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      • KCI등재

        족관절 삼과 골절에서 전후방 유관나사 후과 고정술의 2년 추시 결과

        정성윤,이명진,정영훈,Jung, Sung Yoon,Lee, Myoung Jin,Jung, Young Hun 대한족부족관절학회 2016 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the 2-year follow-up results of patients with a trimalleolar fracture, who had undergone an anterior incision cannulated screw fixation of the posterior malleolar fragment, which had more than 25% of articular involvement or had no cortical continuity with the distal tibia. Materials and Methods: Among 28 patients with a trimalleolar fracture who had undergone fixation of the posterior malleolar fragment between February 2005 and February 2010, 14 patients, who underwent an anterior incision cannulated screw fixation of posterior malleolar fragment and were followed-up for more than 2 years, were selected. The postoperative clinical and radiological findings immediately and at the 1- and 2-year follow-up were compared. The clinical findings were evaluated as American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score. The radiological assessment was evaluated as the maintenance of reduction, period to bone union, and the presence of nonunion, malunion, and complications. Results: The clinical outcome by mean AOFAS score revealed 83.0 points in the group with preoperative displacement below 2 mm and 80.7 points in the group with preoperative displacement above 2 mm postoperatively. The mean AOFAS score was 91.7 and 93.1 points in the group with preoperative displacement below 2 mm on 1- and 2-year follow-up, respectively, and 89.8 and 91.7 points in group with the preoperative displacement above 2 mm on 1- and 2-year follow-up, respectively. After a 2-year follow-up among 14 cases selected for this study, 13 cases showed an excellent reduction state and only 1 case (7.1%) showed a displacement of more than 2 mm. No complication were encountered in the group with preoperative displacement below 2 mm. On the other hand, among 8 patients in the group with preoperative displacement above 2 mm, there were 3 with limitations of the range of motion of the ankle joint (37.5%) and 1 post-traumatic arthritis (12.5%) at the 2-year follow-up. Conclusion: Anterior incision cannulated screw fixation of the posterior malleolar fragment could be a valuable method for the treatment of trimalleolar fractures that provides satisfactory results.

      • KCI등재

        생체모방형 건구동식 의수의 설계

        정성윤,강성균,배주환,문인혁,Jung, Sung-Yoon,Kang, Sung-Kyun,Bae, Ju-Hwan,Moon, In-Hyuk 대한의용생체공학회 2009 의공학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        This paper proposes a biomimetic hand prosthesis with tendon-driven five fingers. Each finger is composed of a distal-middle phalange, a proximal phalange and a metacarpal bone, which are connected to a link mechanism. The finger flexion is a resultant motion by pulling a wire to serve as a tendon, but the finger extension is performed by an elastic mechanism composed of a restoration spring. The designed hand prosthesis with tendon-driven five fingers has totally six degrees of freedom. But its weight is merely 400.73g. The hand can perform various hand functions such as the grasping and the hand postures. From experimental results, we show that the proposed hand prosthesis is useful to amputees as a prosthetic hand.

      • KCI등재

        The Current Status of Bacterial Identification by Wound Culture for Diabetic Foot Lesions in a Single Tertiary Hospital in South Korea

        정성윤,이명진,이승엽,이상윤,Jung, Sung Yoon,Lee, Myoung Jin,Lee, Seung Yup,Lee, Sang Yoon Korean FootAnkle Society 2021 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: The present study aimed to develop guidelines regarding initial choice of antibiotics for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) by investigating bacterial isolates. Materials and Methods: This study included 223 DFU patients that visited a single tertiary hospital and underwent bacterial culture between January 2016 and February 2020. The study was conducted in two parts: 1) to compare bacterial isolates and wound healing according to comorbidities such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and peripheral artery disease (PAD), and 2) to compare bacterial isolates according to wound depth using the Wagner classification. Results: Of the 223 patients, 43 had CKD (group A), 56 had PAD (group B), 30 had CKD and PAD (group C), and 94 had none of these comorbidities (group D). The isolation rate for multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria (MRGNB) and gram-negative to gram-positive bacteria ratio were highest in group C (p=0.018, p=0.038), and the proportion that achieved wound healing was lowest in group C (p<0.001). In the second part of the study, subjects were classified into 5 grades by wound depth using the Wagner classification; 13 grade I, 62 grade II, 60 grade III, 70 grade IV, and 17 grade V. No significant difference was observed between these grades in terms of isolation rates or gram-negative to gram-positive bacteria ratios. Conclusion: This study suggests antibiotics that cover gram-negative bacteria including MRGNB produces better results in the presence of CKD and PAD and that initial antibiotic choice should be based on the presence of CKD and PAD rather than wound depth.

      • 전송시간과 전송률 향상을 위한 IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA-CA 알고리즘 개선

        정성윤(Sung-Yoon Jung),남광희(Kwanghee Nam) 대한전자공학회 2006 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2006 No.11

        The IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA-CA algorithm has some problems. First, 802.15.4 increases contention window roughly. Thus, the average transmission time can be lengthened irrespective of network status. Second, when a packet collision occurs, 802.15.4 resets backoff exponent(BE). It increases the probability that another packet collision will happen. In the proposed algorithm, BE is not changed if the channel is busy when the backoff timer is expired. Thus, the channel access is performed more frequently than in 802.15.4. It causes the waiting time for channel access reduced. Besides, BE is increased if the acknowledgement is not received. Since no acknowledgement means that a collision takes place, it is reasonable to increase BE in order to decrease the probability that another packet collision will happen. The simulation result shows that the proposed CSMA-CA algorithm improves the transmission time as well as delivery ratio.

      • KCI등재후보

        역외탈세 관련 주요 사건의 분석을 통한 조세포탈죄 처벌법령의 개선방안

        정성윤(Jung, Sung Yoon) 한국조세연구포럼 2014 조세연구 Vol.14 No.3

        역외탈세는 거주자나 내국법인이 거주지국 과세를 면하려고 조세피난처 등으로 역외소득을 이전, 은닉하고서도 납세의무자나 과세대상소득이 아닌 양 위장하여 무신고하거나, 반대로 비거주자나 외국법인이 원천지국 과세를 피하려고 조세조약의 남용 등 경과세국등을 경유한 자본수입으로 국내원천소득의 납세의무자나 과세대상소득이 아닌 양 조작하여 조세납부를 면하는 행위이다. 역외탈세라 하여 곧 조세포탈죄로 처벌되는 것은 아니고 조세포탈행위인 ‘사기나 그 밖의 부정한 행위’가 인정될 때 처벌대상이 된다. 조세법률주의에 따른 개별세법상 과세요건의 성립, 확정을 규정하는 조세실체법이나 죄형법정주의에 기한 조세범처벌법 등 조세형사법은 공통적으로 명확하게 규정되어야 법적 안정성과 예측가능성을 제고하고 다른 한편으로는 협의의 역외탈세인 조세포탈죄(이하 ‘역외탈세범’이라 함)에 대해서도 엄정 대처할 수 있다. 그러나, 역외탈세범 해당여부의 근거가 되는 현행 조세포탈죄 처벌법령 등은 현재처럼 역외탈세를 심각히 고려한 입법이 아니었기 때문에 미흡하다. 여기서 조세실체법 개정 내용은 필요한 부분만 설명하고 조세형사법 위주로 반사회적인 역외탈세범을 방지하기 위한 개선방안을 제시하려고 한다. 조세범 처벌법령과 관련하여 조세포탈행위인 ‘사기나 그 밖의 부정한 행위’를 명확하게 정의하고, 납세의무자 위장 등을 조세포탈행위 유형에 추가하고, 조세포탈죄의 조력자에 대해 허위신고 방조죄 등 처벌규정을 신설하거나 형법의 공범 규정을 적극 운용하고, 역외탈세범을 포함한 조세포탈죄의 과실범, 미수범 처벌규정을 신설하며, 조세포탈죄 법정형을 사기죄에 준해 상향하여 개정하고, 단기 공소시효 등 조세포탈죄의 특별규정을 전면폐지하며, 미신고 등의 처벌규정을 신설해야 한다. 조세범 처벌절차법령과 관련하여서도 조세포탈죄에 대해서는 통고처분, 전속고발제도를 폐지하고, 세무공무원을 특별사법경찰관리로 지명하여 형사소송법 절차에 따라 조세평등주의에 입각하여 대부분 조세범칙조사 대상으로 필요적 고발사건인 역외탈세범을 일률적이고 의무적으로 수사하여 조세포탈 혐의가 드러날 경우 고발해야 하는 등 역외탈세범까지 망라하여 명실상부한 책임주의 조세형사법으로 현행 조세포탈 처벌법령을 개정하여야 한다. 역외탈세 방지방안과 관련하여 종전에는 조세실체법의 흠결 연구에 집중된 현실을 고려하여, 이번 연구는 역내의 조세포탈범보다 더 교묘하고 지능적인 역외탈세범을 처벌하는 현행 조세범 처벌법령의 흠결을 보완하기 위하여 역외탈세 관련 주요 사건의 현황과 분석을 통해 드러난 쟁점들을 토대로 문제점과 개선방안을 제시함으로써, 역외탈세범을 포함한 조세범 처벌법령의 개정에 공헌하여 역외탈세 방지 등에 기여하고자 한다. Offshore tax evasion refers to the practice of transferring funds to an offshore account on tax haven concealing or misrepresenting the nature of financial affairs to the tax authority for the purpose of avoiding paying taxes on residence. Or, conversely, It includes the practice of nonresident or foreign corporation that abuses the tax treaty and transfers the money through the tax haven concealing the real tax payer for the purpose of evading tax payment. Someone won’t become a tax evasion criminal solely by offshore tax evasion, it should involve ‘fraud or some other illegal acting’ to be punished by tax fraud crime. we need to set up the specific tax law which defines tax requisition according to the legality of taxation and clarity of tax laws and on the same time, we need to set up specific tax crime law so that we can improve the legal stability and predictability. Also, we must strictly combat the offshore tax fraud , which is offshore tax evasion in a narrow sense. However, current tax evasion punishment law which judges whether someone does tax evasion did not take offshore tax evasion seriously so it is insufficient to the present circumstance. We should define the ‘fraud or some other illegal acting’ and add the acting of disguising the taxpayer on the tax evasion deed, make a new clause that punishes the assistant and abettor of the tax fraud crime, also make a new clause that punishes the negligence and attempted criminal of tax evasion crime including the offshore tax evasion. And We have to change the current law system on tax evasion crime into responsible system that advances the legal penalty of tax evasion crime onto the general fraud crime, abolish the overall special regulation on tax evasion crime such as short statute of limitations on the tax evasion crime Considering the current study of preventing the offshore tax evasion is focusing on the deficit in taxation law code, our research pays attention to the deficit in the punishment law on offshore tax evasion crime which needs to be treated differently from general tax evasion criminal. By analysing the principal cases regarding the offshore tax evasion, we show some controversial issues and problems on the current system, and propose the improvement plan. So that we make a contribution to the revision of punishment law of offshore tax evasion crime in order to confront sophisticated offshore tax evasion effectively.

      • KCI등재

        공법분야 투고논문 : 제주해군기지 건설사업과 환경영향평가제도 -대상판결: 대법원 2012. 7. 5. 선고 2011두19239 전원합의체 판결-

        정성윤 ( Sung Yoon Jung ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.30 No.2

        The environmental impact assessment report submission deadline which is ``prior to approval of the framework design`` should be interpreted as the ``framework design`` stipulated in the former Construction Technology Management Act. It is the harmonious interpretation considering the characteristic of the national defense and military installations project, the intent of the Act on National Defense and Military Installations Projects, the former Construction Technology Management Act and the Act on Contracts to which the State is a Party. In this concept, since the environmental impact assessment according to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act was done prior to the approval of the framework design as stipulated in the former Construction Technology Management Act, this does not collide with the Supreme Court`s precedents that the administrative measure is void if the environmental impact assessment is not conducted beforehand. Therefore, the majority opinion of the Supreme Court en banc Decision 2011Du19239 Decided July 5, 2012 is reasonable. Since the objective of the environmental impact assessment system is limited to preserving the environmental interests, protecting the inhabitants` properties is pursued not by the environmental impact assessment, but by other administrative processes. Thus, misunderstandings that the environmental impact assessment system is a tool to decide whether to implement the development project, the specifics of the projects or reflect the residents` opinion should be prevised.

      • KCI등재

        사법분야 투고논문 : 가압류와 압류의 효력 -처분금지효와 개별상대효를 중심으로-

        정성윤 ( Sung Yoon Jung ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.30 No.1

        The effect of injunction occurs as to the obligor, when the court order of provisional seizure is executed. Therefore, the obligor forfeits the right to dispose of the property subjected to the provisional seizure, and the right to dispose of the property is transferred to the State. There are two distinctive theories with respect of the relative effect of the provisional seizure: the one is the theory of relative effect of proceedings under which the obliges who have participated later in the proceedings of provisional seizure while the proceedings of execution based on the provisional seizure continue may deny any act to dispose of the property committed after the provisional seizure was executed by invoking the injunctive effect of provisional seizure; and the other is the theory of individual relative effect under which the only obligee who is entitled to claim the injunctive effect of provisional seizure is the obligee who initiated the proceedings of provisional seizure. Under the Civil Execution Act currently in force in Korea, it is the judicial precedents of the Supreme Court and the generally accepted theory to follow the theory of individual relative effect in understanding the injunctive effect of the provisional seizure. However, it is more desirable to interpret the clause to prohibit a holder of security interest created by agreement from filing a demand for distribution in order to prevent harms that might be otherwise caused by participation in distribution by fabrication.

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