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        한ㆍ일 특수학교의 치료교육활동 비교

        전헌선(Jun Hun-sun),김정희(Kim Jung-hee) 한국비교교육학회 2006 比較敎育硏究 Vol.16 No.4

          일본은 2001년 특수교육과를 특별지원교육과로 개편하였고, 양호·훈련은 자립활동으로 1999년 3월에 그 명칭이 변경되었으며, 이는 한국의 치료교육활동에 해당된다. 이에 본 연구는 한국과 일본의 특수교육 현황을 개관하고, 한국의 치료교육활동과 일본의 자립활동의 내용을 비교ㆍ분석하였다. 한국의 치료교육활동은 여덟 가지 영역으로 언어치료, 청능훈련, 물리치료, 작업치료, 감각ㆍ운동ㆍ지각훈련, 심리ㆍ행동적응훈련, 보행훈련, 일상생활훈련이며, 일본의 자립활동은 건강의 유지, 심리적 안정, 환경의 파악, 신체움직임, 의사소통 다섯가지 영역으로 구성되어 있다. 궁극적으로 본 연구는 일본의 특수교육 및 자립활동이 우리나라의 특수교육 및 치료교육활동에 주는 시사점을 제시하여 교육관련 구성원들에게 유용한 정보를 제공하고자 한다.   Special education in Japan has been changed to special support education and self-supporting activity which was called nursingㆍtraining earlier has been changed its name in March 1999. The self-supporting activity corresponds to therapy education activity in Korea. This study reviews the current situation of special education in Korea and Japan and compares and analyzes the contents of Korea"s therapy education activity and Japan"s self-supporting activity. Therapy education activity in Korea includes eight areas which are language therapy, hearing ability training, physical therapy, working therapy, senseㆍmobilityㆍperception training, psychologicalㆍbehavioral adjustment training, walking training, and daily life training. Self-supporting activity in Japan consists of five areas which are maintenance of health, psychological stability, understanding of environment, physical motion, and communication. This study provides education-related members with important information by giving the suggestions of special education and self-supporting activity in Japan on special education and therapy education activity in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중복장애 학생의 교육과정 선택사항에 관한 고찰

        전헌선 ( Hun Sun Jun ),김정희 ( Jung Hee Kim ) 한국특수아동학회 2006 특수아동교육연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore and present four curriculum selection factors for considering in the design of curriculum for students with multiple disabilities as well as all students with disabilities based on the study of Stump et al. First of all, the study presented four fundamental curriculum selection factors for students with physical and multiple disabilities and explored the characteristics of the area of the selection factors. The four selection factors were as the followings. Selection factor 1 was general education curriculum with accommodations. Selection factor 2 was general education curriculum with accommodations and modifications. Selection factor 3 was life skills curriculum. And selection factor 4 was curriculum with modified means of communication and task performance. Second, based on the four curriculum selection factors, the study presented the cases of application. Third, the study explored the cases of goals, design, and operation of our physical and multiple disabilities school curriculum. In conclusion, the study will present useful information for developing overall curriculum considering students` future needs as well as their present needs if we consider the four selection factors of curriculum for students with physical and multiple disabilities.

      • 초등학교 통합교육에 대한 비장애 아동 보호자의 인식 연구

        윤현진 ( Hyun Jin Yoon ),박영옥 ( Young Ok Park ),전헌선 ( Hun Sun Jun ) 한국초등특수교육학회 2010 초등특수교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate in providing the basic data for an effective operation of integrated class by analysing the consciousness of the parents of the children with nondisabilities. For the study, 100 parents of the children without disabilities at the integrated classes in the elementary schools in Seoul, Gyeonggi, North Jeolla Province were chosen. A questionnaire was used as a study tool to detect the consciousness of the parents of the children without disabilities for the elementary school integrated education and the collected questionnaire data were analysed of frequency, percentage, cross tabulation analysis using SPSS 12.0 for Windows. The results of this study were as follows; First, the consciousness of the parents of the children without disabilities for the integrated education in the elementary school is positive. Second, the consciousness of the parents of the children without disabilities for the effect of integrated education in the elementary school is most positive in the matter that the system could help the children with disabilities to enjoy normal social life.

      • 뇌성마비 아동의 운동 기능 훈련 연구 동향

        강은주 ( Eun Joo Kang ),박정희 ( Jung Hee Park ),전헌선 ( Hun Sun Jun ) 한국초등특수교육학회 2009 초등특수교육연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the trend of the relevant researches for motor skills training of the children with cerebral palsy. This study through theoretical research and discussion resulted in the following points. The results of this study were as follows; First, the therapeutical-educational method for the motor skill improvement of the children with cerebral palsy is applied widely - mainly in the training for the trunk muscle control ability. Second, the functions about closely related to the motor development of the children with cerebral palsy are equilibrium sense using, proprioceptive sense, sport skill and vestibular sense. Third, the programs improving motor skill of the children with cerebral palsy are as follows: gait training, motor action training, integrative motor action, exercise(recreation) program, ballon therapy, vestibular sensation training, mobile weight bearing exercise, range of motion exercise, proprioceptive sense training, motor education and dance activities.

      • KCI등재

        2008년 개정 특수학교 기본 교육과정 체육과에 대한 특수학교 체육교사의 인식 연구

        김일수 ( II Soo Kim ),정훈영 ( Hoon Young Jung ),전헌선 ( Hun Sun Jun ) 한국특수체육학회 2010 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        이 연구는 2008년 개정 특수학교 기본 교육과정 체육과에 대한 특수학교 체육교사의 인식 차이를 밝히고, 관련 변인 간의 관계성을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 특수학교 체육교사로, 교사 관련 배경 변인으로는 성별, 교육 경력, 연령, 설립 형태, 학교 종류, 학교급별, 연수경험으로 하였다. 설문지는 2008년 개정 특수학교 기본 교육과정과 특수학교 체육과 교육과정에 대한 선행 연구를 참고하여 작성하였고 총 25문항으로 구성되어 있다. 자료분석은 기초통계량과 독립표본 t-검정, 일원배치 분산분석, 범주형 회귀분석을 활용하였다. 이 연구의 주요 결과와 논의를 통해 얻어진 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 특수학교 체육교사는 2008년 개정 특수학교 기본 교육과정 체육과 목표 영역에서 여교사, 교육경력과 연령이 낮은 교사, 발달장애학교 교사, 고등학교 교사, 교육과정 연수경험이 있는 교사가 높게 인식하고 있었고, 내용 영역에서 고등학교 교사가 높게 인식하였으며, 교수-학습 방법 및 평가 영역에서 여교사, 연령이 낮은 교사가 높게 인식하고 있다. 둘째, 특수학교 체육교사는 2008년 개정 특수학교 기본 교육과정 체육과를 발달장애학교 교사, 고등학교 교사, 교육과정 연수경험이 있는 교사가 높게 인식하고 있다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the special school physical education teachers` perception toward physical education in the 2008 revised basic curriculum for special school. The subjects of this study were physical education teachers in special schools and distinctive features of teachers` background were gender, teaching experience, age, school establishment form, school type, class type, and training experience. The conclusions of this study were as follows. First, the variables that affect the special school physical education teachers` perception toward the physical education in the 2008 revised basic curriculum for special school are gender, teaching experience, age, school type, class type, and training experience in the goals category, class type in the contents category, and gender, age in the teaching-learning method and assessment category. That is, the teacher who was woman and have been lower teaching experience and age were highly recognized in the goals category. In addition, the teachers of developmental disabilities school and high school class in the contents category and who was woman and have been lower age in teaching-learning method and assessment were highly recognized. Second, the variables that affect the special school physical education teachers` perception toward the physical education in the 2008 revised basic curriculum for special school are school type, class type, and training experience. That is, the teachers of developmental disabilities school and high school class were highly recognized. In addition, the teachers who have been more training experienced special school physical education teacher were highly recognized as to the 2008 revised special school curriculum physical education.

      • KCI등재

        웹을 이용한 장애 아동의 사회화 촉진 총괄체계 구축: Homi.Info 기록체계를 통한 발달장애 아동의 행동 분석과 평가

        이민호 ( Min Ho Lee ),이원령 ( Won Ryeong Lee ),이상복 ( Sang Bok Lee ),신윤희 ( Yun Hee Shin ),서경희 ( Kyung Hee Seo ),변찬석 ( Chan Suk Byun ),전헌선 ( Hun Sun Jun ),김춘희 ( Chun Hee Kim ) 한국정서.행동장애아교육학회(구.한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2005 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 발달장애아동의 행동 분석과 평가를 위해 Homi.Info 기록체계가 어떻게 구성되어 있는지를 밝히고, 이러한 체제가 발달장애아동 행동 분석과 평가에 어떠한 시사점을 주는지 논하였다. 사회적 체계 안에서 양육과 지원을 받고 있는 발달장애 아동의 행동분석 및 평가는 다양한 환경과 함께 이해되어져야 하며, 보다 진보된 기술력을 이용하여 다각적인 지원으로써의 접근이 필요하다. 즉, Homi.Info의 기록체계는 아동의 생태체계 전반에 걸쳐 아동과 가족의 다양한 욕구를 다루고 있다. 이러한 Homi.Info의 인터페이스는 웹상에서 언제 어디서나 시간과 공간의 제약을 받지 않고, 아동 행동에 대해 기록할 수 있도록 구현되어 있다. 모든 데이터를 관리하고 웹 화면을 구현하는 서버, 그리고 부모와 교사가 사용하는 클라이언트로 구성되어 있다. 또한 Homi.Info의 행동분석 기록체계는 표출행동, 강도분석, 빈도, 지속시간, 시간대를 입력하여 아동의 행동을 분석하게 되며, 이는 하루기록과 누가기록으로 이루어진다. 이렇게 누적된 자료는 더 나은 환경을 재구성하기 위한 기초자료가 되며, 발달장애아동의 행동지원을 위한 방안을 모색하는데 활용된다. 그러나 Homi.Info 시스템을 보다 안정적으로 사용하기 위해서는 생태학적 관점에서의 검증연구와 함께 사용자의 환경개선, 인프라 구축 및 정보교육 등도 함께 지향되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to show how the recording system of Homi.Info for behavior analysis and estimation was constructed, and to discuss it. A behavior analysis and an estimation for children with developmental disabilities who were supported and brought up in a social system should be understood under various environments. It is also necessary to approach them through the improved technologies. The recording system of Homi.Info deals with various wants of children and their families related with ecological systems of children. The network interface of Homi.Info is embodied to record data about children`s behaviors at any time and place. There are a web-server for managing the data and web screen, and a client-server that parents and teachers can approach. The behavior analysis recording system of Homi.Info analyze expressive behaviors, intensity, frequency, continuous time, and time zone, etc. There are a daily record and also an accumulative record. The data were used for reconstruction of environments and for making plans of behavior supports for children with developmental disabilities. However, there is a need to verify the effects of Homi.Info system through an ecological view point, and to supply an improved user environment, infrastructure, and information education, etc.

      • 치료교육활동 교육과정의 성격 및 운영 체제 구안

        전헌선 大邱大學校 特殊敎育·再活科學硏究所 1999 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 치료 교육 활동 교육 과정의 특성과 성격, 그리고 그 운영 체제를 구안하고 튼교육 대상자의 장애 특성과 정도에 적합한 지도 방안을 모색하며 나아가 2000년 3월 1일부터 시행되는 교과용 전자 도서인 교사용 지도서와 보완교재(프로그램)의 효율적인 활용 지침을 공하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 결과와 논의를 토대로 내린 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 치료 교육 활동은 학생 중심, 수요자 중심, 교육 과정 중심의 선택적 교육 활동이 이루어져야 한다 둘째, 선택적 치료 교육 활동은 특수 교육 대상자의 장애 특성과 정도에 적합한 질적인 교육활동이 되어야 한다. 셋째, 치료 교육 활동 지도는 교육 활동이기 때문에 놀이, 운동, 작업을 통하여 이루어져야 하고, 지도 교사는 천천히, 편안하게, 자연스럽게 수업을 전개해야 한다. 넷째, 치료 교육 활동의 활성화를 위해서는 '치료 교육 담당교사의 증치'를 전제로 학교 실정에 알맞는 운영 체제를 구축해야한다 The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics and administration system of therapeutic education service curriculum. The results of this study were as follows: First, Therapeutic Education Service must achieve as selected education service of the children with disabilities, demander, and curriculum centered. Second, Selected Therapeutic Education Service was qualitative education service suitable to disability character and grade of the special education subject. Third, Therapeutic Education Service must achieve by the play, exercise and work, Teacher carry out instruction slowly, safely, and natural. Finally, An increase of Therapeutic Education Teacher's arrangement need to activate Therapeutic Education Service and construct of curriculum system to the suitable special school real situation.

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