucratic corruption. Bureaucratic corruption is determined by system and environment. Therefore the this study is analysed by a viewpoints of system theory. The focuses of analysis placed at personal, structural and environmental perspectives. And the improvement plan is explained at personal, structural and environment aspects. Bureaucratic corruption of Personal perspective is non-morality corruption of a bureaucrat, sexual relation for supports, embezzlement of public resource, black-market dealing of the curios and the precious metal etc. Bureaucratic corruption of structural perspective is black-market dealing of house's user rights, embezzlement of foreign currency money, a falsehood reporting, and a bribes giving for supply of resources etc. Bureaucratic corruption of environmental perspective is to admit supporters into organization, to build of non-normal group, to accept bribe about the residents life, to accept bribe about staffing, and to business an private enterprise of illegal, etc. The improvement plan of personal aspects in bureaucratic corruption is to reform morality consciousness, to control by the party, and to enlarge audit agency. The improvement plan of structural personal aspects in bureaucratic corruption is legal and institutional devices, and to reorganize the structure of system. The improvement plan of environmental personal aspects in bureaucratic corruption is to improve public administrative culture, to deal positively about bureaucratic corruption, to improve unformality and to deal positively about illegal private enterprise.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 진천지역 지하수 함양량의 시공간적 변동특성

        정일문 ( Il Moon Chung ),나한나 ( Han Na Na ),이덕수 ( Deok Su Lee ),김남원 ( Nam Won Kim ),이정우 ( Jeong Woo Lee ),이재명 ( Jae Myung Lee ) 대한지질공학회 2011 지질공학 Vol.21 No.4

        지하수 항양량은 기후조건, 토지이용, 수리지질학적 비균질성에 의해 시공간적인 변동성을 나타내는 수문량이므로 통합 지표수-지하수 모델 기반의 시공간변동성을 갖는 일단위 함양량의 추정이 필요하다. 진천지역을 대상으로 SWAT-MODFLOW 통합모형이 일단위 함양량 추정에 사용되었으며 추정된 함양량의 시변성은 국가 지하수 관측망과 기초조사 기간(2009-2010)중에 설치된 자동관측망 자료와 잘 부합하는 것을 확인하였다. 진천지역을 포함한 미호천 유역 평균 지하수 함양량은 강수대비 20.8%로 나타났는데 이는 해석적 방법인 기저유출 분리법의 결과와도 잘 일치하였다. 통합모델링 기반의 함양량 산정은 국가 지하수 관리를 위해 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Because groundwater recharge shows spatial-temporal variability due to climatic conditions, it is necessary to investigate land use and hydrogeological heterogeneity, and estimate the spatial variability in the daily recharge ratc based on an integrated surface-groundwater model. The integrated SWAT-MODFLOW model was applied to compute physically based daily groundwater recharge in the Jincheon region. The temporal variations in estimated recharge were calibrated using the observed groundwater head at several National Groundwater Monitoring Stations and at automatic groundwater-monitoring sites constructed during the Basic Groundwater Investigation Project (2009-2010). For the whole Mihocheon watershed, including the Jincheon region, the average groundwater recharge rate is estimated to be 20.8% of the total rainfall amount which is in good agreement with the analytically estimated recharge rate. The proposed methodology will be a useful tool in the management of groundwater in Korea

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